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Is my knife there? With all this death and doom going one, and grandmother's letters, I think I would prefer a blade on my person to go with the silver.

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Is my knife there? With all this death and doom going one, and grandmother's letters, I think I would prefer a blade on my person to go with the silver.

*Again, if any weapons are to be distributed, it will have to be done through the tour's security guard, Fred Thomas.*

Perhaps we should all take a knife for safety. If someone has one, then we're all in danger. Obviously whoever wants to cause us harm already has one, so passing them out would really do no harm, way i see it. Let's divi 'em up. Each couple gets one?

Perhaps we should all take a knife for safety. If someone has one, then we're all in danger. Obviously whoever wants to cause us harm already has one, so passing them out would really do no harm, way i see it. Let's divi 'em up. Each couple gets one?

No ones having my old knife......

I'd certainly love to have my knife back at this stage. I've been missing it... :cry_sad:

Thanks for fixin' me up, Siegourney!

Let's play spot the American tourists Oh, I know. It's easy! You crazy people are all fixated on knives :hmpf_bad: Seriously, if you think waving around a little blade is going to stop a demon from chewing you in half and spitting you out, you're all delusional.

I'd like to know if there is any chance of getting off this island via the bus/ ferry, but I don't hold high hopes for our chances. Failing that, we really should locate Jack's 'other half' and see if he found anything useful before he was bifurcated.

Thanks for fixin' me up, Siegourney!

Glad to! I hope it's not too tight.

Let's play spot the American tourists Oh, I know. It's easy! You crazy people are all fixated on knives :hmpf_bad:

:hmpf_bad: Gee, you sure know how to insult a girl. I'm not from a colony.

Seriously, if you think waving around a little blade is going to stop a demon from chewing you in half and spitting you out, you're all delusional.

I've killed many demonic entities... but none with this knife though. :sceptic: It is great for hunting and cooking and I'm really hungry!

I'd like to know if there is any chance of getting off this island via the bus/ ferry, but I don't hold high hopes for our chances. Failing that, we really should locate Jack's 'other half' and see if he found anything useful before he was bifurcated.

Well on that I can agree!

Is the buss in drivable shape, or is it at-least repairable?

I'd like to walk inside and check it out to make sure that it's beyond repair. I'd also like to see if I can find a guide book on native insects or the like in the buss, so that I can identify the type of scorpion they were.

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I'd like to know if there is any chance of getting off this island via the bus/ ferry, but I don't hold high hopes for our chances. Failing that, we really should locate Jack's 'other half' and see if he found anything useful before he was bifurcated.

*How would you like to go about discovering that?*

Is the buss in drivable shape, or is it at-least repairable?

I'd like to walk inside and check it out to make sure that it's beyond repair.

*Again, how would you like to make sure?*

I'd also like to see if I can find a guide book on native insects or the like in the buss, so that I can identify the type of scorpion they were.

:look: *Um...there's no insect guide book. The scorpions were a variant of the genus...um...They were made of plastic OK? And they were the size of your torso. Can you identify it with those facts? :wacko: *

I've killed many demonic entities...

Really? Tell us more. Do you have any occult inside information that might help us in our current plight?

Is there anything we should be doing (or not doing) to improve our chances of survival, like make a charm from garlic bulbs or cut off Sheldon's testicles and wear them as a necklace?

Are there any secret code words or phrases of power that we can use in moments of emergency to defend ourselves?

I am truly interested :oh:

*How would you like to go about discovering that?*

I guess the driver or someone with mechanical experience should try and start the bus up. Not me! I can tell you how to hand-stitch some fur cushions from demon pelts as decorative throw-cushions, however.

On the issue of weapons, I have two points.

1) We already have one knife on the loose. If we think that one of the members of the tour is an insane cultist trying to sacrifice us all to some demon god, the fewer weapons we have out in circulation the easier it will be to pin down the culprit.

2) If the murders are being committed by demonic forces, these weapons aren't going to do us much good. Instead we should just stick by the guy with the silver sword. That being said, I am going to take my rifle. *Removes rifle from weapons locker and carries it around.* I guess the tranquilizer gun and revolver would be okay to let loose too, but I don't know about the knives. *Gives tranq gun to Sandy* *Holds up revolver* Who wants it?

*Checks for a radio on the bus to see if we can radio for assistance*

My guess is that we're going to be stranded here for a while, so we should probably head back to the grand chamber and figure out what happened to Jack and maybe solve the remaining puzzles in this room. I have a feeling the only way we're going to get through this is to play along with what ever sick twisted game the big booming voice in the sky has in store for us. You all hear that voice too, right?

*Starts heading back into the ruins and motions for the others to follow*

Edited by fallentomato

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I guess the driver or someone with mechanical experience should try and start the bus up. Not me! I can tell you how to hand-stitch some fur cushions from demon pelts as decorative throw-cushions, however.

*Sylvia pushes the corpse of Hector out of the way. The missing knife falls out of his hand. There is a dead scorpion in his lap. He clearly made one last valiant effort to save himself.*

*Sylvia turns the key in the ignition. Not surprisingly, it doesn't start.*

*Removes rifle from weapons locker and carries it around.*

*Checks for a radio on the bus to see if we can radio for assistance*

*Fred finds a walkie-talkie and tries to use it. He succeeds in radoing Johnson Willoughby who is standing right next to him. If there was a CB on the bus, it is now missing...*

*Starts heading back into the ruins and motions for the others to follow*

*The group must reach a consensus on returning to the temple or staying.*

*The group may also want to consider reaching a consensus on the knives.*

I'd like to direct this to Fred and then the group. I want the revolver. If anyone is shot, you'll know it was me and it probably has very limited ammo, so it isn't like I could kill all of you before you'd stop me.

Remember folks, we aren't just fighting demons, assuming there even are demons, we're fighting the cultists who I'm sure are human. If we're smart about this, we can still split into 3 groups, each with at least one weapon: sword, rifle, revolver. That way, we can be in 3 different places but still have some protection. There must be a way to stop this from getting worse, and hiding in the bus isn't it.

We've got a temple to conquer.

As it is, we don't know who took the knife, so unless we're going to conduct strip searches, we have at least one very human deadly enemy among us. Given that the last one was stolen when no one was around, we have no reason to believe that can't happen again. We need to either destroy the remaining knives or we might as well divide them up. At this point I am willing to believe that random luck is with us and more would end up with normal people than cultists.

Who agrees?

As it is, we don't know who took the knife, so unless we're going to conduct strip searches, we have at least one very human deadly enemy among us.

Didn't Hector take the knife?

I must say, I hadn't considered that some amongst us could be cultists, but it makes sense.

Let's decide about the knives before leaving this area. If we divvy them up, I don't want one. I have a broken arm anyway, so I'd be like a lame chicken trying to peck with half a beak. Wait! That metaphor didn't make sense. Oh, who cares. Maybe this splint *is* a little tight.

I agree with Fred, we need to return to the temple and investigate further.

*Gives Sheldon the revolver* *Gives Sandy the tranq gun*

I say we get rid of the knifes. Knives can only invite mayhem.

I'd like to direct this to Fred and then the group. I want the revolver. If anyone is shot, you'll know it was me and it probably has very limited ammo, so it isn't like I could kill all of you before you'd stop me.

Remember folks, we aren't just fighting demons, assuming there even are demons, we're fighting the cultists who I'm sure are human. If we're smart about this, we can still split into 3 groups, each with at least one weapon: sword, rifle, revolver. That way, we can be in 3 different places but still have some protection. There must be a way to stop this from getting worse, and hiding in the bus isn't it.

We've got a temple to conquer.

As it is, we don't know who took the knife, so unless we're going to conduct strip searches, we have at least one very human deadly enemy among us. Given that the last one was stolen when no one was around, we have no reason to believe that can't happen again. We need to either destroy the remaining knives or we might as well divide them up. At this point I am willing to believe that random luck is with us and more would end up with normal people than cultists.

Who agrees?

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"After all of this chaos, I think we need to do a roll call and find out who is still here."


My whole family, including my wife, son in law and daughter are here, but I noticed there are some of us seems to disappear amidst in our intense discussion. Have these people came out of the bus?

Siegourney, Stanton, Diana have all went missing.

Where are they???

*Gives Sheldon the revolver* *Gives Sandy the tranq gun*

Thanks. I'd like to check how much ammunition there is and share that info with the group so we can keep track of it's use.

"After all of this chaos, I think we need to do a roll call and find out who is still here."

*prepares to fire a shot into the air to indicate his presence, but decides to save the ammo* YO!

My whole family, including my wife, son in law and daughter are here, but I noticed there are some of us seems to disappear amidst in our intense discussion.

Just out of curiousity, could you tell us where your son in law was just before that last incident? I know you wanted everyone to go to the bus, but you weren't all there when it started and I'm more than a little worried about how someone cut poor Jack in half with a simple knife... :sceptic:

Wait - wait - Hector had the missing knife. We established this. Therefore there was no 'missing' knife, Hector took it to fight the scorpion. So all the knives are there, we don't have to worry about any one of us having stolen it. Now why don't we redistribute the knives to their rightful owners. We're all on the same team here, aren't we?

And I'd feel much safer if my dear Tony had his knife on him. You say it may not fend off demons, but it's better than nothing!

What I would like to know is why Hector didn't go for the med-kit himself? I mean, sure, he was being attacked by the scorpion, but a swift stomp (or stab) would have taken care of that, and if he avoided the other scorpions he could easily have got to the med-kit.

Enough about the scorpions. I vote we give the knives back to their owners, and then move on to the temple. Unless anyone wants to check the bus for more clues?

*Diesel wonders idly to himself why his pretty sword never seems to grace his handsome figure in any of the group shots* :cry_sad:

Just out of curiousity, could you tell us where your son in law was just before that last incident? I know you wanted everyone to go to the bus, but you weren't all there when it started and I'm more than a little worried about how someone cut poor Jack in half with a simple knife... :sceptic:

Perhaps I can answer that for you Sheldon. I first went back to the Guard House we visited to make sure we hadn't missed anything and that what we had done in the main room hadn't triggered anything. By the lack of response from anyone I presume I found nothing. During my searching, William found me and convinced me to take DJ and Donna back to the bus for their protection, as he has been having these dreams about that statue in the main room accordingly. Before we were able to do this however we heard Sylvia screaming from the main Chamber, and so rushed there instead to try and help, at which point we met the rest of you.

What I would like to know, actually, is whether Jack was cut in half, or if he was bitten in half. It would explain the absence of his legs if they were eaten or otherwise removed. :look: If it is a clean cut straight across the middle, then that raises some questions, as that is a lot of bone and stuff to cut through for a human to manage. Not the sort of thing you could really achieve in one swing, realistically. If we go back, this would be worth finding out, it could help us discover a bit more about the nature of his murder.

Wait - wait - Hector had the missing knife. We established this. Therefore there was no 'missing' knife, Hector took it to fight the scorpion. So all the knives are there, we don't have to worry about any one of us having stolen it.

While that knife is not missing, remember that a knife went missing before we even got off the bus, when the weapons locker popped open. That weapon was never recovered, so someone here has a concealed weapon or something of that nature.

*Diesel wonders idly to himself why his pretty sword never seems to grace his handsome figure in any of the group shots* :cry_sad:

The bloodstains would mess up the colour balance? :tongue:

What I would like to know, actually, is whether Jack was cut in half, or if he was bitten in half. It would explain the absence of his legs if they were eaten or otherwise removed. :look: If it is a clean cut straight across the middle, then that raises some questions, as that is a lot of bone and stuff to cut through for a human to manage.

That's a good idea. At some point, let's examine the body to determine how exactly he split personalities like that. :look:

As for humans with very sharp swords and demonic possession, you never know, maybe neatness counts. :wacko:

I am still present and packing only a camera and my wits, so i am screwed!

Ok lets go with the possessive element of collecting.

Who has an item found on this trip on their personage?

There is the Sword, rock/s, is there a locket? crown?

There is the Sword, rock/s, is there a locket? crown?

I saw a crown on the planks when I climbed the scaffolding. But by the time I got there, it was gone. Out of the corner of my eye I saw someone leave the temple and dash outside - so it seems very possible to me that one of us filched it and is hiding it on their person.

Just out of curiousity, could you tell us where your son in law was just before that last incident? I know you wanted everyone to go to the bus, but you weren't all there when it started and I'm more than a little worried about how someone cut poor Jack in half with a simple knife... :sceptic:

Seeing, my son in law, Diesel wandering alone somewhere, I decided to follow up and get him to assist me to round up all of you back to the bus. This place is too dangerous, and I certainly don't want history to repeat itself once more.

Hello everyone; I'm back! I was doing a little fact finding. I found this note in Jack Baxter bag;

*"Jonesy was actually next to me in sick bay this week. He took the shrapnel pretty bad. Why I'm in here for this blister is beyond me, but that's the Navy for you. Jonesy always talked about the weird things that happened to him in that Phantom place, those ruins. But on these pain meds, he keeps having the night terrors. He wakes up screaming about the shadow people. Last night he talked endlessly about the skeleton wolves and I thought he'd lost his mind. Couldn't tell if he was awake or asleep, but he told me quite the detailed story, whatever he was. He woke me up just before sunrise screaming 'The shadow people can be saved. They can't help it. We could've saved them all, if only we knew...' He freaks my shit."*

Also, and I know it sounds off, but both me and Diane think the Grand Chamber has... er shrunk. :blush: My "father" seems to be gone too. :cry_sad:

I've also found an old photo of this area.

*Can I look and share the photo?*

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