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I'm sorry, Mr. Entaine, but what are you talking about?

Are you sure Ltn. Pellcan wasn't trying to warn you about not revealing your night actions in public rather than threatening you about them? Wouldn't a real deserter want you to reveal your actions in the public so they can take you out, rather than warn you from exposing them?

Do you honestly want to discuss your night actions in public rather than in private? And if you think Ltn. Pellcan is the only one playing this game of life in the private, then you are horribly mistaken.

I just can't understand the point of what you're saying, really. :sceptic:

I somewhat trust Ltn. Pellcan because he's been nothing but open and straightforward with us. He's been the only one who has continuously tried to find reason amidst all these accusations and rebuttals.

I'm sorry, Mr. Entaine, but what are you talking about?

Are you sure Ltn. Pellcan wasn't trying to warn you about not revealing your night actions in public rather than threatening you about them? Wouldn't a real deserter want you to reveal your actions in the public so they can take you out, rather than warn you from exposing them?

Do you honestly want to discuss your night actions in public rather than in private? And if you think Ltn. Pellcan is the only one playing this game of life in the private, then you are horribly mistaken.

I just can't understand the point of what you're saying, really. :sceptic:

I somewhat trust Ltn. Pellcan because he's been nothing but open and straightforward with us. He's been the only one who has continuously tried to find reason amidst all these accusations and rebuttals.

Let me break it down for you:

We can't trust Lt Pellcan! Telling him all of our nightly duties in private would be really stupid. It would jeopardize the honourable soldiers and give the deserters an upper hand if he is a deserter, which we have no solid proof for or against. I did not mistake what he said when he stated that it would put my life in danger to declare myself as honourable in order to save my life.

We can't trust Lt Pellcan!

Under normal circumstances words like these would have sent you straight to court marshal, private. Having had the chance to soak in the betrayal and lies that seem to have taken over the Regiment however, I can understand where you're coming from. I do however feel we must respect our leaders, even if you may not always trust their judgement or motives. After all, that kind of respect is what the army itself is based on and if we neglect it, we are no better than a pack of wolves fighting each other for survival.

Once again though, your words do sound quite alarming, if a bit too harsh. Could you go into more detail regarding your accusations against the Lieutenant?

I have given all my reasons in my previous messages. I don't have any other information. I asked if anyone trusted him and asked them to give me solid evidence of that because so far in our private conversation he is accusatory and threatening toward me with no evidence. I have no cast a vote because if someone does have solid evidence that he is trustworthy, I am willing to listen.

He tried to threaten me in a private talk with him that if I had a certain nightly duty and revealed it in public, I would surely die...

My reasons for being suspicious are as follows:

1. Threatening my life in private conversation if I reveal proof of my honorable status in public.

2. Wanting to know all of the information found out by people with nightly duties in private rather than discussing it in public. At this point if we have a case against someone, we need to discuss it in the open. As I have mentioned previously, our leaders are not necessarily honorable and we have no evidence that they are honorable. This particular tactic sounds like a way for the deserters to take over our camp and kill our honorable soldiers or blackmail them into deserting our cause. I believe that there are few deserters at this point, but their numbers will most likely continue to grow as the days pass.

3. He is quick to accuse someone that there is no evidence against.

Does anyone have any reason to trust Lt Pellcan other than him telling us that we should trust him?

Are you sure Ltn. Pellcan wasn't trying to warn you about not revealing your night actions in public rather than threatening you about them? Wouldn't a real deserter want you to reveal your actions in the public so they can take you out, rather than warn you from exposing them?

Thank you for your regards Private Yellman, I ask that we all stand down a moment.

Private Entaine, your comments are unfounded in the extreme. Firstly, I never threatened your life. Secondly, I believe that we choose carefully our confidants and share our information privately as a prelude to investigation. Third, my accusation was based on your behaviour, but at every step I have asked you to represent yourself and face your accusers.

Men, further information led me to contact Entaine directly this afternoon as I mentioned earlier. I took care to transcribe my message to journal as is a necessity for all officers:

Private Entaine,

Understand that my accusation against you is supposition based on your own behaviour. If the men would then accuse you in trial of being a deserter then that is the will of the men. I have coordinated nothing here but, as my station dictates, looked out for the best interests in all.

If it comes to light that you are indeed honorable then we all have made a grave misjudgement. In such a case I only wish that you'd have come to me in confidence! As your honorable Lieutenant, I'd expect a measure of trust from those honorable men who serve by me.

Second to this, if you are truthful, then you have just revealed yourself as a ********* and I'm afraid you'll be dead before a court marshal even begins. Again as your Lieutenant I wish you had talked with me sooner.

As highest ranking officer on camp (with the exception of our new Captain) I am also in a precarious postion. Like our Captain who has gone before us my rank will quite probably be the death of me. Time will tell what fate with befall of us both, Entaine.

If you feel you can share any information that will help the survival of our Glorious Battalion, then state it now while we can still act... or remain in my suspicions.

~ Lt. Pellcan

This is my part of the conversation from which Private Entaine offered no quarter and a discontinuation of communication. As you can see I have been nothing but fair and even handed. Regardless of my accusation I have taken care to blot out a significant descriptive. Sadly, if innocent as he claims, Entaine seems to have done his very best to damn himself despite my warning previously and as above in private, repeatedly suggesting some kind of nightly duty.

Under normal circumstances words like these would have sent you straight to court marshal, private. Having had the chance to soak in the betrayal and lies that seem to have taken over the Regiment however, I can understand where you're coming from. I do however feel we must respect our leaders, even if you may not always trust their judgement or motives. After all, that kind of respect is what the army itself is based on and if we neglect it, we are no better than a pack of wolves fighting each other for survival.

Once again though, your words do sound quite alarming, if a bit too harsh. Could you go into more detail regarding your accusations against the Lieutenant?

Under normal circumstances indeed Mason, but in this case we I shall let this be scratched from the record.

We, your Captains and I, have reached these ranks because we live and breath our Glorious Army. At every turn our concern is for our Country and for our men. That shall not stop 'til I draw my final breath.

As you were.

My, my, there appears to be much yelling.

I believe I will need some extra time to consider who to vote for. Or if I am voting at all.

I believe I will need some extra time to consider who to vote for. Or if I am voting at all.

I was under the impression everyone was voting?

It was all a matter of when and who we voted for. All of this information seems to be going back and forth with now really stability behind any of it.

This will be quite the vote. Of course I do have some information based on the following posts. Now to comprehend it and take all of it in. :tongue:

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This isn't murder Private Shadon. Nor is it paranoia. It's court martial. Trial by jury. If it is seen fit by our peers that Entaine should not be voted for in this instance then so be it. I am a man of honor and trust the will of my men. This talk of 'sharks and blood' is the only nonsense here.


"Unfortunately, my dear Lieutenant Pellcan, convicted soldiers are sent straight to firing squad, where they'll get a dozen bullets, rather than words, put into them." -Captain Qocél-

I have read books that had similar problems as we are facing now depicted them. They were called "Infection" and "Prohibition", I recall. In both books, the group with traitors in them declined on voting each other out during the days, leading to an easy and quick victory for the traitors.

Inaction is much more detrimental to our cause than voting one person out, because we can't effectively prevent the killings from happening at nights.

"'Infection' and 'Prohibition', Pvt. Yellman? Why, those books have been banned by our Government! Looks like I'll have to put in a report to the Provost General that one of the sutlers are selling banned books."

"Anyway, let's see the markings:

12 votes are necessary to convict a deserter...and our vote currently now is...

Provost Guard Mason Dalese (MetroiD) - 1 vote (def)

Private Alain Entaine (Alice) - 4 votes (pedro, Alex the Great, TinyPiesRUs, Roncanator)

Private Dan Gale (def) - 1 vote (MetroiD)

And...what? 'I vote for Captain Qocel!'?? That's not even the proper voting format (seen in The Rules) nor can we vote the Provost General's replacement of Captain Lecoq! Anyway, let's see who has not voted...

Non-voters - 14 (Alice, BigCam, Bob the Construction Man, Captain Genaro, Dragonator, General Armendariz, iamded, New Right, Quarryman, Rick, Shadows, Stash2sixx, Tanotrooper, Whitefang)

...oh, what's happening by the bridge?"

A soldier screaming is heard by the river...http://farm5.static.flickr.com/4040/4515368483_d28be03de0_o.jpg[/img]

"Don't worry, I got him!" -Private Tulón-





"Sorry for the disturbance, Captain Qocél, it would appear that a member of the 3rd Regiment attempted a desertion. A rather poor one, I must add." -Private Tulón-


"I am, then, glad that the Provost General put the 53rd Guards on the duty to prevent these desertions. You are doing a fine job. Though, it may seem like such a thing will happen to us if we do not convict today. By my pocket watch, it would seem we have until the afternoon tomorrow to do so. In this order, let's get to it!" -Captain Qocél-

Reading the discussions that have gone on in the last few hours, I am puzzled by one thing; why hasn't Private Entaine voted? He seems like the one with the most personal evidence to do so...

I haven't voted because like all of us, I have no solid evidence and I don't think its right to vote to kill someone based on defending my own honour. I am still waiting for anyone to come forward with actual evidence that would justify a conviction. I know that if I am killed you would be losing an honoured soldier with an important duty and I would definitely encourage you all to look very closely at those who placed votes for me. I realize I have been a bit reactionary and emotional today, but I really do want to make it back to my wife safe. We are planning to start a family and a future. I would not jeopardize my military career that would support my future family to desert the cause that I believe so much in.

I haven't voted because like all of us, I have no solid evidence and I don't think its right to vote to kill someone based on defending my own honour.

but I really do want to make it back to my wife safe. We are planning to start a family and a future. I would not jeopardize my military career that would support my future family to desert the cause that I believe so much in.

Defending your honor. I believe that if you truely think that our lieutenant is a deserter, then you should vote for him. Otherwise, no one will place a vote unless some one with evidence comes out and we will all be killed in the night. That could as I see it end your family and your future. As I see it you seem rather hesitant to cast a vote for someone who you think is a deserter. Rather odd, thinking a man is guilty but you refuse to vote. I dislike voting without more evidence ( but I hate being killed in the night like sitting ducks more) but you did say that you wanted to go back home very much, the best I have to work with so...

Vote: Private Alain Entaine (Alice)

If you can convince me to change my vote, then I gladly will.

I have given you everything I have to prove my innocence and yet you do not believe me. I don't know how to prove my loyalty otherwise. I actually think my hesitance is proof that I know nothing about anything, if I was a deserter I would know who my fellow deserters were. Jumping on a bandwagon with no proof is quite risky. I shall place my vote since no one has come to Pvt Pellcan's rescue and stated that they trust him for any reason and clearly I do not.

Vote: Lt. Pellcan/pedro

I really hope that the people who are voting for me are deserters because you will be targeted as I will be proven honoured if I die.

I am changing my vote. The degree to which I'm unsettled, I need to do something. If I'm aligning myself with the wrong party, well, God forgive for the mistakes I've made. Know my heart is in the right place. I think this is for the best.

Unvote: Provost Guard Mason Dalese/MetroiD

Vote: Vote: Lt. Pellcan/pedro

If I'm aligning myself with the wrong party, well, God forgive for the mistakes I've made. Know my heart is in the right place. I think this is for the best.

Unvote: Provost Guard Mason Dalese/MetroiD

Vote: Vote: Lt. Pellcan/pedro

I'm disappointed you feel this is the right decision Private Gale. Entaine's bitterness at my accusation is not nearly proof enough to condemn an officer. You ask forgiveness for alignment with the wrong party while directly servicing the deserters by accusing your own Lieutenant. I hope in future you are not so easily led.

That be as it may I don't think we shall find ourselves with a full jury for anyone today. Tomorrow we may have fresh perspective on things. Instead let us see what the night brings.

I fear it may be my last...

I'm disappointed you feel this is the right decision Private Gale. Entaine's bitterness at my accusation is not nearly proof enough to condemn an officer. You ask forgiveness for alignment with the wrong party while directly servicing the deserters by accusing your own Lieutenant. I hope in future you are not so easily led.

That be as it may I don't think we shall find ourselves with a full jury for anyone today. Tomorrow we may have fresh perspective on things. Instead let us see what the night brings.

I fear it may be my last...

I found your initial vote to be unfounded, or at the least unsubstantiated. If you could give a more solid reason than "Missing his family," I would have more faith in my leadership.

Unvote: Private Alain Entaine / Alice

I feel I was unjust with my vote. When I heard Lt. Pellcan vote against Pvt. Entaine I followed the leader like a good private should. I know how much Entaine was missing his family but I think family should come second to voting out the deserters.

Gentlemen, I am quite convinced now that we are barking at the wrong tree, all of us. Under the light of what I have been told in private, I have faith that neither Lt. Pellcan nor Pvt. Entaine are deserters, but honourable soldiers working hard to reveal the scumbags amongst us.

I didn't have much trust in them before, but now I see that without trust, we can never win. I might get fooled and backstabbed along the way, but right now I feel like the real deserters are getting away with murder under the cover of this chaotic situation.

It might seem to some that I am now defending fellow deserters, but that is not the case by any means. A true deserter would not be this open in public. I am taking a calculated risk in defending the two, and I hope you can find at least some trust in me in your hearts as not to vote for either of them, but someone else.

Alas, the day is drawing to a close, and if we don't condemn anyone, there will be consequences like the Provost General said. So we need to act now.

Your loyalty does not go unnoticed Private Toreil!

Never let it be said I lack the courage of my convictions... but I understand the value of listening to those I serve with. As such I will take this opportunity to revoke my accusation against Private Entaine in light of his pleas of innocence and the support of the other men.

Unvote: Private Alain Entaine (Alice).

Now, while we still have time, let us double our efforts to root out the deserters.

Gentlemen, I am quite convinced now that we are barking at the wrong tree, all of us. Under the light of what I have been told in private, I have faith that neither Lt. Pellcan nor Pvt. Entaine are deserters, but honourable soldiers working hard to reveal the scumbags amongst us.


Alas, the day is drawing to a close, and if we don't condemn anyone, there will be consequences like the Provost General said. So we need to act now.

Finally, the sound of reason I am hearing, I agree completely. The problem is that I am not sure where we should take this vote now.

I know that it is safest to maintain the privacy at this point concerning special roles some of you may hold, so instead of going down that path, let us review the open things. Is there anything that has been said in this day (or the last), that seemed particularly suspicionable to anyone? Maybe we can try to work from this in these few hours before the day ends. We do not want bad things to come from our Provost General if we fail to act.

vote: Private Dan Gale.

Hmm. It's our duty to assist in ridding this regiment of Deserters, and none has been more suspicious to me than Dan Gale. And if we don't vote, no one faces the Court Marshal, and achieve nothing except risk of another tragedy in the night. So, I hereby cast my vote: Private Dan Gale. No doubt he'll in turn turn against us - oh wait, he already has.

If it's a "shot in the dark" you want, I suggest the Provosts, who've brought nothing to assuage us so far... Just a continuing investigation and a dead captain.

Let me remind you we are here to help rid this regiment of Deserters, nothing else. Not to cry about family waiting at home, or to salivate over sausages. Casting suspicion on us only reflects it upon yourself, Private.

Gah, but you're so convincing. Damnit all, I don't want another tragedy in the night due to lack of voting, but I sure as hell don't want to sentence an Honoured. If you truly are an Honoured, ad you find yourself standing in front of the Court Marshal, I pray they see the right choice.

I honestly do not know what to think about all these accusations and subsequent revoking of accusations. Either, the accusers are diverting attention away from the real deserters by targeting honorable men of our regiment or they are rightfully reconsidering their initial suspicions. Should the latter be the case, the deserters probably have an incentive to remain silent at this moment and are not speaking up at all, in order to not to attract attention to themselves.

Looks like we're back to square one again... with so little time left...

Since we're camping here for a while, those latrines need re-digging at some point, that was a horrid experience. :sick:

People, as some of you have noted, we are running out of time, and a decision must be made. I've been trying to follow the conversation while surviving the stench of the latrines, and I must say that I don't honestly have a clue who to vote for. The Lieutenant seems awfully keen to put together a case against Alain, however this looks more like enthusiasm and a desire to get something done than a cleverly crafted lie to me. However, I'm not convinced that Alain is guilty either, and I see many of you agree, so that leaves us again with no lead. Let me think on this a bit more, I need to try and make sense of what has been said so far...

The Lieutenant seems awfully keen to put together a case against Alain, however this looks more like enthusiasm and a desire to get something done than a cleverly crafted lie to me. However, I'm not convinced that Alain is guilty either, and I see many of you agree, so that leaves us again with no lead.

But the lieutenant already withdrew his vote for Alain.

Well, I have no idea if this is right or wrong, but just to vote somebody in order to avert the consequences of not getting a condemnation, I will vote: Pvt. Dan Gale (def).

I am uncomfortable with the amount of voting and unvoting today, but more with the quiet accusations, the slurs said and then not backed up and retreated from hastily. It seems like maneuvering of the worst sort to me.

I am sorry, Private Gale, but you have accused the Provost Guards and then retreated only to move on to our Lt., again without any presented evidence or even the slightest bit of circumstance to point at. It seems like the actions of one aiming for the leaders of our army, much as the cowards did last night in murdering our dear Captain Le Coq. Coincidence? I don't know, but given our situation, I see no alternative but to take the most carefully measured chance here, and that is you.

Vote: Private Dan Gale / def

But the lieutenant already withdrew his vote for Alain.

You are right, my mistake. :blush: To be honest, I'm not overly suspicious of him, I believe at the moment that he was just trying to get the ball rolling so that we don't sit around doing nothing today, so that's fine. His argument was consistent, yet not forceful, more inquisitive I guess.

In terms of the vote today, I've looked over what you've all been saying again, and I have to agree that you, Private Gale, seem the most suspicious to me at this point. Your accusations of the Provost Guards and then your ever changing stance and lack of evidence has me thinking that rather than trying to help us by looking for possible targets today, you are instead subtly trying to dupe us into voting off a loyal soldier. Well, I'm afraid you haven't been subtle enough, and so I am going to Vote: Private Dan Gale (def). This is a risk, and I may very well be wrong, but looking at what we know and the possible suspects we have had brought forward today, it is my opinion that you sir are our safest bet for a plotting deserter.

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