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"This is the grand chamber. For obvious reasons it has earned the nickname “Hall of Horrors.” We haven’t much time before the eclipse starts. Please stick to this room only. There are six entrances to the Grand Chamber. One we just entered through from the Guard House. To the right and left are identical entrances to the temples two “libraries” as they’ve come to be known. In the back right corner is the entrance to the Ceremonial Chamber and on the back left wall is the entrance to the area known as “The Baths.” The entrance in the back wall comes in from the courtyard."

Johnson Willoughby rolls his ankle just a bit as he walks into the Grand Chamber. He radios Hector.

"Hector, I've got a slight injury here. Could you run the first aid kit up to the Grand Chamber?" Johnson asks.

There is no answer.

"Must be off in the jungle, getting high on cannabis." Johnson mutters under his breath.


Rules for Game play (borrowed mostly from Dragonator's Mystery Manor)

  1. There are to be 21 participants. If you commit to the game you are committing to contributing to the story and sticking with it to the end. I am trusting you all not to drop out halfway through, as that is never any fun.
  2. The winner will be announced at the end of the game. Players will be scored along the way on certain criteria and completion of objectives. This will not be clear until the end. Ask questions for clarity along the way, but don't be surprised if the answers are cryptic. Of course, to win, you must survive…
  3. Attempts to solve the mystery or objectives can be postulated in the game itself. The truth will be revealed at the end. If someone solves the mystery before then, the mystery will play out and that player will be given points for solving it.
  4. Throwing out constant solutions will only get you killed. If an objective is to find out who stole something and you end up posting a guess of every other player, your latest post will be taken as your solution and you will be killed anyway, so just don't do it.
  5. You must search for clues. This means that an action must be specified. For example, you wish to search a room for hidden objects. The following is an example of how not to go about this:
    "I wish to look for suspicious or hidden objects in this room".
    Instead, you must be able to specify what you want to do. For example:
    "I would like to open the drawers of the cabinet."
    It is not required for you to specify exactly what you are doing and what you are looking for, but a generalised statement will not find you anything. Act like a detective and you will be fine.
  6. Dynamic Actions: Actions you wish to carry out without all of the other players' knowledge can be PMed to the game host, Hinckley. You may or may not be allowed to do what you request.
  7. Attacking: I have setup a system for attacking and defending that is needlessly complicated and I won't try to involve you all in the specifics. At a certain point, you may want to attack another player. PM me your attack and I will answer if it is plausible or not. Some characters just would not attack another player, based on their character description. Some characters are stronger than other when it comes to defense and counter-attack. So think before you attack.
  8. Life points: I am using TheBrickster's life points system, however I will not bother you all with the details. Just be careful and do your best to live. :devil:
  9. Host response time: Please be patient. You may bring the story to a point where you need the host to further game play. I will be on top of this game as much as possible. Please be patient with me between chapters as well.
  10. The game host is always right. :wink: Please don't question the rules or the info you are given. Take the info I give you and work with it. If you're terribly confused, please say so or ask questions. But, if I don't give you any further info, please be patient with the info you are given and try to work with what you have.
  11. Stagnant game: If you find yourself trapped in a room, it is because you need to find a clue or you've missed something. Don’t argue with the game host. You’ll be there until everything that needs to be discovered has been discovered.
  12. This game is meant to be fun, so enjoy yourselves!
  13. Please try to avoid editing your posts, as it can lead to suspicion against you. Just consider what you want to say before you say it or even proofread and you'll be fine.
  14. Failure to follow these rules will result in a warning. A second failure will result in the humorous death of your character.

Cast of characters:

Pleas note: more character info will come to some players from the host before each chapter starts.


Sylvia Berent played by Svelte


Chris Owen played by The Crazy One


Siegourney played by Siegfried


Stanton and Richard Sexton played by Striker and Ricecracker


Donna and William Falcon played by Dannylonglegs and WhiteFang, along with DJ and Diesel Nolan played by Millacol88 and Dragonator


Jack Baxter played by Jim Butcher


Penny Maltese and Zachary Fortem played by Peppermint_M and Zepher


Quentin Mantino played by Quarryman


Sandy Sanders and Sheldon Wills played by Zapper Brick and Shadows


Samantha Cole played by I Scream Clone


Tony and Ingrid Peck played by TinyPiesRUs and iamded


Fred Thomas played by fallentomato


Diana played by Sir Dillon


Tour Guide Johnson Willoughby played by TheBrickster

Reserve list

1. Zapper Brick

2. Striker

3. Bob the Construction Man

4. Millacol88

5. Tereglith

6. Eskallon

7. Hewki9

8. BigCam

9. GeneralArmendariz

10. Ben Kenobi

Okay folks. We're gonna have us an eclipse in just about an hour. This is the fun part!

(there may be a clue in this favorite video o' mine at around 1:53). :wink:

Just kidding! :laugh:

My! As a renowned interior designer and natural blonde, I've certainly had some eclectic clients - I had to recreate the temple interior for a job. Sourcing all the finishes for those demon statues was sort of tricksy.

Ooh, is that a loose brick I spy to the left of the central platform? I'd like to look under it if I may. I have always relied on the kindness of strangers dark tan.

I'd also like to shake hands with that sticky-up statue on the left-hand library as I pass.

Can you tell us any more about the construction works, Mr Willoughby?

Can you tell us any more about the construction works, Mr Willoughby?

This is the Grand Chamber of the temple. The statue you see in the middle is known as Vaccuus. He stands on what many believe is an alter. That column in the corner is under renovation, so please be careful around the scaffolding.

It looks like the statue on the left is pointing. I would like to search the front left column for anything interesting.

What the.... is there anyone else in this area Mr Willoughby?

Hmmm... I don't recall seeing any turned up stones last time I was here, but then again I could have missed it. I'd like to examine the floor for turned up or loose stones - perhaps even getting down on all fours and pushing the stones with my hand. If I find one, I promise not to pee on it. :grin:

is there anyone else in this area Mr Willoughby?

No - just us right now (I think).

  • Author
Ooh, is that a loose brick I spy to the left of the central platform? I'd like to look under it if I may. I have always relied on the kindness of strangers dark tan.

I'd also like to shake hands with that sticky-up statue on the left-hand library as I pass.

*Sylvia lifts the loose stone to reveal a small hidden chamber.*

*Sylvia shakes the hand of the statue on the left-side of the doorway to the west library. The whole arm pivots up and down quite easily. Somewhere behind the wall a pulley can be heard squeaking in conjunction with the moving statue arm.*

It looks like the statue on the left is pointing. I would like to search the front left column for anything interesting.

*Samantha searches the column and finds an interesting statue in front of which is Sylvia. She is shaking the statue's hand.*

Hmmm... I don't recall seeing any turned up stones last time I was here, but then again I could have missed it. I'd like to examine the floor for turned up or loose stones - perhaps even getting down on all fours and pushing the stones with my hand. If I find one, I promise not to pee on it. :grin:

*Johnson reconsiders checking every stone as there isn't enough time before the eclipse starts and he has to keep an eye on the tour group too. Perhaps an easier way to check the stones will reveal itself...*

I wish to stick my left hand into the hidden chamber and feel around. unless of course it is big enough for me to enter, then in that case I would like to look inside.

I hope I haven't broken anything :look: I'll let someone else play around with all the arm permutations if they so wish. I hear Samantha is good at shaking strange men's appendages :sadnew:

I'd like to peer into the small chamber and see if I can make out anything, if I may.

  • Author
I wish to stick my left hand into the hidden chamber and feel around. unless of course it is big enough for me to enter, then in that case I would like to look inside.

*Samantha sticks her left hand into the hidden (now revealed) chamber and feels that there are three torches inside. She might've found this out by looking but apparently she likes to play blind every once in a while.*

I hope I haven't broken anything :look: I'll let someone else play around with all the arm permutations if they so wish. I hear Samantha is good at shaking strange men's appendages :sadnew:

I'd like to peer into the small chamber and see if I can make out anything, if I may.

*Samantha is a lesbian, you idiot. Can't you tell by the hair?*

*Sylvia peers into the chamber and sees the three torches that Samantha is busy blindly stroking.*

Can we remove the torches?

If so, I'd like to take one once Samantha has finished with it. They might be useful after dark.

  • Author
Can we remove the torches?

If so, I'd like to take one once Samantha has finished with it. They might be useful after dark.

*Sylvia removes the torches from the chamber, keeping one for herself and laying the other two on the ground.*

Point of order: The time is 11 pm. It is dark...

*Samantha is a lesbian, you idiot. Can't you tell by the hair?*

And all this time, I thought she was just a male cross-dresser. :laugh:

(whispers under breath: and a Fugly one at that)

All men are pigs! Looking at Johnson.

I wish to grab a torch after being satisfied that my stroking hasn't revealed any hidden torch traps. Does anyone have a way to light the torches? Could be useful.

My, what a lovely place. Very atmospheric. And sort of... disturbing. :look: I wonder where Hector is, that seems suspicious...

I would like to inspect what we can see of the altar in the middle of the room. Are there any inscriptions, or spots that look like they could be hidden compartments?

I notice the bottom of the top right pillar, the one under construction, is missing a large chunk from the bottom. After inspecting the altar, I would like to look at this area to see if I can spot anything unusual, without going right up to it and touching it. Better to be cautious like Johnson warns.

Maybe we should light the torches and put them in the hands of the statues.

  • Author
All men are pigs! Looking at Johnson.

I wish to grab a torch after being satisfied that my stroking hasn't revealed any hidden torch traps. Does anyone have a way to light the torches? Could be useful.

*Why does your signature say Sylvia? You're Samantha. There are no matches in sight.*

*Samantha also grabs a torch. The two women just stand there holding torches.*

The two women just stand there holding torches.

(whispers to self: they'd be better to just leave the lights out)

Folks: we do have lighting from a generator. I don't think we need to worry about lack of moonlight.

You'll see there are brown, dark tan, and dark grey tiles on the ground. I noticed all the dark grey tiles are depressed slightly into the ground.

I would like to examine one of these dark grey tiles, say the one to the north west corner of the closest left column. The one the statue seems to be pointing at.

  • Author
I would like to inspect what we can see of the altar in the middle of the room. Are there any inscriptions, or spots that look like they could be hidden compartments?

I notice the bottom of the top right pillar, the one under construction, is missing a large chunk from the bottom. After inspecting the altar, I would like to look at this area to see if I can spot anything unusual, without going right up to it and touching it. Better to be cautious like Johnson warns.

*Diesel investigates the altar. It seems one of the archways is one very large loose stone. It wiggles but doesn't come out. It feels almost like a hatch that is latched from the inside...*

*Diesel attempts to investigate under the Northeast arch, but he is quickly stopped by a vigilant tour guide.*

"That's much too dangerous for me to allow!" Says Johnson.

Maybe we should light the torches and put them in the hands of the statues.

*Siegourney looks around for some matches but doesn't find any...*

I don't like the feeling of this place... I got a very bad feeling about this. I am not going anywhere near to that evil statue.. I find it very familiar, and somehow I seemed to have visited this place before. If only, I could remember when... and where...

I will stay where most people are staying together, and in this case, I hope my family members will stay close together, and that includes you Diesel.

*Diesel investigates the altar. It seems one of the archways is one very large loose stone. It wiggles but doesn't come out. It feels almost like a hatch that is latched from the inside...*

Hmmm, how very interesting. Perhaps this is a one way door from some sort of secret tunnel on the other side? Ah well, it would appear that I won't find out right now, since wiggling this doesn't seem to open it. I would like to press it inwards anyway, just in case there is a clasp or something that can be opened by doing this.

Those floor stones that are depressed are interesting, good spotting Ingrid. There is one right here next to the altar. I wonder what would happen if I pushed down on it. I'll try that, but carefully, I don't want to fall down anything.

There appears to be a statue missing from left of the doorway on the right. I would like to inspect the stone plinth that it would have been resting on to see if there is anything strange there.

This is such fun, I'm glad my wife talked me into coming on this tour. :laugh: Speaking of my wife, where is she? Honey, where are you?

I don't like the feeling of this place... I got a very bad feeling about this. I am not going anywhere near to that evil statue.. I find it very familiar, and somehow I seemed to have visited this place before. If only, I could remember when... and where...

I will stay where most people are staying together, and in this case, I hope my family members will stay close together, and that includes you Diesel.

Yeah yeah, whatever, I'll stick with you once I've looked around a bit. This place is awesome! I have wondered about your strange obsessions with place, you didn't come on that last tour did you?

*Why does your signature say Sylvia? You're Samantha. There are no matches in sight.*

Just wishful thinking I guess :devil:

I agree that we should try the torches in the hands of the statues.

  • Author
I don't like the feeling of this place... I got a very bad feeling about this. I am not going anywhere near to that evil statue.. I find it very familiar, and somehow I seemed to have visited this place before. If only, I could remember when... and where...

I will stay where most people are staying together, and in this case, I hope my family members will stay close together, and that includes you Diesel.

*Diesel finds his father-in-law's sudden concern for his well being more disturbing than the statue. However, everyone is uneasy about the beast in the middle of the room. Especially since Big William Falcon seems very shaken by it...*


Hmmm, how very interesting. Perhaps this is a one way door from some sort of secret tunnel on the other side? Ah well, it would appear that I won't find out right now, since wiggling this doesn't seem to open it. I would like to press it inwards anyway, just in case there is a clasp or something that can be opened by doing this.

Pressing inward doesn't seem to do any good either. It appears to be in as far as it can go...*

Those floor stones that are depressed are interesting, good spotting Ingrid. There is one right here next to the altar. I wonder what would happen if I pushed down on it. I'll try that, but carefully, I don't want to fall down anything.


"There's only an hour until the eclipse. We really don't have time to go around pressing random stones in the floor. Honestly, I've never had such a group of touchy-grabby tourists before..."


"Has anyone ever told you that you remind them of C-3PO?"

There appears to be a statue missing from left of the doorway on the right. I would like to inspect the stone plinth that it would have been resting on to see if there is anything strange there.

*Sticking out of the plinth is an old metal eyehook.*

Maybe we should light the torches and put them in the hands of the statues.

*Siegourney looks for matches again and still doesn't find any.*

You'll see there are brown, dark tan, and dark grey tiles on the ground. I noticed all the dark grey tiles are depressed slightly into the ground.

I would like to examine one of these dark grey tiles, say the one to the north west corner of the closest left column. The one the statue seems to be pointing at.

*Johnson Willoughby glares at Ingrid*

Just wishful thinking I guess :devil:

I agree that we should try the torches in the hands of the statues.

*Siegourney and Samantha put the torches in the hands of the statues. Each torch has a hook that fits into an eyehook in the hand of each statue. The torches seem to belong in the hands of the statues...*

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