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Imperial Soldier's Mafia: Day 3

In the dark night, a soldier walks towards a tent...


"Now it's the Lieutenant's turn!"


"Time for a nice night stride. I need some cool air. Especially after all this voting!" -Lieutenant Pellcan-

Surprised, the soldier leaps towards the Lieutenant...


"What are you doing out so late Private aaaaaaaaaaaargh!"


The soldier quickly attacks the Lieutenant and leaves him to bleed to death.

The morning sun rises and everybody is present for roll call, except the Lieutenant.

Though, nobody took much noticed and figured he need a little more sleep.

Soon, the last sausages were cooking on the fire. The soldiers had a more restful night, not being woken up by any explosions.

A few soldiers commented on a few screams through the night, though.


"HE...HELP!" screamed somebody. Running around the tents, the soldiers found the Lieutenant crawling on the ground.

Private Yellman and Private W. Gale went to help the blood-soaked Lieutenant.


Quickly galloping toward the injured Lieutenant, the Provost General inquired as to what had happened.


"We don't know, sir! He was most likely attacked last night by one of the deserters!

Fortunately, the killer must have been rushed, as the Lieutenant only suffered a deep cut instead of a fatal stab." -Captain Qocél-

"Very well. Well, take him to the infirmary and let's hope he survives.

As for the rest of you, keep diligent! And, please, vote a deserter today!" -Provost General-



"After checking the wounded Lieutenant's tent, we have determined, regretfully, that he was an honoured soldier." -Captain Qocél-

Returning to their meals, the soldiers are sad that their Lieutenant is now gone, unlikely to return any time soon...

A total of 11 votes are needed to convict today.

[Note: The player of the Lieutenant is dead, but the character will survive as he reveals to you guys the loyalty of the brave men of the 42nd!]


The Rules

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to me during the night phase. If I do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

In Imperial Soldier's Mafia, there are the Honoured and there are the Deserters.

- There will be two main sides in the game. You win when your side has defeated the other.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- Voting will ONLY begin after 24 hours into the Day.

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a court-martial.

- Please avoid posting out of character in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator has sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a court martial. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the Confirmation and Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game. Any violation of this rule will also result in a court martial.

- Please be considerate towards the host. I am unable to commit every possible minute to this, so things might be delayed. I will try to not to delay, though.

-Please stay in period while in game. This is to better enhance the quality of the game and make it more fun! This is to say, do NOT post anything modern or things past the early 1800's, the set time period of this game. You will be warned when you do this, and with three warnings, you will be put up to court martial. Any mentions of PMs in the game should be really be called "Letters".

-Please do not metagame. Metagaming is where you play the current game based off of the results of other past game. While it is a good tactic, it has ruined other player's game (like getting quickly voted off) because of their past character. Metagaming will result in an immediate court-martial.


If you are to be found breaking any of the above rules, you will be put to court-martial. These were military courts that would deal with soldiers who broke the rules (deserting, criminal acts, stealing). After you have been caught breaking the rules, the host will PM 5 random members in the game. They will decide your fate with a Yes/No vote. Found guilty, you will be sentenced to death. Found not-guilty, you are free. Be careful! Guilty members will not be replaced by the reserves.


Have a ball :sweet:

Character List:

alexthegreat.png Pvt. Alex Gierdieu (Alex the Great)

alice.png Pvt. Alain Entaine (Alice)

awesomestar.png Pvt. Aaron Stelly (AwesomeStar)

bigcam.png Pvt. Bill Cartelle (BigCam)

bobconstructman.png Pvt. Bobby Camon (Bob the Construction Man)

ca.png Pvt. Geoffrey Oult (Captain Genaro)

dragonator.png Pvt. David Reutal (Dragonator)

generala.png Drummer Boy Gace Maetan (General Armendariz)

iamded.png Provost Guard Ian Des (iamded)

metroid.png Provost Guard Mason Dalese (MetroiD)

new_right.png Flag Bearer Nathan Redman (New Right)

quarry.png Pvt. Quinn Malne (Quarryman)

rick.png Pvt. Rick Aellot (Rick)

roncanator.png Pvt. Ron Toreil (Roncanator)

sandy.png Pvt. Samuel Yellman (Sandy)

shadows.png Pvt. Michel Shadón (shadows)

stash.png Sergeant Stanely Hemphill (Stash2sixx)

tanotrooper.png Pvt. Talón Rames (Tanotrooper)

captaingenaro.png Pvt. Tom Perot (TinyPiesRUs)

whitefang.png Pvt. Wilson Gale (Whitefang)


martinsuperd.jpg Captain Martin Lecoq (Macoco) -Honoured

def2.jpg Pvt. Dan Gale (def) -Honoured

pedrod.jpg Lieutenant Pedro Pellsan (pedro) -Honoured

42nd Reserves:




Jim Butcher





I thought being mislead with our conviction was bad enough, but now the lieutenant! Its like these creeps are starting at the top and working their way down. I do not have a good feeling about this.

After his insistance with me yesterday and continual arguments about me being a deserter with no evidence, I could have sworn he was a deserter. I guess he was just paranoid. I am quite displeased to see that the deserters are successfully tricking us. This is a sad day indeed. I, again, have no evidence to help convict a deserter. I hope that someone will come forward today with some evidence to help us.

The lieutenant has been put out of action too? Cowards! It seems these deserters are targeting our upper management.

I did manage to learn a slither of information last night however...

During the night, a man I couldn't make out approached me. He tried to convince me to desert, the dirty rat. He failed to convert me however. Angered, I tried to grab him, but, the serpent that he was, he managed to escape. Alas, if only I could've caught the beggar. I would've torn the traitor to pieces.

Long story short, the deserters can convert us in the night.

So, how about those sausages? :blush:

Well this is horrible! Since they are aiming for the top men out here I guessing they will go for sergeant Stanley next. We should ask the soldier's of the 53rd to guard his tent or any other high ranked soldiers.

The lieutenant has been put out of action too? Cowards! It seems these deserters are targeting our upper management.

Yes, this seems to be the most obvious possibility. If only we had someone who could protect in the night and they could guard the important officers, maybe we could stop these cowards one night.

Long story short, the deserters can convert us in the night.

That is very scary news! :cry_sad:

So, how about those sausages? :blush:

Yes, we must carry on and keep up our strength and the sausages are all that have kept me going in these troubling times.

Oh no!!! It's dejá-vu time! Another one of our leaders has been attacked, and once again we're surrounded by sausages... I think I'll need some very strong coffee to wake me up this morning...

* sips some hot coffee

I guess this does however prove that our Captain and Lt. were not corrupted and only had the Regiment's best interests at heart... which is not a consolation in any way. And neither is the fact that we convicted an innocent man to death yesterday, even though both the Lt. and myself tried hard to personally get in touch with him and convince him to prove his loyalty to the Regiment...

By the way, has anybody seen Mr. Gale's brother, Pvt. Wilson Gale? I think I haven't seen him around for a couple of days now...

I was too late to save my brother, and I was too pre occupied with my duties, and fail to defend my brother. I am devesated by my brother's death. He was my only hope to live.. If only, I could voice out my thoughts before yesterday was put to an end...

Anyway, things are not favourable to our noble cause. I will add more of my thoughts later when I am out of this grief. I need to stay with my brother for a little longer..

By the way, has anybody seen Mr. Gale's brother, Pvt. Wilson Gale? I think I haven't seen him around for a couple of days now...

That is a good question. I have not seen him, and isn't it odd that the brother of an innocent man would not speak up upon his death? Very strange to me. If I had a brother who I knew was innocent, I would fight to the death for him and certainly have something to say when he was killed.

Pvt. Gale? Where are you?

Ah! You are a sneaky devil making the words while I was making mine!

Now thats three honoured soldiers that have been killed. This madness has to stop now! These bastards have done nothing but go for the head honchos and then just disappearing like cowards. Will the Lieutenant be coming back to battle with us or is he gone for good?

Three honoreds! Oh no! OH NO!

This is madness... I.. I think I need a tart or eight and twenty!

Stelly crams the tarts down his throat madly

Poor Lieutenant! I am thoroughly glad that he survived, even though he cannot be here with us to lift up our morales anymore. He was such an inspiring man, and a great ally. We had many private discussions, I won't deny it, and we shared a mutual trust.

We must not make anymore mistakes like the one we did yesterday. It was unfortunate that we had no way of knowing if we could trust Pvt. Gale or not, but at least we avoided the dire consequences mentioned by the Provost General.

I will now carefully consider everything the lieutenant said to me yesterday, for I believe he was close to finding out who are the deserters behind all this.

Needless to say, I am still highly suspicious of Wilson Gale, who remained very silent throughout yesterday, when his brother was condemned.

I am quite displeased to see that the deserters are successfully tricking us.

Indeed, Pvt. Entaine, it must be the deserters who are continuously strengthening us in our suspicions whenever we are questioning an innocent soldier, which has ultimately let us to execute Pvt. Gale.

What a cowardly act to attack the highest in command, who - as it now turns out - were only trying to rid our proud regiment of deserting scum.

Oh damn. Another officer dead :cry_sad: If this continues we'll be leaderless and easy prey soon. :look:

Poor Lieutenant, I knew he was a good man and I trusted his decisions. I am real angry that I voted an honoured soldier, and know we have three loyal soldier's dead. :angry:

3 honored men dead in 3 days. This is madness! We must stop these killers now or the deserters will have us all dead.

I heard that the lieutenant seemed to think that his assailant was a private. If this is true, then we will have a tough time hunting down this madman, most of us our privates.

Ok, my dear fellow solders, time for me to add some accurate information based on last night...

Last night, it was a mustached looking solder, went inside Lieutenant Pellcan's tent, and murdered him in cold blood. Unfortunately, I am not able to identify the assailant whom have comminted this sin, as it was too dark to allow me to figure the rest of his facial expression. And, if you are wondering what I am doing, no, I am not the little boy whom love to peep at others, and I won't share my night action. If you wish to find out more about what I do, drop me a potato message, and I will assess whether you are trust worthy or not..

Among the 42nd Regiment, these are the possible assailant whom has made an attack on Lieutenant Pellcan,

alexthegreat.png Pvt. Alex Gierdieu (Alex the Great)

ca.png Pvt. Geoffrey Oult (Captain Genaro)

dragonator.png Pvt. David Reutal (Dragonator)

iamded.png Provost Guard Ian Des (iamded)

quarry.png Pvt. Quinn Malne (Quarryman)

rick.png Pvt. Rick Aellot (Rick)

roncanator.png Pvt. Ron Toreil (Roncanator)

shadows.png Pvt. Michel Shadón (shadows)

stash.png Sergeant Stanely Hemphill (Stash2sixx)

captaingenaro.png Pvt. Tom Perot (TinyPiesRUs)

whitefang.png Pvt. Wilson Gale (Whitefang)

I am not the assailant, and it's left with 10 possible names. I have not exactly went through all of the conversations yesterday, yet, but I will attempt to cross examine, to see if there is any relations between Lieutenant Pellcan, be it supporting him openly or going against him.

If anyone is concerned about my slience, I just didn't make it on time to make my stand, and I am very regret that I didn't taken note of the deadline yesterday. Now, my only wish, is that my brother will forgive me, and allow me to avenge for his death..

If no one believe my words, then fine, go ahead and convict me. It does not matters anymore and I don't care. Without my brother, it's meaningless.. And, the only thing which grips me, is vengenance.

Ok, my dear fellow solders, time for me to add some accurate information based on last night...

Last night, it was a mustached looking solder, went inside Lieutenant Pellcan's tent, and murdered him in cold blood. Unfortunately, I am not able to identify the assailant whom have comminted this sin, as it was too dark to allow me to figure the rest of his facial expression.I am not the assailant, and it's left with 10 possible names. I have not exactly went through all of the conversations yesterday, yet, but I will attempt to cross examine, to see if there is any relations between Lieutenant Pellcan, be it supporting him openly or going against him.

An interesting bit of 'information' at least, assuming we can be trusting it. If we can, you may remove two more names from the usual suspects as neither the Provost Guard or Sergeant would count as Privates, assuming I understand the clue we were receiving this morning from our poor Lt.

So that leaves 9 (I am not so daring as to attempt to automatically remove myself from the list, nor will I remove you, I see no evidence to justify that). I will say that I sleep soundly at night, the sound sleep of an honourable man. I had a witness the first night who may speak for me, which would tend to provide proof that I am not the killer, but unless that proof is ultimately required, it will not be revealed to protect the honour safety of the other person. A gentleman does not kiss sleep and tell. Some of you may have witnessed others on particular nights and can mentally check them off your list. Perhaps we can find a way to eventually secure a consolidated list and therefore reveal the likely suspects for further scrutiny?

Or, of course, this whole moustache clue may be a big fuzzy bunny fabricated under the nose of the deserters. I don't really know how to be sure of that, so let us keep all possibilities in mind.

If no one believe my words, then fine, go ahead and convict me. It does not matters anymore and I don't care. Without my brother, it's meaningless.. And, the only thing which grips me, is vengenance.

NOW you're all broken up a day late after it's been pointed out... :sceptic:

Buck up, Princess. :hmpf:

I am devesated by my brother's death. He was my only hope to live..

To return to an earlier comment... what does this mean? How was he to save your life when he could not save his own or count on you? It is confusing to my brain.

I am making the 3rd replying to myselfs in a row, but they are the merging, so do not be confused.

Last night, it was a mustached looking solder, went inside Lieutenant Pellcan's tent, and murdered him in cold blood.

Why do you say he went inside? We are clearly capable of seeing with our own eyes that he was murdered outside.

"Time for a nice night stride. I need some cool air. Especially after all this voting!" -Lieutenant Pellcan-

Surprised, the soldier leaps towards the Lieutenant...


"What are you doing out so late Private aaaaaaaaaaaargh!"

Are my eyes making the deceiving, or are you? :wacko:

Last night, it was a mustached looking solder, went inside Lieutenant Pellcan's tent, and murdered him in cold blood.

That's crucial information... and I can actually corroborate that story!

After the voting was done and Pvt. Gale was buried, I stayed up replaying it all in my head and trying to understand why he acted the way he did, leading us all to believe he was a deserter... I then went out to grab an apple from the apple tree just outside my tent - when I turned around I noticed a moustached figure in the dark running away from something. I tried to catch him, but he literally vanished in thin air. I stayed up a few more minutes to try and catch that soldier and question him as to what he was running away from, but I didn't hear or see from him again that night...

I was planning on questioning each and every one of the moustached soldiers personally today, but now that Pvt. Gale has shared this information with us, I am certain that the person I saw last night was indeed the killer. The question that remains to be answered now is who that soldier was...

Or, of course, this whole moustache clue may be a big fuzzy bunny fabricated under the nose of the deserters. I don't really know how to be sure of that, so let us keep all possibilities in mind.

I can't assume its wrong, but that's the potato message that dropped from the sky, messaged by a celestial being, called ImperialScouts, the father of all Regiments. I went through the potato message very carefully, since its not allowed to quote any of it, this is the only relevant information which is useful for us to narrow down the list, for the assailant.

To return to an earlier comment... what does this mean? How was he to save your life when he could not save his own or count on you? It is confusing to my brain.

Because I know for sure, he was loyal... Both of us are aware of each others' alignments... I was late, and we are brothers.. We have been fighting together all this while in past wars, and now, it has to reach to this end.. Not the kind of ending, I will imagine..

Why do you say he went inside? We are clearly capable of seeing with our own eyes that he was murdered outside.

I was reading from the potato message, and coined from there. Didn't exactly recall the pictoral scenes just yet. :blush:

"Time for a nice night stride. I need some cool air. Especially after all this voting!" -Lieutenant Pellcan-

Last night, it was a mustached looking solder, went inside Lieutenant Pellcan's tent, and murdered him in cold blood. Unfortunately, I am not able to identify the assailant whom have comminted this sin, as it was too dark to allow me to figure the rest of his facial expression. And, if you are wondering what I am doing, no, I am not the little boy whom love to peep at others, and I won't share my night action. If you wish to find out more about what I do, drop me a potato message, and I will assess whether you are trust worthy or not..

Among the 42nd Regiment, these are the possible assailant whom has made an attack on Lieutenant Pellcan,

iamded.png Provost Guard Ian Des (iamded)

If your theory is correct, and the Lieutenant was also stabbed with a sword, it can only be Provost Guard Ian Des.

If your theory is correct, and the Lieutenant was also stabbed with a sword, it can only be Provost Guard Ian Des.

I will like to believe is Provost Guard, Ian Des, but recalling what our Lieutenant Pellcan's last words, he was shouting at someone whom is "Private".. Unless Provost Guard, Ian Des is holding the rank of Private. Could someone confirm this for sure? It's important.

Otherwise, the sword is just like our musket, which is standard weapons issue, part of our armament package.

If your theory is correct, and the Lieutenant was also stabbed with a sword, it can only be Provost Guard Ian Des.

Do we not all have swords, if not someone must have stolen it. For it was clearly seen to be a private, unless Mr. Des dressed as one. :oh3:

I have to say that I really don't buy this "moustachio" theory at face value. You could be telling the truth, Mr. Gale, but on the other hand you are under heavy suspicion today, so you could be just making this up to save your hind. Your lackluster attitude towards death is also unnerving.

This would also put Mr. Dalese under suspicion for backing you up so suddenly and adamantly. Do we really have this many vigilant soldiers up at night, conveniently seeing the suspect's moustache? I find that hard to believe...

I do wonder, if you were this observant last night, Mr. Gale and Mr. Dalese, then what did you see in Night 1?

  • Author
Otherwise, the sword is just like our musket, which is standard weapons issue, part of our armament package.


"The only items issued to you, privates, are a shako, red epaulets, knapsack, uniform, musket, and a bayonet. Usually only officers are issued swords." [shows off his sword]

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