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I think that we need to cut the wild accusations, sit down and think about this calmly, perhaps over a tart or two that my baby sister made for me back home...?

I mean, come on, all these accusations, you did this, you did that, flying around makes my head go in a bit of a tizzy.

Sgt. Hemphill's "revelation" puts him at odds with the person who contacted me earlier. I can be quite sure that one of the two is an investigator and the other is a deserter, but the problem is, which one is which?

Gathering the bits of information that have leaked to me earlier, I can group a few people with both of Hemphill and the anonymous investigator (I don't want to reveal his identity yet, so that he doesn't think I am a deserter). I have passed on my lists to another person in case I'm killed off next night, but anyway, I believe I am close to solving who the deserters are, I just have two options.

I was determined to vote for Pvt. Gale today (can we vote already, by the way?), but now it seems we have to get a solution to this problem first. If Pvt. Gale is a deserter, he would most likely be working with the person who contacted me, since the message could've been meant as a diversion to me (because I openly accused him today). I'm just not sure why I was contacted in that case, but it's probably because I'm such a blabbermouth. :laugh:

I don't know yet which way I should go, but I do know that today we can finally turn this cruel game of life against the deserters.

Oh, I was unaware he was on border patrol. Thanks for letting me know. As for why I'm pushing so hard, well why aren't you? I'm just trying to get as much information as possible to help figure this all out.

I only meant pushing him so hard since I thought you knew he was unable to respond. Since you didn't know, it doesn't look so unusual. As for pushing myself, I would if I knew where to push, but right now we've got a lot of people talking in all kinds of directions and not a lot of proof of anything, so for me it's more important to listen and hope to spot the truth within the babble.

I just have two options.

The third option is that everyone is telling the truth from their own point of view, but one is paranoid as Pvt. Perot suggested earlier.

It makes the whole thing most confusing to me. It is like the person who always lies and the person who is always truthful, but one gets hit in the head and everything goes funny. :wacko:

I'm just not sure why I was contacted in that case, but it's probably because I'm such a blabbermouth. :laugh:


Hmm, this is all very interesting. I can't believe an investigator could manage to find two deserters in the first two nights. I wonder if it's possible he's paranoid?

It does seem unlikely that he should hit it right already on the first to tries, so paranoia sounds plausible. Also, there's the thing that he contacted Pvt. Yellman even though he hadn't investigated Yellman. To me that sounds quite weird, I'd expect the investigator to hold off until he'd found someone honoured to ally and share his findings with. This whole thing doesn't quite add up. :sceptic:

The third option is that everyone is telling the truth from their own point of view, but one is paranoid as Pvt. Perot suggested earlier.

Please, I don't even want to think about that option! My head hurts enough as it is! :wacko:

There are alot of new information available today so far, so it's up to you to decide whom to believe or not, for myself I find it quite hard to believe completely, that both days, there are 2 deserters spotted.. Not sure if its insane or sane, or even complete jackpot. Anyway, we have to make a decision today. I have provided and shared the moustache theory as well, and with this additional info, we need to make a stand.

I was determined to vote for Pvt. Gale today (can we vote already, by the way?), but now it seems we have to get a solution to this problem first. If Pvt. Gale is a deserter, he would most likely be working with the person who contacted me, since the message could've been meant as a diversion to me (because I openly accused him today). I'm just not sure why I was contacted in that case, but it's probably because I'm such a blabbermouth. :laugh:

Why are you so keen on voting for Pvt. W. Gale? And why are you suspecting him of siding with the supposed investigator who contacted you? Now this could equally well be interpreted as you trying to first make it seem like Private Gale is siding with the investigator that contacted you, secondly convincing the rest of us that the Sergeant can be trusted, and finally have a reason to vote of Pvt. W. Gale. And if Pvt. Gale indeed doesn't only sleep at night, you would have made sure that one of the sides in this would loose a valuable resource.

Also, why would you pass off pieces of information you have to another soldier who you cannot be certain you can entrust him with unless you're a deserter and so is he or you have investigative powers yourself. I don't want to make you look too suspicious, because from another angle you also seem like one of the few that is truly trying to get to the bottom of this...

It does seem unlikely that he should hit it right already on the first to tries, so paranoia sounds plausible. Also, there's the thing that he contacted Pvt. Yellman even though he hadn't investigated Yellman. To me that sounds quite weird, I'd expect the investigator to hold off until he'd found someone honoured to ally and share his findings with. This whole thing doesn't quite add up. :sceptic:

Quite right. But it also seems like a foolish all-or-nothing move to come forward publicly as having investigative powers at night. Having investigative powers at night time is a valuable resource to either side.

Why are you so keen on voting for Pvt. W. Gale?

I already told why, but let's recap. At the start of the day, several people pointed him out for being awfully silent yesterday, and immediately after that (not before, note), he came up with the moustache-theory. And right after that, this theory was supported by Mr. Dalese, who didn't tell about his sightings earlier, either. If this doesn't smell like conspiracy to you, then you better check your nose.

And why are you suspecting him of siding with the supposed investigator who contacted you?

Because I clearly stated that I don't believe his moustache-theory. Not long after my post, the supposed investigator contacted me with the information I passed on you.

It might be just a coincidence, but it can also be an attempt to direct attention away from Pvt. Gale.

Also, why would you pass off pieces of information you have to another soldier who you cannot be certain you can entrust him with unless you're a deserter and so is he or you have investigative powers yourself.

I don't understand. The supposed investigator specifically told me to pass the info he gave me to the game topic. That could also be seen as an attempt to frame me, if the info is wrong.

I assure you all, I have no actions at night and no investigatory powers myself. If push comes to shove, I will reveal the name of the person who contacted me, but right now I'd rather not risk his life for little gain.

It looks like we have to test his theory by voting out either Sgt. Hemphill or Pvt. Reutal, but my intuitition is still saying we should go with Pvt. Gale. I think I just have to wait and see in which direction people's opinions go.

I already told why, but let's recap. At the start of the day, several people pointed him out for being awfully silent yesterday, and immediately after that (not before, note), he came up with the moustache-theory. And right after that, this theory was supported by Mr. Dalese, who didn't tell about his sightings earlier, either. If this doesn't smell like conspiracy to you, then you better check your nose.

The moustache theory is geninue. If you don't believe, then forget it. I am just helping out whatever I can, to help you guys. Conspiracy? That's plain dumb. Till now, I have not exactly offered any direct cooperation behind the curtains. Dalese was supporting my claim, but that doesn't mean he trusted me completely. We will let the truth speaks for itself.

The moustache theory is geninue. If you don't believe, then forget it. I am just helping out whatever I can, to help you guys. Conspiracy? That's plain dumb. Till now, I have not exactly offered any direct cooperation behind the curtains. Dalese was supporting my claim, but that doesn't mean he trusted me completely. We will let the truth speaks for itself.

Then why didn't you report your findings when the day started? Why didn't Dalese report his findings either? Why did both of you wait until you got accused several before reporting them? And why the darnation are there so many investigators around?

I'm sorry, but it just doesn't make sense to me. :sceptic:

Then why didn't you report your findings when the day started? Why didn't Dalese report his findings either? Why did both of you wait until you got accused several before reporting them? And why the darnation are there so many investigators around?

Huh? Which day? If you meant Day 2, I wasn't active around, to make my stand, and by the time, I wanted to, it was too late. As for Night 1 action used, and Day 2 reporting, I don't find a need to tell it out, especially when the person doesn't have any actions to do in night...

No, I am not an investigator, but someone of another sort of ability... And, I am interpreting this message/findings from one obvious trusted source.

If you're asking me, there's no conspiracy theories involved here whatsoever, Mr. Yellman - it's all in your head. Just like your "secret informer / investigator", who is probably none other than yourself. Afraid to admit what you've been up to, you seem to have come up with an invisible friend to blame and share your secrets, however I think those kind of relationships between you and your alter ego should only have been acceptable until the moment you turned 6... And in case you still plan on using my name in your conspiracies -- noone has accused me other than yourself - and I've already told you all why I supported Mr. Gale's story about the moustached murderer, and why I didn't mention that earlier as well.

As to Sgt. Hemphill... am I the only one around here who's extremely bothered by the fact that you did supposedly already know Mr. Dan Gale was innocent, yet did not say a single word in his defence!? Why, all we needed was precisely for someone with conclusive information to step forward on that day and you just sat there and did nothing!? I'm impressed by your attempts to preserve the morale of your boys, Sergeant, way to go!!! Either you're lying to us about your investigations and trying to lead us away from the fact you've got quite a moustache yourself... or you're telling the truth, in which case you have convicted an honoured soldier to death by remaining silent when you could have told us what you already knew. I honestly do not know which option is best for you, but in case you are indeed speaking the truth, I can only assume the worst.

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"My! What a heated debate! Did I mention that you guys can vote? The probation is only 24 hours after the day starts, you don't need silly, old me to tell you when to vote! With that in mind, it looks like it's getting towards night time!" -Captain Qocél-

Hey Mason, think about it, would it really have mattered? Would you have revoted? Would a mojority have revoted? I would have shown my action early and that wouldn't have really helped anyone. My job is to make the tough decisions. That's why I'm in the field and you hide in the background, safe in your little tent. Did I cry like a baby when my friend LeCoq was killed, you bet. Did I feel horrible about what happened to Pvt. Gale, of course I did.

With all the talk of sausage, my voice wouldn't have been heard. I mean please, Pvt. Stelly is still yammering on about nothing, and this is the third day we have been involved in this affair!

Next time you sit in your warm cozy tent, sipping hot coffee in front of your fireplace, think about what "burden of command" really means.


I have a crazy idea! How about both of our supposed investigators actually target the same person tonight and report back? I'd suggest they investigate each other, but one is still hiding.

I don't know who to trust anymore. :sceptic:

Next time you sit in your warm cozy tent, sipping hot coffee in front of your fireplace, think about what "burden of command" really means.

He has a fireplace in his tent??? :hmpf_bad:

As to Sgt. Hemphill... am I the only one around here who's extremely bothered by the fact that you did supposedly already know Mr. Dan Gale was innocent, yet did not say a single word in his defence!?

Next to that, I'm also still wondering about what a coincidence it is that the Sergeant happened to investigate Pvt. Dan Gale on the first night, even though he only came under suspicion - if I recall correctly - on the second day. Why was he worth investigating on the first night? Stating you investigated Pvt. Gale on the first night seems like a convenient way of hiding what you really found out that night. And indeed, defending him probably wouldn't have mattered at the time you cast your vote Sergeant, but why did you wait until Pvt. Gale could no longer be saved?

Next to that, I'm also still wondering about what a coincidence it is that the Sergeant happened to investigate Pvt. Dan Gale on the first night, even though he only came under suspicion - if I recall correctly - on the second day.

That's the problem with this whole situation. We have that coincidence on one side and then on the other we're told of a hidden investigator who got two scum results on his first two tries, which is also very unlikely out of such a large group. Then Pvt. Gale reveals his moustache evidence AFTER being accused. I mean, wasn't that awfully lucky of him to get such important information at just the right moment to take attention away from the accusations towards him?

I don't trust anyone right now. You're all full of coincidences and I have a strong aversion to coincidence.

I'm going back to my tent to build a fireplace now.

I'm going back to my tent to build a fireplace now.

Careful with that axe, Eugene... :grin:

Well, I'm back from boarder patrol now, so let's see if I can answer a few of your concerns. I am greatly surprised by what Samuel has revealed to us; I can't speak for the Sergeant but I know I am a loyal soldier and would never think of deserting this fine regiment! We are here to fight not just for our country, but to protect our families and our homes from the barbarians who have been assailing us, and to me, that is the most noble cause a man can dedicate himself to. I am just as eager to find and get rid of these trouble makers as the rest of you honourable soldiers. I can't really see why someone would be pointing fingers at me, I mean, I don't even have a night action, so I'm no threat to the deserters in that regard.

Two possible reasons behind this strange information present themselves to me. Firstly, perhaps this anonymous investigator has some sort of mental or paranoid trait which gives him false, opposite or random investigation results. The other option that comes to mind is that either Samuel or the person feeding this information to Samuel is lying to us; I just can't think of anything else that would explain this so called investigation result as being false, which it is. For all I know, the Sergeant could be a plotting deserter, however since I know that the result about me is false, I am not inclined to be swayed either way by the 'result' for him on night one. The fact he has claimed to be an investigator as well also adds another twist to this strange problem, as I can't believe that we would have 2 sane investigators. What say the rest of you on this?

First, I will need to hear from Private David Reutal (Dragonator), and then perhaps Private Yellman about this 'investigator' of his...

I've told you what I can, which isn't much unfortunately, looks like it is Samuel's turn to try and make sense of this mess. I think one question you need to ask yourself Samuel, is whether this "investigator" who approached you is trustworthy, and if they are, whether they are confident in the correctness of their results. You are putting yourself at tremendous risk by speaking for this person who I know is definitely misguided, whether through sinister means or innocent ignorance, so you need to assess whether it is really worth it for yourself.

I hope someone can shed some light on this soon, for it has me greatly confused and somewhat scared for my safety that some anonymous person is trying to set me up as a deserter when I'm not. :look:

I've told you what I can, which isn't much unfortunately, looks like it is Samuel's turn to try and make sense of this mess. I think one question you need to ask yourself Samuel, is whether this "investigator" who approached you is trustworthy, and if they are, whether they are confident in the correctness of their results. You are putting yourself at tremendous risk by speaking for this person who I know is definitely misguided, whether through sinister means or innocent ignorance, so you need to assess whether it is really worth it for yourself.

I've been trying to make sense of this all ever since the investigator contacted me. I am aware of the risks, but in this situation we're in, we have to take risks.

Anyway, to ease my decision, the investigator sent me descriptions of exactly what he found out about Sgt. Hemphill and Pvt. Retaul. It really looks like he had a streak of luck in his investigations.

He says that Hemphill had a letter in his backpack that told of his wife's severe illness, and another letter confirming that he is indeed a deserter.

Retaul, on the other hand, had a blood-stained rag and a knife in his pack, and a letter ordering him to kill everyone before he could desert.

From this fact, and the fact that Retaul has a moustache, I will have to stand down from my case against Pvt. Gale and Mr. Dalese, and vote: Pvt. Retaul (Dragonator).

People, if he indeed is the night-time killer, we will get a huge victory tonight. If he is innocent, you will know that the supposed investigator has fed me lies, and you are free to vote me out as well for being a naive puppet controlled by the deserters. I will make sure that the name of the false investigator will be revealed to you in that case.

We have to do this today to find out the truth. Vote with me.

Fellow regiment members, the sun is starting to set on this third day in this camp here and there is one vote cast so far. Can anyone - except the ones involved, whom we've heard - give a good reason not to vote with Pvt. Yellman? I'm clueless on what position to take, but Yellman's scenario seems to yield important information irrespective of whether Pvt. Retaul is indeed the murderer. I'm really surprised by the long silence that has fallen after his latest statement. I especially expected Pvt. Dale and Provost Guard Dalese to be relieved and vote with Yellman... :sceptic:

Excuse me if I look foolish at the end of the day for not changing my vote in the light of any new evidence that some of you may bring so late this night, but the bullet wounds in my arm and leg, which I sustained at Willow's Creek, are really starting to hurt and I need to lay down now. Therefore I'm going to have to go with whatever 'evidence' is available now and Vote: Pvt. David Reutal.

Fellow regiment members, the sun is starting to set on this third day in this camp here and there is one vote cast so far. Can anyone - except the ones involved, whom we've heard - give a good reason not to vote with Pvt. Yellman?

Well, my reason is very simple, Prv. Aellot, and I've already stated it earlier - I simply don't trust this whole story about the "silent hidden informer" who decides out of the blue to share all his info with none other than Private Yellman. And he seems to have quite a bit of info too - if there was someone who was so successful with his investigations, I can't help but wonder why we haven't heard a single word from him personally? He'd at least have said something to confirm Private Yellman's stories and so far the only man who actually keeps building on those is Mr. Yellman himself. I'm not saying he's the killer - he doesn't have a moustache and I am absolutely convinced that the killer wears one - but I just don't believe that he's telling us the truth, simple as that.

However, I don't see how the fact that there's yet one more outspoken soldier whom I don't feel I could trust should really be a relief for me... It's been an awfully long day during which I've made desperate attempts to personally speak to and investigate as much soldiers in this Regiment as I could, without too much luck - unlike Prv. Yellman, I seem to be met with claims of innocence everywhere, and nobody has been willing to share any real evidence with me.

Besides, there's another thing that really bothers me. Apart from the seven or eight of us who've spoken out in front of the Regiment today and shared our thoughts, there's hardly been any kind of reaction to this whole mess we're currently in from the rest of the Regiment. It seems that there's umpteen soldiers here who don't seem to give a flying fudge about what happens. And speaking of that - once again, food is all that people such as Private Stelly can think of.

Having voted for the wrong man yesterday, today I just don't think I can cast my vote based on someone else's allegations.

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Having voted for the wrong man yesterday, today I just don't think I can cast my vote based on someone else's allegations.


"Poppycock! This may be a wise choice, but there have only been two votes and the day is done in less than three hours! Oh, we may surely suffer the consequences! Perhaps we can pull through tomorrow!" -Captain Qocél-

Although I hate voting for someone based on someone elses accusations, I must Vote: Private David Retaul (Dragonator). This seems to be the person whom evidence is pointing to. I do pray that he is a deserter so that I have not voted for an innocent man.

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