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Got around to watching the new version of Halloween last night, not great but not bad either.

We watched "Evan Almighty" tonight. It was quite silly.

Thanks to the world of wifi internet and illegal movie streaming sites:

The Messengers- Decent horror flick. It has the staple "fake-out" scenes, but wasn't too annoying.

I thought that it wasn't made very clear WHY the chick was constantly being attacked when the guy they really wanted was right there the whole damn time. She didn't even have a "counterpart" in the past for them to be pissed about.


28 Weeks Later- Ok follow-up to the first zombie flick. At the same time I liked it though, the ending was PAINFULLY OBVIOUS long before the end. I found it interesting that there wasn't all THAT much gore going on (for a zombie movie), but the mood of the movie was still scary. LOVED the "serious" approach regarding the Americans reacting if such a thing were to take place. It felt about right.

I Think I Love My Wife- Normally I hate "stupid husband cheating on his wife" movies, as everything bad that happens to the main characters, I feel they deserve. What made this one different is that it didn't just JUMP into him being a filthy scumbag... it explained WHY he had thoughts of infidelity. (Not that it justifies it, but at least it wasn't him being vulgar and immoral at the drop of a hat). Definitely a decent movie.

1408- Another ok horror movie. Thought I'd hate it, but it too was decent, especially for a Stephen King movie, which usually means insta-suck. The special effects were a bit overboard (WAY OVERBOARD?) (literally! lol) yet the subtle moments of scariness helped buffer that. Maybe it's just me... I like it when "ghosts" are depicted as they are... whispy things barely keeping cohesion, not CGI-cutouts made to look like they were edited off of modern digital cameras TRYING to look "grainy" and old. Still, could've been worse. I found the ending charming, and it actually took me a sec to realize how everything went down.

Worth a watch.

Sicko- It's a Michael Moore film, so therefore I'm going to hate it. Uh oh... I didn't. Unlike Bowling for Columbine where Mr. Moore used deceptive editing and flat out LIES to push his liberal agenda, sadly, he doesn't even need to on this particular issue. The US health care system is corrupt. It just is. And he drove the point home RATHER well, again by visiting Canada lol. But he also visited France, Cuba and the UK. Yeah, he did his normal, "I'm yelling at people who can't hear me or think I might be a psycho" thing, he did his normal "acting stupid" thing, but it was kept to a minimum this time. It put me at a loss, having to applaud a movie of his, but the movie was not only good because it's an issue that noone could foul up, but I feel he did a good job of not only describing the problems, but pointing out that America can still be America with a federal health care system (as well as producing audio tape of a meeting with President Nixon that shows the EXACT MOMENT in time where everything went evil and wrong to begin with). Likewise, he drove home the very important observation that the US media runs a conspiracy to tell it's citizens that France, Cuba and the UK SUCK... when they're actually decent places with (GASP!) nice humans residing in them.

If you're conservative and or hate Michael Moore, you'd still be intellectually dishonest and ignorant to not give this movie a chance.

I did, and it scares me that I almost didn't.

EDIT: Wuh-oh, not so fast! (More beneath the next poster's post).


post Oct 29 2007, 02:05 AM

Just watched my favourite animated movie and possibly one of my favourite movies of all time:

Batman: Mask of Phantasm

It was released the same year as The Lion King, and I believe IMO that it deserved the academy award instead of the Lion King. For those of you Batfans that don't know it (quite a lot I'd imagine) I recommend it. It is a brilliant tale of revenge, promise, justice and sadness.

Too bad they STOLE storyboards STRAIGHT out of Akira. Watch the motorcycle attack scene in Batman, then watch the opening biker fight in Akira. It almost made me turn it off it was so blatant.

Ironically, The Lion King was ALSO a brazen ripoff of ANOTHER anime!!!


Shows how pathetically uncreative animation companies in the USA are, doesn't it?

QUOTE(Hairy Ruben @ Nov 1 2007, 10:07 PM) *

Dr. Strangelove or How I stopped Worrying and learned to Love the Bomb

I had seen it once already but the movie's just too good.

He sure would've done a lot for his precious bodily fluids, wouldn't he?

I hate how every time I discuss how evil fluoride really is, little brats spit those quotes out to shout me down lol.





Conspiracy theory my butt, it's fact.

Just saw The Kingdom !! Very interesting and less violent than Black Hawk Down. Really interesting movie to watch with some nice dialogues. A little better understanding of the Middle East (yeay I know I said little :-P )


Well now... looks like I've been suckered.

Here's what my non-US friends are saying about "Sicko".

Like all Michael Moore films, it gets people to focus on an issue that should really be focused on, but it's never as black and white as he makes it out to be.

As a Canadian who watched the movie, what he said about our health care system was true, but he glossed over a ton of stuff that of course wouldn't have made his points so strong. I'm sure this was pretty much the same for all the other places he covered.

Yeah, despite what he claims, they did go to the higher class hospitals in Cuba. All Americans get treated like that whereas the Cubans, well, don't.
The entire Cuban bit was propaganda, Ive actually been to Cuba, and have had contact with people that live in Cuba, and unless they changed a lot of shit in the last two years... he was taken for a ride when he was taken to the Hospital.

Also a lot of NGOs have footage of hidden cameras in cuban hospitals as well as cuban pharmacies.

Finally the reason why cuba's numbers look so good (even if he cherry picked them) is because Cuba makes them up to submit into the records. Also Cubans baby mortality rate is impossible to get an actual look at, since they abort most babies that will be born with a defect anyway.

My my my... countless posts like these, (as well as StarWars4J's "corrective PMs") all say the same thing.

Michael Moore's reeling in suckers again, like he does in all his movies.

I R M feeling the stupid. :-|


With that said HE DOES have a point about how useless and stupid the health care system is in this country. But the fact of the matter is that when you have 300+ million people in the country (not just 30 million), it is virtually impossible to copy the European (country by country) system of operations.

He leaves out a lot of shit, for example that People in paris enjoy a quality of life not enjoyed by people living in the provinces... also that European countries divide their ethnic populations away from the main groups (so minorities never get to integrate into society) whereas in the United States people are forced to integrate... which leads to all sorts of problems (including a much wider array of health problems that one system cannot possibly deal with.)

Watched Family Guy the movie again last night, gotta love all the humor and seeing them push the envlope as much as they can.

I hate how every time I discuss how evil fluoride really is, little brats spit those quotes out to shout me down lol.





Conspiracy theory my butt, it's fact.

Well first off, I never took a side (in such a debate), only said he would've done a loot for his precious bodily fluids which is exactly what he does in the movie. He orders a nuclear strike and kills himself which I view as pretty extremely devoted to ideals.

That doesn't mean I'm a "brat" if you feel like labeling people.

Second, now you seem to ask, if being a brat means I disbelieve most conspiracy theories (all of the same category as Rosswel, aliens and global domination by American Jews) because of simple logic and reason, well then yes I am a brat. Though I prefer being critical towards information. (from all sides)

I'm not going to argue with you cause I don't wanna piss off the admins and besides, I think this forum is too nice to actually start being hostile over something as menial as this. Therefore, I'll just put it like this, you have an opinion and so do I, they differ and leave it like that, ok?

Saw "Help", with the Beatles. Kinda stupid, but great music.

Well first off, I never took a side (in such a debate), only said he would've done a loot for his precious bodily fluids which is exactly what he does in the movie. He orders a nuclear strike and kills himself which I view as pretty extremely devoted to ideals.

That doesn't mean I'm a "brat" if you feel like labeling people.

Nah, sorry if it sounded like that. I was just thinking out loud of something not even related to you. :-|

(Actually, was watching a video on the subject a few minutes before seeing your posts and the connections just clicked). :-P

Nah, sorry if it sounded like that. I was just thinking out loud of something not even related to you. :-|

(Actually, was watching a video on the subject a few minutes before seeing your posts and the connections just clicked). :-P

LOL, sorry, no hard feelings then :-P :-)

Edited by Hairy Ruben

Click. It had its funny parts, but in the end... :-X

Well, first post here. All these times I keep making a point to post a review in this topic, but somehow it never happens. X-D

Anyway, I watched World Trade Center with my family. Very, VERY powerful movie, but then again, it's about 9/11, so I didn't expect anything less. 'Specially glad that the ONLY evil characters were the ones that weren't even show (terrorists, of course). If they had thrown in a couple of stabs at the President just to make a non-related point, my Dad probably wouldn't have even bought this film, as no doubt the whole outlook would be different: from "America is in it together", to "Bush is a terible president!"

Okay, so I'm getting carried away again, but we've already had one film like that (Farenhight 9/11, anyone?) :-X

At home: The Great Silence a rather odd and somewhat depressing "spaghetti western" which co-stars Klaus Kinski. Still, you don't see too many snowbound westerns, and the cold, desolate atmosphere really added something to the film.

In a theater: Blade Runner: The Final Cut, an absolutely amazing experience. I've always been a BR fan, but seeing this beautifully restored version on a big screen truly took my breath away.


I watched Psycho tonight... scaaaaaaary! 8-|

Yesterday first I saw Guess Who and then the Big Lebowski. Now watching on ITV at Star Wars VI

Saw a couple lately:

The Hitcher. Absolutely awful, it was that we were watching it with a couple of people and were just laughing at how bad it was.

En un momento dado. More a documentary, really. Too much talk, too little football.

Click. Started off quite nice, but became just as worse as The Hitcher about halfway (after the 'fast-forward').

Citizen Kane. Not quite what I'd expected. A bit too well, boring, at times. Conversations just seemed to take a tad too long and appear a tad too aften. Still, seeing as how it's almost 70 years old, a pretty good movie for that time.

From Dusk till Dawn. Ah, Tarantino at his best. I love how the movie just turns completely upside down halfway and turns from a (good) gangster/crime movie into a (just as good) zombie slasher. I also love Clooney's acting in this (back from the days he wasn't that famous yet).

From Dusk till Dawn. Ah, Tarantino at his best. I love how the movie just turns completely upside down halfway and turns from a (good) gangster/crime movie into a (just as good) zombie slasher. I also love Clooney's acting in this (back from the days he wasn't that famous yet).

I guess you mean Mr. Tarantino

saw "stardust" the other day... hm... some nice parts in there, but in general not all that great, except for the computer graphics...

g... that sounds like a comment to a lego set, doesn't it?

Edited by snefroe

Saw 2 movies...

Sicko: Made me glad to be a Canadian. Man, the Americans have it screwy.

American Gangster: .... 8-

Sicko: Made me glad to be a Canadian. Man, the Americans have it screwy.

Quote from Jinzo's post after his review of Sicko:

Well now... looks like I've been suckered.

Here's what my non-US friends are saying about "Sicko".

My my my... countless posts like these, (as well as StarWars4J's "corrective PMs") all say the same thing.

Michael Moore's reeling in suckers again, like he does in all his movies.

I R M feeling the stupid. :-|


With that said HE DOES have a point about how useless and stupid the health care system is in this country. But the fact of the matter is that when you have 300+ million people in the country (not just 30 million), it is virtually impossible to copy the European (country by country) system of operations.

He leaves out a lot of shit, for example that People in paris enjoy a quality of life not enjoyed by people living in the provinces... also that European countries divide their ethnic populations away from the main groups (so minorities never get to integrate into society) whereas in the United States people are forced to integrate... which leads to all sorts of problems (including a much wider array of health problems that one system cannot possibly deal with.)

Don't trust Mr. Moore, Colonel Thok. :-P

I knew that. Hell, we Canadians may have free healthcare, but it costs a shitload to get dental work done. $5 200 for f!@##$g braces?

The last movie I watched was "Martian Child". Excellent movie if you ask me, but certainly not the family entertainment E.T. sci-fi flick one might expect by the title. It

I guess you mean Mr. Tarantino

Watched Me, Myself and Irene again last night...... That film is just soooo wrong on so may levels yet i can't help but love it X-D

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