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No offense to anyone that does, but I personally don't believe in ghosts, spirits, demons, etc. existing TODAY (that is, I believe there is a small chance they existed during biblical times - but that's a whole new can of worms I don't feel like opening), mainly because I haven't seen it. I subscribe to the scientific method of proof - if I see it happen myself, then it's real.

Now, on the OTHER hand, I do believe in UFOs/aliens and I HAVE seen them, or if not a UFO, a particularly amazing phenomena. I was out with some friends one night a few years ago - it was the weekend after the fourth of july and we were loaded with leftover fireworks, and us being the way we were, we were out having fun with them. On our way back to my friend's house, I was staring at the sky - something I like to do on clear nights; it's interesting - when suddenly I saw a bright light dart across the sky at what had to be at least mach 2 or 3 speeds; faster than any jet I've ever seen. And then (and this is what made me believe it's not a normal military plane or something), it came to a full stop. No slowdown. Now, anyone who knows anything about inertia knows that the ship's inhabitants, if there were any, should have at that point succumbed to the "Chunky Salsa Rule" and suffered a critical existence failure, or in other words, have been horribly injured. But no, a few seconds later, it shot off again. Fireworks, planes, jets - none of them can explain what on Earth I saw. Or rather, what off of Earth...


And then (and this is what made me believe it's not a normal military plane or something), it came to a full stop. No slowdown. Now, anyone who knows anything about inertia knows that the ship's inhabitants, if there were any, should have at that point succumbed to the "Chunky Salsa Rule" and suffered a critical existence failure, or in other words, have been horribly injured. But no, a few seconds later, it shot off again.

There is a great number of people claiming they saw exactly that, which is good for those who believe in UFOs.

Antigravity propulsion is possible solution for unique performance of the UFOs.

My friend used to live next to a cemetary and every night at 9:15 the tv would turn on. No explanation at all. It just turned on. He got used to it after a while though.

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I know right? My girlfriend couldn't sleep for a week.

I tried going on that subject with Katie when we were still dating and she was panicking and had a really hard time sleeping without lights or a TV on for about 3 weeks. I felt bad for bringing it up but I had absolutely no clue that the mention of paranormal stuff bothered her. I rarely watch those shows and when I do I make sure she's no where around. The only thing I can think of is a childhood trauma. Poor thing. I didn't take an interest in that Paranormal Activity movie but I saw in a trailer that the girl's name was Katie. Please tell me that the guy's name isn't Alex.

On our way back to my friend's house, I was staring at the sky - something I like to do on clear nights; it's interesting - when suddenly I saw a bright light dart across the sky at what had to be at least mach 2 or 3 speeds; faster than any jet I've ever seen. And then (and this is what made me believe it's not a normal military plane or something), it came to a full stop. No slowdown. Now, anyone who knows anything about inertia knows that the ship's inhabitants, if there were any, should have at that point succumbed to the "Chunky Salsa Rule" and suffered a critical existence failure, or in other words, have been horribly injured. But no, a few seconds later, it shot off again. Fireworks, planes, jets - none of them can explain what on Earth I saw. Or rather, what off of Earth...


Yeah I have seen the exact same thing but mine was turning on a dime. Some things just cant be explained

Perhaps a call to these folks will help


No I have never experienced any paranormal activity and I don't believe in ghosts, aliens etc, etc. None of that stuff.

I also don't believe in ghosts or psychic stuff... but I do have a running joke with my brother about the Free-Floating Psychic Bubble. It's invisible and immaterial, but if you pass through it you suddenly get a psychic moment.

For example, a few years ago, they were selling Lord of the Rings candy sticks containing collector cards from the movies. I got two packs one night, and as I was reaching into my pocket for the second pack, I suddenly though, "Oh great, another Gollum." And voila, it contained my fourth Gollum. I'd obviously just passed through the Bubble.

About two months ago, I was in Rome for the Magic World Championships, and was heading in to the city by subway a few days before it started. I missed the stop for the Collisseum - something I never do - and had to get out at the next one and walk back. As I was leaving the station, I suddenly knew I'd pass a Magic shop on the way. Five minutes later, I did. These are tiny shops, the chances of me just passing one on the ten-minute walk in a huge city I'd never been to before were astronomical. I got the cards I needed to finish my deck ahead of the event. Obviously the Bubble had followed me to Rome, but as my brother pointed out, it had probably been trying to get away from me and just had spectacular bad luck.

There have been dozens of other little instances like this over the years, but it's all just coincidence.

I didn't believe in them. I am sure there are rational explainations, but you know, considering I think I saw one, I'm not so sure anymore.

I saw y great grandmas ghost once. I was watching T.V and looked down the hall way to were her room was ns a misty figure past across the doorway. Her scent was also in the room a times. After my Great Grandpa was gone so was the scent and they were not in the same room.

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Guys, some of you have said I don't believe in ghost but have a UFO story that's fine. But I told you I didn't want any of "I don't believe in ghost yadda yadda yadda." Also if nothing has happened to you or someone you know please don't clutter this topic.

Ralph, Lego TAPS are awesome! Thanks!

This is a very interesting (and at times, creepy) topic. I've read tons of books on the paranormal, I've got about seven on my shelf right now and I've read more from the library, and am considered sort of the expert on it by my acquaintances, hence my signature. I haven't had a paranormal experience (although I think that it would be very interesting if I did), but several of my family members and close friends have.

-My mom, when she was about nine, was riding in the car with my grandparents. She looked out the window and saw a bright light in the sky, and asked my grandma what it was. My grandma told that it was the moon, which had stayed out late that day. But the moon was on the other side of the car. She was old enough to know what all types of aircraft were, so she's almost sure it was a UFO.

-A family friend, an older lady who lives alone with her dog, has had a couple of instances where the lights turn on and off in her house, room by room, at about the speed it would be if someone was walking slowly through her house.

-Another family friend, who was once my mom's roomate in college, lives in a sort of rural area. One morning, she woke up really early and couldn't get back to sleep, so she went out into the living room and looked out here window. It was very dark out, but she though she saw something moving, so she looked closer. Then she saw eyes light up reflecting light like a cat's, but they were seven feet above the ground, across the street. She looked closer and saw that it was a humanoid figure, but it had to be at least seven feet tall compared to the mailbox. It walked off into the forest with a sort of loping gait, and she's certain that it was a Bigfoot or a Florida Skunk-Ape.

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Tereglith, that bigfoot type story is creepy. I can just see those eyes. :shudder:

Discussing paranormal stuff her is fine with me. There's not another topic about it anywhere. I do have a feeling after Cirrus passes I'll be seeing a white object dash around. I'm worried that I'll feel it jump on my bed. That would bother me. My mom would see dashes when some of her pets died but she also didn't want to feel them on her and it didn't happen. She think that they know it will bother you. I've been thinking if I become a spirit and just check in on family and look out for them like I believe most of my experiences are. I whistle a lot though. That'd be sure to creep people out hearing whistling. :tongue:

  • 2 weeks later...
19 "orbs" seen with my naked eye.

Orbs.. you'll find out in a min. :tongue:

One night, I saw two really bright lights passing through the sky really fast. They were too fast to be airplanes, so I thought it was some sort of celestial object. It might have even been a UFO :alien:

Sure you don't live near any new military testing grounds? :wink:

Anyway, I think I've had 1/2 things here and there..

1. Me, my mom, her boyfriend, my aunt and a few others I can't remember.. Anyway, My mom just rented this old house that some relatives used to live in.. So, my aunt saw something go into another room, thinking it was her mother.. So she followed, to ask a question.. When she went into the room... No one was there.. So she brushed it off and told my mom and everyone about it and to not tell me, Knowing how freaked out I get about haunted places.. :grin: and I was helping Clean the house.. Move things around.. So I'm carrying some things in a room and go to walk out.. And I had this urge to look down the hall, When I looked down I froze right where I was.. (Here comes that thing Escortmad79. :wink: ) I saw a completely see-through orb.. About the size of a blow up beach ball, Walk from what was going to be my mothers room, to what was going to be me and my brothers room.. As soon as it went into the other room, I ran outside and told everyone and they then told me what they had seen.. I continued to help.. But I didn't stay there with them, I stayed with my grandmother untill they moved, but I'm still living here even though they aren't in the house anymore, And another strange thing with the house, my mom gave this old pin needle or something to my grandmother, she didn't want it and returned it.. My mother then put it in a room on/in a dresser drawer, When she went to look for it.. It was gone, and never found again.. The house has long been taken apart and moved to be bought as a cheap fixer upper..

2. This may sound weird, But I keep having weird dreams, Either its about some small future event that I experience days or weeks or months later.. Or about Aliens or Ghosts.. And they all seem so real.. But one night I did wake up to find a cut on my arm.. And yea, I do sleep with the cat around my arm.. But she wouldn't hurt me like that.. But at the time I thought she did it, But I thought after the cut had healed and looked normal again, That it didn't look like a cat scratch.. But more.. straight and surgical like.. I never told anyone about it, and anyone who asked about the cut, I told the cat did it, since that's what I thought at the time.. The weird dreams have been happening ever since then. I kinda doubt its Paranormal.. But more of a coincidence.. But you can never be to sure..

Anyway guys, You can judge it, or not believe it... But I know what I saw, And I don't lie about stuff like this..

I have yet to expierance anything else.. And I do not want to, As Ghosts and Demons and things we cannot explain are real.. And they can hurt and communicate with us.. And I'm christian, but that don't mean I automatically say Demons are real.. I know it, Because I've seen people that has encountered them..

I'm very interested in the paranormal, Mainly UFO's And other life on other planets.. less about dead people and demons.. :laugh:

I tried going on that subject with Katie when we were still dating and she was panicking and had a really hard time sleeping without lights or a TV on for about 3 weeks. I felt bad for bringing it up but I had absolutely no clue that the mention of paranormal stuff bothered her. I rarely watch those shows and when I do I make sure she's no where around. The only thing I can think of is a childhood trauma. Poor thing. I didn't take an interest in that Paranormal Activity movie but I saw in a trailer that the girl's name was Katie. Please tell me that the guy's name isn't Alex.

My names Alex! :grin:

On another note, is Dreaming of the future events paranormal? I dream of things that are going to happen the next day sometimes.

My names Alex! :grin:

On another note, is Dreaming of the future events paranormal? I dream of things that are going to happen the next day sometimes.

Not sure, But its not NORMAL.. :laugh:

2. This may sound weird, But I keep having weird dreams, Either its about some small future event that I experience days or weeks or months later...

I totally get that as well and they seem so real. It will usually be just talking with a friend about something and I can know what they are going to say next. Its weird but I get the dreams months before I will have that conversation.

2. This may sound weird, But I keep having weird dreams, Either its about some small future event that I experience days or weeks or months later..

Are you saying you dream about a situation, a conversation and it happens exactly like you've dreamed it within the next weeks -> I do have this far to often.

Sometimes I don't know anymore if reality is reality but that's another subject I guess..

About ghosts:

I've never saw things like that myself but I know people who have.

My sister who is 2 years older than me claims she sees my dead grandfather, but she doesn't like it, she's terrified by the appearance eventho all my grandfather did was looking at her with a smile and a thumbs up. There was a time she saw the appearance 2 times a week. I think I'm gonna ask her about it again since we both moved into our own places and don't live with our parents anymore.

My ex girlfriend used to live in a big old mansion with her mother when she was a kid.

As we both are interested in paranormal stuff we did talk a lot about the subject.

She shared an experience with me:

When she was a kid, as she went asleep she always got visits from 'doctors', figures in white overalls came to her and examined her. This happened ever night! At first she was scared as hell, but later she felt comfortable with the appearances of these 3 figures every night.

Now over 10 years later she still misses them, she even went back to the place where it all happened but she found out the house is gone!

About UFO's:

I've not seen any ghosts yet but I did see a unexplainable thing in the sky, 3 times already.

It's half off a circle with greenish lights, it turns around, becomes blue and is gone..

I was thinking about sattelites, space shuttles, space stations, I don't know really.

What really freaked me out is seeing this light belt as I've seen it 3 times already with my own sober eyes in UFO footage on TV. Ever since I took those footages a bit more seriously eventho most of them are fakes..



OH! I totally forget a crazy dream I had a while back, Here it is:

I was sleeping on the couch, About to wake up.. And there's this voice, telling me not to say some numbers and stuff, And you know, You have to say it anyway! So I "Said" those numbers, and when I said the last number it felt like something lifted out of me or came in.. and.. I was awake about a millisecond after that.. The pillows, Blankets, ME was all in the exact same spot.. I didn't know if I was awake or asleep before I repeated the numbers or not..

Its just something that's made me think more then other things.. And does those Future dream happen to EVERYONE? or is it some kind of minor psychic ability thing?

About UFO's:

I've not seen any ghosts yet but I did see a unexplainable thing in the sky, 3 times already.

It's half off a circle with greenish lights, it turns around, becomes blue and is gone..

I was thinking about sattelites, space shuttles, space stations, I don't know really.

What really freaked me out is seeing this light belt as I've seen it 3 times already with my own sober eyes in UFO footage on TV. Ever since I took those footages a bit more seriously eventho most of them are fakes..





I have a feeling future 'visions' in dreams are some ability available in the brain. I sleep, then wake up. The day feels a bit off, then something feels very much like deja vu. Either something I say or do or someone else's words. It feels very weird to experience a very minor events twice. Kind of freaky. And when I'm awake sometimes I feel like its a dream... but thats a different topic.

I have a feeling future 'visions' in dreams are some ability available in the brain. I sleep, then wake up. The day feels a bit off, then something feels very much like deja vu. Either something I say or do or someone else's words. It feels very weird to experience a very minor events twice. Kind of freaky. And when I'm awake sometimes I feel like its a dream... but thats a different topic.

I didn't know this was paranormal, but this is my life story. Almost everything I do seems to have a sense of familiarity to it; like I dreamed it, or I knew it was coming...it's creepy. I've had entire days go by where I felt the sense of deja vu in everything I did...


^ I often have those dreams as well, but don't realize it until after what I knew was going to happen happens. It's freaky, and at times I wonder why it happens.


^ I often have those dreams as well, but don't realize it until after what I knew was going to happen happens. It's freaky, and at times I wonder why it happens.


Im not joking but that is the same as me. Here is my complete story:

1. Half my dreams come true. I sleep and then the next day the same thing will happen, normally it is nothing bad and sometimes I dont remember the dream till the actions happen like with Mraz Skintas. At first when I started to have these dreams I was a little freaked out but now they are more natural and more like visions to me. I sometimes still freak out when it happens though. When I told my two best friends about this they didn't take it seriously so I decided not to tell anyone else and to this day nobody really knows about me.

2. I have seen many UFO's. In my life I have seen them in the sky. I am 99.99999% sure they were nothing else as they always did weird things. I am interested in these and believe they have been collecting data from earth in hopee to one day become friends but not enemies. They travel in all different shapes and not just the usual dome/orb. I once saw one high in the sky directly above me and after 4 minutes it whizzed off at extremely fast speeds. I have seen them over: Britain, Egypt, Spain, France, Dubai and I did not see it but I am 80% sure that on the day of 9/11 a UFO was present but did not do anything to help the bombing or stop it.

3. Ghosts. I sometimes believe I have seen ghosts but they are always more dark grey blurs and they make me want to run to my mum and dad but of course I am not a wimp and just ignore them. Not much more info on those from me though.

4. Weird Creatures. I have seen them. I saw a huge dog like creature with wings and ripped apart type skin on my neighbours roof. The time was 3 am when I saw it first and at that time I had not even had anything to drink. I saw it then more time before. I trust the neighbours though as they are kind but I still think they have something strange around there house.

5. Magic. Ok I know nobody is going to believe this bit but I really don't care if you don't. Anyway I can make things happen sometimes. They are always basic stuff but I can do a few more complicated things. When I say thins I mean stuff like make somebody need to itch a part of there body badly or make a cloud part and take a new shape and once even make a candle flicker the way I want it too. I believe if I try hard I can do anything but I try not too because I am a little scared of it. I also believe I am not alone with this magic and I dont think anyone in the family has any of my powers.


Ok well that is it for me and please don't make comments like "Oh your so stupid, you can't see ghosts or do magic" because this is serous to me and I was going to post it when the thread was created but I didn't mean comments. Anyway if anyone else is alike then please do post and if anyone has any questions or advice for me then please PM me or reply here.

I didn't know this was paranormal, but this is my life story. Almost everything I do seems to have a sense of familiarity to it; like I dreamed it, or I knew it was coming...it's creepy. I've had entire days go by where I felt the sense of deja vu in everything I did...


Man that happens to me everyday it always confuses me when it happens to. :wacko: And eskallon the magic thing you were talking about I believe.Somethings like that happen to me a lot like I look at something for no apparent reason and it moves or does something it happens to my dad sometimes too and for some weird reason whenever I use my sisters laptop (It only turns on about 50% of the time) It always turns on for me every time but a lot of the time it doesn't work for her. I also normally can get to sites thjat are normally blocked for other students at my school and (This isn't supernatural) but lately my school email has been getting E-mails that contain conversations between two people I don't know. :look: Oh and onetime I was on a weird site called Omegle and all of these portions of other peoples conversations kept flashing up on the screen and about 3 minutes later I started a new conversation and one of the things that was in the first thing showed up and then when I started another conversation another came up and it just kept happening until I left the site. I told my dad about some of the things and he just says I'm a hacker and a different kid at my school called me "Computerbug" because of this stuff so that's where I got my username. :sceptic: I've also had a really weird U.F.O experience but that's a long story.


This is a very interesting topic! So much to read in as well, looks like people experience a lot of experiences.

And so do I, a few at least. I don't think I have paranormal feeling or something like that, but I have seen things I can't clarify.

Here we go:

If I dream, it is mostly a common situation, nothing bad, nothing too fancy.

But I have experienced the opposite of my dreams come true. At least till now it has been every time.

I also have noticed a bright, round moving object flying through the sky late at night. It was too fast for an airplane or sattelite. And it had obviously a round shape. :alien:

Another 'ufo' experience is above a cornfield, a kind of shooting star, flying over the cornfield for just a second, then it was suddenly gone.

Another weird thing, and I don't know if someone is familiar with it. In the winter, some people can't sleep for weeks, including me.

You can sleep, but you are on bed for ages while you sleep only a few hours. I've read somewhere it is the radiation from earth itself which keeps you awake, especially when there is water nearby. Well, then are the Netherlands not a good place to be!

It is weird, because animals notice it. They are constantly walking around and being nervous, just like before a thunderstorm. Animals can feel the air pressure when a thunderstorm is coming, but when there is 'earth radiation' the air pressure is normal. :sceptic:

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