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(Did you recognise Bilbo? :laugh: ) It's good, because people are living normal life as they know it, something weird happens and none of them knows what is going on or understands (at least for a time). That's realistic. And as an observer you know something is going to happen but not what or when or how. That's exciting, and the pacing just adds to the reality of the story and the tension for the viewer. The very first Alien is by far my favourite of all those movies, it's the least action-dependent. Prometheus suffered in that you knew what to expect, unless you'd never seen any Alien movies before. If the Alien movies had never been made previously it would've had top marks from me rather than being a bit spoiled.

Totally agree. That's the worst part about prequels. You know who's going to live or die, for the most part. Like with the most recent Star Trek movie. There were some very precarious situations, but you know they make it out alive. Ruins the suspense.

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I bought Shaun of the Dead on Blu-Ray a while ago and haven't had time to watch it until now. Very funny and extremely gruesome at the same time. I definately recommend it to those who can take a bit (or a lot) of sick humor and some blood and guts.


Zero Dark Thirty - Brilliant film, I never realised all of the precise details that went into that one operation. Very informative and gripping at the same time.



Ok, so I hear this isn't doing that well at the box-office. Maybe that's because it was released against Despicable Me 2, or maybe it's because it was just a decent movie with no lasting impact,

but either way, here are my thoughts.

It opens in an odd sort of way, and then reveals that the entire thing is being told by an old version of Tonto, which I guess is a half-way clever way of hand-waving away the plot holes.

Thing is, between flashbacks, flash forwards, and the wild craziness that happens in each timestream, you'll most likely spend much of your time trying to figure out what happened when, why it happened, and why it didn't happen in a more logical or sensible way.

It's similar to the Pirates franchise in it's swashbuckling version of physics and logic, but Tonto is certainly inferior to Jack, and trust me, Will is much more enjoyable than the Ranger.


Thing is, at first you start to believe part of the nonsense about "Spirit-Walkers" and "Cursed Silver", but as things go on, that sorta disintegrates, and then some things happen leaving you scratching your head over just what happened and how. Sure, you could attribute Tonto's behavior to the psychological scarring, but then you have to find ways to explain other things. Unlike Sparrow, it's harder to cheer for Tonto, and things just come off as a cheap reproduction. Yes, he has some great moments, but Depp's not the solo lead, and the character just doesn't compare.


As I said before, you're never sure of just what happened to this guy. He goes from super gun-shy, (Why even do that?) to a super-marksman, but switches between the capable hero and the whiny incompetent idiot too often and too quickly. He isn't always the smartest of folks, and generally isn't that heroic. With both he and Tonto out, it was hard to find somebody to really relate to and love.


So, I'm not even going to bother with names here, but here we go.

Cannibal Villain. (Butch?)

Why? I mean, seriously, why? Yeah, it's a way to send the creepiness through the roof, but the guy's eating habits seemed way too gruesome to PG-13. And then everybody just kinda rolls with it. Sure, his henchmen were nearly as deranged anyway, but still. And it took long enough for him to met his death. Also, was he one of the men that young Tonto saved or what? I don't think things were clear on that point.

Railroad Boss.

Cannibal is fine, but heroic ranger trying to bring law and order is not? Whatever.

He was one of the rescued men, and proved to be quite ruthless, which makes things a bit odd as he was so nice to the boy.

Mom and Boy,

Sigh, I get that she loved Ranger but married another man, but when she so obviously cares for him, and so easily falls for him, it makes you wonder just why she got hooked up with his brother.

She doesn't feel much remorse at her husbands passing, and doesn't do much other than the "Damsel in Distress" act.

The Boy is decent, and once he finally figures things out, helps some. But is quite useless otherwise. We don't see that much of him, and most of his development is while he is swayed over to the wrong side.


And the point of you was? So they wanted a woman that could fight, and they got that....sorta. While the scene inside her...Place of employment...fit well, she wasn't needed for anymore of the plot.

She did distract some guards, and did ignite the nitro, but that wasn't anything that anybody else could have done.

Circus Kid,

Ok, so breaking up some critical scenes by flashing forward to a random kid hearing the entire story being told by a crazy Indian was who's idea again?

Sure, it was cause for some fun moments, but it destroyed the tension, and got in the way more often than not.

The tone flips back and forth along with Ranger's abilities/confidence, and it just doesn't quite fit into any category. The Cannibalism is too far-out for a kid-friendly romp, but much of the over-the-top humor is too crazy to take seriously. While Pirates worked wonderfully, this just doesn't quite work, and it appears that audiences agree with my views.

So yeah, it's a decent "Turn-your-brain-off-and-enjoy-the-fun" type movie, but I'd wait to rent it if I were you. Save your theater money for something better.

Depp is entertaining, but it's off-set by Ranger's hit and miss portrayal, and the violence is a bit much compared to similar movies.

It's not near the greatness of Pirates, but is decent enough if you go in without any expectations. Just don't try to think much of it through.


^ Well put. Definitely turn your brain off and enjoy the entertainment, but not a real thinker of a "good" movie. But I ended up enjoying it. I doubt I will buy it though. Definitely worth a rental. My wife wanted to see it strictly for the wardrobe/costuming, which was great for a period piece.


Saw The Lone Ranger today. I have no clue what those critics are talking about because I loved that movie. The chemistry between the Armie Hammer and Johnny Depp was amazing, I hope they do something together again later. It is a shame that the critics word may have swayed some people because there were not many people in the theatre, but then again it is Wednesday so that might explain it. I definitely recommend it, regardless of what the critics say.


Saw Man of Steel last night and I agree that it is definitely the best Supes on the big screen. My biggest problem is I feel there was too much CGI and I felt the action scenes were extremely quick paced. I also don't think they can jump right from the movie into the Justice League. Supes needs some more time to learn how to get a grasp on how to be a Super Hero.


Despicable me 2:

Once again the minions were as funny as ever and I liked the new characters! The ending was also pretty heart warming :blush:

However I felt as if El Macho wasn't as good as Vector as the villain. He just seemed a bit to friendly for a master villain (though I guess it is a kids film after all!).

I'd give it an 8.5 out of 10.

Monsters University:

After two average films I feel like Disney/Pixar are finally back! It was great to see Mike, Sulley and Randall once again.

The best parts of the film was the Librarian scene and the part were Mike and Sulley have to scare the adults.

The cameos were very good as well:

Roz- A very obvious but funny one. "I'll be watching you... aways watching..."

The snowman- It was funny to see how he was banished!

Mr Waternoose- I loved his haircut!

Celia- You could briefly see a picture of her in Mikes locker at the end.

I'd also give this one an 8.5 out of 10.

Posted (edited)

3 meditations on the excessive concentration of military power in secretive branches of the US political system-

The A Team movie

Olympus has Fallen

GI Joe: Retribution

The A Team was excellent, a huge positive surprise, although the cast could never match the original. GI Joe: Retribution was also very good, much much better than the first movie both in plot and staging. Olympus has Fallen was mawkish rubbish.

The idea that the US would give up Asia in exchange for a chance of saving a President who is mostly through his term of office and due to be replaced soon anyway is a pretty stupid plot basis. And why does the Speaker of the House take over as Commander in Chief?

Edited by robuko

^I haven't seen that movie, but the US has a specific order of who takes the leadership role if the previous commander is indisposed. This lists them all, if that answers anything for you.


Just saw Pacific Rim. It was pretty cool, but I'm a big fan of giant monster movies.

Likewise; not exactly a big fan of said monster movies, but it was a lot less cheesy than in the trailers and the story was great too.


Saw Pacific Rim today. Lots of awesome battles and stuff. It was definitely a fun movie with cool concepts. I think it went on to be a bit too long, and I think they should of spent more time on some of the main characters, so overall I'd give it a B. I'd love to see a sequel!


Saw Pacific Rim today. Lots of awesome battles and stuff. It was definitely a fun movie with cool concepts. I think it went on to be a bit too long, and I think they should of spent more time on some of the main characters, so overall I'd give it a B. I'd love to see a sequel!

Your movie theater must love you! :laugh: The number of new movie reviews you have is remarkable (but much appreciated!).

I might have to give this movie a try. The previews for it made it seem incredibly cheesy, but apparently it isn't getting 'Lone Rangered' by critics as of yet which is a good sign!


My daughter wanted to watch some Harry Potter tonight. She chose Chamber of Secrets and Goblet of Fire. So we had a little marathon. It helped motivate me to work on my Hogwarts mini-MOC.

I might put in the Hobbit to fall asleep to.


The Big Lebowski. I guess it's a bit below average at best, I really don't see how it got so famous.

It's funny in retrospect. When I first saw it I wasn't really impressed, but after seeing it twice everything about it seems funny when it's recalled from memory.

Like Napoleon Dynamite, I didn't even laugh once the first time. 2nd time I saw Napoleon Dynamite I was in tears almost the whole time. That song at the end...

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