Posted January 13, 201015 yr In response to Def's review of 6080 King's Castle, WhiteFang declared that the castle “is truly one of the few magnificent Castle sets ever produced by TLG.” While I agree that King's Castle is a great model, my first thought upon reading that statement is that there are more than just a few magnificent castle sets. To make sure we are all on the same page as to what “magnificent” means, here is the word's entry from the Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary: Main Entry: mag·nif·i·cent Pronunciation: \-sənt\ Function: adjective Date: 15th century 1 : great in deed or exalted in place —used only of former famous rulers <Lorenzo the Magnificent> 2 : marked by stately grandeur and lavishness <a magnificent way of life> 3 : sumptuous in structure and adornment <a magnificent cathedral>; broadly : strikingly beautiful or impressive <a magnificent physique> 4 : impressive to the mind or spirit : sublime <magnificent prose> 5 : exceptionally fine <a magnificent day> synonyms see grand mag·nif·i·cent·ly adverb Definitions 2 through 5 could all work in this situation, but I think 3 fits the most appropriately: sumptuous in structure and adornment; strikingly beautiful or impressive. However, even if we are all using the same definition to categorize a group of sets, every evaluation is of course completely subjective. I, for example, feel that “magnificent” implies grandeur in size as well as in form, so even though 6038 Wolfpack Renegades is a great set, I do not consider it magnificent. Because of this most of the sets I list are the largest of their lines. So how many magnificent castle sets are there? Moving in chronological order, the first I would include is the first minifigure scale castle 375 Castle, which was released in 1978. You could argue that this set is regarded so highly because of nostalgia and “historic” significance, not design. But historic significance isn't something to be carelessly discarded, and while the design isn't extravagant, it looks good. The generous supply of good-looking minifigures doesn't hurt either. This receives the stamp of “magnificent” in my book. Next we have 6080 King's Castle, the set that inspired this thread. Released in 1984, six years after 375, the most obvious difference between the two is 6080's grey colourscheme, but it also contains a selection of new pieces, and all the parts are printed instead of requiring stickers. The overall structure may be a little boring, but it's a solid looking castle, and the gatehouse in particular is very nice. I agree with WhiteFang that this is a magnificent set. Then come 6074 Black Falcon's Fortress and 6067 Guarded Inn, both released in 1986. Though these are smaller sets, they are both great models, and were both later rereleased as legends. For these reasons I make an exception to my size requirements and dub these as magnificent. In 1988, TLG brought forth 6085 Black Monarch's Castle, the first black castle. It looks very similar to King's Castle, but some slight structural improvements along with the colour difference make it stand out enough to be included. Plus, it came with twelve figures. Another slightly smaller set I think is magnificent is 6077 Forestmen's River Fortress, which came out in 1989. The Forestmen is one of my favourite of the castle subthemes (I almost included 6066 and 6054 here as well, but thought better of it) and 6077's combination of stone structure and tree makes it quite striking. 6086 Black Knight's Castle, released in 1992, is my favourite castle the LEGO Group has produced. It has a relatively small piece count for a set of its size (569) but with the help of the raised baseplate it still looks more formidable than most of the other castles. An outstanding set. Next on my list is 1995's 6090 Royal Knight's Castle. It features another good use of a raised baseplate to increase the overall size of the structure, and while it doesn't look as solid as the Black Knight's Castle, it's a little bigger and has taller towers, making it an impressive (and magnificent!) castle. Moving from 1995 to 2007 (move along, nothing to see here) brings us 7094 King's Castle Siege, the first castle in years to have walls on all sides. To me, it looks like an updated implementation of 1985's King's Castle (6080), complete with catapults. On a different note we have 852293 Castle Giant Chess Set from 2008. While the intricacies of this may would make it difficult to actually play chess with (I don't own the set so I don't know for sure), the sheer size and amount of detail makes this set magnificent. And last but not least is 2009's 10193 Medieval Market Village. Two beautiful buildings, good-looking figures, a tree, and a handful of accessories all at a good price-per-piece ratio. Magnificent! Well, that's my list, which comes to eleven sets total. I think that counts as more than a few, but then I suppose it depends on your definition of “few”. So, which sets do you consider magnificent? Is there something on my list you disagree with, or a set I omitted that you wouldn't have?
January 13, 201015 yr Thanks for a great article Sir Dillon! I totally agree with you one most cases. To me, the 375 and MMV (even though i don't own lthe latter) stand out in particular as they introduced something new on a grand scale, and did it good. The 375 as the first of a type of castle that is still being produced today, the same basic layout and features still being there 34 years later. And the MMV as the first larger civilian set, which by the way is a direct parallell to the CC style buildings in town era. It opens up the opportunity to build a civilian world outside the castle walls. If I could pick something f your list it would be the chess set, it's really just a minifig extravaganza without many play features. As you yourself asked, does anyone actually play chess with it? Edited January 13, 201015 yr by NorthernKnight
January 13, 201015 yr Wow, you just tugged at my memory with this thread, so many of those sets I wanted so badly but I was a kid and couldn't afford the BIG sets. Thank you Dillon.
January 13, 201015 yr Wow, this is really an impressive retrospective you have crafted. I really love 6086. I remember seeing it in the catalog with the glowing ghost and all those armored knights and really wanting it desperately. But, I couldn't really afford it then. I'm a little surprised you didn't include the wolfpack tower here. That's one of my all time favorite sets and it seems to fit the description pretty well. Edited January 13, 201015 yr by supertoad64
January 13, 201015 yr Moving from 1995 to 2007 (move along, nothing to see here) Got that right. Thanks for doing this list, Dillon, its a nice little history lesson on the best of castle. IMO most of the old sets look fairly primitive compared to the newer ones, especially 10193. -Millacol
January 14, 201015 yr Great review Sir Dillon! I still think that many of our choices would be based on nostalgia, but isn't that ok? I think of the use of magnificent when it comes to rulers (first in your list), i.e. it's used after a person is dead. So in retrospect, we think that ruler was magnificent. In the same way I guess we're inclined to dub some sets magnificent from personal experience. (From my part, this comes slightly from a lack of agreement with you on some sets I never owned but ahh, 6074!) Thanks for this stroll down memory lane!
January 14, 201015 yr Excellent post Sir Dillon! Unfortunately, I missed out on most of these sets due to finacial constraits when I was younger, but have sinced made up for it with King's Castle Siege and Medieval Market Village.
January 15, 201015 yr Interesting topic SD. I think my personal favorite (aside from the Yellow Castle), is Black Falcon's Fortress. While I don't own most of these "Magnificent Castles", I did buy Falcon as a Legend, as well as the Guarded Inn. I do see one not on your list, and although it's not exactly a Castle, how about the 3739 Blacksmith Shop? -magnificent set!
January 15, 201015 yr Hey! What about 10176?! It's not here because it doesn't have walls on its "4 sides" or is it because it was released under the Knights' Kingdom theme?! Explain yourself rightaway! I see why Vladek's Dark Fortress it's not included and in fact, I agree with that decision, but King's Castle 10176?!
January 15, 201015 yr Castle is what got me into legos in the first place. The King's castle was my first lego set, which I got for Christmas. My favorite castle still has to be the Black Monarch's castle. It was such a cool design with the black and gray color scheme, and the horse barding. It was amazing! Black Falcon, Forestmen, they were all great. and the onset of the visored helmet with the King's Mountain Fortress. Oh, but I do love the castle lines. Thanks for the walk down memory lane! Edited January 15, 201015 yr by rogueang
January 15, 201015 yr Hey! What about 10176?! It's not here because it doesn't have walls on its "4 sides" or is it because it was released under the Knights' Kingdom theme?! Personally, I think it was a poor remake of 6090 Royal King's Castle (which was far more magnificent). I own 10176, and although it has some neat features like the dungeon and the Ghost, it's not the most impressive design, and it just doesn't capture the elegance of earlier Classic Castles. I would much have preferred LEGO just offering 6090 as a Legend.
January 15, 201015 yr Fantastic selection of sets, Sir Dillon! I was able to add the Guarded Inn and Black Falcon's Fortress sets to my collection via the legends line and fortunately when I was little my parents were generous enough to purchase the Royal Knight's Castle and Black Knight's Castle for me. All 4 of these are some of the jewels of my Lego collection and I always make sure to show them off when I have visitors. Again, great list!
January 15, 201015 yr Mine definitely has to be the MMV. I do not have the set but I have definitely considered buying it. I just love the medival styled buildings and the extras that you get with the set.
January 15, 201015 yr I am really quiet embarrassed to say I do not own a single Castle ,yet I know how to make them . Fortunately I do own a couple of MMV's though and loads of smaller sets. I have the Forestmen Hidden Outpost but not the larger set you mentioned (had to get a black Forestman) Thanks for compiling this list of beauties Dillon, great work on the selections.
January 15, 201015 yr My favorite Castle set (and thus the most magnificent set for me) is actually the Dwarven Mine. It's unique among all LEGO sets, it introduced a whole bunch of all-new minifigs at the time, the design is beautiful, it has a whole plethora of play-elements and the building process has zero repetition. A close second is the wonderful Medieval Market Village, which also brings alive a new idea for a LEGO set, and also has many unique minifigs, play-elements and a superb design. The big castles are great as well, but none of them has been able to capture me like the Dwarven Mine and the Medieval Market Village yet.
January 15, 201015 yr This is a really good topic for the old guys who remember the early castles It just brought back all those memories from my childhood. The big castle sets were way over budget back then, so we got smaller sets, and tried to use our parts (and imagination) to recapture the feel of a big castle. Frankly, that's what's Lego's all about, isn't? Yet looking back at those sets now (especially the 1984 one, as I was seven by then, and just the right age to be blown away by a set like that) kind of makes me feel sad I didn't own those back then. Being an adult Lego fan isn't the same, I guess. As a kid you could admire these sets in a whole other way. Those mindblowing castles, the cool trains, the boats... Everything seems more magic when you're a kid. I still enjoy Lego (I wouldn't be here otherwise, would I? ) , but right now it's so much easier to just buy something. Even though it's still hard to decide what... The review of those great sets brought back some of that childhood magic, so thanks! And if I have to choose a favourite: 1984's 6080 King's Castle would be it. But I really do like the newer ones too, esp. the Medieval Market.
January 15, 201015 yr My favourite must be the 6085 Black Monarch's Castle,, a set I played a lot with when I was young. Back then, I got that set from my father, who recently passed away. That probably also gives...
January 15, 201015 yr You see, this is why I can't stop buying Lego! These ARE all magnificent sets, and I count myself very fortunate to have a complete collection of all of the castle sets, mainly aquired as they were released, with a few added later as an adult. It's not just nostalgia or history, there is a simplistic beauty about 375 too. I defy you not to love it! It has that ellusive X-factor. Something about the yellow colour gives it an "other-worldliness" that the black and grey castles don't have. I got used to using the wall panel pieces from the later sets (and quite like the angled corner ones) but this set had the fleixibilty of being all regular bricks. Of course I am swayed by the fact that I still remember the awe I felt building it for the first time as a 9 year old. The way the walls swung open on the hinges, the detail of the red window, and the buttresses - oh my word, the buttresses! The possiblities that those 2x2x3 slopes had - and there were even corner versions too!! bliss I had 6080 too, but there was something too square and boxey about it that I never took to, although the overhanging ramparts were a nice touch. 6085 was the next one I was really excited by. I was at University at that point, but the architectural detailing of this set meant that approaching adulthood didn't stop me buying it, and I never have. 6086 was a highlight too, with its riot of flags and yellow half-timbered panels. Since then they all seem to have been variations on a theme. Whilst none have been a disappointment as such, none have had that flare of innovation. I'd like to put in a word at this point for 6097 the Night Lord's Castle. Although it's no looker, there is something quite impressive about actually building it. The tower is pretty tall and there are some rather nifty black columns used in it. It's more magnificent in reality than pictures lead you to believe. And why are people so down on Knight's Kingdom I & II? 6091 King Leo's Castle rated highly with me. And not just because those blue 2x2x3 corner slopes took me back over 20 years to my excitement about the first yellow ones! Finally if you count "Ninja" as part of the castle theme (I know, I know, but some people do!) then 6093 the Flying Ninja's Fortress is truly magnificent from its sloping rock walls, to its colour scheme, to its height, to its styling, to the way its modular construction actually allows you to add to its splendour.
January 15, 201015 yr My favourite castle - but not Castle set- is the Black Knight's Castle 6086 - Indisputably it's the best castle ever. It looks very realistic - and has everything that real castle must have, It's just a masterpiece!!! - great design, great parts and great minifigs But my favourite castle set now is Medieval Market Village - 10193
January 15, 201015 yr Well I think Vldaks Dark Fortress should be added to the list. It is my favorite castle and only one I own. It has decent play features and it looks good when infront of you. Edited January 15, 201015 yr by Eskallon
January 15, 201015 yr What, no King Leo's Castle? Blasphemy! In actuality, I own King Leo's Castle (the castle from KK1) and it suck big time. And I passed up the ninja fortress on sale at TRU and bought King Leo's Castle instead. I've been kicking myself ever since. Thanks very much for the lovely article. I only own the Legends Guarded Inn from your list, but I agree with your other choices, though Kings Castle Siege never interested me. I think because it doesn't even have flat base-plates like the original castle, Kings Castle Siege is just a bit spare and I wouldn't want to be constantly standing figs up on whatever surface the castle is on. I hope the new castle in the summer has plates underneath it, though it is most likely that plates won't be included. Perhaps, though, you could have added a Ninja castle? Or does that not count with Castle sets. I have the Emperor's Stronghold, and though it doesn't have much of an interior it has enough and the look is magnificent to me. The Orient Expedition Oriental castle is also a magnificent palace, but I do know why that isn't included here.
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