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Nice list.

Maybe it's better to design the main characters first. If you want to get people involved en give the whole idea something "official", than maybe you should brainstorm, allong with the rest to make purist versions of some characters. Post pictures, compare etc... and finaly choose which oes is the definite Bildo... Pictures will always work better than text...

I'm trying to make a purist fellowship myself, but it's going very slow, I don't want to spend to mush money on it.

Posted (edited)

-a middle earth building contest?


We need only enough people and than lets to arrange a time. :thumbup:

Two new set ideas are listed in the Hall of Fame:

1.2.6 Moria

03 Play Set (7-12)

Giant Octopus of Moria/ (5 Minifigures)

Frodo, Aragorn, Boromir, Legolas, Gimli

Moria Gate (luminous stickers in dark :wub: ) with collapse function, LEGO created Giant Octopus Gondolin (the great Hidden City of Turgon)

08 Play Set (7-12)

Battle of Alley of Roses/ (7 Minifigures)

House of the Pillar-soldier, House of the Tower of Snow-soldier, Penlod, 2 x Gondolin-soldiers, 2 x Orc-warlords with black Nightmares (black horses with red eyes) with red fireswords (LED lights up)

LEGO created Balrog-commander (black chrome armor, LED lights up), burned hedgerow, ruin

...just an incentive :tongue:

Edited by Elander

Update #3

Heyho folks,

the "inspiration-list" to have got new ideas. Those ideas based of the "Fall of Angmar" (third age).

I hope you finding here a good inspiration for a new MOC. :thumbup:

For the customizers I will in next time to start a Minifigure-collector list. In this list I will to link the characters with "Tolkien Gate". There you can take a look on the descriptions from those characters.

Ok, here are the new ideas!

If you thinks here is a set what can to be admitted in the Hall of Fame, than please to inform me. XD

--> The Hall of Fame shall be a collection for the greatest ideas/inspirations. Only those to dare in the Hall of Fame.

(phu..., I hope my english was right) ^^

Have fun!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- The Shire

09 Exclusive-Set: (10+)

Sam & Rosie, wedding celebration/ (13 Minifigures)

Rose Cotton, Tolman Cotton Senior, Lily Brown (Rosies mother), Samwise Gamgee, Hamfast Gamgee, Hamsen Gamdschie (Sams brother), Frodo, Peregrin Took, Diamond of Long Cleeve (pippins girlfriend), Meriadoc Brandybuck, Estella Bolger (Merrys girlfriend), 2 x hobbit-musicians

Tent, 2 x bedecked trees, 2 x bedecked tables, dance floor, three-tier wedding cake, blue/orange/green lampions (shine in dark)

3.2.7 Angmar

kingdom by the evil Lord of the Ringwraiths

Mount Gram

01 Playset (7-12):

Mount Gram, Golfimbuls Hall/ (8 Minifigures)

Orc-king Golfimbul with gold armor, 2 x wargs with collar, 2 x Orc Royal-guards, Orc-playmate, Orc-warlord with black armor, slave girl (elf), 2 x Orc-gladiators

platform with Golfimbuls throne, chairs for Orc-playmate and -warlord, wall (torch-lit), chimney, iron-gate, fireplace with pork roast

02 Playset (7-12):

Mount Gram, dungeons/ (6 Minifigures)

2 x guards, warg-keeper, 2 x wargs, commander, 2 x captives (elf, dwarf)

dungeons (torch-lit): wall, bars, warg cage, guardroom with table

03 Playset (7-12):

Mount Gram, city/ (8 Minifigures)

8 x orcs (2 x female, 2 x kids)

doors and windows in rocks, appointed rooms (mulching, bones, fireplace with pork roast, table)

04 Playset (7-12):

Mount Gram, workshop and blacksmiths/ (3 x Minifigures)

Orc-senior (old), 2 x worker

framework with catapult (decomposable), anvil, foot pump, fireplace

05 Playset (7-12):

Mount Gram, Black Gate/ (7 Minifigures)

2 x guards, commander, Warlord with Nightmare, Nazgûl with Nightmare (black horses with red eyes), 2 x goblins (trader)

Black Gate in rocks, drawbridge, bridge (slope), over the Black Gate two windows (torch-lit), traderchaise with 2 x bulls (red eyes)

Carn Dûm, capital-city of Angmar

City of 'Men of Darkness' (the Shadows, black armors)

06 Playset (7-12)

Carn Dûm, City-gate [Module 1]/ (10 Minifigures)

2 x Shadow-guards, Shadow-commander, Shadow-soldier, wizard (chrome black armor) with Nightmare, Dúnedain-soldier, Forlindon-elf-commander (silver armor) with white lion (blue eyes, silver armor) and lance, Forlindon-elf, Harlindon-elf, Harlindon-elf-wizard with LEGO created eagle (chrome bronze armor)

Iron-gate, two towers with Angmar-banner, great Dúnedain-battering ram (billy goat head, blue eyes (LED function))

07 Playset (7-12)

Carn Dûm, City-wall [Module 2]/ (10 Minifigures)

2 x Shadow-guards, 2 x Orc-guards, Orc-commander, Dúnedain-knight with horse and lance, Dúnedain-soldier, Forlindon-elf, Harlindon-prince (bronze armor) with unicorn (bronce armor), Nazgûl with flying beast,

City-wall with catapult, Dúnedain great Trebuchet, LEGO created flying beast

08 Playset (7-12)

Carn Dûm, stronghold/ (11 Minifigures)

Witch-king of Angmar, 2 x Nazgûls with red fireswords, 2 x Royal-guards (Shadow-wizards, chrome black armor), Orc-general (bronce armor), 2 x Shadow-guards, 2 x Orc-guards, beast keeper

black chrome gate, black tower, dark grey wall, hall (torch-lit) with tapestries, platform with throne, 2 x LEGO created flying beasts with cage

09 Playset (7-12)

Carn Dûm, city/ (7 Minifigures)

3 x orcs ( men, female, kid), 2 x men, 2 x goblin-trader,

2 x houses: dark grey/black, Orc-house (mulching, bones, fireplace with pork roast) men-house (smithy, armory)

marketplace with 2 x boothes (slaughterer, tavern)

10 Army of Angmar [battle Pack 39]

2 x Orc-soldiers, Orc-soldier with warg and armed with a lance, Orc-warlord (black armor) wit bull (red eyes, black armor),

11 Army of Angmar [battle Pack 40]

2 x Shadow-soldiers, Shadow-commander (bronze armor) with nightmare (black horse, bronze armor, red eyes) and armed with a firelance, Shadow-wizard (bronze armor) with black panther (bronze armor, erd eyes)

  • 3 weeks later...

Here is an image of the Fellowship, sorry I didn't get some of their faces.

I hope this inspires someone to build a LOTR MOC.

At the moment I'm trying to build LothLorien for "The Meeting of the Elves" but I am waiting for some peices from bricklink to arrive.

I will post it here when I finish.

By the way it won't be the whole thing just two trees one being the house where Celborn and Galadriel have their thrones (the bigest tree in the center of Lothlorien)

The other will be just an out post one with platforms and houses so I can have some warriors in the MOC.

Posted (edited)
Here is an image of the Fellowship, sorry I didn't get some of their faces.

I hope this inspires someone to build a LOTR MOC.

At the moment I'm trying to build LothLorien for "The Meeting of the Elves" but I am waiting for some peices from bricklink to arrive.

I will post it here when I finish.

By the way it won't be the whole thing just two trees one being the house where Celborn and Galadriel have their thrones (the bigest tree in the center of Lothlorien)

The other will be just an out post one with platforms and houses so I can have some warriors in the MOC.

That's a really cool fellowship. I like that it's almost 100% purist.

(I would just use other torso's for the two left Hobbits)

edit (That picture is doing strange things, check the previous page)

Edited by Bobskink
That's a really cool fellowship. I like that it's almost 100% purist.

(I would just use other torso's for the two left Hobbits)

edit (That picture is doing strange things, check the previous page)

The reason for that would be I'm trying to find some decals or better torsos for Merry and Pippin beause Pippin had a blue vest and Merry had a yellow vest.

  • 1 month later...

Hi all, :classic:

the next chapter is finished " Rhovanion Campaign"!

...with that is "3.2.1 War of the Ring" complete.

From time to time I give you new infos about this great collection. If you have other new ideas ->than please to inform me.

Here are the new ideas: The complete list is on the first page.

Have fun!

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rhovanion Campaign


01 Playset (7-12):

Battle of Lorien/ (8 Minifigures)

Haldir, Galadriel and Celeborn (warrior), Lorien warrior

King Thranduril (warrior), Mirkwood warrior,

2 x Easterlings warriors, Easterling warlord ,Khamûl the Nazgûl with flying beast

burning tree houses with defence work

Easterling catapult and tent camp

02 Battle of Lorien [battle Pack 7]

Easterling warlord, 3 x Easterlings warriors,

03 Battle of Lorien [battle Pack 8]

2 x Lorien warriors, Lorien prince (warrior), Mirkwood warrior

Dol Guldur

04 Playset (7-12):

Battle of Dol Guldur/ (13 Minifigures)

Khamûl the Nazgûl with flying beast, orc general, orc warrior, orc with warg, wood-troll, 2 x captives (elf and human)

Galadriel and Celeborn (warrior), mirkwood elf (warrior), mirkwood prince (warrior), 2 x lorien elves (warrior)

Fortress of Dol Guldur with dungeons, caves and black tower


05 Playset (7-12):

Attack on Mirkwood/ (7 Minifigures)

2 x Mirkwood elves (guards), Woodmen commander, 2 x Easterling soldiers, 2 x orcs

watchtower (tree house, fallen into ruin), burning Mirkwood-tree, orc-catapult

06 Playset (7-12):

Beornings (the Woodmen) attack/ (6 Minifigures)

Beorn, 2 x Woodmen with bears (bronze armor, bear rider) with lance and shield, Orc commander with warg, orc, easterling

rocks, 2 x Mirkwood trees

07 Playset (7-12):

Great ruin of fire/ (10 Minifigures)

Khamûl the Nazgûl with flying beast, Elf-king Thranduil with Gwaihir (the Lord of the Eagles, bronze armor), 2 x mirkwood elves (warriors), 2 x wood-trolls, 2 x orcs, 2 x easterlings

burning clearing, 2 x burning Mirkwood-trees, Easterling catapult with East(Greek) fire

08 Playset (7-12):

pitfall/ (4 Minifigures)

2 x mirkwood elves (warriors), 2 x wood-trolls


Battle of Dale

09 Playset (7-12):

Lake-town is attacked [module 1]/ (7 Minifigures)

Nazgûl with flying beast, Easterling commander, Easterling soldier, Orc commander, Orc warrior, 2 x Lake town-soldiers

wall, watchtower (fallen into ruin), Orc catapult

10 Playset (7-12):

Lake-town is attacked [module 2]/ (6 Minifigures)

Lake town-sergeant, 2 x Lake town-soldiers Troll Commander, 2 x Trolls

wall, gate (collapse function), Troll battering ram

11 Ultimate Playset (7-12):

Dale is attacked/ (14 Minifigures)

Dáin II Ironfoot, 2 x Iron Hill dwarves, Erebor-dwarf warlord, Erebor warrior, 2 x goblins, 2 x orcs, 2 x easterlings, troll, Lake-town kaptain, Lake-town soldier

Carnen-river (Redwater), stonebridge, orc-float

12 Playset (7-12):

Battle of Erebor (1)/ (2 x Minifigures)

2 x Erebor dwarves

Erebor-rocks, embrasure with great Repeating crossbow

13 Playset (7-12):

Battle of Erebor (2)/ (6 Minifigures)

Erebor-dwarf warlord, 2 x Erebor-dwarves, 2 x easterlings, easterling warlord

Erebor-rocks with tunnels, 2 x stone-columns (looks like trees), wall with dwarf-sculptures and painting

14 Playset (7-12):

Easterling tent camp/ (10 Minifigures)

Easterling-prince (gold armor), 2 x Easterling-guards, 2 x Easterling-soldiers, 2 x Lake-town knights with horse (silver armor), Iron Hill dwarf, Erebor dwarf

Prince-tent, 2 x tents, wooden fence, stable, dwarf catapult

15 Playset (7-12):

King Brand of Dale & Dáin II Ironfoot, last defence/ (8 Minifigures)

King Brand (hurt), Dáin II Ironfoot (hurt) , Erebor Royal Guard, Lake-town Royal Guard, 2 x Nazgûls with flying beasts, 2 x easterlings

rocks, Gate of Erebor

16 Playset (7-12):

Bard II & Thorin III Stonehelm, victory in the north/ (10 Minifigures)

Bard II with horse (silver armor), Thorin III with pony (gold armor), Esgaroth knight with horse, 2 x Esgaroth soldiers, 2 x troll with Great Beast and lance, Orc warlord with warg, 2 x goblins (warriors)

Orc tent camp, campfire, burning tent


Can I just say one thing. You could have an army of a couple hundred if you bought every set without buying doubles. Anyways, very impressive list :thumbup:


300 Sets!


I can`t belive it. That is crazy!

Just we have 300 Sets and that is not the end. As next I take a look at Númenor. ^^

For this jubilee I give the "Hall of Fame" a Anniversary-Set (my "favorite", my "must have" set). If I have enough bricks, than I to build the "Dark Tower" of Sauron, Barad-dûr II!

Have Fun! Mordor

09 Ultimate-Playset (7-12):

Barad-dûr II, the "Dark Tower" of Sauron/ (10 Minifigures)

The Figures:

The Mouth of Sauron (Lieutenant of Barad-dûr), 2 x Royal Guards (trolls with chrome black armor), Nazgûl with flying beast, Orc-warlord with Nightmare (black horse with red eyes) and flameswort, 4 x orcs, elf (fettered)

The Dark Tower:

Dark Tower with red eye (red/orange transparent bricks, LED function), rocks, black gate, black bridge, 2 x Lava-falls, black sculptures, shining columns inside Barad-dûr, beautific hall with throne, cage (captives) and chimney, dungeons with stable for flying beast

  • 2 months later...

Hi folks,

after a long time I'm back again with new ideas. I see the "idea list" was already viewed over 4700 times. WOW that's are many hits. ^^

Ok, the topic:

Two other ideas have been included in the Hall of Fame. I hope you like these ideas. Nargothrond

09 Ultimate Exclusive-Set (7-12) Hall of Fame Set

Sack of Nargothrond/ (16 Minifigures)

Túrin Turambar (black chrome armor), 2 x Noldor-soldiers, Orc-warlord with Nightmare (black horse with red eyes) and lance, 2 x orcs with warg, 4 x orcs

fettered: Finduilas, 2 x Noldor-princess, Noldor-prince, 2 x Noldor civilians,

River Narog with bridge, Nargothrond Gate, rocks, great tunnel and gallery with columns (stone trees), sculptures, great battering ram, cage-vehicle with 2 x great beasts (brown, red eyes), LEGO created Glaurung (Urulóki-dragon) with red eyes (LED) Forostar (Northlands)

10 Exclusive Set (12+): Hall of Fame Set

Great Tower of Meneldur Elentirmo (watcher of the stars)/ (4 Minifigures)

Tar-Meneldur (the fifth King of Númenor) ,Almarian (his wife), Astronome, Eagle-rider with lance (silver armor and helmet with dark blue plume)

rocks, eagle-horst, LEGO created eagle (silver armor), waterfall, dark blue tower with silver dome and Banner of Númenor, terrace with telescope

-> The dark blue bricks are plastered with stickers which look like white veins and glow in the dark

I hope you will find new inspirations and we see in next time your new "LotR MOC". :)



  • 2 months later...

350 sets!

At the time I'm working on the "3.2.6 War of the Dwarves and Orcs". I believe I'm with the chapters " Battle of Azanulbizar" and " Sacking of Gundabad" finished.

I'm glad, it's working. Tolkiens world is bigger as I thought. But one day I will have Tolkiens world complete transform in LEGO set ideas. Why I do it? Because I want to show you what here in this world is possible. And we see that the possibilities are endless.

So, and now have fun and maybe you want to transform one from this ideas.




Here are the next ideas:

(the complete collection is listed in my first post) Battle of Azanulbizar

Playset (7-12):

01 Destiny Battle [6] Thrors end/ (2 Minifigures)

King Thror with golden armor, golden ax, dark blue targe with moria emblem, golden helmet with dark blue hackle

Orc-king Azog with chrome black armor, spiked mace and black ax, chrome black helmet (crown moulded)

rocks, riverbed, waterfall, tree

Playset (7-12):

02 East Gate of Moria/ (9 Minifigures)

Náin with dark grey armor and dark grey helmet with black hackle, Frerin with bronze armor, bronze helmet (two wings moulded) and lance with banner of Durin, 2 x dwarf warrior, orc warlord with bronze armor , orc with lance and banner of Mount Gundabad, 3 x orc-warrior

East Gate of Moria, steps, rocks, 2 x dwarf sculptures

Playset (7-12):

03 Nanduhirion Battle [1]/ (7 Minifigures)

Dáin II Ironfoot with bronze armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), bronze helmet (two dragon tooths), axe and horn

Thorin II Oakenshield with dark grey armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), dark grey helmet with dark blue hackle, axe

dwarf warrior with axe and lance with banner of Durin, orc warrior with sword and lance with banner of Azog, 2 x Orc warrior

Orc warlord with black armor (gravure: sings of the dark tongue), balck skull helmet with red hackle, spiked mace and hammer

orc float with black sail and catapult, river, stonebridge with grey watchtower with beacon

Playset (7-12):

04 Nanduhirion Battle [2]/ (6 Minifigures)

Frerin with dark silver armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), dark silver helmet with dark green hackle, axe and lance with pony (dark silver armor)

dwarf with dark silver armor, pony (dark silver armor) and lance with banner of Durin, dwarf warrior with axe and horn

2 x orc warrior (black armor) with warg (black armor) lance and targe (gravure: sings of the dark tongue), orc warrior horn and lance with banner of Azog, orc warrior with bow and targe

wall (fallen into ruin), orc battering ram and great ballister

Playset (7-12):

05 Checkpoint/ (6 Minifigures)

dwarf-warlord (rusty bronze armor) with pony (bronze armor), dwarf warrior with pony, lance and targe

2 x dwarves (guards) with ballisters, 2 x dwarf civilians with filz hat and pipe

carriage drawn by two poneys, stable, guardhouse with great horn, rocks, ballista, beacon

Playset (7-12):

06 Hidden Tavern/ (6 Minifigures)

2 x dwarf musicians, barkeeper, 2 x guests with filz hat and pipe, dwarf wife with dirndl

sweet well appointed tavern with 2 tables, bar, beer barrels, bottles of brandy, dance floor, platform

Playset (7-12):

07 Sheltered Workshop/ (6 Minifigures)

carpenter, blacksmith, big boss with pipe and plume hat, carriage driver with filz hat, 2 x dwarf guards with ballister

big boss office, blacksmith, workshop, carriage with pony, rocks, watchtower

Playset (7-12):

08 Platform of the Ballista emplacement/ (4 Minifigures)

2 x dwarf gunners with bronze helmet, carriage driver with dark grey helmet, dwarf warlord (dark grey armor, dark grey helmet with hackle) with poney (dark grey armor), axe and horn

Ballista with torch, depository for flame projectiles, carriage (armored)

Playset (7-12):

09 Brewery/ (4 Minifigures)

Master brewer with plume hat, 2 x brewer with filz hat and apron, carriage driver with filz hat

malt-mill, mash tun, lauter tun, brewing copper, pipes, storage tanks, masters office, carriage with pony

Playset (7-12):

10 Hunters' Hut/ (2 Minifigures)

2 x dwarf hunter with filz hat

rocks, well appointed wooden hut with chimney, bearskin, table, weapons locker and candles

Playset (7-12):

11 Dáins Revenge/ (2 Minifigures)

Dáin II Ironfoot with bronze armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), bronze helmet (two dragon tooths), axe and targe

Orc-king Azog with chrome black armor, spiked mace and black ax, chrome black helmet (crown moulded)

rocks, steps of Moria

Playset (7-12):

12 The Watchtower of Caradhras/ (4 Minifigures)

Frerin with dark silver armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), dark silver helmet with dark green hackle, axe and targe,

Thorin II Oakenshield with dark grey armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), dark grey helmet with dark blue hackle, axe and horn

Fundin with silver armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), silver helmet with dark red hackle, axe and targe, dwarf gunner with bronze helmet

grey tower with ballista, beacon and banner of Durin, LEGO created Firedragon

Playset (7-12):

13 Nár the Great/ (4 Minifigures)

Nár with dark golden armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), dark golden helmet with dark red hackle, axe and targe

Orc warlord with black armor (gravure: sings of the dark tongue), balck skull helmet with red hackle, spiked mace and hammer

orc warrior with targe and lance with banner of Azog, troll (black armor, black helmet) with spiked mace and hammer

rocks, steps

Playset (7-12):

14 Battle of Kheled-zâram/ (6 Minifigures)

Orc warlord with rusty bronze armor (gravure: sings of the dark tongue), helmet with red hackle, Mohawk haircut, axe and hammer,

troll (black armor, black helmet) with spiked mace and hammer

2 x orc warrior with swords and targe

Fundin with silver armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), silver helmet with dark red hackle, axe and targe, dwarf gunner with bronze helmet

dwarf warrior with horn and lance with banner of durin

rocks, wall (fallen into ruin), orcfloat, orc catapult, orc letter Sacking of Gundabad

01 Playset (7-12):

Watchtower of Gundabad/(3 Minifigures)

2 x orc gunners, orc commander with lash

rocks, grey watchtower, beacon, ballista, Great Horn of Gundabad

02 Playset (7-12):

Iron Gate of Gundabad/(9 Minifigures)

2 x orc guards with ballister, 2 x orc warrior with targe and swords, dwarf warlord with bronze armor, orc warlord with black armor, 2 x dwarf warrior with axe, dwar warrior with banner of Durin

rocks, Iron Gate, Banner of Gundabad

battering ram

03 Playset (7-12):

Dungeons of Gundabad/(5 Minifigures)

2 x orc guards, orc commander with lash, dwarf (fettered), elf (fettered)

rocks, prison, watchhouse

04 Playset (7-12):

Warg Cage/(2 Minifigures)

orc warlord with chrome black armor and hammer, orc (wargkeeper) with lash

rocks, cage, 2 x wargs

05 Playset (7-12):

Treasure Room/(6 Minifigures)

dwarf warlord with silver armor and helmet with blue hackle, axe and horn,

2 x dwarf warrior, troll commander with black armor and hammer, troll warrior with spiked mace, Nazgul with Flying Beast

rocks, columns, big treasure

06 Playset (7-12):

Pitfall inside the Dungeons/(3 Minifigures)

dwarf warrior, 2 x orc warrior

rocks, pitfall (pitfall function)

07 Playset (7-12):

Intruders in the culvert/(2 Minifigures)

2 x dwarf warriors with axe and torch

rats, snakes, culvert, spiders, boat and water

08 Playset (7-12):

Great Hall Battle/(10 Minifigures)

Troll King with golden armor and golden helmet (like crown), speer and hammer

Troll Warlord with chrome black armor, speer and targe

2 x troll royal guards (chrome black armor) with axe and targe

3 x dwarf warrior, dwarf skeleton

King Thráin II with golden armor, golden helmet and red hackle, targe with dwarf symbols and golden axe

Frerin with dark silver armor (gravure: lettering of Durin), dark silver helmet with dark green hackle, axe and targe

Great Hall with columns (like stone trees), damaged sculptures, fireplace with cage for skeleton, troll throne and wall with mural

09 Playset (7-12):

Sacking of Gundabad/(12 Minifigures)

troll warlord with bronze armor, bronze helmet, axe and targe

orc warlord wit dark grey armor and dark grey helmet (like skull), hammer and targe, warg with dark grey armor and banner of Sauron

orc commander with lash and horn, 2 x orc warrior with sword and targe, troll warrior with spiked mace,

2 x dwarf warrior with axe and targe, 2 x dwarf royal guards with golden armor and golden helmet with hackle, axe and targe

King Thráin II with golden armor, golden helmet and red hackle, targe with dwarf symbols and golden axe

dwarf with horn and lance with banner of Durin

rocks, big tunnel with columns, torches, stonebridge

10 Playset (7-12):

The Secret Tunnel/(3 Minifigures)

2 x dwarfes with shovel and picaxe, dwarf warrior with are and targe

rocks, tunnel, torches, rails, wagon, beam and supports

11 Playset (7-12):

Troll Cave/(4 Minifigures)

2 x trolls, skeleton, dwarf (fettered)

rocks, fireplace with cage for skeleton, prison, torches and bones



I've started to list all armys and characters in the 4.2 Minifigure-collection. The first chapter is "The Hobbit" and "The Lord of the Rings". I think this listening give us a better overview concerning armys and minifigures.

I know, no everybody of you like fantasy. But I hope the others have fun and to get some good new inspirations for new mocs. And maybe is this idea-collection a good foundation for a great Tolkien theme starting winter 2012 (when the first Hobbit movie comes in the cinemas). And don't forget: Hollywood have great interest concerning the film rights for the Children of Hurin.




4.2.1 The Hobbit/The Lord of the Rings: 124 Character-list: 124

Hobbits: 39

Bilbo (joung, invisible/ transparent Minifigure, old and older), Frodo (Hobbit-outfit,invisible/ transparent Minifigure, hurt, Mithril robe, Mordor-armor, bound), Sam (Hobbit-outfit, Mordor-armor, wedding-costume, gardener robe), Merry (Hobbit-outfit, Rohan-armor), Pippin (Hobbit-outfit, Gondor-armor), "The Old" Took, Hamfast Gamgee (Hobbit-outfit, gardener robe), Sandyman the Miller, Ted Sandyman, Rorimac Brandybock (Merrys grandfather), Saradoc (Merrys Father), Esmeralda (Merrys Mother), Farmer Maggot and Mrs. Maggot, Rose Cotton (Hobbit-dress, wedding-dress), Tolman Cotton Senior, Lily Brown (Rosies mother), Hamsen Gamdschie (Sams brother), Diamond of Long Cleeve (pippins girlfriend), Estella Bolger (Merrys girlfriend), Lotho Sackville-Baggins, Will Whitfoot (Mayor of Michel Delving, fettered), Lobelia Sackville-Baggins (fettered), Fredegar Bolger

Wizards: 5

Gandalf (the grey, the white), Saruman (the white, "Sharkey": Ruffian-outfit), Radagast the brown

Dwarves: 17

Thorin II Oakenshield (ranger, armor), Óin, Glóin, Dwalin, Balin, Bifur, Kíli, Fíli, Bofur, Dori, Bombur, Nori, Ori, Dáin II Ironfoot, Gimli (warrior, Rohan-warrior)

Elves: 14

Elf King Thranduril (royal-robe, armor), Legolas (Ranger-outfit, Rohan-warrior), Galdor of the Havens, Erestor, Elrond, Arwen, Galadriel, Celeborn, Haldir (Ranger-outfit, Lorien-armor), Elladan, Elrohir

Uruk-hai: 2

Lurtz, Uglúk,

Orcs (long legs): 5

Bolg, Grishnákh, Gorbag, Schagrat, Gothmog (Mordor Orc-General)

Goblins (short legs): 1

Gorkil the Goblin King

Rohirrim: 10

Éomer, Hama, King Theoden (bewitched, red robe, armor), Eowyn (brown/white dress, armor), Erkenbrand, Gamling, Prince Théodred (hurt)

Ithilien/Gondor: 13

Aragorn (ranger, Rohan-warrior, kingly-armor, royal-outfit), Faramir (ranger, armor, hurt), Boromir (ranger, armor) Anborn, Mablung, Damrod, Denethor

Evil-side: 10

Sauron, Mouth of Sauron, Nazgûl (black-outfit, white King), Witch King, Gríma Wormtongue (black-outfit, Ruffian-outfit), Gollum, Smeagol and Deagol,

Good-side: 8

Beorn, Tom Bombadil, Goldberry, Barliman Butterbur and his assistants Nob and Bob, King of Dead, Bard (Lake-town)

  • 1 month later...

May I add that this list has inspired me to make my own. I am working on a list of 4 of the top sets:

However, I will not be able to build to the ultimate quality of @Darth Hawken, it will be all on LDD.

- A Long Expected Party [small set size]

Bag End, Bilbo Baggins, Sackville-Baggins, rockets, 2* party pavillions

Got a few things made

- Weathertop [large set size, coz its my favourite, Amon Sul Ruins :wub:, awesome]

Amon Sul ruins, statues camp fire, 3 Nazgul, Frodo, Strider with a torch. (Can 2 of the statues use minifigs? It would increase the population to 7.)

Almost done

- Elronds house [small set size]

Elrond, Awen(movie)/Glorfindel(book), Legolas.

Planning (no idea what to do)

- Balin's Tomb [medium set size]

A battle set mostly, a 3 goblins, cave troll, Gimli, Gandalf, and Frodo, Strider.

Got a few things made

- Battle of Amon Hen [medium set size]

Another battle set, Merry, Pippin, Boromir, 3 Uruk-Hai, 1 Lurtz (guy with crossbow), and more ruins!

Got a few things made

I will probably make a topic next week in the digital forum to continue what I have her.

Also, what is a normal colour cap for a set, like, how many different colours should can I use to make it a believable set.

Thanks for the inspiration and guidance with your collection @Elander!

  • 3 months later...

Hi again, :sweet:

I've a idea concerning Far Harad.

When I saw "The Return of the King" I've got by the scene "Paths of the Dead" the idea about a in dark shining elephant graveyard in Mumak-style (huge elephants).

->Here, by the movie-scene "Paths of the Dead" to appear shining houses were comes out many death soldiers. This part of the story is one of my favoriete LEGO-dreamsets (see "Hall of Fame").

Now the "Mumak Graveyard". This is for the Haradfolk a sanctuary. Why just a Royal Guard near by the entry-area sitting in a tower to keep watch. In case that the peace would be violated is near the Watchtower a beacon.

The old Mumak-bones and Mumak-skulls shining in the dark (these bricks would to be made of the same material like the LEGO-ghost). Here living the old spirit of the Mumaks. Why sometimes comes a old shaman to bring gifts and prays for the death Mumakils.


Exclusive-Set (8+):

01 Mumak graveyard/ (2 Minifigures)

Royal Guard with chrome black/dark red armor and dark red/golden helmet with dark blue hackle, lance and horn. Shaman with dark red robe (golden symols signed), blue/white colorfully painted face, bronze helmet with long feathers and two bones, magic wand and magical book

wooden tower with banner of Harad, beacon, in dark shining bones and skulls, rocks, 2 x small Mumak stonesculptures and grove of palms

Yes, I would love this set. :cry_happy:

Would this be realistic?


Since Far Harad is described as a country the men of the West (and therefor the readers as well) know next to nothing about, it could very well be that the Mumakil are indeed their holy creatures which only their most honoured warriors are allowed to lead into battle. So them thinking of such a graveyard as a holy place is completely possible and a great addition to your already fantastic collection of amazing and possible sets :blush:

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