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Roy Orborson / Inconspicuous was running to the exit of the town.

"I have to get out of this town! I've been compromised!" Roy said.


"Not so fast, BOI Man." Robbie said.



Elsewhere in town, Lucy Gordon / JimButcher was preparing to leave town also.

"Andrew! We have to go!"


"I think you mean, you have to go, Mom."

"You wouldn't kill your own mother, would you?!" she asked.

"Let's find out. :devil: " Andrew said.



"I guess I would kill my own mother.


Police Chief Mike Johnson / Millacol88 was leaving the courthouse.


"Rhonda? I thought you were a townie!"

"I was converted."



Somewhere else, Alfred Winder / JCC1004 was running to tell someone he had found out who the scum were.

"Guess what Louis, I looked through the mail and found out the scum!"

"Maybe you shouldn't tell that to the Serial Killer.




Dr. Ernie Wilkerson / Ricecracker was leaving his house to go kill someone else.


"Hey there, doctor. Can I interest you in some 'dancing'? Sarah asked.

"Damn. I finally made a good choice when it came to killing someone." Ernie said.




"Did you kill Christopher?" asked Andrew.

"Yes, we did. Off camera of course." Jimmy said.

"Hands up!" said Louis, the crazy night killer.

*Click* *Click*


"Damn it!" Louis said, as he ran off.

"Now where the hell did that Governor go?" Andrew asked.


"Here I am." The Governor said.

"Prepare to be terminated, Governator." Andrew said.

"I can give you what you desire, however." he said.

"What would that be?" Andrew asked.

"I will give it to you if you allow me to tear down this town and build my mansion here." the Governor said.

"Fair enough, this town sucks anyway."



"Oh! Andrew!" said Mary.

"Yay, this is exactly what I wanted!" Andrew said.


"Remember everyone, when you mess with the Governor, everyone looses. I think I see the National Guard coming now..." :devil:


WINNERS: Shadows, Big Cam, Simonjedi, TinyPiesRUs, Dragonator, WhiteFang, and Dannylonglegs! and Bob the Construction Man

Night Actions: (1)

WhiteFang (Robbie): Convert: Picked to not use his Night Action (Didn’t use it)

Tiny Pies R Us (Sarah): Block: Mike Johnson/Millacol88 (He didn’t have one)

Shadows (Andrew): Spy On: Mary Jackson / Eskallon (Success)

Striker (Lois): Paranoid Investigate: Steven Gordon / the Crazy One (Failure)

Eskallon (Mary): Spy On: Martin Jackson / YG-49 (Success)

Simonjedi (Jimmy): Kill: Matthew Right / Sandy (Failure)

Dannylonglegs (Louis): Kill: Mike Johnson / Millacol88 (Failure)

Ricecracker (Ernie): Kill: Lois Jackson / Striker (Success)

Big Cam (John): Investigate: Dr. Ernie Wilkerson / Ricecracker (Success)

Quarryman (Ryan): Investigate: Roy Orborson / Inconspicuous (Success)


WhiteFang (Robbie): Convert: (None)

Tiny Pies R Us (Sarah): Block: Ricecracker / Ernie Wilkerson (Success)

Shadows (Andrew): Spy On: Inconspicuous / Roy Orborson (Success)

Eskallon (Mary): Spy on: WhiteFang / Robbie Willis (Failure)

Simonjedi (Jimmy): Kill: YG-49 / Martin Jackson (Success)

Dannylonglegs (Louis): Kill: Eskallon / Mary Jackson (Mild Success)

Ricecracker (Ernie): Kill: Hewikki9 / Christopher Wilder (Failure)

Big Cam (John): Investigate: Dragonator / Rhonda Falzone (Success)

Quarryman (Ryan): Investigate: JimButcher / Lucy Gordon (Success)


No night actions.


WhiteFang (Robbie): Convert: Dragonator (Success)

Tiny Pies R Us (Sarah): Block: JCC1004 (Success)

Shadows (Andrew): Spy On: Dannylonglegs (Success)

Simonjedi (Jimmy): Kill: Zapper Brick (Failure)

Dannylonglegs (Louis): Kill: Kill Quarryman (Failure)

Ricecracker (Ernie): Kill: The Crazy One (Success)

Big Cam (John): Investigate: Inconspicuous (Success)

Quarryman (Ryan): Investigate: Big Cam (Success)


Tiny Pies R Us (Sarah): Block: Ernie / Ricecracker (Success)

Shadows (Andrew): Spy On: Not Used. (Failure?)

Simonjedi (Jimmy): Kill: Lucy / JimButcher (Success)

Dannylonglegs (Louis): Kill: Alfred / JCC1004 (Success)

Ricecracker (Ernie): Kill: Jimmy Palmer / Simonjedi (Failure)

Big Cam (John): Investigate: Not Used. (Failure?)


Host Reflection and spotlights:

Personally, I think that all the scum had to do in this game was sit back and relax while the townies picked themselves off. The scum almost lost WhiteFang, I even had the scene of him dying. However, at the last possible second, he managed to survive, and win the game. I'd also like to thank Hinckley, because when I first joined, I cut in front of TinyPies to host my first mafia game, without even participating in one to begin with. It would have been a huge disaster, and I thank him for coming in to clean up my mess.

I'd also like to spotlight Dannylonglegs; AKA: The Crazy Night Killer. Starting on Night Four, he'd send me little poems about who he wanted to kill. Therefore, I call him the Poetry Night Killer:

(Night Action against Ricecracker; later changed to JCC1004)

I got a bone to pick with the fellow with the knife

so Ima sneak up behind and end his life

and win the game, unless I die tonight!

(Night Action against Quarryman, it was tails, so he didn't do it.)

I'm the Nuetral Night Killer, here me rawr

Imma kill the Hobo who sleeps by my door

Kill; Ryan Alberts (Hobo)/Quarryman

PS; I think I'm gunna make a creepy rhyme before every kill from now on


Bravo Everyone, nice work!

Discuss; however, I think it went by very fast. If you have anything else you'd like to look at, please let me know.

Dammit! WhiteFang had me duped the whole time! :laugh: I really should have listened to Mr. DA some more. :grin: Well, it was a really fun game. Thanks for including me in my first one! You mobsters really outplayed us. By the time I had figured out that Big Cam, Shadows, and Simonjedi were scum, it was too late.

Thanks for a fun game everyone!

Now that's what I call a conclusion. :grin:

No one suspected a 13yr old mob boss, even when I was the 13yr old. Amazing. :laugh:

To my fellow misunderstood heroes: Big Cam, Dragonator, SimonJedi, TinyPiesRUs, WhiteFang and our newly adopted serial killer, Daddylonglegs, good job one and all. Oh, and to the townies, honestly, we couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much for your cooperation. :wink:

You know, when this started, I felt like it was going to be particularly difficult because I wasn't given a traditional godfather role where you can't be investigated properly, I was actually made into a peeping tom. All it would have taken is one person checking and it would have been all over for me. Still, peeping tom (or peeping kid as I called it) ended up being a valuable source of information not just to use directly, but to feed people as helpful evidence. Of course, sometimes I twisted it around, and other times I used the results of our conversion investigator instead, just to make people think I was offering up useful tips for future decision making. I wasn't.

As the game progressed, it got a little sloppy and hectic with people having to make up fake roles to excuse their activities, but we were lucky that a few loud voices kept the crowd worked up and confused and we were able to keep getting the job done, eventually. We had to find a suitable conversion target and that took 2 nights, then the night action cancellation kept us from using that info until night 4, by which time it was almost over. We were only allowed one conversion, and then we didn't even get any use out of the lazy dragon... :laugh:

Discovering that Daddylonglegs was the serial killer and approaching him with an offer to guarantee that we both would win ended up being the last unusual element of the game. I've never tried that before, but I just wasn't sure we'd get the votes otherwise (Draggy is out of town and I'm not sure where Fangy is). I hadn't counted on the welcome support of several of the town to push us over the top.

Seriously, it wasn't quite as simple as just sitting back and waiting, we had to do a lot of subtle manipulation to get things going in the wrong direction and keep them there. By the end, it wasn't even vaguely subtle anymore, it was a madhouse. I'll always remember this last few hours of game as some of the best ever, just for pure insanity and confusion.

Great game everyone, it's been a blast! Now, if you'll excuse me, I have to get back to our poker game, the strippers the cards are getting cold. :devil:

What? Oh, nothing, Mary, I'll be right there! :wub:

Revenge on me for MC2, eh, Ricey? :laugh:

If not, regardless, I deserved it for all the people that died at my hands.

Great game, Bob and Legois! Indeed, it was a suprising ending.

Thank you for letting me in, even though I died on the first night. :sweet:

EDIT: HEY! Mary! Bad! Bad! Bad idea! Stay away from him, he's scum! :tongue:

Edited by Striker

I hate you all. Especially Shadows.

My game plan was to kill out all the experienced players. Namely, Shadows; Whitefang, Dragonator, Quarryman and TPRU. And Sandy. I was going to kill Sandy. Unfortunately, I somehow lost my vision after the first day.

Night One: I killed Striker, because I thought he was suspicious, and he was kind of annoying in the first day. :tongue:

Night Two: Went for Hewkii9. Blocked or something by Shadows. He confronted me using is peeping kid guise, though I almost saw through it. I was about to kill him right off the bat, but then with the night action embargo, everything got f-ed up there. I totally forgot about him and WhiteFang, while he was subtly feeding me fake information (Which I didn't believe for the most part :wink:)

Night Three: Nothing.

Night Four: Shadows wanted me to go after JimButcher. I figured he was trying to get me to kill an innocent. I went after the Crazy One.

Night Five: I was about to go after Shadows, then after I PMed BobTheCM, I told him I wanted to go after SimonJedi. I should've killed both :tongue:.

Now we're here. I'm really pissed, because I seem to be pretty bad at these :hmpf_bad:. Six + games, and only once have I made it to the end? It's also mainly because of Shadows... Baritones II, Noir, This...

I think I'll take a break from these for a while, so I can see some new things and let new players play. Though that isn't a promise, and I do have a game to host soon.

Frankly, I'm not surprised. After Sandy died, I knew Shadows was scum. I was on my guard from him before then, but I just couldn't justify my suspicions. I also knew you were hiding something when you never told me who you watched, and that you lied about metagaming, and you "accidentally" voted off Sandy, and you wouldn't vote off who I wanted vote off...

It was just my stupid gut instinct to not metagame and assume you were scum because of your behavior. I'm such an idiot... :hmpf_bad:

And then I didn't listen to Inky and Quarry... dammit. I was really convinced you two were really slick mobsters. I was right about Quarry having a gun in his trash can, though.

And then the scum, again, flew right under the radar, for the most part. I was suspicious of Draggy for a while, but maybe for some of the wrong reasons. TinyP, Fangy, Dannylonglegs, SimonJedi, BigCam... FFS. I hate you all. :tongue:

And no, Draggy, I never hold grudges on anyone, if you were really implying that. Especially not on someone who hasn't done anything to me personally?

Man, the last two games have not been very successful for the town.

Now, for my complaints:

There were way too many scum! 7? That's a lot, especially considering they had 4 very experienced players (as well as the other three who did excellent as well). And I also felt that there weren't enough clues pointing towards the scum, while there were a lot at the townies, particularly Ryan/ Quarry.

Ah well, I'll get my vengeance next game. Excellent game, everyone, and thanks for hosting Bob and Legois! :thumbup:

That was fun, I can't beleive I won my first Mafia game, and no one suspected me at all :tongue:

I'd like to first thank Sandy for being a leader when it came to killing off townies accidenaly, as well as all the other townies who blindly followed the bandwagon

I'd like to thank the Mafia for graciously accepting me into your ranks

and I'd also like to thank JCC1004 for being my first and only actual kill :grin:

I'm almost allittle upset that no one suspected me :laugh:

And another thanks to shadows for an awesome quote that I'm going to add to my sig soon

You will notice the addition of dannylonglegs to the team, he's our friendly neighbourhood serial killer and has joined us for the defeat of the town.

That just made my day, relating my spider influenced name to spider man! :laugh:

~Insectoid Serial Killer

Unbelieveable... :oh3:

I believe this is the first mafia game ever, apart from Witch Hunt, that have zero scum deaths.

Yesterday, before I went to bed, the Prohibition Mafia was only at page 2, 15th post, written by Shadows. I was like waiting for you guys to paritcipate, and suddenly when I wake up just now, the whole game is over and the conclusion is up.

This is a challenging game for myself, as this is my very first attempt of taking up a scum role. It's not fun being a scum, as I have to lie to 2 of my fellow citizens especially Inconspicuous and Zapper Brick. These 2 citizens are my main pivoting stone, to avert my death fate as I was able to present the evidence they want. Before the scums have identified dannylonglegs as the serial killer, most of them don't really believe there is one, but I noted that there is indeed a serial killer, which is why I have used an investigating role to cover up my actions. Sandy almost get me killed, but my story turns the tide and secure my live during this critcial period.

When my gut instinct and the night results proven there is indeed a serial killer, I have established a role of my own in Prohibition Mafia, known as the CIA Agent, to both of them. I never reveal exact wordings to them at all, and only until desparate moments, then I will force to reveal. In fact, no one disclaimed there is an investigator among us whom is investigating the serial killer, and it was a gamble that I have to take to secure myself. If there was a real investigator whom only dedicate himself to investigate the serial killer, my plot is over, and I am destined to doom. With one vote away from my death in Day 3, I almost had a hard time defending myself, but I managed to pull myself out of this mess, and emerged alive.

My only true night action is to convert someone, for the mafia, and in this case, I was waiting for the right timing to convert Dragonator, since he came in only Day 2, and most of the time, Day 2 participants are always found innocent, so when we knew he can be converted, I attempt to convert him and it was a success.

I know there are many of you whom are going to hate me, but I realised that being a scum has to be deceptive, and that's what old crafty Shadows always do.

Hope all of you don't hate me for long, and bring the grudges to the next game with metagaming. Metagaming is tiring, and I hope all of us have great fun.

Dammit! WhiteFang had me duped the whole time! :laugh: I really should have listened to Mr. DA some more. :grin: Well, it was a really fun game. Thanks for including me in my first one! You mobsters really outplayed us. By the time I had figured out that Big Cam, Shadows, and Simonjedi were scum, it was too late.

You are right on Big Cam being a scum, but at that time, everyone was very suspicious of Quarryman due to his drinking bottle. Sorry Inky. Don't meant to dupe you all this time. :sad:

To my fellow misunderstood heroes: Big Cam, Dragonator, SimonJedi, TinyPiesRUs, WhiteFang and our newly adopted serial killer, Daddylonglegs, good job one and all. Oh, and to the townies, honestly, we couldn't have done it without you. Thank you so much for your cooperation. :wink:

I never thought we could win this so fast. Thanks to Shadows for coordinating all of the paperwork. :tongue:

I've never tried that before, but I just wasn't sure we'd get the votes otherwise (Draggy is out of town and I'm not sure where Fangy is). I hadn't counted on the welcome support of several of the town to push us over the top.

I was sleeping.... :hmpf:

Before it's asked, my character info explains a little about my unique role.

Andrew Gordon (Scum)

You are the son of Steven & Lucy, You are an evil spoiled little brat. Ever since your uncle, Tony ‘The Toaster’ Gordon, was gunned down by the BOI, you inherited the tiny mafia in Stapleton. Even though you are only thirteen, and some felt you weren’t ready, you showed cold heartedness as the mob boss, and you are respected and feared amongst those in the Stapleton underworld.

You are the Godfather of the Stapleton Mafia. (Although instead of the usual Godfather Role which shows you as a townie when investigated, you have a “peeping tom” role.)

You can spy on the actions of one person a night and choose who your hit man takes out.

I was relieved to see that 'The Toaster' part of his name was never mentioned anywhere, or I would have been... toast. :laugh:

Frankly, I'm not surprised. After Sandy died, I knew Shadows was scum. I was on my guard from him before then, but I just couldn't justify my suspicions. I also knew you were hiding something when you never told me who you watched, and that you lied about metagaming, and you "accidentally" voted off Sandy, and you wouldn't vote off who I wanted vote off...

I told you who I watched, didn't I? I know I was telling lots of people various things. :grin:

I didn't lie about metagaming, or I'm missing your point. I still think it's one of the worst mistakes a player can make, it's too easy to trick someone by acting differently, or worse yet, you metagame out a player who ends up being on your side and lose for it. It's a dangerous tactic in almost any situation and one I hate more than any other in the game.

As for Sandy, I knew the district attorney was trouble, so we tried to kill her on night one. When that didn't work, I figured she couldn't be killed at night. As the days progressed, she was helping us more than hurting, so I kept 'reluctantly' going along with her ideas and watching the body count rise. When she said all that stuff about being hard to kill and there being a 50% chance of killing her attacker and all, it reminded me a little too much of Shawn Imperante in Noir and I had to take the chance to see her killed then and there. I even called her a silver tongued toaster salesman at one point. I knew you might catch on to me, but I would have just had you killed that night if I thought you were on to me. I didn't think you were, so you lived until the end. I always figured you'd be good for the Quarry vote, and you were. :grin:

And no, Draggy, I never hold grudges on anyone, if you were really implying that. Especially not on someone who hasn't done anything to me personally?

Define 'personally' :wink:

There were way too many scum! 7? That's a lot, especially considering they had 4 very experienced players (as well as the other three who did excellent as well). And I also felt that there weren't enough clues pointing towards the scum, while there were a lot at the townies, particularly Ryan/ Quarry.

5 scum out of 21 players. Many games start with 6. We were only able to use one conversion and that didn't take place until night 4. Daddylonglegs wasn't scum, he was neutral, but willing to work with us. :grin:

I would add that it was a team of mostly background players. WhiteFang, TinyPiesRUs and SimonJedi all drew attention for not posting much, but that's their usual style, so whenever someone would bring that up, I'd remind them that it was perfectly normal. On the other end, Big Cam is an enthusiastic player not entirely unlike Striker, so people wanted to kill him early on. :tongue: Keeping all of that in balance with my own overboard posting style wasn't easy. Draggy would have been helpful early on, but as it is, he only made one post and never had a chance to vote as scum.

It was an eclectic mix, to say the least. *huh*

This is my character pm role,

Robbie Willis (Scum)

You own the Stapleton Theatre and work there with your daughter (Leanne),You are an Associate with the Stapleton Mafia, You provide money for the Mafia, and they use your theatre for their operations.

You have the opportunity to try to convert a townie every other night. It is a 50/50 chance to do this.

You know of other scum, Andrew Gordon (Boss), Sarah Wolf (Capo), Jimmy Palmer (Hitman), and John Wilder (Informant)

You win when the Scum outnumber the Townies.

I would add that it was a team of mostly background players. WhiteFang, TinyPiesRUs and SimonJedi all drew attention for not posting much, but that's their usual style, so whenever someone would bring that up, I'd remind them that it was perfectly normal.

Yes, for every mafia games, I always play it this way, regardless loyal or scum. I only post when I feel there is a need to post. :classic:

Here's my character;

Louis Inglston

You are the notorious Stapleton Murderer. You have the option to kill one person a night, and it is decided with a flip of a coin. Other than that, your day job is a gas station attendant with your good friend, Jimmy Palmer. You have the option to kill one person a night, other than that, you are a neutral party.

You win when either all the scum are gone, or all the townies are gone. You then have a 50/50 Chance to kill all the winning side. If you do not succeed, you will still win, but flee away.

Which explains why I didn't kill every night smart ones :tongue:

I could have sworn that the mail man was scum, but I guess not.

~Insectoid Aristocrat

Roy Orborson (Townie):

You pose as a simple nurse, but you are really an BOI agent. Along with Ryan Alberts, you poke fun at him, because he has to wear rags all day, and you get to sit in a nice office all day. You have no night actions, but you can not be killed at night. This is because you barricade yourself in the office every night, after meeting with Ryan.

You have no other night actions, and are a townie.

You win when all the scum are killed or captured.

The part of my role that I really should have tried to use was the fact that I was unkillable at night. Quarryman and my original plan was to claim I was the investigator and have the scum/serial killer waste their kill on me.

The one thing that confuses me is that, isn't the serial killer technically guaranteed to win? :wacko:

Oh dear! My son was a migit in disguise!

I knew this was going downhill post day 2. What was it? 4 Townies dead already. :laugh:

I find it slightly odd I was killed on night four, I was really expecting to make an extra day, but you know, first game wasn't too bad...........okay, we were trashed. :grin:

I did have my suspicions about Big Cam though, but I couldn't justify them.

Edited by The crazy one

Why did you kill me simon?! WHHHYYYY?!?!?!

That was the quickest mafia game ever. Even faster than Em See 2 and Infection! !

I was abit disappointed that I was a townie with no night actions AGAIN!

You are the owner and chef of the Stapleton Diner, a small little joint in the center of town. Your friend used to owe money to the mafia, and you helped him pay off his debts. However, the mob killed him anyway, and you swore revenge. You still have incriminating papers around the house, but figure you can easily explain it if it is brought to light, You are married to Lois and had a daughter named Mary with her. You are a simple townie.

You win when all the scum are dead or captured.

Edited by YG-49

Mary Jackson (Townie)

You are the thirteen year old daughter of Lois and Martin. You have a small crush on Andrew Gordon, who’s your classmate at Stapleton School. You have the opportunity to spy on someone at night, and record on what they’ve done. You are a townie.

You win when all the scum are killed or captured.


Well that was rather quick wasn't it. I had a feeling my true love Andrew was a part of the Mafia but it was just gut feeling so I never said anything. Anyway the point is IM ALIVE. I can now stay with Andrew forever without my mum nagging and my dad not careing. :grin:

Wow, just wow.... :oh:

Congrats on the win nevertheless, Scumbag Alliance!

This game seems to have broken not one, not two, but three EB Mafia records.

1) It's the shortest Mafia game ever.

2) No mobsters were killed during the game.

3) It has the biggest amount of winners in a single game (seven).

So yeah, it was a great game in that aspect. :tongue:

As far as my participation went, I have to apologize for the town for being such a loose cannonball. I'm very pleased that amongst all those who I pointed fingers at, there were some scum included. We were so close in Day 3 to voting out WhiteFang, if only someone would've voted before people started unvoting... :tongue:

I have to say, I am a bit disappointed at my fellow townies. I know it was the first game for many of you, and having so many veteran players in the Mafia only amplified the difficulty of knowing who speaks the truth, but there was no sense of cooperation to get the scum lynched. So many of you hesitated and didn't really speak up your minds, even though there were so many investigators amongst us.

I had an alliance with JimButcher, but then I made the mistake of pulling Shadows into it, who is a slithering snake who can never be trusted (I :wub: you)! No wonder he was so adamant at not voting WhiteFang, but more than eager to vote Ricecracker and Quarryman. :laugh:

As for me, I indeed had the 50/50 kill thingy, but for some odd reason it didn't happen in Night 1. Was it because the scum killer failed anyway?

Here's my role for all to see:

Matthew Right (Townie)

You are the Stapleton District Attorney. You prosecute the scum in the town, but recently, justice has to be put on hold, as the townsfolk have formed a lynch mob. You love the criminal justice system, although, you grow tired of not being able to get a conviction of several scum, so you support the lynch mob. You have a 50/50 Chance at night to protect yourself with your pistol if someone tries to kill/investigate you.

This was certainly an interesting game. It's always a hassle when so many people have night actions. You'll just have to wait for my Hogwarts Mafia, where absolutely everyone has a short list of night actions they get to choose one from every night. :wink:

:grin: Thanks Bob and Darth, that was good fun.

It's a good thing WhiteFang managed to save himself from dying at the last minute. Otherwise we may have been in trouble. We wouldn't have been able to convert any more people, which would mean we'd be stuck with only 4 scum, which would've meant we'd have to cause another 3 or so more unanswered townie deaths to win the game. It would've also made Sandy trustworthy to the town, which may have been a problem later on.

I'm surprised to see there was no town roleblocker, that certainly would've helped me out if I was forced to make a roleclaim at some point.

Sarah Wolf (Scum)

You are a dancer and a Capo in the Stapleton Mafia, You joined the Mafia to satiate your appetite for booze, Especially because the Government outlawed liquor, When Andrew's Uncle Tony ‘The Toaster’ Gordon got gunned down by the BOI you were disappointed that Andrew your former fellow Capo got the Boss position, But you don't really care as you enjoy the perks that come with being in the Mafia.

You have the night action to block someone with your ‘dancing abilities’. If Andrew is killed, you are next in line to take his spot as Boss.

As I was reading this for the first time, I was thinking I was going to end up as the usurper of Boss Shadows. That would've made for a nice role reversal - the "meat-shielded becomes the meat-shielder", or something like that. :wacko:

Well, thanks for hosting Bob and Darth Legois, nice work. :classic:

Bah. Never been so unsatisfied about an ending of a game. I really would like to hear exactly what made me look suspicious?

Oh well, thanks for hosting Bob&Darth.

There were way too many scum! 7? That's a lot, especially considering they had 4 very experienced players (as well as the other three who did excellent as well). And I also felt that there weren't enough clues pointing towards the scum, while there were a lot at the townies, particularly Ryan/ Quarry.

A lot? There were just the stupid wine glass and the trash can. Just have to say that I really hate the "oh, there must be clues in the pictures!" mentality of EB mafia :laugh:

Dannylonglegs (Louis): Kill: Kill Quarryman (Failure)

Whatever happened there? Why wasn't I killed?

Whatever happened there? Why wasn't I killed?

I believe it was a 50/50 chance for him to kill someone.

I was a vanilla townie, no night action. My biggest mistakes were not buying Ricecracker's vigilante story, not voting off Whitefang on day 3, and not trusting Quarryman/Inconspicuous's investigator story. Still, though, this is the only game were I have survived right up to the conclusion. Then again, it was quite a short game. :laugh:

Darn it. Oh well.

Sarah how could you? I sung and danced with you every friday night! :tongue:

Edited by brickme

Oh, I also have to say that I noted how fervently some of you claimed that the characters' professions had nothing to do with their alignment, but it's now apparent that the alignments were not dealt out randomly.

The hosts also practically gave away who were scum in the pictures of the last day, but somehow you just shrugged them off. I almost laughed out loud at the "he was just checking at the car and I opened the garage for him"-excuse the scummies made. :laugh:

The hosts also practically gave away who were scum in the pictures of the last day, but somehow you just shrugged them off. I almost laughed out loud at the "he was just checking at the car and I opened the garage for him"-excuse the scummies made. :laugh:

That one literally made me roll my eyes, but at the time I was practically dead anyway, so it didn't matter :laugh:

  • Author
There were way too many scum! 7? That's a lot, especially considering they had 4 very experienced players (as well as the other three who did excellent as well). And I also felt that there weren't enough clues pointing towards the scum, while there were a lot at the townies, particularly Ryan/ Quarry.

To start out with, there were only five scum. Shadows legally converted Dragonator, making six, and he also illegally converted Danny, making seven.

Danny was a neutral player in the entire thing.

"he was just checking at the car and I opened the garage for him"-excuse the scummies made.

It was vaguely plausable reason,but none of you called me out on it. :P

Character Sheet:

Jimmy Palmer (Scum)

You are the owner of the Gas Station but that just wasn’t paying the bills, so you went to your old friend Tony ‘The Toaster’ Gordon for some ‘work’ He did help you out but he was recently gunned down by the BOI, You’re not sure about his nephew who replaced him, But the pay is good so you continue as the Mafia’s Hitman, You do your day job diligently anyway, and fill up and repair all the cars of Stapleton. You ask the new Godfather, Andrew Gordon every night who you should kill.

You don’t know who else is in the Stapleton Mafia besides Andrew Gordon, since you were hired by his late Uncle Tony.

I must admit the last day, where Bob practically placed all of the scums down there, is indeed very dangerous for us scums, and somehow that clue wasn't pick up and I don't understand why everyone went after Quarryman so badly. Guess it was the "Prohibition" thingy caught him earlier with regards to the booze.

As far as my participation went, I have to apologize for the town for being such a loose cannonball. I'm very pleased that amongst all those who I pointed fingers at, there were some scum included. We were so close in Day 3 to voting out WhiteFang, if only someone would've voted before people started unvoting... :tongue:

You were my biggest threat. You kept going against me, trying to get me cornered. Luckily, all is well and smooth. Almost a vote away, and I am destined to doom in Day 3. Thanks goodness I managed to survived it through, otherwise the scums will probably never win or have a hard time winning this.

Just a note, as we all progress and played more games. There is bound to have certain degree of metagaming, but PLEASE don't get this influence your judgement. It's not healthy. Just like how I always played against Shadows in the past, I knew he got a sly reputation, but it's just a game for the past events, and a new one for us to play next time.

Sandy, I hope you won't get too personal with me the next time. My forehead don't spelt scum on it. :grin:

It was a great game, and you are indeed a challenging foe. Good job DA. :thumbup:

I'm surprised to see there was no town roleblocker, that certainly would've helped me out if I was forced to make a roleclaim at some point.

Me too. I am surprised with the absence of a town blocker.

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