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Charlie and the chocolate factory, shocking, Johnny Depp was horrible, bad rewrite, the whole showing Wonkers childhood was lame.

Not really a movie, but still great, the Wolf's rain! Awesome, you should see it!

Not really a movie, but still great, the Wolf's rain! Awesome, you should see it!

Charlie and the chocolate factory, shocking, Johnny Depp was horrible, bad rewrite, the whole showing Wonkers childhood was lame.

Wow, really? I didn't think the movie was Horrible, but to me it didn't deserve to be on the "Movies you can't unsee" list...

Although, now that I think about it, it was a pretty bad movie. Huh.

I liked that movie and that clip :angry:

So you just had to comment on a post made almost one year ago? *huh*

Charlie and the chocolate factory, shocking, Johnny Depp was horrible, bad rewrite, the whole showing Wonkers childhood was lame.

Funny, I thought Johnny was hilarious in that movie. I liked that version much better than the old one which was never interesting enough for me to keep me watching all the way through. Then again, I'm a big Burton fan, and you never like the things I like. :tongue:

Not really a movie, but still great, the Wolf's rain! Awesome, you should see it!

If it's a movie you'd like to unsee, why do you recommend it? :wacko:

If you mean the older one as in Willy Wonker and the chocolate factory, it wasn't great, but it was better than Charlie and the chocolate factory, at least WWatCF had several ompahlumpahs not just one person over and over again, and what was with the PVC fetish, and at least the old one had a real actor Gene Wilder was brilliant compared to c grade Depp.

Transformers 2. Never have I seen so a movie so horrid. From bloody Megan Fox to the crappy story line. I really wish I could unsee the movie.

Charlie and the chocolate factory, shocking, Johnny Depp was horrible, bad rewrite, the whole showing Wonkers childhood was lame.

Yes, I found Johnny Depp's Wonka extremely disturbing, I did not find the movie entertaining or funny at all. Gene Wilder was a bit scary as Wonka, but more in a quirky way rather than "I, the viewer, feel VERY uncomfortable - stay away from my children". The whole Christopher Lee dentist crap made the movie all wrong. The new Charlie was fine however.

Haven't read the book for many years so I don't recall how the newer movie compares to it.

We were graced with a rerun of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" on Dec. 25th in Germany and I have to say, it still ranks high as one of my favourite modern classics. It blows the old movie starring Wilder out of the way hard. J. Depps performance alone, aloof and loony as can be, rocks the show like no other could. C. Lees supporting role adds to the experience. I don't get all the Depp-bashing; seems like dissappointed nostalgia to me...

But to my tastes, ever since "Edward Scissorhands", everything that has "Johnny Depp" on its title has some bonus-points with me. He's such a strong actor!

Yet: What's with that pageboy hairdo? That's the only ever irritating thing in that movie...

Edited by Cutty

Halloween III: awful plot, awful quality... WTH didn't they continue the story of Michael Myers? I even heard they're going to remake it :sick:

The Clone Wars: the only Star Wars movie I didn't see in theaters and I'm glad I didn't. The plot is... meaningless. A Hutt kidnaps the sun of Jabba the Hutt in order to get him on the side of the Seperatists... Whatever happened to his son anyway? It's not like you see him in the OT.

The intro of the movie was meant to remind us of the saturday morning cartoons from the 80's and 90's and that's exactly how the movie felt. Luckily, the series has turned out better but it's still an unnecessary show that only brings up more confusion and contradictions in the Star Wars universe. (the original Clone Wars show is far superior to this one.)

This might upset some, but half of the Godfather part two. The part that follows Vito Corleone is amazing, but the part about Michael is just... long, dreadful, boring and totally lacks the mafia feel that you get in the Godfather and Vito's part.

Also, I hate the fact that Der Untergang HAS to be translated by Americans into Downfall. That title makes the movie sound a lot more cheaper.


Whatever happened to his son anyway? It's not like you see him in the OT.

The intro of the movie was meant to remind us of the saturday morning cartoons from the 80's and 90's and that's exactly how the movie felt. Luckily, the series has turned out better but it's still an unnecessary show that only brings up more confusion and contradictions in the Star Wars universe. (the original Clone Wars show is far superior to this one.)

Do you need to? Who says Rotta had to be in the same room with Jabba the day he met Luke? :wink:

Can't argue with the other paragraph though. In fact, I strongly agree, especially with the last sentence. :thumbup:

Edited by Oky Wan Kenobi

Depp is a rubbish actor, he is only popular because lots of girls like him, the only decent thing about that movie was count Dukoo.

By the time Luke meet Jabba it was what 20 years, unless Rotta was a money sponging Gen Y kid, I would say he moved out, or was killed.

Depp is a rubbish actor, he is only popular because lots of girls like him.

Once again, no taste. I try to ignore your film critique, because it's just so pointless, but sometimes, enough is enough. Someone says they like Johnny Depp,and that's your reply (as quoted above). Depp's an above average actor who has a far better than average movie resume, who deliberately played against type for most of his career (ie. Ed Wood, Fear & Loathing, Dead Man, Gilbert Grape, Cry Baby, etc etc), precisely so he wouldn't just be popular because lots of girls like him. It's not his fault he was born looking better than most of the men in the world. Though the first half of his career was much stronger than the second half. Perhaps Sion thinks Willy Wonka, the Mad Hatter, and Sweeny Todd were played as heartthrobs :hmpf: Even in Pirates, he's wearing eye-shadow, playing a happy (as opposed to tortured) drunk, and doesn't get any girl. Would Tom Cruise have done that? Better to pick on, say, Sam Worthington, or any other pretty boy who only lands paint-by-numbers Hollywood flicks and roles. You have absolutely no case with this line of thought.

Someone's jealous...

He is a rubbish singer, he is only popular because lots of girls like him.

Funny, one slight change and you get my thoughts on Justin Bieber default_laugh_new.gif

Personally, Depp is a great actor. He's one of the few actors who are really as good as advertised, and his movies generally prove that.

Edited by The Legonater

I like Johnny Depp's straight acting characters, but Jack Sparrow is the only other one of his I like, the others (I can recall) are too over-the-top quirky to me. Alice In Wonderland was the worst by far. Really weirded me out.

I personally think Johnny is one of the better actors out there, along with George Clooney and a couple others.

And i quite enjoyed Charlie and the chocolat factory, you just have to lay back and think about nothing.

The Pink Panther (2006) with Steve Martin.

There is only one Jacques Clouseau in my universe. Peter Sellers.

The Clone Wars: the only Star Wars movie I didn't see in theaters and I'm glad I didn't. The plot is... meaningless. A Hutt kidnaps the sun of Jabba the Hutt in order to get him on the side of the Seperatists... Whatever happened to his son anyway? It's not like you see him in the OT.

you could say the same for... all but 6 characters in the whole PT. The plot is about controlling hyperspace lines or something.

We were graced with a rerun of "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" on Dec. 25th in Germany and I have to say, it still ranks high as one of my favourite modern classics. It blows the old movie starring Wilder out of the way hard. J. Depps performance alone, aloof and loony as can be, rocks the show like no other could. C. Lees supporting role adds to the experience. I don't get all the Depp-bashing; seems like dissappointed nostalgia to me...

The problem with New CatCF is it's a very paint by numbers generic burton fest. (i.e every single burton cliche rolled into one film. see. Alice in wonderland.)

I wouldn't call it a 'modern classics' however.

Johnny Depp Talk

He is a good actor, but the probably only things Sion has seen him in as Jack Sparrow or any Burton movie where he plays basically the same character.

Edited by simonjedi

Never seen PotC, mostly because Depp is in it, did see the parody which I liked but can't discuss that.

Although Rango looks funny, but that is because you can't see Depp.

Did I say Devil, I really should learn to check a movie director, or not fast forward opening credits.

Edited by DarthSion

Charlie and the chocolate factory, shocking, Johnny Depp was horrible, bad rewrite, the whole showing Wonkers childhood was lame.

I find the movie horrible too! Not because of bad acting on the part of Mr. Depp (which, by the way, means "idiot" in German) but due to the lame storyline... well, maybe I just don't like chocolate enough! :laugh:

Year One is an awful awful film.

Plus this crap was written by a Ghostbuster. BAD EGON!

Darth Sion, how can you say Depp is bad when you havent seen his best acting? To quick to judge my friend.

A film I can't unsee, Fourth Kind. My friends gave it a lot f hype saying, ''Oh it's so cool! It makes you beieve in aliens.'' I watched and now no longer trust their film judgement. Without spoiling the story, lets just say there is absolutly no convincing evidence of aliens. Very big dissapointment. I probabley wouldn't have minded it as much had it not be hyped up so much by my friends.

I'll probabley think of another film to rant about later.

Alien vs Predator

Aliens vs Predator: Requiem

Nightmare on Elm Street Remake

There is only one Jacques Clouseau in my universe. Peter Sellers.


Aliens vs Predator: Requiem

AVP2 was just like all the movies I used to watch with the boys back in high school. Blood & guts, predictable outcome. I still liked it, but it wasn't what I hoped it would be - as such I've not seen it since.

I think you're asking too much in this case. Some people insist on using the Internet to post extreme, unsubstantiated opinions, for whatever reason (makes them feel good, tough, etc.) He's a text-bully that needs to be stood up to.

Not to dowse the flames with oil, but their quite right Sion, you have came across as arrogant and bullying in the past, and people don't like it. :sceptic:

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