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It doesnt matter which time line or what ever they use, if they killed Kyle then he could'nt have been sent back, John wouldn't be born, Skynet wins.

That's not how it works. Bear with me, although this isn't really that complicated.

In Terminator, the obvious intent was a time loop. T800 goes back and in response Kyle goes back. Kyle impregnates Sarah with John. It all happened because it had to happen. It's a loop. Unfortunately for this, T2 happened. In T2 they changed the future. By doing so, under your idea, John should have ceased to be instantly because they prevented the future which allowed time travel in the first place. This means that either they didn't change the future, unlikely given the whole "no fate but what we make" speech/theme. Or, it means that the first set of time travelers changed time, thereby creating the future the machines from T2 came from. Then they caused further changes creating the future the machines in T3 come from. Those machines then created further changes which have lead to the T4 timeline. That means, the Kyle Reese in T4 is not John's father and John could put a bullet between his eyes with no effect to himself if he so chose. The Kyle Reese that matters came from the original future timeline and already did his bit in this story. Killing T4 Kyle achieves nothing as far as stopping John.

Most other time travel theories don't fit the story at this point. Even this one probably has a hole I don't see because the series started with a "stable time loop" and changed to "the future can be changed". There aren't many theories that can work now. The point is, the future has been changed. If it has been changed, John would have to send Kyle back at the exact same second that he was sent back originally, along with his T800 nemesis. That means that John has no hope of beating Skynet until 2029 (T4 is 2018, I believe). Skynet is already prgoressing faster than it did in the original future timeline so the odds against that are astonomical.

Tl, Dr: Back to the Future time travel rules are not what is at work in the Terminator series. Alternatively, all Skynet has to do to win is not build a time machine, by your logic.

Edited by Tyrant

I've come back with a few more.

-How could I have forgotten Star Wars: The Clone Wars? Because I've made all efforts to blot it out of my memory, is why. Everything about it is just wrong. Wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong, wrong. WRONG! It makes me want to throttle George Lucas with a chain, like Leia does to Jabba. Ahsoka is possibly the most annoying thing to come on screen since the invention of film. She makes Jar-Jar look positively unobjectionable. It totally screws over two sets of canon, the voice acting is terrible, the plot is incoherent, Rotta is simply disgusting, and someone who is that close to becoming a Dark Lord of the Sith should never utter the words "Get back here, you grubby slug." NEVER!

-Anything that Disney has made that is direct-to-video. Yuck.

-Batman and Robin. It was in Spanish. On TV. Needless to say, I only watched a brief few minutes of it, but that was enough.

-It may not count as a movie, but "Rudolph's Shiny New Year" is pretty bad. It gets unintentionally hilarious at the end, though, when they're talking about "bongs" (the noise the clock is making. Yeah, right. More like what was in the scriptwriter's lap while he was writing)

Anything that Disney has made that is direct-to-video. Yuck.

How could you don't like that absurdal humour and ridiculous puns? :tongue: Well, actually High School Musical sequels were bad. xP

Ok, now serious (that doesn't mean I wasn't talking serious before :P ): I'm not a kind of austere critic, but I really don't like James Bond film without Connery starring in it. :wink:

Regards, Dr

Inglorious Bastards remake, over hyped piece of rubbish, and the subtitle, a movie should be watched not read.

I can't help but feel a little surprised every time I realize that there are people who prefer dubbed movies instead of subtitles :tongue:

I know that in many countries that is the standard procedure but I'm really happy that Sweden is not one of them.

As for movies I wish I never seen there are few that already has been mentioned in this thread like Transformers 1 & 2.

I also didn't like:

Avatar - extremely predictable story and just filled with clichés. Visual effect were good but that's just a small part of a movie, I think.

X-Men Origins: Wolverine - Really boring and if I hadn't been with a friend I would have walked out of the cinema.

The Grudge, The Ring, The Blair Witch Project, + all other horror film that I stupidly have watched, I don't like being scared :cry_sad::blush:

I can't help but feel a little surprised every time I realize that there are people who prefer dubbed movies instead of subtitles :tongue:

I know that in many countries that is the standard procedure but I'm really happy that Sweden is not one of them.

Seconded. I really hate when my sister (who suck at the English lessons) always wants to watch dubbed movies. (With always I mean whenever it´s available.)

The procedure is usually as following:

1) We put the film into the DVD-player (aka X-BOX). She checks if a dubbed version is available. If not, nothing happens. If it does however, the procedure continues:

2) She asks (well, more like demands) to watch the movie dubbed. I say no. She starts to (fake) cry, screaming "MOOOOOM!!!" and telling her (mom) that she can´t understand english and that she can´t catch up with the text (yeah right, she´s 13).

3) They make us watch the movie dubbed. :hmpf_bad:

This is why I love not having multiple language choices when I download a movie.

...Er. You didn´t hear anything. *waves hand* :vader:

Seconded. I really hate when my sister (who suck at the English lessons) always wants to watch dubbed movies. (With always I mean whenever it´s available.)

I'll third, Inglorious was great because it didn't fall to that stupid, stupid Hollywood cliche of non-English speakers speaking English. I watch all 74 episodes of Monster in Japanese and by the third episode in you don't even notice you're watching people speak Japanese because all you really need is the emotion in the voice to get the meaning behind the subtitles.

Anyway, I'll add X-men Origins: Wolverine, a big mess of a film that completely screwed over one of the greatest comic book characters; Deadpool.

Batbrick Away! :devil:

I can't help but feel a little surprised every time I realize that there are people who prefer dubbed movies instead of subtitles :tongue:

I know that in many countries that is the standard procedure but I'm really happy that Sweden is not one of them.

In this case it wouldn't be dubbed. It would just be filmed in English from the start since it was an American movie.

Personally, I am fine with any of the three methods (sub, dub, just film it in English) when it comes to movies. I saw Hero subtitled and I was fine with it. IB was fine as is. I also liked Valkyrie and it was almost entirely in English, though it used the same story telling device that was used in the Hunt for Red October to indicate to the audience that the characters are assumed to be speaking German (in Valkyrie, it would be Russian for Red October) and we can magically understand them in English.

In this case it wouldn't be dubbed. It would just be filmed in English from the start since it was an American movie.

Ah yeah, but you know what I meant :tongue:

People speaking in a language that they aren't supposed to really annoys me (just talking about movies here :wink: ).

That's why I like Mel Gibson's movies The Passion of the Christ and Apocalypse even if I think he's quite crazy otherwise :tongue:

Given no one actually took me up on it, I'm going with or what.

What were you expecting, a gauntlet to the face?

Most other time travel theories don't fit the story at this point.

Ignoring the fact that time travel theories are for the most part just unproven ideas, that's the problem with Terminator. It isn't consistent with any idea of time travel so the story, in short, is rubbish. I try to just watch them with my brain off. :tongue: (Personally I think if time travel is possible making changes must be impossible. Why? Because we're all still around... :grin: )

I can't help but feel a little surprised every time I realize that there are people who prefer dubbed movies instead of subtitles :tongue:

Yeah, I always watch movies in the native version. I love Anime and I never use the dub. The problem is that this often isn't good enough as sometimes it's clear that one thing is said and the sub-titles don't reflect. Example? Advent Children. In one scene you can hear Barret say "xxxx Cloud", which I assume is "Go Cloud!". But the subtitles say "Alley Ooop"... :sick:


Sorry but you just got


On topic:

I've actually never seen any movies that I've wanted to unsee so I can't really say...

I've actually never seen any movies that I've wanted to unsee so I can't really say...

Have you seen Batman and Robin? Eyes Wide Shut? Battlefield Earth? There's a list here if you need help! :tongue:

Have you seen Batman and Robin? Eyes Wide Shut? Battlefield Earth?

I love Uma's flowery lair and ubercamp turn as Poison Ivy. That hair! And tedious as Eyes Wide Shut is, it's beautifully shot. I can't say I've ever had the urge to watch Battlefield Earth, however :laugh:

Bridge to Terabithia. I've never hated a movie before. This changed it all.

I wanted to shoot myself when it was over for wasting 10 bucks.

OK, I'll bite.

I think the only movie I was seriously tempted to leave the theatre during was Rush Hour 2. Don't ask me why I went and saw that in the first place :grin:

'New Moon' bored the tears out of me - seriously, nothing happens for 1.5 hours and then there's 20 minutes of action at the end? - which is a shame as I did like 'Twilight'. I won't be going to see any more films in that franchise.

Have you seen Batman and Robin? Eyes Wide Shut? Battlefield Earth? There's a list here if you need help! :tongue:

Batman & Robin is embarrassing, I watched it last year just to double-check, and it was much more embarrassing than when I saw it in the theater now that I'm older (I watched it on my computer while surfing the Net by the way, it didn't command my attention :tongue: )

I saw Eyes Wide Shut years back, but it was dull, not offensively, regrettably so.

Battlefield Earth is a masterpiece of bad movie making, I highly recommend watching it with a group of friends and a lot of beer, and everyone can scream "No!" at the screen whenever John Travolta says lines like "Puny human!" with a straight face. Absolutely amazing, a perfect storm of crapiness. Highly recommended.

I liked that list, I haven't seen most because I avoid mediocre films, I know how to read a review. But when a movie gets to be monumentally crappy, sometimes I check it out. On that list, I enjoyed most of the "poor adaptions" but have zero interest in the "Star vehicles". One of the sites I dig, the AV Club have a film column, I watched this on purpose where the reviewer watches terrible movies and analyzes how terrible they are. A movie like Rotten Tomatoes all time low Ballistic: Ecks vs. Sever was deemed pretty much unwatchable, but another, Mac and Me, was somewhat watchable because it was just so unbelievably bad.

Another crap movie that is awesome? Dungeon Siege. Burt Reynolds as a medieval king? How could it go wrong? Where are the history MOCs of that flick? :laugh:

What a long post to start the day, like a cup of fine coffee, it got my gears running.

I guess I need to see Eyes Wide Shut now, since I love the other two! Ok, not love, but I for some reason like truly bad sci-fi, as long as it's funny-bad. Ever seen a Uwe Boll movie (def just mentioned Dungeon Siege, which I think is also called In the Name of the King)? Those verge on the edge of funny-bad and not funny-bad.

I will usually stick with a movie until the end. However, I fell asleep after an hour of Ultraviolet, and did not care to keep watching when I awoke.

The International, while the Guggenheim Museum shootout was cool, was a real bore with a useless ending.

And I know this will rake the muck, but I found The Wrestler truly despicable. But I don't really care to get into why.

Transformers 2, I sure wanted to leave. If it hadn't had the humans, it would've just been a dull action flick. But with the human scenes, I wanted to puke. I actually closed my eyes, just to try to block out the horrid pile of poo that was the dialogue.

I liked New Moon. Not because it was good, but I just love that there's a series so mainstream that spawns movies so weird. I wish Hollywood put out more completely weird movies like Twilight and New Moon.

I agree with what Seigfried said a bit back about Terminator. I like the franchise very much, but if you start getting into "he sent back a younger guy to be his father and then that guy died and then in the future he knew he had to send this guy back to be his father and then…", it's no fun at all. I'll just eat it up, and not put too much thought into it.

Yeah Terrabithia was Terrable! :sceptic: I also hated the 3rd shrek and Land of the lost was a MASSIVE disappointment! Especially since the TV show was so good. :sweet: And I know most people liked it but I hated the dark knight the only thing I thing was actually worh seeing was Heath Ledger's magnificent performance but that doesn't mean I liked the joker in it. In my opinion if you make a super hero movie based off a hero that little kids often like you should make it at least a little kid friendly! Like how Tim Burtons Batman movies. :wub:

I agree with what Seigfried said a bit back about Terminator. I like the franchise very much, but if you start getting into "he sent back a younger guy to be his father and then that guy died and then in the future he knew he had to send this guy back to be his father and then…", it's no fun at all. I'll just eat it up, and not put too much thought into it.

I don't intend to sound mean, but it really doesn't take much to make it work and it won't distract from the story. The theory I threw out a few posts back is one way. The other that I know of goes like this: The future can be changed. Anything or anyone that gets sent back in time exists seperate from the timeline so any changes in the past won't instantly destroy it. In this way, a person could travel back in time and change things. The future he came from would cease to be but he would not. This would avoid the paradox. The only real hang up I see with this idea is that if the change is instant, then only the T800 would have made it back in T1 because the instant he arrived he in the past the world would change. Really, even if it starts small, the world would change the moment anything came back in time because it's something or someone who wasn't there originally (unless you have a time loop in which case they were always meant to go there).

I guess my point is that the movies can work if you put just a little thought into it. If these movies are that terrible, then people shouldn't have to invent reasons to be critical about them. The overall script, acting, etc I understand. The time travel, however, has a viable theory* that can make it work. Also to be clear again, just because I find no problems with the time travel theory doesn't make the movie any better. I just hate it when people bash a movie that is believed to be unpopular and they just start making up problems with the movie. If it's that bad, it shouldn't be necessary to make up problems should it?

*obviously by "viable theory" I mean something that sounds logical and at least works by the laws of movie science because in this case we are talking about something that to our knowledge is purely fiction.

it's no fun at all.

As for this, I believe given the general serious tone and the R rating of T1 are big clues it's not supposed to be a "fun" movie. The series on the whole (obviously Arnold's attempts at comedy in part 3 not withstanding) has a serious tone, not a playful tone. The second goes to great lengths to discuss mankinds self destructive behaviors and our increasing reliance on technology that most of people don't understand. The movies weren't meant to be fun. On the scifi scale, T1 and 2 should fall closer to (but not quite with) movies like Blade Runner and District 9, not Star Wars or some of the cheesier episodes of Star Trek (that's some episodes are cheesy, not the series as a whole).

By the way, I'm not trying to single you out Clone O'Patra. It's just that I have seen a similar argument before and I honestly do not believe the Terminator series is meant to a fun set of movies. Entertaining, sure. But fun in the way I am taking it (as in, not putting much thought into it and basically watching it for the action) isn't a word I would ever use for it.

I just hate it when people bash a movie that is believed to be unpopular and they just start making up problems with the movie. If it's that bad, it shouldn't be necessary to make up problems should it?

I wasn't bashing, I was just saying I don't need to/want to think about the whole time travel thing to enjoy the movies, and thinking about it can just get me confused. I think T3 actually is fun even by your definition, but I use fun to mean entertaining, sometimes. I personally classify a scene where someone says "I'll be baack," then a pause, then him smashing through the front door to be hilarious and fun, in a very good way. T2 wasn't "fun" I guess, it's my least favorite of the three anyway.

But this is offtrack-ish, because I don't want to unsee the Terminator series.

I don't intend to sound mean, but it really doesn't take much to make it work and it won't distract from the story.

I understand the concept, I just don't agree with it. But I still like the movies; even 3. (I've never seen 4 and I probably won't as I don't like Bale or the director.)

1. Inglorious Bastards was made in America, so it wouldn't be dubbed it would be just plain English the way it should have been.

2. If you say I bet, then someone has to say I will take you up on it, otherwise no bet has been made.

def don't bother replying, i have already put you on ignore otherwise I would say something to get myself in trouble.

2. If you say I bet, then someone has to say I will take you up on it, otherwise no bet has been made.

:hmpf: You aren't a lawyer by any chance? I went to a bit of effort so you could at least play along, it's not like I really expected you to pay up. Note to self; DarthSion is on my Party Pooper list.

And I know most people liked it but I hated the dark knight the only thing I thing was actually worh seeing was Heath Ledger's magnificent performance but that doesn't mean I liked the joker in it.

I agree for the most part. I'm a not a fan of Bale (and that's being nice) and while I think Ledger performed well, the Joker was wrong. Why? Because he wasn't funny, he was just sick. (I'm playing Arkham Asylum at the moment and the Joker is perfect there. ) Also, the movie was filled with to much rubbish, especially that mobile phone trick.

And tedious as Eyes Wide Shut is, it's beautifully shot.

What bothered me the most was that music, Musica ricercata. Strewth that was annoying. :sceptic:

What bothered me the most was that music, Musica ricercata. Strewth that was annoying. :sceptic:

Amongst all the orgiastic cultists and other lost cast members of Red Moon, I do remember sitting in the cinema at one point thinking 'Wow! They've really managed to match the colour of the bathroom in this scene to Nicole's dress!' :thumbup:

Yes, that is my most enduring memory :blush:

Shrek (All of them): Never liked them, Even when I was younger.

Star Wars: TPM: Maybe its the lack of clones/imperials or the fact its quite boring with the exception of taking back the Palace & Podrace, It is my least favourite SW film, Besides CW.

Star Wars: CW: The original series was the best, This newer one is by far lower quality in many areas (Plot holes, For one), And the new movie that started off the new series was quite bad. :sick:

Anything Disney has made within the last 5 or so years (Whenever Hannah Montana/Miley Cyrus came out.): Disney used to be my favourite as a kid but these new ones suck, I think Walt Disney

would turn over in his grave if he saw the Disney channel these days, Most of their movies have gone down hill with few exceptions, the Classics are good though.

Transformers 2: The original was great, The second one seemed to be lacking in something though, Just seemed like sexed up, lacking dialogue with somewhat pointless over the top action thrown in, Don't get me wrong I love action movies but this seemed pointless and like they were trying to milk the licence.

Fred Claus: Probable at the bottom of my list of Christmas Movies.

I think there's alot more films I wish I could unwatch, I have watched many crap films. This is just off the top of my head.

Edited by Darth_Legois

1. Inglorious Bastards was made in America, so it wouldn't be dubbed it would be just plain English the way it should have been.

2. If you say I bet, then someone has to say I will take you up on it, otherwise no bet has been made.

def don't bother replying, i have already put you on ignore otherwise I would say something to get myself in trouble.

I'm sorry I offended you so much by liking Inglourious Basterds a lot and only so so liking Avatar :wacko: That makes somebody angry? Well, you are a Sith lord after all.

Movies in foreign languages should be done in a foreign language. It's "real" that way. You must have been really angry with all that Navi talk in Avatar, why couldn't James Cameron just given them an accent like in other sci-fi movies? It was made in America... wait, Cameron's Canadian, that explains it! :sweet:

Anyway, feel free to reply to this, since this is an Internet forum where people are trying to have a good time discussing stuff... wait (again), you put me on ignore so I guess you can't. Oh well, à chacun son goût. :wink:

I don't think Avatar is the worst at all, just... oh, how to explain it.

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