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This is the character thread for Jedi Duel characters.

Characters only! Please don't ask questions or discuss Jedi Duel in this thread - go here instead.

The Dueling Thread can be found here.

For use of reference please layout your character's in a fashion as below, editing as they progress.

Darth Kurss | Sith Lord


Health: 5

Force Abilities

Force Push

Force Lightning

Mastery Abilities

Combat Master

Sabre Flurry


As a youngster, Kurss was a street urchin in the gutter levels of Coruscant. He used his Force powers to swindle the local crime element using street ‘magic’ but all too often suffered at the hands of those he would steal from. As Kurss's powers grew however, so did his stature within the underworld, leading him on a path of revenge, extortion and ultimately murder.

His presence was sensed by the dark lord Darth Corax, who located and confronted Kurss in person. The Dark Lord was impressed with the young one’s fighting skills and zest for violence. In him he saw great potential as a Sith Warrior and so transported him to Korriban with promises of power which well appealed to Kurss, now a fledgling Sith Acolyte.

Of unknown racial origin, Kurss is a natural wielder of the Force. He has embraced the Dark Side and carved a swathe of death and destruction throughout the galaxy. A master of the lightsaber, he wields twin blades with lethal precision.

Duel History

Won: 2 - Technically would've been 4 to be at this rank!

Lost: 2

Humbled by the Sith Lord Hawke Koor, Kurss vented his terrible fury at this affront on the Jedi, Dan. The Dark Lord 'Dar'vole'e tried to usurp him from his quest for power but was felled by his twin lightsabers. Thirsty for blood, and empowered by his victory, Kurss seeked Jim Butcher, tracking him to Naboo. After a furious duel which lasted days, the Jedi gained the upper hand and defeated him. Fleeing with damaged pride, he swore revenge on the entire Jedi Order...

Edited by pedro

Here's the first Jedi!

Ad-Hoh | Jedi Initiate


Health: 5

Force Abilities

Force Push

Mastery Abilities



Born in 90BBY, Ad-Hoh was a member of an unusual, peaceful and not very well-known species called Pantanan. The Pantanan are native to the swampy planet of Pantana, found near the Rishi Maze in Wild Space. Being so small in number, and not very technologically-advanced, the species relied on trading with the nearby planet of Kamino for resources and equipment.

Ad-Hoh was seen by the eyes of the Jedi when he arrived on Coruscant aboard a Kaminoan freighter. His parents had stowed him on the ship in hope that he'd find a better life in the Galactic capital, knowing of his Force-sensitivity. He made his way to the Jedi Temple and began his training.

Showing his talent in friendly duels against his classmates, he was selected by Master Yoda himself to begin more advanced training along with fellow initiates Ki-Adi-Mundi and Plo Koon. He picked up his knowledge of the Force quicker than his friends and soon mastered the Force Push ability.

(I'll update this as I increase in level)

Duel History

Won: 1

Lost: -

Edited by ADHO15

Kurtt Halcyon | Jedi Initiate


Health: 5

Force Abilities:

Force Push

Mastery Abilities:



Kurtt Halcyon was known as a ruthless Bounty Hunter, one who had no allegiances. Whether for the Republic or Empire, he would take any contract. His family was taken away from him at an early age, murdered in cold blood by a band of mercanaries. However, Kurtt learned that it was no mere mercenary band that had killed his family. His family had been hunted down and slain by Sith Warriors.

His parents were planning on turning him over to the Jedi Council for training, as they had forseen great power in him. Unfortunetly for Kurtt, the Sith had forseen it also, and put plans in motion to stop him ever becoming a Jedi.

Armed with this new knowledge, Kurtt sought out the reknowned Jedi Master Yyan Sei and asked to be trained. While much older than a typical apprentice, Master Sei sensed the great potential in Kurtt and agreed.

Ten years after Kurtt's discovery, he is now a powerful Jedi Apprentice, surely destined for greatness...

Duel History:

Won: 1

Lost: -

Edited by KurttKrueger

Niffranda Sith Acolyte


Health: 5

Force Abilities

-Force Lightning


Mastery Abilities



Niffranda is a youngling from Naboo. She was born as an orfin, her father was killed by a jedi and her mother died during labour. She was adopted by Mace Windu who found out the force is strong in Niffranda.

Duel History

Won: - 2

Lost: -

Edited by badboytje88

Kike Argetlam Jedi Initiate


Health 5

Force abilities

Force shield

Force masteries


Kike Argetlam was abondaned on the planet dagobah when he was just a boy. Later he started to use the force more and more until the jedi sought him out. While on dagobah the creatures and scenery taught him to let go of hate and anger. Master Windu picked him up. He was grateful for Master windu and that is why he carries a purple blade. On dagobah he found abandoned clone armor and started to wear it. None of the masters ever questioned him about always wearing armor.


Games won-1

Games Lost-2

Edited by brickme

Jim Butcher - The Chosen One


Health: 6

Force Abilities:

- Force Push

- Saber Throw

Mastery Abilities:

- Combat Master

- Endurance


Jim Butcher came to Coruscant after he led the underground resistance movement against the Trade Federation during the blockade and battle of Naboo. There, he was sensed by Ki-Adi Mundi, who recruited him to the Jedi order and trained him to use a lightsaber as well as control the Force through his mind.

Once a Naboose palace guard, he now resides in the Jedi Temple on Coruscant. He's not considered a typical Jedi- he rarely reports to the Jedi Council, instead, he follows orders from the Republic Secret Service. From there, he is given espionage and undercover missions, on which he uses his Force powers to his advantage. He also occasionally practices his skills with the lightsaber and Force with fellow Jedi, or dukes it out with evil Sith. He will also use his customized nailgun in shootouts.

Games Won: 17

Games Lost: 3

[image Credit to pedro].

Dak Penin - Jedi Youngling


Health - 5

Force Abilities



Mastery Abilities


Bio - Dak was left by his planet-hopping parents on Ryloth. There he has taken in by a farming family and they treated him like family. He learned about his force powers when he was playing around with his Twi'lek friends in an underground river. A boulder suddenly fell from the roof and was going to fall on his friends head and kill him. Suddenly the rock just froze in mid air and was suspended above his friend. He could feel that he was making the rock stay there and was shocked. He lower the rock into the water petrified about what he had just done. Later Jedi Master Agen Kolar found him while he was refueling on Ryloth and took him to the Jedi Temple where he would start his training...

Games Won -

Games Lost - 2

Edited by Roncanator

Taran Crax: jedi Master


Health Points- 5

Force Abilities

Saber Throw lightsaber_throw.jpg

Force push

Force Masteries

Saber Flurry

Saber master


Born in the capital city of Coronet on the planet Corellia, Taran was taken at the age of 12 by slavers and brought to the slavery planet of Orvax IV where he the oldest and several other younger children were purchased by a slaver and transported to Tatooine. After two long years of work and takeing orders In his masters cantina, Taran devised a plan to escape, he freed the children by killing his master and his bounty hunters with an explosive attack of core force energy that had awakened inside of him, one that many jedi heard, and had to answer. Upon discovery of the child he was taken to the temple to begin training immediatley, although he was well above the age of training, someone so powerful should not be allowed to fall into the hands of the dark side. After many years of training in secrecy and searching for his parents, Taran has taken his place on the battlefield, fighting for the jedi order, hopeing that one day news of his campaigns and victories will be heard by his parents.

Duel History



Edited by sok117

Matteo Green - Jedi Youngling


Health: 5

Force Abilities


Mastery Abilities



Matteo Green never met his mother, his father said she died during child birth. Matteo never believed that, he always knew the truth, that she left him. His father was a senator to the planet Uyter. Matteo was always under the pressure of his father to act as if he was perfect. Sit still, only speak when spoken to, only show his perfection. Matteo always resented his father for making him act as if he had no personality.

His father's ship crashed in an assassination attempt. Matteo was on board, as he had accompanied his father to the senate. His father wanted him to go into politics, to follow in his footsteps. The ship crashed on the Wookie-inhabited planet of Kashyk. Matteo survived the crash, his wounds healed in time. He befriended the Wookies, they saw good and innocence in him as he was only 7. He was rescued by a Jedi knight who sensed the force in him. Although they sensed that young Matteo was broken and filled with much pain, the force was overpowering the negatives. He was brought to the temple and trianed as a powerful Jedi.

The Jedi knight that discovered him never took an apprentice, but when he was killed in the clone wars, Matteo was given his deep blue lightsabre. He has becomes skilled with the use of two lightsabres, using one in a backhand style and the other in a classical style. He has devoted himself to the practice of the Jedi arts, and believes that concentration and focus are the key to overcoming an opponent.

Duel History

Won: -

Lost: -

Edited by Matteo Kenobi

Vacaz Mirr/Sith Youngling


Health: 5

Force Abilities

Mastery Abilities


Born on Tatoonie, Vacaz Mirr dosen't remember his parents, the first thing he remembers is when he was about 5, and he was alone in a small hut. Desparetly attemping to survive, he had an uncanny abilities in racing small Landspeeders. He would get his money by winning petty circuits, sometimes using The Force to cheat. He was discovered by Darth Ordep, Sith Warrior. He is being trained in the ways of the Dark Side.

Duel History

Won: -

Lost: - 6

Edited by Zapper Brick

DarkFang | Jedi Master


Health: 5

Force Abilities

- Force Push

- Sabre Throw

Mastery Abilities

- Sabre Flurry

- Sabre Master


No one knows where DarkFang came from or his origin, but was rumored to be one of the secret padawan that was trained under Master Yoda, which eventually came to adopt. Unfortunately, he was exposed to the dark side and was able to restrain himself with the help of many Jedi Masters suppressing the will of darkness by using the ancient Jedi Temple Chant.

In the might of rising the ranks to a full pledged Jedi Knight and to be a future commander of the 23rd Lenix Riders Platoon for the Republic Army, DarkFang has no choice but to accept the grim challenges ahead of him to hone his Jedi Skills in order to lead his own fighting unit against the dark forces.

Duel History

Won: - 8

Lost: - 4

Hawke Koor - Sith Lord


Force Abilities

- Force Lightning

- Force Choke

Mastery Abilities

- Sabre Master

Sabre Flurry


BIO:Now this is a story all about how

My life got flipped turned upside down

And I'd like to take a minute just sit right there

I'll tell you how I became the prince of a town called Bel-Air

In West Philadelphia born and raised

On the playground is where I spent most of my days

Chillin' out maxin' relaxin' all cool and all shootin' some b-ball outside of the school

When a couple of guys who were up to no good

Started makin' trouble in my neighborhood

I got in one little fight and my mom got scared

And said you're movin' with your auntie and uncle in Bel-Air

I begged and pleaded with her day after day

But she packed my suitcase and sent me on my way

She gave me a kiss and then she gave me my ticket

I put my walkman on and said I might as well kick it

First class yo this is bad

Drinkin' orange juice out of a champagne glass

Is this what the people of Bel-Air live like

Hmmm this might be all right

He is a bad mother trucker sith.

Duel History

Won: 7

Lost: 1, had a good run, eh?

Edited by Bounty Hunter

Darth Wei-Gei - Sith Acolyte


Health: 5

Force Abilities:

- Force Lightning


Mastery Abilities:




Taunted by his abusive parents, he murdered them at 14. He then became a refugee and lived on the streets, surviving off the Black Market. When he was 18 he stowed-away on a freighter on it's way to Korriban. It was there he met King Adas, who taught him in the ways of the force. At 26 ( :wacko: ) he finished training and went to Kashyyyk. There, he hunted wookies, with his lightsaber and a concealed blade under his robes. Currently he has journeyed to an arena to duel against Jedi scum in a competition called "Jedi Duels"

Duel History:

Won - 1

Lost -

Edited by YG-49

Darth Keeron | Sith Acolyte


Health: 5

Force Abilities:

- Force Lightning


Mastery Abilities:




Nailic Chab, later called Darth Keeron, was a Rodian Jedi Padawan. When his parents were murdered by a Sith he took revenge and turned to the dark side.

Soon he was known as a merciless Jedi hunter. His lightsaber technique is unique because he fights with two sabers, killing everyone who is brave enough to challenge him.

Duel History:

Won: 1

Lost: 4

Draws: 1

Edited by Darth Lion

Evalyn Stark - Sith Youngling

Picture will come the Saturday after next. :wink:

Health: 5

Force Abilities:



Mastery Abilities:




Born on Coruscant, he grew up as a force sensitive young boy in the suburbs of the planet. His parents, who were both Jedi Knights, kept him a secret. He had a grasp of the force well, even at a young age. But, when he was eight, he saw his parents burn in flames as a daring Jedi raid went horribly wrong. Trapped in the burning house, he saw a figure appear in the flames. He was stolen and taken away. He awoke on General Grevious' Starship, and was confronted by Darth Sidious, who told him of the awful ways of the Jedi, and how his parents died. Now 16, he is a brave, and fiery Sith Youngling, who only desires revenge for the terrible masacre of his family. He bears the green lightsaber of his father in memory of him.

Duel History:

Won: -

Lost: -

Edited by The crazy one

Dan |Jedi Knight

(picture coming, same as the Clone Wars character in my comic)

Health: 6

Force Abilities

Force Push

Lightsaber Throw

Mastery Abilities




Dan was born on the little known world of Rodaan, where he was taught to use swords. Once brought into Republic space, he was known to have some connection to the force. He wants to train as the Ancient Jedi became Jedi Guardians. He also has interest in the Old Republic's great Jedi, like Revan.

Duel History

Won: 3

Lost: 2

Edited by Commander Flash

Squidsaber | Jedi Master


Health: 6

Force Abilities

Saber Throw

Force Push

Mastery Abilities


Saber Flurry


Squidsaber was born in a distant galaxy, ruled by the ruthless Space Police. His parents were wanted, and they took him many lightyears for a new start. Living on Tatooine as a moisture farmer, he was discovered by Kit Fisto, and was brought back to the jedi temple.

Duel History

Won: 6

Lost: 7

Edited by CallMePie

Darth Seeker-Sith Youngling

Lord of life and death.


Force Abilities

Bring people back from the dead.

Mastery Abilities



Darth Seeker's Master was lord Wei-Gei master of the Sith who trained him in the dark side. Lord Wei-Gei soon discovered this young boy force ability's were beyond any Sith padawan he had ever trained. Looking into the further he know that this boy would turn into one of the great Sith lords. After the boy become a master of the Sith art's lord Wei-Gei and Darth Seeker turned there ability's onto the mystery of life and death. Together they discovered how to bring people back from death and with this knowledge came great fear from the jedi.

Edited by clone killer

Ixix Flamescale | Jedi Youngling


Health: 5

Force Abilities:


Mastery Abilities:



A Barabal Jedi of some reknown, Ixix Flamescale befriended the Jedi Apprentice, Kurtt Halcyon, early in their Jedi training. There are hardly any known Barabal Jedi in the Galaxy at this time, so opponents rarely expect the ferocious strength and speed that Ixix posseses.

An accomplished duelist, able to regenerate lost limbs over time, makes Ixix a formidable opponent. None ever doubt the skills of the inhabitants of Barab 1 after encountering him...

Duel History:

Won: -

Lost: -

[Note: I know having two characters is unneeded, but I really wanted to get the picture and concept out there. Also, he'll be good for dueling new players]

Darth Magma | Sith Lord


Health: 5

Force Abilities:

Force Lightning

Force Push

Mastery Abilities:

Sabre Flurry

Combat Master


Born in 40 BBY, a Force-sensitive human boy named Rolack Crater grew up on the planet Coruscant. His father was a Jedi Knight named Barros Crater.

In 27 BBY, they were under attack. Everywhere, smoke was coming up, and so he couldn't see what happened. He heard lightsabers clashing and swinging around. Fire was coming his way and burnt him, and an explosion found place at where he was standing, he was heavily injured. Nearly three weeks later, he woke up in a strange place finding himself in a black suit. He was now almost completely a cyborg. He was confronted by Darth Tsuroth, who felt his strong Force power. He told, or better lied, about what happened. His parents were killed by the Sith Lord, though he, Tsuroth, tried to convince him that his parents have been betrayed by the Jedi and killed them. Tsuroth took Rolack as his apprentice, and taught him the ways of the Sith. He received his large, double bladed lightsaber and was later renamed Darth Magma.

Over the years his hate against the Jedi grew stronger and stronger, killing many Jedi.

The Jedi attempted to destroy him several times, but they horribly failed, most of them ended up as a victim of Darth Magma's strength. During the Clone Wars he caused the deaths of many Jedi and clonetroopers, but he didn't fight aside the Separatists, he did his work alone or with his master. He wanted the entire Jedi Order to die. After the Clone Wars he still was an active killer.

Duel History:

Wins: 8

Losses: 4

Draws: 1

Edited by General Magma

Parama Jandu-Jedi Youngling



Force Abilities:




Born in 4,030 BBY, Parama Jandu was born in time to serve in the old sith wars. A human force-sensitive born on Coruscant, Parama didn't grow up listening to legends of an old sith empire, he fought against them. As time wore on and jedi were killed each day, Parama was knighted.

Duel History:



Edited by cralegoboy

Darth Cyexan (pronounced Si-shan) - Sith Youngling



Health: 5

Force Abilities:



Genjin Cyexan was born on the planet Coruscant in 45 BBY, growing up near the Jedi temple. During a battle between Republic Troopers led by Jedi and Bounty Hunters, his parents were shot. They had been mistaken for Bounty Hunters by the Jedi Knights. He hated the Jedi then onward, and was taught weapon skills in the Lower Levels. Then, following a Jedi to the planet Ilum, he discovered the lightsaber crystals. Killing the Jedi, he took his saber and made it his own. After learning the ways of the force through training holocrons and programs stolen from the Jedi's ship, his saber was made more advanced and given a new red blade.

Duel Info:

Wins: 0

Draws: 0

Losses: 0

Eskallon | Jedi Master


Health: 6

Force Abilities:

Sabre Throw

Force Push

Mastery Abilities:


Sabre Master


Eskallon was born and raised by his parents on corusant until the start of the Clone Wars when there house was destroyed by the Separatists. Eskallons parents went to the Jedi Temple for advice and the family stayed there for a time. Very quickly Eskallon became interested in the Grand Army of the republic and he asked a few questions about it to a Jedi Master.

This Jedi was called Zen Lakor. Eskallon was taken to the Jedi council soon so they could test him and although Zen wanted Eskallon as his apprentice, Yoda chose him to start out with the force senitive children and then in the future become a padawan to Jedi Master Jax Mortoad. From here Eskallon showed his full potential as a youngling and amazed many members of the council. He was very talented indeed.

Duel History

Won: 7

Lost: 3

Drew: 0

Edited by Eskallon

'Dar'vole'e l Sith Lord


Health: 5

Force Abilities:

Force lighting

Force push

Mastery Abilities:

Combat Master

Battle Meditation


Originaly a force-sensitive human male from Dathomir, Dar'vole'e took the first shuttle off-world as a child. As the shuttle exited hyperspace above Mygeeto to perform a new jump, it was hit by a meteor shower and crashed on the planets surface.

Stranded on the surface of the icy planet, he mastered his control over the force. As the republic attacked the planet during the clone wars, he got his ticket off-world. He then started to hunt Jedi, as well as his Sith rivals.

Duel History:

Won: 6

Lost: 3

Draw: 0

EDIT: Picture updated on 30/3-2010

Edited by filip skywalker

  • Author

Rorigan Kanus | Youngling


Health: 5

Force Abilities

Sabre Throw


Mastery Abilities




Born on the Shistavanen homeworld Uvena Prime, Rorigan’s parents were explorers, their journeys taking them far beyond the realms of Shistavanen space - an unusual trait for their species. From a young age he displayed phenomenal ability in finding others. At first it was a knowing of where his parents were at any time. Curiosity might cause him to leave the Kanus’s side while at a busy street bazaar, but he’d reunite as soon as he was aware, to their relief. He’d immediately know where his young friends may be - friends though they were, only for a short time while travelling the stars.

This ability to find or track others, coupled with his natural curiosity, was what would bring him on day under the scrutiny of the Jedi Order... and a Sith.

So it was that during a brief time travelling through Nar Shaddaa, Rorigan saw a dark robed, suspicious figure while disembarking at one of the planets busy spaceports. His curiosity piqued, he went in search of the figure while his parents were trading goods, his trip taking him down into the dangerous lower levels of the planet.

What he found was a awesome but terrifying sight: the dark robed figure, blazing red lightsaber in his hands, fighting a blue saber wielding young Jedi in a disused warehouse. His awe at the scene was shortlived; it was clear the intentions of this black-clad being. A sharp kick to the midriff disarmed the Jedi, the next strike would end her life.

“No!” the little Shistavanen yelled, arm stretched towards the melee.

The Sith stopped, glaring fiercely at Rorigan. There was a shudder through the warehouse. The sound of twisting metal. A huge piece of supporting beam tore off the wall of the warehouse collapsing where the dark warrior stood. The Jedi, seeing her chance, leapt towards Rorigan and pulled him up into her arms, darting with unnatural speed out of the now collapsing warehouse.

“Thank you little one...” she said, words that would change Rorigan’s life forever.

Afterwards, the Jedi Order were alerted to Kanus’s brave actions that day, his affinity with the force - sensing others’ presence no matter where - and his ability to manipulate his surroundings. Soon, an envoy was sent to Kanus’s parents and talks ensued about Rorigan’s future and his potential indoctrination into the Order. His parents, proud of their young one, let him choose his own path...

And so it was, the little Shistavanen would journey to Coruscant and be apprentice to Master Cayo Braid, and learn under him how to focus the Force and skill with the lightsaber.

The young female Jedi, Naleia, he never saw since, nor can he feel her presence. But he knows that out there is one he thought doomed, one he believed he saw die.

But Rorigan knows... the mysterious Sith is still alive.

Duel History

Won: -

Lost: -

Edited by pedro

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