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This one has been lying around for quite some time now, after its initial version got destroyed and rebuilt.

Once again, it's a very simple build. And once again, it's orange :tongue: . It may have lost its two customers (seeing as it's currently awaiting placement in a proper park), but at least now it's fully-rounded.

I thought I'd add it as a suitable way to "re-introduce" myself. Hope you enjoy its simplicity ;)



The orange storage compartment... We wanna keep those fresh, after all!


Squeezing machine and the side counter showing with the top off. Timmy's obviously not very happy about that last thing. Yeah, I know, the structure is not modular, but at least the door can still be closed...

Now all we need to do is find (i.e. come up with) a proper park for this kiosk to be a part of...


ahh, thats where all the orange went :wink:

Cool build, too bad it is very difficult to make it really round, but you did a good job.

I like it, it could fit in any park area :thumbup:


I remember seeing the first version of this and thinking that this is such a cool idea. Its looking even better now, will be good to see it placed in the park setting again.


Ah... I remember this one. It looks much rounder than (what I remember of) the first version. The wedges make a nice round orange shape and the door is really well designed... nice little MOC Bobby! :classic:



From all more new colours of the palette, orange is probably my most favourite one. :classic: The fruit itself looks pretty nice, considering the fact that parts variety in orange is still somewhat limited. :classic:

I'll have a glass! Cheers!

~ Christopher


This is cute Otters. Makes me crave an Orange Julius. :thumbup: (or even a lemonade - but that's another story).

I could also see this doubling for a neat Halloween pumpkin stand (pumpkin milkshakes perhaps - I don't know though :laugh: )

Nice job! :thumbup:


Thanks guys :)

Yeah, the initial version was quite thrown together, but back then we just didn't have anywhere near enough orange bricks to complete it. Now it looks precisely the way I'd imagined it, so I guess I'm happy with it - and Asya also agrees that helpful as those 4x2 and 2x2 bricks might have been, the wedges are definitely a better option. Bricklink for the win!!!


I don't know if any of you guys played Roller Coaster Tycoon games, but this one sure looks like something that would appear there.

Very nice, I can imagine this put in a park or in a fair (with the PF carousel and wheel)

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