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The Rules

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

In Imperial Soldier's Mafia, there are the Honoured and there are the Deserters.

- There will be two main sides in the game. You win when your side has defeated the other.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- Voting will ONLY begin after 24 hours into the Day.

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a court-martial.

- Please avoid posting out of character in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a court martial. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the Confirmation and Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game. Any violation of this rule will also result in a court martial.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I am unable to commit every possible minute to this, so things might be delayed. I will try to not to delay, though.

-Please stay in period while in game. This is to better enhance the quality of the game and make it more fun! This is to say, do NOT post anything modern or things past the early 1800's, the set time period of this game. You will be warned when you do this, and with three warnings, you will be put up to court martial. Any mentions of PMs in the game should be really be called "Letters".


If you are to be found breaking any of the above rules, you will be put to court-martial. These were military courts that would deal with soldiers who broke the rules (deserting, criminal acts, stealing). After you have been caught breaking the rules, the host will PM 5 random members in the game. They will decide your fate with a Yes/No vote. Found guilty, you will be sentenced to death. Found not-guilty, you are free. Be careful! Guilty members will not be replaced by the reserves.


Have a ball :sweet:

Character List:

alexthegreat.png Pvt. Alex Gierdieu (Alex the Great)

alice.png Pvt. Alain Entaine (Alice)

awesomestar.png Pvt. Aaron Stelly (AwesomeStar)

bigcam.png Pvt. Bill Cartelle (BigCam)

bobconstructman.png Pvt. Bobby Camon (Bob the Construction Man)

ca.png Pvt. Geoffrey Oult (Captain Genaro)

def.png Pvt. Dan Gale (def)

dragonator.png Pvt. David Reutal (Dragonator)

generala.png Drummer Boy Gace Maetan (General Armendariz)

iamded.png Provost Guard Ian Des (iamded)

martinsuper.png Captain Martin Lecoq (Macoco)

metroid.png Provost Guard Mason Dalese (MetroiD)

new_right.png Flag Bearer Nathan Redman (New Right)

pedro.png Lieutenant Pedro Pellsan (pedro)

quarry.png Pvt. Quinn Malne (Quarryman)

rick.png Pvt. Rick Aellot (Rick)

roncanator.png Pvt. Ron Toreil (Roncanator)

sandy.png Pvt. Samuel Yellman (Sandy)

shadows.png Pvt. Michel Shadón (shadows)

stash.png Sergeant Stanely Hemphill (Stash2sixx)

tanotrooper.png Pvt. Talón Rames (Tanotrooper)

captaingenaro.png Pvt. Tom Perot (TinyPiesRUs)

whitefang.png Pvt. Wilson Gale (Whitefang)

42nd Reserves:




Jim Butcher





David Reutal, reporting for duty. *salutes* Let's show the enemy what we've got, harrah!


Rick Aellot proud to serve in the 42nd.



Private Tom Perot of the 42nd Regiment reporting. I have keenly participated in many a battle, and it pains me to bear witness to the many deserters who tread on the Imperial Army's esteemed name. I await further instructions.

Hello to you all. I am Michel Shadón. My name is quite annoying as my writing fingers do not naturally produce the little beauty mark above the o, so I may not always use it, and you must not feel compelled to either.

Here is my carte-de-visites, as requested, along with a modern reproduction of it. I am not understanding the use of modern here, but I am knowing all about the reproduction as is the way of my people. :wink:

gallery_1558_40_17895.jpg ~ shadows.jpg

Speaking of which... where are the ladies? Oh my. No ladies. Well, you'll have to do. What you'll have to do we'll discuss in my tent. :devil:

David Reutal, reporting for duty. *salutes* Let's show the enemy what we've got, harrah!

First you can show me what you've got, Root all!

Ron Toreil reporting.


Proud to be one of the oldest privates in the 42nd Regiment.

Mason Dalese reporting. Proud to serve in the 42nd Regiment.


Rick Aellot proud to serve in the 42nd.

Hmmm, don't I know you from someplace?

Monsiuer Shadón, order please! Leave monsieur Reutal alone... for the time being.

Samuel Yellman, reporting for duty!


Oh, what nice moustaches you all have! Maybe I should grow one as well. :wink:

Hmmm, don't I know you from someplace?

Mason?! I thought you decided to not sign up. Did they force you to join the 42nd? And oh my, they gave you nice golden epaulets and a tricorne. Does this mean you're leading us into battle? I'm sure those golden epaulets will attract the attention of Monsieur Shadón.

edit: fixed a typo in Mr. Shadón's name.

Edited by Rick

Monsieur Aellot, my duties have brought me to the 42nd Regiment where I have been called upon to serve as a just and loyal Court Marshal. I am sure that by now you should be used to seeing moi in golden epaulets, bearing in mind my faithful service to the Republic. :sadnew:

Private Dan Gale reporting. I look forward to distinguishing myself amongst my fine fellows.


How do you know if you are in for this game?

How do you know if you are in for this game?

You're informed of your acceptance into the regiment and your assignment via a personal message letter :pir-classic:

Ah I see! To bad I didn't get in... I'll just follow this game and learn. Hope you guys have a blast! Now I'll stop bumping this topic


Lieutenant Pedro Pellsan present; proud to be serving the 42nd!


And may I say what a fine cast of soldiers I'll have fighting by my side.

With God's help and a just hand we'll rid this glorious army of those who would desert us! Sally forth men!

Monsiuer Shadón, order please! Leave monsieur Reutal alone... for the time being.

Don't worry about me, I can handle Michel, if you know what I mean sir. :wink:

Lieutenant Pedro Pellsan present; proud to be serving the 42nd!


Sally forth men!

Sally who? Where is this lovely Sally? Shall I call Mssr. Reutal Sally? That might work. :grin:


Hello! Bobby Camon, reporting for duty, sir! *salutes*

Private Jeremy Lavigne reporting for duty, sir *salutes*

*Image Removed*

Edited by Dragonator
Image removed at the request of the Game Host


I'll take that under advisement, private!

Sally who? Where is this lovely Sally? Shall I call Mssr. Reutal Sally? That might work. :grin:

Whatever pleasantries you address each other by is fine by me, but when I call it on the field be sure to advance!

Hello this is Alex Gierdieu reporting for duty. I am 33 years old and I've signed up for the 42nd regiment.


EDIT: changed my name to correct spelling

Edited by Alex the Great

Can you add me to the list of reserves please?

Have a good game everyone

Geoffrey Oult reporting in sir!

May I also be as bold to say that there is no better regiment than the 42nd and that I am proud to serve beside so many great fighing men.


Can you add me to the list of reserves please?

Yes, same here, please. :sweet: Of course, Simonjedi, at this point, we don't know if there already is a reserves list, because ImperialScouts hasn't yet posted a list of all the characters and who plays them. :wink:

Gace Maetan, ready for battle sir!

I may be the youngest (16), but im not the weakest!

I am serving the 42nd as a drummer boy.


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