January 10, 201015 yr I'd like to have my sigfig in the picture please Shouldn't be too hard to make since most of the pieces are fairly easy to come by.For the head you need a T brick , 2 clips with the clip part coming out the side ,and one plate clip with the clip on top ,the rest is visible. And for the body you need black plate armour and a skelly torso. Edited January 10, 201015 yr by Black Rabbit
January 10, 201015 yr Thanks for doing this again, Stash! Here is my new sigfig: If you don't have a Buzz fig, feel free to us the one from last year:
January 10, 201015 yr Here is mine: But it contains a lot of special parts... So maybe this one would be easier: Bart If Stash doesn't have that torso and hip/leg combo then I can bring it to him so that you can be a para pink girly girl in the sig fig photo. As for my sigfig, I think I want to have a shock value one this year. SO.. Dyna-Mite Red hair Classic female head with open lips and thick eyelashes Mermaid Torso Black hips Yellow Legs That seems an appropriate summer sigfig..
January 11, 201015 yr I would love my sigfig to be a part of this brilliant event! You don't have to include the raygun. I hope you have these parts. Helmet: Trancsparent white insectoid helmet (what mr. Freeze wore) Head: Joker bomb Breathing apparatus: Dark Grey Aqua Raiders oxygen tank. Torso & legs: Green goblin's torso and legs
January 11, 201015 yr Right now flickr is not working for me now so I can't deeplink. Here is a link to the picture link
January 11, 201015 yr I'd like to be part of this again. Here's the image: The legs are [these] but with a different waist piece. It doesn't matter to me whether of not the belt is the same, so the original green is fine. Hopefully everything else is recognizable.
January 11, 201015 yr I would very much like to have my sigfig in your display this year too, please. I like my brick-built duck but I think I rather have my carolean soldier that I had last year. Thanks for doing this again!
January 11, 201015 yr If Stash doesn't have that torso and hip/leg combo then I can bring it to him so that you can be a para pink girly girl in the sig fig photo. That would be appreciated a lot! It's my expensive Ginny Weasley fig!
January 13, 201015 yr If it's not too much trouble, I'd like to be involved, but as I am attending, I just need a day and time so I can provide my fig.
January 13, 201015 yr I would love to be part of this. Below is my sig fig. (Same as my avater) If you don't have a plain white torso then it is fine to turn around one that is only white on one side as it would be hidden by the cape. Edited January 13, 201015 yr by Eskallon
January 13, 201015 yr Of course I'd love to have the Sig Fig again. The same as last year please which is what my avatar to the left is. If you recall, the two small children figs were my two sons who also came down. If you could include them again, that would be great!
January 16, 201015 yr my head has changed. Sorry stash. if you already have the old one that's fine but the new head is this.. http://www.bricklink.com/catalogItem.asp?P=3626bpb398
January 16, 201015 yr Love the chance: head: Exploriens droid. cape: UFO cape black. body: Spyrius droid. Weapon: Hmnn it is a black pistol + Roborider Onyx's red laser thing which I think is also used in light sabers.
January 17, 201015 yr It's great to see you're doing this again this year, put me down. Last year's fig will be good. Thanks.
January 17, 201015 yr I'd love to be a part of Brickworld again (sigfig style), mine has changed a little from last year.... I now look like this Thanks so much Stash!
January 17, 201015 yr I now look like this That's quite a revealing top there Iz Good that you brought your cutlass along Wonder if anyone dares to stand next to you(r sigfig) in the picture.
January 17, 201015 yr That's quite a revealing top there Iz Good that you brought your cutlass along Wonder if anyone dares to stand next to you(r sigfig) in the picture. Very funny Rick! I'm sure Stash can think of some way to protect the other sigs from me, maybe a cage of some sort?
January 18, 201015 yr Very simple, here is the parts list: German Officer torso+legs Indy Head 1 leg from the Agents sets( his name escapes me) Flight cap 1 Brown hand Thanks, stash!
January 18, 201015 yr I'd love my sigfig to be a part of this! He is a Kashyyk trooper with ARC gear and a star wars rifle. If you have the following, could you do it instead?: Its the one in Tattooine Luke shirt, with arealight's breezy hair. This is going to be a good new display!
January 18, 201015 yr the one on the left.Police hat Alpha Team Arctic head X-Treme team torso everthing else is just black Pretty much the same as last year Thanks for doing it again this year! I bet there are going to be way more people!
January 18, 201015 yr Oooh, may I have mine in please?. Mine is an Insectoid figure (well modified of course ) It's this totaly cool Sigfig, but with the air tanks replaced with one of those incredibly useful black armor pieces found in the theme too. Oh, and the hip piece is customized, but there's no need to do that for yours It also has hooks for hands, and I've replaced that SW gun with the old Aquanauts Trans-green gun, but neither of those are necessary. Thanx a bunch, and PM me if you need to substitute anything or just substitute it, I'd just be honored to have any fig representing mine present in the BrickWorld event (I have another sigfig {and another after that} if you don't have the pieces, or weren't intending to get them anyway) ~Insectoid Aristocrat Edited January 19, 201015 yr by dannylonglegs
January 20, 201015 yr Well, mine has altered slightly this year. I have made the arms to be yellow with black gloves and the legs are Artic Alpha Team. A pic is attatched below. Thanks
January 20, 201015 yr I'm pretty sure you already have me! Just use the same as last year. Thanks for having this wonderful project again! Or if you would prefer putting me in a barrel Either one is fine. Edited January 22, 201015 yr by General Armendariz
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