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Ack! I think my arm is broken!

Help me!

I don't want to fall! :cry_sad: I'm too lovely to die like a soft peach dropped from a great height!


Diesel, there is no time. We need to move fast, before the eclipse starts. Go and find our loved ones, and get the rest to a safe place. I think this is starting to make sense, especially what Siegourney has read this note below earlier, my father was Jonathan Falcon.. He met with a mishap, I wanted to help out, but I was scared of that statue, which made me froze right at the chamber.

My greatest fear will be whatever my father had been through, will happen again at the night of the eclipse. If the note does make sense, Diesel, that silver sword which you are holding should bears ultimate power to defend us. I am not sure, but I am merely assuming, since the note is no longer complete.

*Siegourney reads the paper out loud in a sexy voice at first, but quickly morphs into a quirky, grandmotherly sort of voice when she realizes who has written this particular note.*

"Beware ye all who enter here! Oh, I’ve always wanted to start a letter like this. Such an adventure! Fun, but filled with treachery and death. My name is Monica Maltese and I traveled to this site to see the beautiful ruins on the night of the lunar eclipse. I don’t have much time, so I’ll try to explain quickly. There is a “Brotherhood of the Vaccuus” that will try to awaken the demons. They are an ancient society bent on harnessing the power of the ruins. There are several things they need to be successful so we have hidden the necessary items. Unsettling some of these items from their resting places makes the demons a bit restless themselves, but the demons can’t be released until blood is spilled on the altar. I have found two companions who have helped me in this quest: Jonathan Falcon and Siegfried Harcourt. Unfortunately, Mr. Harcourt has passed, a very noble and brave man indeed. If you are reading this letter, beware the Brotherhood. They will arrive by midnight on the night of the eclipse. The swords have a special"

*It seems the letter has been ripped...*

Siegourney, there is not much time, shall we help Sylvia down...

Sylvia, hang on. We need to find a safe way to reach her.

Sandy and Sheldon how did you get into the forest, and what they were doing there?

Monorail. Seriously dude, how does anyone get anywhere around here? We walked. Duh...

As for what we were doing, it's kind of private, but I guess at this point there is no point worrying about such things. We've hit a bit of a rough spot in our relationship and were discussing things when we saw a shadow. It looked almost human, but then the screaming started and it disappeared.

On the way back, I found this!

*holds up a large canine tooth from some sort of animal*

I would like to slowly and carefully reenter the temple, alone if I have to but preferably with a group. Is anyone willing to accompany me?

I'll come with you, wielding my newly acquired giant kitty tooth.

*Sheldon and William also run to Sylvia's aid.*

I would have, but I wasn't anywhere near there yet. :wacko:

Help me! Pleeeeease!

Help me or you will never know what I found atop the plankwork!

Somebody better come up with a feasible rescue plan soon! I think one arm is broken and I can't hold on much longer with the other....

Who's the fattest? If worse comes to worst, they can lay on the ground and I can just land on them. Delicately!

Or maybe Johnson can talk into a sealed bag and fill it with enough hot air to form a balloon...


Somebody better come up with a feasible rescue plan soon! I think one arm is broken and I can't hold on much longer with the other....

Try to wrap your legs around the pole like ... Oh, forget it.

How about we all pick up this big piece of scaffolding and hold it as high as we can so you can drop down on it. If enough of us held it over our heads, it would only be a couple of feet below you.

Good grief.. Sylvia, what are you doing right in the middle of the platform? It's dangerous for you. Diesel, quick give me a hand. Let's help Sylvia out of there.

Good lord, Sylvia how did you get up there!? We must try to help her. Do you think the scaffolding will be able to support my weight to climb up there and try and carry her down? Perhaps we should try and put this bottom section back so it is a bit more stable before I go up. What do you think William? Hurry, we need to act fast to stop her from falling.

Don't worry Sylvia, we'll get you down!

My sword isn't any use in this situation... :cry_sad:

How about we all pick up this big piece of scaffolding and hold it as high as we can so you can drop down on it. If enough of us held it over our heads, it would only be a couple of feet below you.

That sounds feasible. Do you have some lovely throw cushions to put on the scaffolding first? I don't want to break any more bones when I land.

Er... maybe the Sword Bearer shouldn't have the tip of the blade pointing directly up at me when I let go, just in case. Sylvia Kebab is not on the menu, boys.

Good lord, Sylvia how did you get up there!? We must try to help her. Do you think the scaffolding will be able to support my weight to climb up there and try and carry her down? Perhaps we should try and put this bottom section back so it is a bit more stable before I go up. What do you think William? Hurry, we need to act fast to stop her from falling.

Ok, I am thinking both of should try and grab those loose parts and fit them, so there can be some form of support, and at the same time, me and you, holding on the scaffolding each on one side to ensure balance, while Siegourney climbs up to rescue Sylvia from danger. Is this a better solution? Otherwise, we can take the other idea but we can't afford to break any Sylvia's bones.

Er... maybe the Sword Bearer shouldn't have the tip of the blade pointing directly up at me when I let go, just in case. Sylvia Kebab is not on the menu, boys.

Yeah, seriously junior, put that thing away before someone loses an eye... :hmpf:

Er... maybe the Sword Bearer shouldn't have the tip of the blade pointing directly up at me when I let go, just in case. Sylvia Kebab is not on the menu, boys.

Oh sure, sorry. :blush: I'll make sure it stays pointed down.

Ok, I am thinking both of should try and grab those loose parts and fit them, so there can be some form of support, and at the same time, me and you, holding on the scaffolding each on one side to ensure balance, while Siegourney climbs up to rescue Sylvia from danger. Is this a better solution? Otherwise, we can take the other idea but we can't afford to break any Sylvia's bones.

Sounds like a plan, let's get to it now, before it is too late. I'll grab this side, you grab that... right let's do this!

Sylvia! Try to hang on, we are going to try and brace the structure so that Siegourney can come up to get you! Try to stay calm!

Yeah, seriously junior, put that thing away before someone loses an eye... :hmpf:

Why don't you come brace this thing with us as well then, we could use the help rather than the talk. :wink:

Try to stay calm!

That's the exact four words you should NEVER say to a hysterical woman!


*mentally runs around in circles in distress*

I shall pray to the patron saint of modular buildings, St Jamie of Billund, to see me through this panic attack.

*deep breathe*

*clenches Kegels whilst thinking of St Jamie*

OK, I'm ready when you guys are :thumbup:

Damn its going to hell in a hand basket around here! I was all set to snap the pending nuptials, but now a picture of the fang that Sheldon has and the blood on the walls as well as what looks like a person fallen through the temple floor all demand photographs.

Can I get an upskirt shot of Sylvia for my private library?

Can I get an upskirt shot of Sylvia for my private library?

Finally this trip is looking up! *rimshot*

Why don't you come brace this thing with us as well then, we could use the help rather than the talk. :wink:

I think we've effectively named two good methods to save her. Let's wait and see which one we do... :laugh:

Slyvia! :oh3:

Hey, nerd! The guy who looks like a Quarry man (forgot name. :sad: ) get over here. You're fat enough to use as a cushin for Slyvia. :tongue:

Oh dear. We were told not to climb on the scaffolding, and now look what you've gotten yourself into. :sadnew:

Since I'm not fit to help with the lifting required to get the poor girl down, I'm going to look through the backpack and hat laying on the ground there. (In the foreground of the second picture.)

I think we've effectively named two good methods to save her. Let's wait and see which one we do... :laugh:

When Siegourney checks in, and if she agrees to come fetch me, then I am happy to go with what's been discussed.

Then I can share with you all THE MYSTERY OF THE MISSING CROWN that I espied earlier on these planks o' danger.

When Siegourney checks in, and if she agrees to come fetch me, then I am happy to go with what's been discussed.

I'm here! Sorry, a girl has to look her best and one can't look as good as I do without regular maintenance. In any case...

*I carefully climb up the scaffold...*

*clenches Kegels whilst thinking of St Jamie*

Are you planning on becoming pregnant soon? Do you have a Kegel exerciser? :look:

Take me Siegourney! Take me! :wub:

*falls willingly into Siegourney's arms*

Wait, what's that splashing sensation? Feels like droplets of rain in here... Oh, that's just Samantha salivating.

Take me Siegourney! Take me! :wub:

*falls willingly into Siegourney's arms*

You're safe now and your hairs not too mussed up either. Careful where you put your hands though...

You're safe now and your hairs not too mussed up either. Careful where you put your hands though...

Thanks Siegourney!

I fear one arm may be broken. I may be stoic and Nordic, but even I have my limits. I would appreciate some medical assistance and a splint - preferably not made of demon bone, thanks :thumbup:

Yes, it was foolish of me to climb the scaffolding. But atop the planks, I spied a shining golden crown! :oh: I'm like a magpie that way, stick a bit of shiny bling in front of me and I can't resist! However once I got there the crown was missing! Odd, I know. And then I noticed out of the corner of my eye that someone was running from the temple into the courtyard!

I didn't see anyone else, so it looks like that person may have taken the crown. I wonder if it was significant? I wonder if it forms a set with the sword? Maybe there's more items tucked around here somewhere. Anyway, it seems as if someone in this group now has the crown. Did anyone notice anyone coming out of the temple before I started screaming like a mad banshee?

Thanks Siegourney!

I fear one arm may be broken. I may be stoic and Nordic, but even I have my limits. I would appreciate some medical assistance and a splint - preferably not made of demon bone, thanks :thumbup:

I'm experienced at that kind of thing, but a broken arm is a quite serious matter. Maybe we should get some professional help? In any case, I'll re-set (think of St Jamie!) and splint it if we can find something suitable.

*I look around for some wood or metal to for a splint. Assuming the arm is broken, is the bone protruding? *

Yes, it was foolish of me to climb the scaffolding. But atop the planks, I spied a shining golden crown! :oh: I'm like a magpie that way, stick a bit of shiny bling in front of me and I can't resist!

I like your spriit! :wub: I can't resist things like that either. I live for excitement!

Did anyone notice anyone coming out of the temple before I started screaming like a mad banshee?

We saw a shadow in the jungle, but then you screamed and it disappeared. Maybe related, but if so then the thief probably isn't part of the group, and I think it's more likely the cultists collecting things than some random shadow.

Let's search everyone, and the bus too! I noticed part of the group seemed to conveniently head to the bus during this and that would be a great hiding place.

  • Author
Damn its going to hell in a hand basket around here! I was all set to snap the pending nuptials, but now a picture of the fang that Sheldon has and the blood on the walls as well as what looks like a person fallen through the temple floor all demand photographs.

*The picture of the tooth reveals a small inscription: "prudentia"*

*The blood on the walls says "Leave or die."*

Can I get an upskirt shot of Sylvia for my private library?

*She's wearing pants, you perv:*


*I carefully climb up the scaffold...*

*As William, Sheldon and Diesel steady the scaffolding from below, Siegourney bravely climbs up to rescue Sylvia.*

*I look around for some wood or metal to for a splint. Assuming the arm is broken, is the bone protruding? *


"I must insist we return to the bus. MOTEE tours has strict protocol about injuries sustained on one of our tours. There's also a first-aid kit there that will have a sufficient splint for Sylvia's arm."

Since I'm not fit to help with the lifting required to get the poor girl down, I'm going to look through the backpack and hat laying on the ground there. (In the foreground of the second picture.)

*Diana looks at the hat and backpack lying on the ground. They appear to be the hat and backpack Jack Baxter has been wearing. Before she can go through them there is an un-earthly groan and growl from above. A shadow falls across Diana's face as something above moves. Half of Jack Baxter's mutilated body falls from the beak of the demon statue to the temple floor in front of her. Organs and blood splatter everywhere.


Oh my, that reminds me of my Atlantis adventure.

I'd like to poke Jack's torso with a stick, to see if he's alive.:wink:

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