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I really hope we get to play as these characters in the game.

Katuunko, Ventress, Plo Koon, Sinker,Boost, Rocket battle droid, Padme in several gears,Grievous,Pre Viszzla, Tera Sinube,Aurra Sing, Cad Bane, Hevy, Echo, Fives, Cody, Rex, Denal, Ponds, Mace Windu, ARF Trooper, Bomb Squad Trooper, Luminara, Gree, Nute Gunray, Senate Commando, Obi-wan, Anakin, Nahdar Vebb, Fil,Hondo Ohnaka, Bossk And Boba Fett in Jango Armor.

I don't want to go on forever so my list ends there for now.

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I really hope we get to play as these characters in the game.

Katuunko, Ventress, Plo Koon, Sinker,Boost, Rocket battle droid, Padme in several gears,Grievous,Pre Viszzla, Tera Sinube,Aurra Sing, Cad Bane, Hevy, Echo, Fives, Cody, Rex, Denal, Ponds, Mace Windu, ARF Trooper, Bomb Squad Trooper, Luminara, Gree, Nute Gunray, Senate Commando, Obi-wan, Anakin, Nahdar Vebb, Fil,Hondo Ohnaka, Bossk And Boba Fett in Jango Armor.

I don't want to go on forever so my list ends there for now.

They all sound reasonable with the exception of Katuunko, but then again, Boss Nass and Watto appeared in The Complete Saga as characters with no abilities or powers.

Posted (edited)

Here is the rest of the list I started yesterday and later I will point out which Vehicles I would like to control.

R3-S6, Turk Falso, Aayla Secura, Bly, Gree, Faro Argayus, Lurmen people, Commando droid, Tactical droid, Wulff Yularen, Lok Durd, Count Dooku, Pune Zignat, Cold Assault Trooper, Rex(Snow gear), Pantoran guard, Riyo Chuchi, Talz, Hawk, Nuvo Vindi, Jar-Jar, Peppi Bow, Gregar Typho, Jaybo Hood, Mar Tuuk, Naval Officer, Waxer, Boil, Numa, Mace Windu, Cham Syndulla, Gobi Glie, Razor, Stak, Shanan Alama, Robonino, Assasin droid, Bail Organa, Captain Jayfon, Jocasta Nu, Ord Enisence, Cato Parasitti, Todo 360, R2-d2, Darth Sidious, Bolla Ropal, Jedi Children (Wee Dunn,Roo-Roo Page), Sith Nanny Droid, Rush Clovis, Lott Dod, Poggle The Lesser, Naboo Palace Guards, Jet, Flame Trooper, Ki-Adi-Mundi, Bariss Offee, Geonosian, Draa, Buzz, Geonosian Zombie, Karina The Great, Trap, Havoc, Pulscar, Kit Fisto, Eeth Koth, Adi Gallia, Lock, Crys, Cut Lawquane, Jesse, Cassie Cryar, Ione Marcy, Satine, Mandalorian Soldier, Mandalorian Police Officer, Tal Merrik, Almec, Onaconda Farr, Mixer, Redeye, Mon Mothma, Halle Burtoni, Lolo Purs, Davu Golec, Tan Divo, Admiral Trench, Spark, Blackout, Embo, Sugi, Seripas, Goji, Rod, Sionver Boll, Doge Urus, Hawkeye, Trapper, Clone Cadets, Admiral Kilian, Fury, R8-B7, Castas, Comet, Wolffe, Fong Do.

Sorry if that's a lot but I am quite busy the next few days and might not have had the time to list all those characters seperately.

Edited by commanderneyo

Hm... Here's my list of expected levels.

CW Movie (My memory is very hazy of this, I'm not sure the 'Escape of Teth' level really happened. :tongue:))

Battle of Christophsis (Anakin/Ahsoka sneaking behind enemy lines, planting charges)

Rescue of Rotta (Anakin/Ahsoka/R2-D2 going into the Bo'marr monastary)

Duel on Teth (Obi-Wan/Cody, Asajj boss)

Escape from Teth? (The Twilight, V-19 Torrent breaking through CIS blockade)

The Neogotiator (Obi-Wan/R4-P17 going into Jabba's Palace)

Dooku Duel (Anakin/Ahsoka/R2-D2 battling Magnaguards and Dookue boss outside Jabba's Palace)

Posted (edited)

Hm... Here's my list of expected levels.

CW Movie (My memory is very hazy of this, I'm not sure the 'Escape of Teth' level really happened. :tongue:))

Battle of Christophsis (Anakin/Ahsoka sneaking behind enemy lines, planting charges)

Rescue of Rotta (Anakin/Ahsoka/R2-D2 going into the Bo'marr monastary)

Duel on Teth (Obi-Wan/Cody, Asajj boss)

Escape from Teth? (The Twilight, V-19 Torrent breaking through CIS blockade)

The Neogotiator (Obi-Wan/R4-P17 going into Jabba's Palace)

Dooku Duel (Anakin/Ahsoka/R2-D2 battling Magnaguards and Dookue boss outside Jabba's Palace)

You going to do expected levels for seasons one and two or do you want me to do that for you?

EDIT: There was a escape from teth where Anakin and Ashoka tried to board Yularen's ship but it was destroyed by Vulture droids so Anakin had to fly the ship straight to Tatoinne

Edited by commanderneyo

Season 1 Part 1

Ambush (Yoda/His Clones destroying droids through Toydaria, AAT boss)

Rising of Malevolence (Plo Koon/Clones destroying droids on asteroids, Pod Hunter boss)

Shadow of Malevolence (Plo Koon's fighter/Y-Wings destroying Vultures around Malevolence, ion cannon/gun emplacements main boss)

Destroying the Malevolence (Anakin/Obi-Wan, then R2, Padme, and 3PO fighting in Malevolence, Grievous main boss)

Rookies (Clones, then Rex and Cody fighting commando droids, sword commando boss)

Lair of Grievous (Fisto/Nahdarr/Clones beating Grievous and Magnaguards in mini-boss areas, Gor main boss)

Season 1 Part 2

Trespass (Anakin/Obi-Wan/Rex fighting Talz, Thi-Sen main boss)

Blue Shadow Virus (Anakin/Padme/Clones fighting droids in underground base, Nuvo Vindi boss)

Mystery of a Thousand Moons (The Twilight/Hay-wired Vulture Droid fighting Vulture Droids and asteroids, 'Droll' with gun emplacements boss)

Innocents of Ryloth (Waxer/Boil/Nuna fighting droids in village, Gutkarr boss)

Liberty on Ryloth (Mace Windu/ARF troopers/Cham Syndulla attacking Ryloth capital, walking Hyena bomber boss)

Hostage Crisis (Anakin/Padme fighting assassin droids in Senate building, Cad Bane boss)

Season 2 Part 1

Holocron Heist (Ahsoka/Anakin fighting Cato Parasitti through Jedi Library, disguised as Jocasta Nu boss)

Cargo of Doom (Anakin Spacesuit/Ahsoka Spacesuit/Clones/Rex fighting droids in zero gravity hangar, Cad Bane boss)

Landing at Point Rain (Ki-Adi-Mundi/Blaze trooper/Clones fighting through Geonosian catacombs, then Anakin/Ahsoka/Rex/Clones attacking fortress through droids, Geonosian fighter boss)

Droid Factory (Ahsoka/Barris Offee fighting through droid factory, Super Tank boss)

Legacy of Terror (Anakin/Obi-Wan/Cody/Clones, then Luminara fighting zombie Geonosians underground, then freeing Luminara and escaping, Queen Karina boss)

Brain Invaders (Ahsoka/Barriss fighting zombie clones in Republic Cruiser, then duel against each other as bosses)

Season 2 Part 2

Grievous Intrigue (Anakin/Adi Gallia fighting commando droids in CIS cruiser, then rescue Eeth Koth, then Grievous boss)

The Deserter (Wounded Rex/Cut Lawquane defending farm against Commando droids, then Obi-Wan/Clones fighting Grievous riding Reek boss)

Mandalore Plot (Obi-Wan/Satine fight Death Watch in abandoned mine, Pre Viszla/Darksaber boss)

Cat and Mouse (Stealth Ship/V-19 Torrent fighting Vulture Droids around The Invincible, Invincible's gun emplaced bridge main boss)

R2 Come Home (Anakin/Mace/R2/Mace's Droid fight Gundarks in crashed ship, then Anakin and Mace are trapped, and R2 and Mace's Droid control their ships (ground-based) to fight Slave I main boss)

Lethal Trackdown (Ahsoka/Plo Koon go to Florrum, fight Weequays, chase Aurr Sing on speeders, then Slave I main boss)


Season 1 Part 1

Ambush (Yoda/His Clones destroying droids through Toydaria, AAT boss)

Rising of Malevolence (Plo Koon/Clones destroying droids on asteroids, Pod Hunter boss)

Shadow of Malevolence (Plo Koon's fighter/Y-Wings destroying Vultures around Malevolence, ion cannon/gun emplacements main boss)

Destroying the Malevolence (Anakin/Obi-Wan, then R2, Padme, and 3PO fighting in Malevolence, Grievous main boss)

Rookies (Clones, then Rex and Cody fighting commando droids, sword commando boss)

Lair of Grievous (Fisto/Nahdarr/Clones beating Grievous and Magnaguards in mini-boss areas, Gor main boss)

Season 1 Part 2

Trespass (Anakin/Obi-Wan/Rex fighting Talz, Thi-Sen main boss)

Blue Shadow Virus (Anakin/Padme/Clones fighting droids in underground base, Nuvo Vindi boss)

Mystery of a Thousand Moons (The Twilight/Hay-wired Vulture Droid fighting Vulture Droids and asteroids, 'Droll' with gun emplacements boss)

Innocents of Ryloth (Waxer/Boil/Nuna fighting droids in village, Gutkarr boss)

Liberty on Ryloth (Mace Windu/ARF troopers/Cham Syndulla attacking Ryloth capital, walking Hyena bomber boss)

Hostage Crisis (Anakin/Padme fighting assassin droids in Senate building, Cad Bane boss)

Season 2 Part 1

Holocron Heist (Ahsoka/Anakin fighting Cato Parasitti through Jedi Library, disguised as Jocasta Nu boss)

Cargo of Doom (Anakin Spacesuit/Ahsoka Spacesuit/Clones/Rex fighting droids in zero gravity hangar, Cad Bane boss)

Landing at Point Rain (Ki-Adi-Mundi/Blaze trooper/Clones fighting through Geonosian catacombs, then Anakin/Ahsoka/Rex/Clones attacking fortress through droids, Geonosian fighter boss)

Droid Factory (Ahsoka/Barris Offee fighting through droid factory, Super Tank boss)

Legacy of Terror (Anakin/Obi-Wan/Cody/Clones, then Luminara fighting zombie Geonosians underground, then freeing Luminara and escaping, Queen Karina boss)

Brain Invaders (Ahsoka/Barriss fighting zombie clones in Republic Cruiser, then duel against each other as bosses)

Season 2 Part 2

Grievous Intrigue (Anakin/Adi Gallia fighting commando droids in CIS cruiser, then rescue Eeth Koth, then Grievous boss)

The Deserter (Wounded Rex/Cut Lawquane defending farm against Commando droids, then Obi-Wan/Clones fighting Grievous riding Reek boss)

Mandalore Plot (Obi-Wan/Satine fight Death Watch in abandoned mine, Pre Viszla/Darksaber boss)

Cat and Mouse (Stealth Ship/V-19 Torrent fighting Vulture Droids around The Invincible, Invincible's gun emplaced bridge main boss)

R2 Come Home (Anakin/Mace/R2/Mace's Droid fight Gundarks in crashed ship, then Anakin and Mace are trapped, and R2 and Mace's Droid control their ships (ground-based) to fight Slave I main boss)

Lethal Trackdown (Ahsoka/Plo Koon go to Florrum, fight Weequays, chase Aurr Sing on speeders, then Slave I main boss)

I think all season 1 and 2 episodes are supposed to be in the game.


I think all season 1 and 2 episodes are supposed to be in the game.

Frankly I agree.

I've been played Indy 2 some more lately. As much as I hate the mini levels, the hubs were pretty good- they added some adventure and puzzel to the game. If they added a main hub, then it would be great. Of course, if they do make level hubs, it could be difficult, seeing as this series spans several locations.


Guys, don't you realize, that every episode of season 1 and 2, along with the movie, would mean at least 45+ levels? The most they've had is around 30 from Complete Saga. I don't see it happening. However, if it was, that'd be awesome.


Guys, don't you realize, that every episode of season 1 and 2, along with the movie, would mean at least 45+ levels? The most they've had is around 30 from Complete Saga. I don't see it happening. However, if it was, that'd be awesome.

I see it happening and the complete saga was taken from six different movies while the clone wars has 44 episodes plus the movie so I would not be suprised if it happened.


I'm still really excited about this game, as long as it has some huge battles, Mando's, and not just levels that are in spaceships, and on land, I'm happy :classic: (By those levels, I mean they should put in some city's like Coruscant, and Mandalore)


I'm still really excited about this game, as long as it has some huge battles, Mando's, and not just levels that are in spaceships, and on land, I'm happy :classic: (By those levels, I mean they should put in some city's like Coruscant, and Mandalore)

In a video gameplay about the game one of the prodeucers said they would have massive battles like in landing at point rain so I expect one of those epic battles is from landing at point rain.


The Ambush demo was cool. There were like 3 clones and Yoda, so I'm hoping large battles will happen. I'm hoping for a ton of clone NPCs, battling a bunch of droid NPCs. :sweet:


The Ambush demo was cool. There were like 3 clones and Yoda, so I'm hoping large battles will happen. I'm hoping for a ton of clone NPCs, battling a bunch of droid NPCs. :sweet:

They did that before, like in the Retake Theed, Gunship Calvary, and Battle of Coruscant levels, but the 'good' NPCs apparently have even worse aim than than Imperial Stormtroopers. :laugh:

Posted (edited)

Finally I get the chance to list the vehicles I would like to control.

AAT, Republic frigate, Y-wing, v-19 torrent, pod hunter, Anakin's starfighter, Twilight, Padme's ship, Grievous starfighter, Super tank, AT-Te and Slave 1.

Tomorow I will state what I expect in levels :thumbup:

Edited by commanderneyo

The Ambush demo was cool. There were like 3 clones and Yoda, so I'm hoping large battles will happen. I'm hoping for a ton of clone NPCs, battling a bunch of droid NPCs. default_satisfied.gif

....What's a NPC?


....What's a NPC?

NPC = Non-Playing Character - a character controlled by the computer.

So in this case, it would be the non-playable clonetroopers and droids.

Looking forward to see what and how many levels they will add. One other thing though, the landscapes are barely LEGO. But oh well,

I'm fine with that.

~ General Magma


NPC = Non-Playing Character - a character controlled by the computer.

So in this case, it would be the non-playable clonetroopers and droids.

Looking forward to see what and how many levels they will add. One other thing though, the landscapes are barely LEGO. But oh well,

I'm fine with that.

~ General Magma

Hmm. The NPCs are okay, but IMO they need to be able to do more damadge. I hate it that your partners willl fire and not do any damadge.

The enviroment maps (Like, say, Endor and Kashyyyk) Don't have that much LEGO elements.


The enviroment maps (Like, say, Endor and Kashyyyk) Don't have that much LEGO elements.

It's because anything LEGO in the game has to be playable. (destructible, moveable, etc.)

Posted (edited)


The double story thing seems like it could get confusing... I'll definitely say this is the biggest Lego game so far. :wub:

100s of battlings droids and clones can't be bad compared to the Battle of Naboo in TCS(which only included a few scenes with maybe only a tenth of the actual droids :hmpf: ). I don't understand how Anakin can breathe in space, I don't see any cover for the minifig area. :laugh: (and the bricks don't match in scale inside and outside the ship :tongue: )

This one video really exceeds my first expectations of the game. :grin:

Edited by indianajones

Wow. That makes it sound twice as good. I cannot wait for the giant epic ground battles. The split story sounds just as good. The lightsaber movements look awesome, especially Grievous. I like how they have Ahsoka's saber held backward like it is in the series. Overall, awesome. I agree - it sounds like the best Lego game so far. :sweet:

Posted (edited)

Here is what I think will happen in the levels of the clone wars film.

Clone wars film

Battle of Christophis (Obi-wan,Cody,Anakin,Ashoka. Anakin and Ashoka dueling their way to the shield generator, Obi-Wan and Cody fighting droids).

Battle of Teth 1 (Anakin,Ashoka. Dueling droids then They both get on staps to reach the top of the cliff and enter the monastary)

Rescue of Rotta (Ashoka,Anakin. Find Rotta but then Ventress appears and after the duel Escape and fight Vulture droid before reaching Twilight)

Battle of Teth 2 (Rex,Clone,Obi-wan,Cody. Rex and clone fighting droids till reinforcements arrive then Obi-Wan duels Ventress.

Escape from Teth (Twilight, v-19 Torrent. Fighting through dozens of vulture droids before Venator cruiser blown up and Twilight changes course for Tatoinne.

Raid on Ziro the Hutt's bar (Fox, Padme, C-3PO. Padme hostage but Fox and C-3PO come in to save her).

Tatoinne Mission (Anakin,Ashoka, R2-D2. Anakin duels Dooku while Ashoka defeats Magnaguards).

Edited by commanderneyo
Posted (edited)

From the first half of season one.

Ambush (Yoda,Thire,Jek,Rys. Fight droids and AAT's and at the end duel Ventress before Ventress flees.)

Rising of Malevolence (Plo Koon,Sinker,Boost fighting rocket droids on the pod hunter.)

Shadow of Malevolence (Plo Koon's fighter,Y-Wings attacking the Malevolence while protecting the clone medical station.)

Destroy Malevolence (Anakin,Obi-wan,Padme,R2-D2,C-3PO. Anakin and Obi board then rescue Padme on rail jets before Anakin and Padme go to bridge as Obi-Wan takes on Grievous).

Rookies (Hevy,Rex,Cody,O'Niner,Echo,Fives. O'Niner defends base before being killed, Rex and Cody arrive to help Echo, Hevy and Fives take back the base before repelling the counter-attack).

Downfall of a droid (Anakins Fighter,V-19 Torrent then Anakin and Ashoka duel Assasin droids on Gha Nachkt's ship).

Duel of the droids (Anakin,Ashoka,Rex,Denal. Ashoka Rex and Denal fight droids then Anakin fights magnaguards while Ahsoka fights Grievous and Rex and Denal plant explosives.

Bombad Jedi (Padme,Jar-Jar. Padme fights droids while Jar-Jar causes havoc until clones arrive.

Cloak of darkness (Luminara,Ahsoka,Gree,Argayus,Green Leader,Clone. Green leader and clone fight super battle droids in hangar Than Luminara and Ahsoka duel Ventress and finally Gree fights Argayus.)

Lair of Grievous. (Kit Fisto, Nahdar Vebb and Fil Fight Gor Then Nahdar fights Grievous and Kit Fisto fights A4-D, Magnaguards and Grievous before escaping.

Dooku Captured. (Anakin,Obi-Wan. Fighting droids on board separatist cruiser before battling the Gundark on Vanqor.)

Edited by commanderneyo

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