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Battlestar Galactica - The Plan

Interesting to see the first two series from the point of the cylons. They seem to be hilariously incompetent at it though

How to train your dragon

Very enjoyable if slightly predictable. Very good animation, one of the better non Pixar animated films.

[quote name='ceroknight' date='18 June 2011 - 10:23 PM' We ended up agreeing that there should be a sequel. :classic:]

Well, I heard that there might be a trilogy, so your wish could come true after all :sweet:

Just flicking through channels and Bad Santa was on :wacko: . I've seen it before but ended up watching it again - hilarious :laugh:

I saw the first episode of Game of Thrones. I liked it a lot. I guess the "season" is over now so I can enjoy them at my leisure. This will do until Boardwalk Empire starts up again.

Edited by Zeya

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part 2. I must say, I was quite pleasantly surprised - I'm of the opinion that it's the best of the Potter adaptations, and certainly my new favourite. It was by no means a perfect adaptation, but the changes made were generally very workable and fit the medium, and in one or two cases something of an improvement over the novel's course. Also, at times it actually had me quite excited and making cheering gestures, something no other film's managed for a very long time - whether that says something about me, I don't know. Either way, thank gog the theatre was dark.

(spoilered for changes to four-year-old book)

I'm of the opinion that the adaptation was generally less solid from the Pensieve part onward, less interesting in spite of how good the first part of the battle had been. What particularly annoyed me was how they changed Voldemort's death - having him shatter like that kind of kills the point that was made in the book, that in the end he's mortal and human and that accordingly he died a very mortal death. Also, having them be completely alone like that was a bit of a disappointment compared to the book. Other gripes inclued the Molly Weasley v Bellatrix duel - aside for the similar reason to Voldemort dying, Molly's entrance and that legendary quote were just not as, well, epic as they were in the book. Similarly, Neville slaying Nagini felt much flatter and less of an achievement than it did in the book, less of a bold Gryffindorish effort and more of a suckerpunch, though I did like the bit about Ron and Hermione trying and failing to kill it with Basilisk fangs.

On the other hand, ignoring the fact that they failed to repair Harry's original wand, I really did like the bit where he snapped the Elder Wand and threw it into the valley - that's a change I definitely prefer over the book. Also, the lead-up to the Harry v Voldemort duel was quite a nice touch.

tl;dr good Potter film, best adaptation

Edited by perplexingArticulator

Was the Battle of Hogwarts as epic as it was in the book? (please reply in spoilers)

I stubbled across a right good deal at HMV the 1st three Pirates of the Caribbean movies for £10 GBP so I bought it and watched the first one last Saturday night.

Was the Battle of Hogwarts as epic as it was in the book? (please reply in spoilers)

The whole film was centred around the battle, it was freakin' awsome compared to any other battles seen in the films. I'm not gonna say anymore apart from:

Go see the film. :excited:

I did go see Harry Potter, at midnight. Saw part one as well beforehand.

Holy shit, that was awesome. It didn't really stay true to the book, but I guess that's okay. I was sad that Lavender Brown died, though. :cry_sad:

I watched it and yes it was very very good! Maggie Smith was especially fantastic for this one, in my opinion!

I have a question though,I watched part one on a plane and in the middle of it I might have dozed off abit..after I had a nasty nosebleed :look:


In part 2 there was no scenes of Voldemort's past at all, and I was wondering if I just missed that in Part 1...

Today, HP 7 part 2 ! :grin:

Totally AWESOME and a little better than Dark Side Of The Moon I saw last week. :grin:

And who knew about Snape eh ? Dam, it I wish they wouldn't make films molded like a Star Wars film....a plot set in the past with characters turning evil when really in the end they are only doing it to defeat said evil in the long run.

If you haven't seen it, do so it is excellent entertainment and a cute ending.....19 years on ! :grin:

Keep on watching movies ! :grin:

And Then There Were None, an adaptation of a book by Dame Agatha Christie. It is relatively faithful to the book, changing a few character name and spaces out the plot a little in the middle, but at the end it takes a sharp turn into Hollywood-land. I recommend the book over the film, but the film is still good, with it's comedic moments and being a good introduction into the world of Agatha Christie.

Dam, it I wish they wouldn't make films molded like a Star Wars film....a plot set in the past with characters turning evil when really in the end they are only doing it to defeat said evil in the long run.

Not only that, but the Attack of Voldemort's Dark Wizard Legion (is that even the proper term?) on Hogwarts is very LOTR-like. I'm not really a fan this movie franchise, but it was pretty good ending IMO, though not spectacular by my standards.

Saw Super 8 a week back. In few words, it was E.T fused with Aliens. Rather interesting.

Then I saw Deathly Hallows Part 2.

My local Fine Arts club is doing a production of the play adaptation of the book. I've been told that the play was better than the movie, so I'm excited to see how it turns out.

My local Fine Arts club is doing a production of the play adaptation of the book. I've been told that the play was better than the movie, so I'm excited to see how it turns out.

I've seen the play twice before, both times as a production of the 'Agatha Christie company', so it was more faithful to the book. I was impressed with the ways in which they tackled each of the murders, especially the eight and tenth, where

they were crushed by a statue and hung from a noose respectively.

Please tell me how each of the murders were depicted (out of appreciation of the arts, not morbid fascination :blush: )

I saw How To Train Your Dragon. It was pretty good for a family style movie. It kind of lacked some of the depth and feeling of a Pixar movie (read: didn't make me cry big man tears) but it had some good visuals and fun moments.

Yesterday I saw "Just Go with It", it was quite funny, but won't become an all-time favourite.

I saw The Green Hornet on DVD recently, and I actually really liked it. I really don't understand all the bad reviews it got, I thought the acting was especially realistic. :thumbup:

I also saw Transformers: DOTM, a few weeks ago, overall a good movie, but it still suffered from some of the problems of the second one. :sceptic:

Captain America: The First Avenger

Well the movie came out last week, and I got to see it at midnight! It was a good movie, though not comparable to Nolan's Batman. However, I bet that most people will think of it as 'one of the better ones' along with BB, TDK, SM, SM2, and IM. So have you seen it? And if so, what did you think about it?

Batman: Under the Red Hood. I enjoyed the parallels between it and the comic, and it was nice to be able to use my minor Bat-knowledge to prophecies things, and be correct! I was surprised at some of the themes, such as the Lieutenants heads, or the amount of death. However, there were quite a few clichés, such as the baddy holding a gun long enough to have it knocked out of his hand.

It's one of few dealings I've had with Batman cartoons, and it's made me look forward to my next. :thumbup:

Cars 2.....saw it with my son, it was a total blast and it proves even a rusty tow truck has smarts, guts and picks up the babes too ! :laugh:

I feel there would be room for a third.....Mater gets married or something funny ! :laugh:

Captain america. I enjoyed it. Especially the avengers reference at the end. :laugh:

HP in 3D and IMAX(for those who don't know, IMAX is an insanely huge screen). It was CRAZY good. It was, however rather expensive, tickets were $19 per person(!). But the experience is bar non and so worth it. If you have an IMAX in your vicinity; like a 2 hour or so drive, I highly recommend seeing an IMAX movie, it's unreal.

Captain America, I loved it.

I agree with Captain Assassin about it being one of the better superhero movies.

Quite a sad ending though.

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