Posted March 1, 201015 yr Hello everybody! With the big success of the petition to bring back the Western theme and some interesting discussions with some of you I thought it would be interesting to know whether the majority of us Western fans would prefer a licensed theme based on an already existing Western movie, comic etc. or an unlicensed theme like the classic one of 1996/96 developped by TLG itself and being not based on any Western movie, comic etc. Please vote. Comments are welcome! Klaus-Dieter
March 1, 201015 yr Unlicensed, please. I'm not a huge fan of licensed themes. Though I can't think of any recent popular western movie that could be a potential license, so I don't think its much of an issue. Steve
March 1, 201015 yr In order for the LEGO Group to release a licensed Western theme, I think we would need to see a new mainstream wild west movie suited for children, probably based on an already popular book or TV show. I don't believe TLG would create a western theme based on classic stories or movies. Either way I would prefer an unlicensed theme, mainly because of the yellow minifigures but also for the slightly cheaper prices and open range of set possibilities.
March 1, 201015 yr i think they should build a frontier theme , ie homesteaders , gold miners , trappers , railroad robber barons , ranchers , indian wars , maybe even some mormons they could call it lego frontier ( think i will trademark that idea )
March 1, 201015 yr Author Thank you very much for your comments and votes so far! I of course voted for I want an unlicensed Western theme like the classic one from 1996/97. Reasons: 1. Nearly endless possibilities for sets The number of licensed sets is very limited since there are mainly only main scenes put into Lego sets since other scenes wouldn't be that interesting and attractive to replay. Like you can see e. g. with the Star Wars or Harry Potter sets: of course there is nearly always something new in new sets (a new minfig, a better or more detailed design of the vehicle, more accessory or an additional scenery) - but all in all the most sets are only re-designs and no real new sets. When you on the other hand look into the report TheBrickster and I wrote to TLG and when you read through the two topics for Wild West sets you can see that there are nearly endless possibilities and wishes for new Western sets. And they all make sense, include a lot of playability. 2. Use your own imagination and nearly endless possibilities for playing Of course you can play with Lego sets, buildings, vehicles, minifigs and parts whether they are licensed or not whatever you want. But nevertheless you always think about the plot of the movie, computer game, book, comic etc. when you play with these sets and so most of the time only replay the story. In contrast to that, unlicensed sets are not connected with a special plot. Of course there are some "hints" what to play with these sets (e. g. clear characters for bad guys vs. good guys or even the box printing) but nevertheless you are not limited. You can play whatever you want without always having a special given plot of a movei etc. in your brain. So you can use your imagination, play one day this story, the next day that story - and this is even the conviction for which TLG always promotes with its productes: "just imagine". Keep in mind: it's "just imagine" and not "just replay". 3. More buildings, vehicles, animals, minifigs and accessory Of course you can not generalise that but most of the time in licensed sets there are (because of financial and licensing reasons) less buildings, vehicles, animals, minifigs and accessory included than in unlicensed sets. 4. Better possibilities to get extra minifigs, animals and accessory If you want to get some extra minifigs, animals and accessory of a licensed sets this is in many cases nearly unpossible or at least very, very expensive. But unlicensed sets have the opportunity to offer some Battle Packs or Impulse sets that aren't that expensive and offer you the extra minifigs of which you need plenty (e. g. for army building). And the chances to get some extra minifigs etc. not included in these Battle Packs or Impulse sets for a reasonable is much higher. 5. Not that expensive sets This is for sure the most least argument. Nevertheless it can't be denied that licensed sets are always more expensive than unlicensed sets. Though I can't think of any recent popular western movie that could be a potential license, so I don't think its much of an issue. In order for the LEGO Group to release a licensed Western theme, I think we would need to see a new mainstream wild west movie suited for children, probably based on an already popular book or TV show. I don't believe TLG would create a western theme based on classic stories or movies. The Old Triology of Star Wars is really no longer really recent - but still that popular that sets sell very well (I'm besides a huge fan of the OT - the only licensed theme of which I collect sets). So they could even search for the Western movie which is the most popular. And it's unlikely but nevertheless: Who knows whether there won't be released a new Western movie, comic etc. this year, next year or in 2012? i think they should build a frontier theme , ie homesteaders , gold miners , trappers , railroad robber barons , ranchers , indian wars , maybe even some mormons they could call it lego frontier ( think i will trademark that idea ) That's a neat idea, polarbomber. But I think TLG would use a name with which you immediately can connect something. And honestly said, with "frontier" I can not connect that much - at least not a Western theme. Apart from that I'm hundred percent sure that if TLG hopefully brings back the Western theme, the first wave of sets would be only cowboy vs. bandits based, maybe some soldiers - but I even doubt that. Firstly in a possible and hopefully existing second, third and fourth wave there then would be soldiers, Indians, a Ghost Town subtheme and maybe some Mexican styled sets. Klaus-Dieter Edited March 1, 201015 yr by Klaus-Dieter
March 1, 201015 yr Wohoo, a Brokeback Mountain theme! Jokes aside, I don't think there even exists a Western movie or other license that would make a suitable LEGO theme. We AFOLs still need to remember that LEGO themes are aimed at children, not adults. On the other hand, we are getting a few Western-related sets from the Toy Story theme, so you'll get plenty of new pieces for your much-sought-after theme from those. I definitely think there's a good chance we'll see the return of Wild West in LEGO, but if that happens, it'll be an unlicensed theme for sure.
March 1, 201015 yr Either way I would prefer an unlicensed theme, mainly because of the yellow minifigures but also for the slightly cheaper prices and open range of set possibilities. Still plenty of opportunities in the line. And I would definitely prefer classic yellow minifigs. Wohoo, a Brokeback Mountain theme! I definitely think there's a good chance we'll see the return of Wild West in LEGO, but if that happens, it'll be an unlicensed theme for sure. We've had the - short-lived for now - return of Pirates and the new Castle line shows resemblance to the 1980s line, so the return of Wild West is indeed imaginable.
March 1, 201015 yr I voted 'UNLICENCSED' and heres why............a part from the Disney film 'Home On The Range' - there has not been a cowboy film aimed at children in I don't know how many years. Maybe if they do Home On The Range 2, could Lego with it's Disney deal do anything like it. Anyway, bring on the goldrush, that's what I say..........hey what about a different angle, a different country.......take the goldfield's of Victoria in the 1850' there was some wild and crazy times, just look up The Eureka Stockade...miners vs. red coats ! I'm a conformist! everyone !
March 1, 201015 yr Jokes aside, I don't think there even exists a Western movie or other license that would make a suitable LEGO theme. We AFOLs still need to remember that LEGO themes are aimed at children, not adults. What about The Lone Ranger? It's a classic and (I believe) a well known story, and Disney is creating a rerelease scheduled for 2012.
March 1, 201015 yr To be honest, I'm surprised this was even a question; the very idea of a licensed western theme wouldn't have occurred to me (except as a small part of some much larger license that's mostly not western). As already noted, there hardly are any westerns these days that would make suitable LEGO themes, anyway, and of course I'm sure LEGO would rather go with something in-house anyway. I'd be happy just to see some more "Legends"-style reissues of older sets, but a whole new iteration of Wild West would be great. Edited March 1, 201015 yr by Blondie-Wan
March 2, 201015 yr Wohoo, a Brokeback Mountain theme! I'd buy those sets, no question! Anyway, bring on the goldrush, that's what I say..........hey what about a different angle, a different country.......take the goldfield's of Victoria in the 1850' there was some wild and crazy times, just look up The Eureka Stockade...miners vs. red coats ! If we're going Down Under, I have to say, I'd totally be game for some Quigley Down Under sets. But in all seriousness, a renewed Western theme could only be unlicensed, and it should definitely be that way, I think. There's just no single popular Western franchise out there, certainly not any well known to children anyway. Don't get me wrong, there's tons of Western media I'd love to see drawn upon. I'd love to see Lonesome Dove, Tombstone, The Good the Bad and the Ugly, etc. Imagine a *The Wild Wild West train set, with all sorts of play features based on the gadgets and traps seen in the show. But, hopes like that are what MOCing is for. An original Western theme is the best means to produce generalized Western-style pieces for everyone to use for their own designs. *I mean the TV series of the 1960's, not to be confused with that ridiculous Will Smith movie. Edited March 2, 201015 yr by Mac-K
March 2, 201015 yr Well, it's not impossible - who would have picked we'd be getting a medieval Arabic theme in the guise of Prince of Persia? But this is the crux of it - Licenses are designed to be disposable yet huge events, so any licensed Western theme would be a limited number of sets for a short term release. If Pirates really was bumped to make way for a possible POTC licence, then it would lend support to the idea of LEGO being willing to revive dormant themes if they are confident enough that there is a license to support them and they'll sell like hotcakes on the back of this year's event movie - whatever that might be. I personally think this model is much more likely than the revival of a purely historical theme over the long term.
March 2, 201015 yr The only difference would be in price and minifig skin colour, since western is a very general genre. In my opinion, a licensed theme would just be more expensive, but look the same as classic western. Unless, of course, it's Lucky Luke...
March 2, 201015 yr Unlicensed sets are better for several reasons already mentioned. However...I am a big fan of the spaghetti westerns/man-with-no-name movies, like The Good, the Bad and the Ugly! I wouldn't mind seeing LEGO sets based on those movies. But that would be highly unlikely... Would would be truly awesome would be a Unlicensed theme loosely based on the styles of those movies! I find the whole Calvary vs Indians thing a bit uninteresting...
March 2, 201015 yr Unlicensed, no doubt! ...Unless, of course, it's Lucky Luke... I second that! I would love to see a minifig version of the Dalton brothers , I wonder how they would solve the 4 different heights of those guys And of course a Lego version of Ratanplan
March 2, 201015 yr That's easy- unlicensed. Yellow minifigs is probably the biggest reason, because I get enough fleshie from the licensed themes, and like to have a balance. Lower cost of having an original theme is another big one. No license agreements, so no extra price tacked on. Licensed themes (LT) like SW are really getting expensive for this reason (or one of them). Lastly, ideas from Lego are always new and refreshing- though I imagine some of the sets will be similar to Western films, the ideas aren't limited to what's already been done. And looking at the Toy Story sets... well, I don't like them much. I want a solid, all-System theme with normal parts.
March 3, 201015 yr Unlicensed, no doubt!I second that! I would love to see a minifig version of the Dalton brothers , I wonder how they would solve the 4 different heights of those guys And of course a Lego version of Ratanplan For the Dalton brothers: Joe: Midget legs, normal body William: Normal minifig legs and body Jack: The new Toy Story long legs and arms Avarell: Jack Stone figure :)
March 4, 201015 yr I voted for unlicensed sets. The point is that you have to stick with some scenes. If the license theme mvie don't have artillery, it would be in conflict with the movie to release a set with union gunners and a shooting gun. I don't know many westerns, but if you want many aspects, like trains, the gold rush, the civil war, indians, pioneers and gunfights, I think there are few possibilities for licenses. I must confess I haven't seen Deadwood yet (will be in the near future) so I don't know how about it.
March 4, 201015 yr I also voted for unlicensed sets. I miss the first western sets and would buy them if they came back.
March 29, 201014 yr The good news is that with the Disney licensing agreement, historic-luvin' AFOLs can expect both pirates and western sets in the next couple of years. The bad news is that they'll be fleshies rather than the homegrown varieties we know and love. I know it's controversial in the pirate forums whether LEGO will or won't produce Pirates of the Caribbean sets but I can't see why they wouldn't in light of the Disney deal. Recall that at the same time when Depp announced he would return for POTC 4, he also said he would be playing Tonto in a Disney adaptation of The Lone Ranger. If LEGO made sets for a comparatively unknown property like Prince of Persia, they're sure as heck going to make sets for such well-established franchises as POTC and Lone Ranger, especially since many of the molds (tricorns and cowboy hats, flintlocks and revolvers, ships and horses) are already made. My belief is that in 2011 we'll see POTC sets (probably like Indiana Jones, with a mix of sets from the first 3 films plus some from the new one), in 2012 we'll see John Carter of Mars sets, and in 2012 or 2013 we'll see Lone Ranger sets.
March 29, 201014 yr Unlicensed. I prefer a neutral theme without figs and special stuff based on a movie, series, etc.
March 29, 201014 yr Author The good news is that with the Disney licensing agreement, historic-luvin' AFOLs can expect both pirates and western sets in the next couple of years. The bad news is that they'll be fleshies rather than the homegrown varieties we know and love.[...] My belief is that in 2011 we'll see POTC sets (probably like Indiana Jones, with a mix of sets from the first 3 films plus some from the new one), in 2012 we'll see John Carter of Mars sets, and in 2012 or 2013 we'll see Lone Ranger sets. Of course this might be the case, RumPunchDrunk. But TLG has even to reject how many licensed themes they want and how many regular themes they want. Plus the question is whether they really should/will displace classic themes (and Pirates and Western are indeed classic themes) by licensed themes. Keep even in mind that if there is a new Western movie, Western sets would sell amongst JFOLs well or badly - not very much depending on whether these sets will directly point to that movie or not. Even if kids these days might not have that much imagination and fantasy they had before the popularity of all that computer, playstation etc., they still have enough fantasy to play with sets what they want. So they can play with licensed sets a completey different story than the one which is shown in the movie - but they can even replay the scenes from the movie with non-licensed sets. Imo the point is that kids have to get interested in this theme - and then it'll sell. A movie is (esp. nowadays) supposably the best method for awaking that interest. But when kids are interested in this theme - wouldn't it be better if it was unlicensed?! This way JFOLs and AFOLs (Westen fans) would be pleased! Klaus-Dieter
March 29, 201014 yr I am currently uninterested in western sets, so licensed western sets would mean more castle sets for me lol. If I were to become interested, then unlicensed would be the way to go I think.
April 4, 201014 yr What about The Lone Ranger? It's a classic and (I believe) a well known story, and Disney is creating a rerelease scheduled for 2012. Really? A new one? WOOHOOO! *fires guns in air* I hope LEGO retains the Disney license long enough to do that as a theme.
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