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Sadly, I think this is the last wave of LEGO Harry Potter we will ever see. They come out October, in time for Deathly Hallows Part 1. Part 2 will be out June/July 2011 I think? Can't remember. But anyway, theres not much time for the designers to make new sets in between them, and after Part 2, both the books and films are over... :cry_sad:

Yeah, good point, but still, there's a chance that they've already got plans for another wave (a slim chance, but still a chance). Who knows, the new wave of sets could, theoretically, sell so well that they decide to make another wave, even if that new wave would come out much later than the last movie. It could also depend on how long the contract is for. Could be set up so that they have the option to produce additional waves, or it could have been set up just for this one wave. We'll just have to wait and see. Personally I'm hoping for another wave, but at the same time I won't be surprised if these six sets are the last we get.

Also for Hermione if she isn't in the Hogwarts set, but I think she is??

Yep, she's is in the new castle set. To me she's a little random, especially since Ron isn't being included in the set too. Someone like Draco would have made more sense, imo, due to the Slytherin common room.

Yeah, good point, but still, there's a chance that they've already got plans for another wave (a slim chance, but still a chance). Who knows, the new wave of sets could, theoretically, sell so well that they decide to make another wave, even if that new wave would come out much later than the last movie.

I guess so. Theres no harm in hoping, at least. Welll...the last film is bound to get people excited (Kind of like all the hype that surrounded Indy 4) and earn an absolute ton of cash, so maybe LEGO will keep the licence a bit longer? :sceptic:

I guess so. Theres no harm in hoping, at least. Welll...the last film is bound to get people excited (Kind of like all the hype that surrounded Indy 4) and earn an absolute ton of cash, so maybe LEGO will keep the licence a bit longer? :sceptic:

Yeah, the excitement around the last movie is going to be HUGE, so hopefully Lego thinks its going to be big enough to warrant another wave of sets.

Looking at the castle set, I find it quite interesting how it appears as though the different buildings can be re-arranged in different formations. It's one feature that I hope they exploit in any possible future sets, or at least advertise decently about the set. While I think Hagrid's Hut is going to be absolute favorite, the castle is definitely going to be a close second. It's amazing, to me at least, how they've been able to cram ten different locations into just four buildings. Especially considering one of the largest buildings in the set is only one of the ten locations (the Great Hall). I also find it slightly funny that Dumbledore's office is actually represented twice in just one set. The interior is represented in the middle section of the one building, and then the exterior is represented as part of the main tower.

It's amazing, to me at least, how they've been able to cram ten different locations into just four buildings. Especially considering one of the largest buildings in the set is only one of the ten locations (the Great Hall).

Ten?! Wow, didn't notice that! Anyway, I think LEGO are trying to cram as much as possible into these sets (unfortunately that's another suggestion this is the last wave). Eg. The train set has Luna, Draco and Ginny for the Half Blood Prince nose-breaking scene, and also has the flying car from Chamber of Secrets.

Sadly, I think this is the last wave of LEGO Harry Potter we will ever see. They come out October, in time for Deathly Hallows Part 1. Part 2 will be out June/July 2011 I think? Can't remember. But anyway, theres not much time for the designers to make new sets in between them, and after Part 2, both the books and films are over... :cry_sad:

As for Hagrids hut, I agree, it does look nice. I'm certainly getting it for Ron (I don't intend to buy the train either, I have the old one) and Hagrid. Also for Hermione if she isn't in the Hogwarts set, but I think she is??

Lego are still making lego sets for Star Wars are they not [rhetorical] so theres chance of a second wave, atleast we can hope :classic:

I'm pretty sure they're spacing the minifigs out so that you gotta catch buy'em all.

Lego are still making lego sets for Star Wars are they not [rhetorical] so theres chance of a second wave, atleast we can hope :classic:

Yes, but Star Wars has a TV show running at the moment, and plenty of books released each year. But still, fingers crossed for another HP wave.

But if this is indeed the end of the theme, at least it is a far nicer send-off than that 2007 Order of the Phoenix castle. :classic:

This does seem like the last sets for LEGO Harry Potter for a long time. But there is the second LEGO Harry Potter video game that is still gonna be released so maybe more sets could be released with that. The game to me is what launched this new wave of sets. And LEGO Indiana Jones had new sets when the second LEGO game was released. So here is hopping.

Also with Hogwarts and Dumbledore's Office, where is the pensieve? It was such a big part of movie and book six. It would just be a plate piece but would have been a nice touch.

If there are going to be new sets what do you guys want to see?

I would like a Privet Drive, Ministry of Magic, Grimmauld Place, Diagon Alley, and maybe Malfoy Manor. With the exception of Malfoy Manor, the other places were in multiple movies, so they could keep that all movie theme.

This does seem like the last sets for LEGO Harry Potter for a long time. But there is the second LEGO Harry Potter video game that is still gonna be released so maybe more sets could be released with that. The game to me is what launched this new wave of sets. And LEGO Indiana Jones had new sets when the second LEGO game was released.

I suppose so. It all depends on sales.

If there are going to be new sets what do you guys want to see?

I would like all the ones you listed, especially a new Privet Drive. Malfoy Manor won't be hard to MOC- we now have minifigs of Lucius, Hermione, Bellatrix, Fenrir Greyback, Dobby, Draco, Luna and obviously Ron and Harry. There is even an old goblin figure that would suit for Griphook, so all that would be missing would be Ollivander.

Also with Hogwarts and Dumbledore's Office, where is the pensieve?

Again, shouldn't be too hard to MOC. :classic:

Ten?! Wow, didn't notice that! Anyway, I think LEGO are trying to cram as much as possible into these sets (unfortunately that's another suggestion this is the last wave). Eg. The train set has Luna, Draco and Ginny for the Half Blood Prince nose-breaking scene, and also has the flying car from Chamber of Secrets.


1.Great Hall

2.Dumbledore's office

3.the trophy room (not much in it, but it's still represented)

4.Slytherin common room

5.Gryffindor common room

6.the Chamber of Secrets hallway (though that's still just a guess, could be something else)

7.the owlery

8.Astronomy tower

9.the restricted section of the library

10.the room of requirement (the part with the vanishing cabinet)

Yes, but Star Wars has a TV show running at the moment, and plenty of books released each year. But still, fingers crossed for another HP wave.

Yep. Star Wars is one of those brands that has no foreseeable end to it. The contract with Lego is, as far as I know, getting close to it's end, but I'll be surprised if they don't come up with a new one.

But if this is indeed the end of the theme, at least it is a far nicer send-off than that 2007 Order of the Phoenix castle. :classic:

Agreed. Especially since the OotP castle was so hard to find (personally I never actually saw it in-person). Since there are multiple sets, these should, theoretically, be easier to find.

This does seem like the last sets for LEGO Harry Potter for a long time. But there is the second LEGO Harry Potter video game that is still gonna be released so maybe more sets could be released with that. The game to me is what launched this new wave of sets. And LEGO Indiana Jones had new sets when the second LEGO game was released. So here is hopping.

Good point about the second game. I too agree that the game coming out this year was the main reason behind Lego deciding to make some new sets, so I'm hoping that the second game will do the same for whenever it comes out.

Also with Hogwarts and Dumbledore's Office, where is the pensieve? It was such a big part of movie and book six. It would just be a plate piece but would have been a nice touch.

Hmm...hadn't really thought about it. It definitely would have been an easy thing to add. Still, the sets on display at TF could have been incomplete. They were definitely closer to the final product than the one's pictured on the test packaging, but they could have been missing details.

If there are going to be new sets what do you guys want to see?

I have a loooot of set ideas, lol.

-Ministry of Magic- could easily homage both OotP and DH

-Escaping Gringotts- basically just the trio, Griphook, some security goblins, the dragon, a bank vault, and some rubble

-Campsite- would make for a nice small and cheap set homaging several scenes from DH, maybe include the sword and the silver doe

-Grimauld Place- could easily homage both OotP and DH

-Shell Cottage- would be interesting to see in Lego form, and would give us minifigures of Ollivander and Bill Weasley

-Godrics Hollow- basically just Harry, Hermione, Bagshot, the graveyard, and if they could pull it off, the memorial

-Epilogue- would be mostly minifigures, but it could easily include part of the platform and some trolleys

-Hogwarts Castle add-on- Clocktower (Trelawney's office/classroom, Ravenclaw & Hufflepuff common rooms, and a choir room), generic tower 1 (McGonagall's office/class, Charms class/office, and half of the Cos), generic tower 2 (Myrtle's bathroom, the other half of the CoS), RoR (painting entrance), and a greenhouse. Minifigures- Harry, Ron, Ginny, Trelawney, McGonagall, Old Flitwick, Myrtle, Riddle, Neville, Luna, and Sprout. Creatures- Fawkes, the basilisk, Trevor, a couple owls, and the bird McGonagall turns into a water goblet.

-HBP tower- Potions class/office and the DADA class/office. Snape and Slughorn minifigures (basically another/smaller add-on for the castle set)

-Battle Pakcs- basically just a grouping of four/five minifigures in a theme with some school supplies, or some sort of accesories added to the set

--Griffyndor BP- Dean Thomas, Seamus Finnigan, Colin Creevey, Nearly Headless Nick

--Slytherin BP- Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, Pansy Parkinson, Bloody Baron

--Ravenclaw BP- Cho Chang, Luna Lovegood, Generic Student, Gray Lady

--Hufflepuff BP- Cedric Diggory, Hannah Abbott, Generic Student, Fat Friar

--DADA Teachers BP- Quirrell, Lockhart, Lupin, Moody, Umbridge

--Ministry Wizards BP- Scrimgeour, Fudge, Hopkirk, Doge

--OotP Members BP- Sirius, Tonks, Shacklebolt, Aberforth

--Death Eaters BP- Malfoy, Petigrew, Dolohov, Macnair

Edited by Ravenxl7

I agree, I would really like a Ministry of Magic set (from Order of the Phoenix). :cry_happy: Dumbledores Army, Cornelius Fudge, Lupin.... :cry_happy:

But this is going off topic. Back to this wave. I really like all the sets! These are probably my favorite fleshie minifigs in a long time! I'm kind of glad Star Wars has let me down now, more money for these! :sweet:

Have you guys completely forgot about the deathly hollows? or have I missed something? There is definitely without a doubt going to be a second wave of sets for the final movie.

Have you guys completely forgot about the deathly hollows? or have I missed something? There is definitely without a doubt going to be a second wave of sets for the final movie.

That is a good point, but considering that one of the reasons Lego only made one OotP sets, and never made any HBP sets is because they were too expensive to produce for how the HP themed sets had been selling, I wouldn't at all be surprised if Lego was waiting to see how these new sets do before deciding whether or not to continue. By then it would be too late to develop and produce another wave of sets in time for DH part 2. Personally I'm hoping they've already got another wave of sets in the works. We'll just have to wait and see.

Anyways, back to the sets we know we'll be getting. The only actual dissapointing thing about these sets, is Harry. Which, for being the title character, is kinda sad. I'm fine with his face design, and the uniform looks good, but it's the hair piece that bothers me. With several other characters getting new hair designs, it would have made perfect sense to update Harry too. Like suggested earlier in the thread, a simple black version of Anakin's hair piece would have worked.

Edited by Ravenxl7

I agree with the Harry figure, the face is good (especially if it is double sides) and the clothes are good, but the hair is just outdated, LEGO has proven that making hair pieces is getting better, so why couldn't they have given him a new one. The Anakin hair piece on Harry reminds me of Goblet of Fire, which was way too long. I thought he was going to come with a new hair piece when I saw the Hogwarts LEGO Board Game picture cause Harry had a different hair piece. It would have been nice if Dumbledore got a "make-over" too.

About the future set, I love your ideas Ravenxl7 of the add-ons and figure packs. I would add a Goblet of Fire pack with Cedric, Fleur, Viktor, Rita Skeeter.

Edited by 10or

I agree with the Harry figure, the face is good (especially if it is double sides) and the clothes are good, but the hair is just outdated, LEGO has proven that making hair pieces is getting better, so why couldn't they have given him a new one. The Anakin hair piece on Harry reminds me of Goblet of Fire, which was way too long.

I don't mind so much- the hair piece they use for Harry is perfect for Films 1,2 and 3. Anakin hair suits for Goblet of Fire (his hair was almost brown in that film anyway) and the Agent Chase hair works for Order of the Phoenix and Half Blood Prince.

He has a new hairstyle in Deathly Hallows though (watch the vid in my sig, it's awesome) which I can't think of a suitable hairpiece for. :sceptic:

I like the figure, the torso is perfect, and aparently the face is double sided (angry and happy). :classic:

Does anyone know if the Hermione and Ron heads are double sided? It seems like they should be since Harry, Ginny, Luna, Bellatrix, and Fenrir have double sided heads.

Does anyone know if the Hermione and Ron heads are double sided? It seems like they should be since Harry, Ginny, Luna, Bellatrix, and Fenrir have double sided heads.

Hmm, don't know. It would be really nice though. Maybe scared face for Ron, determined face for Hermione? :sceptic:

Also, we don't actually know if Luna has a double head yet, it would just be awful if she didn't.

Luna does have a double sided face, one is wearing the specs and the other is a regular face

Luna does have a double sided face, one is wearing the specs and the other is a regular face

I'm pretty sure that's just speculation, as all we've seen in pictures is the Specs side. But please prove me wrong! :tongue:

It would be really strange if she wasnt double sided though.

I'm pretty sure that's just speculation, as all we've seen in pictures is the Specs side. But please prove me wrong! :tongue:

It would be really strange if she wasnt double sided though.

I think I remember reading that someone who saw them in-person claimed she had a double sided head. Though I can't be fully sure it wasn't just a comment spawned from speculation. Still, would be quite odd if she doesn't have one. A lot of minifigures from these sets seem to have double sided heads.

It's kinda hard to tell, but it looks as though Dumbledore has a new torso print design. Kinda pointless for him to have any torso printing due to the beard covering most of his front, but it definitely looks different from the GoF version of him.

I wasn't planning on it, but I have a feeling that I'll be getting the Quidditch Match set when these come out. Mostly for the minifigures, but the other elements are quite nice too. If they were to decide to make more sets, an additional set to this one wouldn't be hard to do. Basically just alter the minifigures to be Quidditch players from Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, change the colors of the stands to another one of the houses, change/alter the trophy & stand to something else, and replace Madam Hooch with another teacher/bystander (Luna w/lion hat would be perfect, imo).

I also have a bad feeling that I'll cave and get the Hogwarts Express set too. It's expensive, imo, but the train looks nice, and it would be nice to have certain minifigures. Plus the car would go nicely with the Burrow set. Also can't have too many owls.

Looking at the castle set, there's really only two things I would add to it. Though admittedly doing so would cause Dumbledore's office to be a bit too full. The pensieve, which would just need to be a silver plate piece, and Fawkes, which would just need to be a slight update to the one released during Chamber of Secrets.

Edited by Ravenxl7

Even though the boxes are not complete, the Luna in the picture has a regular face and I think I remember too about someone there saying she is double sided. I agree about a new Fawkes figure, maybe one that is flying. And the Quidditch additions would be really nice. But with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, Cedric and Cho were the only main characters from those teams. I think Dumbledore does have a new torso. Would be nice if he had a new face also.

I agree about a new Fawkes figure, maybe one that is flying.

Yeah, Flying would be cool. Especially if they could design him to go into a perched position too. That way one could have the option of either having him perched in Dumbledore's office, or flying about the castle.

And the Quidditch additions would be really nice. But with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, Cedric and Cho were the only main characters from those teams.

Yeah, the lack of supporting characters wouldn't help the set sell. Though if the fifth minifigure was of a popular character, or even exclusive to that one set, it could help. Plus if they were to advertise it's compatibility with the first set, that could also help.

I think Dumbledore does have a new torso. Would be nice if he had a new face also.

A new face would be interesting, or at least another expression on the other side of his head (not necessarily an angry face, but one of extreme concentration, like when he's dueling, would probably work). Though personally I really like the one he already has. The positioning of the glasses is, imo, perfect.

I can't remember if I've posted this or not, but I'm leaning towards not. I have decided that the big Hogwarts set will be mine. There just is no way on Earth I can let up so much wonderful wonderful beautiful tan pieces, and those lime bits will work great for a Gotham Cathedral. There are so many useful bits and pieces, and the abundance of fantastic fleshie figs and cool suit torsos will be integral for my Gotham mocs.

Hopefully I can get it on sale, but either way it WILL be mine! :wub:

Batbrick Away! :devil:

And the Quidditch additions would be really nice. But with Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff, Cedric and Cho were the only main characters from those teams.

We really do need Cedric and Cho. (It's still beyond me why Cedric wasn't included in the Graveyard Duel set)

I have decided that the big Hogwarts set. Hopefully I can get it on sale, but either way it WILL be mine! :wub:

Agreed. :sweet:

(It's still beyond me why Cedric wasn't included in the Graveyard Duel set)

Because he was dead. I think LEGO didn't want to be distasteful and throw in a dead or even still alive Cedirc and then say "Can Harry and Cedric stop Voldemort?" It just wouldn't have made sense.

From the pictures, I really don't think Dumbledore's torso is new. But maybe I will be surprised. An alternate expression for him would be great, and seeing how much detail LEGO has put in to all the other figures I think it is definitely possible. Still, I think it would have been nice if Dumbledore had gotten more a a makeover, since he is a major character whose figure has remained not too different since the original sets (different outfit, that's it).

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