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As the tourists, guide and security guard exited the bus, there was a beautiful site to behold. Phasma Diabolus stood before them cloaked in a very light, dissipating, fog.


"The ruins were originally discovered during the construction of a French prison colony in the mid-19th century." Johnson Willoughby told his tour group. "I bet some of those original excavators wished for some modern plumbing. Well, don't worry because MOTEE Tours has state of the art facilities for your enjoyment. Please take some time to take in the outside of this beautiful temple before we journey in for the tour. Stretch your legs, use the facilities and feel free to look around. Your tour will begin in about a half hour."

Before the group could begin looking around, they heard a commotion from the bus. They turned to see Security Guard Fred Thomas escorting Jack Baxter off the bus.


"I'm coming, I'm coming." Jack protested. "I didn't hear that there were facilities out here. I thought it'd be my last chance to use the john..."

The momentary distraction passes and the group begins to explore the main entrance to the temple...


Rules for Game play (borrowed mostly from Dragonator's Mystery Manor)

  1. There are to be 21 participants. If you commit to the game you are committing to contributing to the story and sticking with it to the end. I am trusting you all not to drop out halfway through, as that is never any fun.
  2. The winner will be announced at the end of the game. Players will be scored along the way on certain criteria and completion of objectives. This will not be clear until the end. Ask questions for clarity along the way, but don't be surprised if the answers are cryptic. Of course, to win, you must surviveā€¦
  3. Attempts to solve the mystery or objectives can be postulated in the game itself. The truth will be revealed at the end. If someone solves the mystery before then, the mystery will play out and that player will be given points for solving it.
  4. Throwing out constant solutions will only get you killed. If an objective is to find out who stole something and you end up posting a guess of every other player, your latest post will be taken as your solution and you will be killed anyway, so just don't do it.
  5. You must search for clues. This means that an action must be specified. For example, you wish to search a room for hidden objects. The following is an example of how not to go about this:
    "I wish to look for suspicious or hidden objects in this room".
    Instead, you must be able to specify what you want to do. For example:
    "I would like to open the drawers of the cabinet."
    It is not required for you to specify exactly what you are doing and what you are looking for, but a generalised statement will not find you anything. Act like a detective and you will be fine.
  6. Dynamic Actions: Actions you wish to carry out without all of the other players' knowledge can be PMed to the game host, Hinckley. You may or may not be allowed to do what you request.
  7. Attacking: I have setup a system for attacking and defending that is needlessly complicated and I won't try to involve you all in the specifics. At a certain point, you may want to attack another player. PM me your attack and I will answer if it is plausible or not. Some characters just would not attack another player, based on their character description. Some characters are stronger than other when it comes to defense and counter-attack. So think before you attack.
  8. Life points: I am using TheBrickster's life points system, however I will not bother you all with the details. Just be careful and do your best to live. :devil:
  9. Host response time: Please be patient. You may bring the story to a point where you need the host to further game play. I will be on top of this game as much as possible. Please be patient with me between chapters as well.
  10. The game host is always right. :wink: Please don't question the rules or the info you are given. Take the info I give you and work with it. If you're terribly confused, please say so or ask questions. But, if I don't give you any further info, please be patient with the info you are given and try to work with what you have.
  11. Stagnant game: If you find yourself trapped in a room, it is because you need to find a clue or you've missed something. Donā€™t argue with the game host. Youā€™ll be there until everything that needs to be discovered has been discovered.
  12. This game is meant to be fun, so enjoy yourselves!
  13. Please try to avoid editing your posts, as it can lead to suspicion against you. Just consider what you want to say before you say it or even proofread and you'll be fine.
  14. Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning. A second failure will result in the humorous death of your character.

Cast of characters:

Pleas note: more character info will come to some players from the host before each chapter starts.


Sylvia Berent played by Svelte


Chris Owen played by The Crazy One


Siegourney played by Siegfried


Stanton and Richard Sexton played by Stash2Sixx and Ricecracker


Donna and William Falcon played by Dannylonglegs and WhiteFang, along with DJ and Diesel Nolan played by DJForce and Dragonator


Jack Baxter played by Jim Butcher


Penny Maltese and Zachary Fortem played by Peppermint_M and Zepher


Quentin Mantino played by Quarryman


Sandy Sanders and Sheldon Wills played by Snake...SNAKE?...SNAKE!!!!!?? and Shadows


Samantha Cole played by I Scream Clone


Tony and Ingrid Peck played by TinyPiesRUs and iamded


Fred Thomas played by fallentomato


Diana played by Sir Dillon


Tour Guide Johnson Willoughby played by TheBrickster

Reserve list

1. Zapper Brick

2. Striker

3. Bob the Construction Man

4. Millacol88

5. Tereglith

6. Eskallon

7. Hewki9

8. BigCam

9. GeneralArmendariz

10. Ben Kenobi

Oh my! It looks simply stunning! More lilac than carmine at this stage of the evening, but as the eclipse begins I expect we'll see the violent flood of chroma!

I must make some notes for a future commission I may be working on. As well as being a natural blonde, I am also a talented interior designer. You'd be amazed how many big Hollywood names want their jacuzzis recreated in the style of an ancient, crumbling temple to the blood moon complete with willing, nubile virgin sacrifices *cough* Tom Cruise, Michael Bay and Angelina Jolie *cough*

Oh beloved, we have finally reached our destination, oh well almost in one good piece. We had so much hiccups earlier on, glad that all of us are to visit this.

I wondered if there is any other people whom have visited this site before? Perhaps I should take a closer look at those stone pebbles at the ground to see if there is any other significant footmarks apart from ours.

  • Author
I wondered if there is any other people whom have visited this site before? Perhaps I should take a closer look at those stone pebbles at the ground to see if there is any other significant footmarks apart from ours.

There is an odd set of animal tracks heading from the staircase off into the woods.

A closer look at human footprints reveals a faint trail of prints leading to a small rock near where Penny is standing.

There is an odd set of animal tracks heading from the staircase off into the woods.

This gives me quite abit of creepy feeling. I wouldn't want to find out or even encounter such animals that is living in there.

A closer look at human footprints reveals a faint trail of prints leading to a small rock near where Penny is standing.

Hmm... That's odd. I thought there aren't any such tours around. I wonder whom it might be. Penny could you step aside for awhile, and help me with this small rock, by shifting it away. The human trail can't supposed to just end right here.

Its so good to finally arrive and get off that bus :thumbup:

I would like to snap a picture of the foot prints please, as well as the animal tracks

Perhaps we can finally enjoy this eclipse.

  • Author
Its so good to finally arrive and get off that bus :thumbup:

I would like to snap a picture of the foot prints please, as well as the animal tracks

Perhaps we can finally enjoy this eclipse.

*since the rock and footprints are stationary objects, it helps more to look at them directly.*

*Perhaps your camera is better suited for etchings, shadows and oddities...*


Penny could you step aside for awhile, and help me with this small rock, by shifting it away. The human trail can't supposed to just end right here.

*You wait for a response from Penny before investigating the small rock further...*

Hmm... That's odd. I thought there aren't any such tours around. I wonder whom it might be. Penny could you step aside for awhile, and help me with this small rock, by shifting it away. The human trail can't supposed to just end right here.

Sure. Want some help moving it? This fog is giving me the creeps and I need a distraction.

Well, here we are. What a beautiful place this is, look at all those lovely ruins! :wub:

I'll take a look at those odd stone tablets over there by Samantha.

Sure. Want some help moving it? This fog is giving me the creeps and I need a distraction.

Thanks Penny. I wonder what surprise will we find beneath the small rock...

Well, looks like we made it then. I am looking forward to seeing the moon, should be romantic, aye hun?

These ruins are sort of neat, I can see why William there is rather taken by them I guess. They have an eerie feeling to them, hard to describe really...

*stretches his legs* It'll be good to move around a little. I haven't sat still this much since my last flight to Japan for our tour. We opened for the Bleeding Monkeys, you know! *looks around in disbelief at the lack of response*

So... Sandy. How about we go over and take a look at that rock with Penny and the annoying geezer that guy.

Finally off that damn bus! Good to stretch my legs. I wonder if I could look at these ruins a little closer. They are spectacular.

Oh, wow! These ruins are just stunning! This is the sort of thing I love seeing! Isn't it fantastic, Tony? :wub:

I would just love to get a closer look at the buildings, see if there's any markings or symbols? Perhaps start on the pillars?

I must make some notes for a future commission I may be working on. As well as being a natural blonde, I am also a talented interior designer. You'd be amazed how many big Hollywood names want their jacuzzis recreated in the style of an ancient, crumbling temple to the blood moon complete with willing, nubile virgin sacrifices *cough* Tom Cruise, Michael Bay and Angelina Jolie *cough*

:oh: You umm... do those recreations often? ::shifts rifle around anxiously:: I wouldn't mind seeing some of that willing nubile stuff. Err... after the tour of course.

::Keeps an eye on the group to make sure no one tries to wander off into the DANGEROUS jungle following those animal tracks::

Velcome to Fantasy Island... okay, that's the last time I say it this tour (hardy...har...har...). I would recommend that no one leave the path alone, especially if you go off looking for Big Foot (aka The Bear Shadow). Also, be on the lookout for Smurfs (just kidding). :classic:

Wow. I've seen pictures of this place before, but to actually view the ruins with my own eyes is something else.

I would like to take a closer look at these lovely pillars.

*stretches his legs* It'll be good to move around a little. I haven't sat still this much since my last flight to Japan for our tour. We opened for the Bleeding Monkeys, you know! *looks around in disbelief at the lack of response*

So... Sandy. How about we go over and take a look at that rock with Penny and the annoying geezer that guy.

Sure, honey. :wub:

I would like to look closer at the entrance archway for any details or clues

This is gonna be great, you know I heard they used to have a pet giant squid on the island that they would feed makak's too. Though it could have been lost in translation, kind of like groundhog day or ghostbusting, well that's enough Bill Murray references for my liking. I would almost consider turning for Bill.

Ah whooyah! Finally we're off of that dreaded machine. I prefer my feet on solid ground, where my wits are at their best, yes suh.

Its so good to finally arrive and get off that bus :thumbup:

I would like to snap a picture of the foot prints please, as well as the animal tracks

Perhaps we can finally enjoy this eclipse.

Speaking of which, what were you doing in that picture, Sylvia? It looks like you're knocking on a rock or waving... or somethun'.

Woooo, that boat trip took way too long. Glad we're finally here, huh Stanton? It sure is beautiful here.

I'd like to see if there is anything of note by the shoreline

For a small rock it sure is heavy...

Is there anything under it?

Bunch of rocks shaped into a nicer looking rock. How long is it until that moon thingy happens?

Bunch of rocks shaped into a nicer looking rock. How long is it until that moon thingy happens?

No patience. :sadnew: I blame all these new-fangled video games and reality TV shows you kids watch now. They're only good for melting your brain, I say.

The guide said the tour would start in half an hour, so I'm guessing the eclipse will happen around that time. Try to enjoy the scenery while you wait.

Bunch of rocks shaped into a nicer looking rock. How long is it until that moon thingy happens?

Really Zachy, if you didn't want to see the ruins I am sure I could have taken the trip myself. Would you help us move this rock? It seems to be really heavy.

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