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Sweden, the guy and not the country, is still here but has been very busy with my girlfriend entertaining her while she was here until Tuesday this week but now I'm back.

Sarg Kulo

I bet you do. From a 10134 UCS Y-Wing Attack Starfighter review to arguing and finally nude jokes is very much a From Bricks to Bothans style of conversation that I thought most on here were above. This thread of mine was hijacked for some really dumb and lame a** jokes. Maybe this website should change name to From Eurobricks to Bothans. It certainly reminds me of the braindead level of From Bricks to bothans.


I guess he is.

Sir Dillon

Friendly? Yeah right.


PERFECT! Huh? That's a extra ordinary claim. It's not that perfect.


Yeah, this place is starting to get more and more like From Bricks to Bothans.

Yeah again, I wonder why message boards always get hostile and rambling.

No, Eurobricks ain't that perfect. This thread proves this fact.

Thank you and you're most welcome about my review. Yes, it's a very nice set indeed but the scale as well as shape and details are totally off as my review says. But they've already made a re-designed Mini Figure or System scale Y-Wing Fighter as seen in my review and made it UCS by basically stretching it out. Go take a look in my review once again.


Did you even read it to begin with? I guess not.


No, I'm "saying" that you're not fair as a admin. I said it before and I'll say it once again and I'll even quote myself: "...ApophisV stepped in and said a few worlds which is enough for me at least but what do I know." I don't have any problems with others opinnion as they're like a a**... Everyone has one.

Well, if you don't then why did you step in when ApophisV already had explained what it's all about?

I certainly understood him the first time he said what he had to say.

I felt that xwingyoda was rude and that he was mocking my review without any good reasons. That's the way it is. And I reacted to it. No matter how many smileys he put in there. Why? Because other people has done it before. I won't go into that as I assume that you'll understand. A lame a** joke like that is only funny once and not twice. In my opinnion at least. If I like what a person has written I compliment them on it and if I don't I shut the h*** up. If still has the need to comment on it then I make sure I've got something constructive to say about it but I'm not rude or mock people. But that's me. Period.

I got this e-mail from someone who will remain anonymous and I quote:

"I'm sure you don't know who I am, but I'd like to let you know that I agree with you about the matter entirely, and it seems that them all saying you "overreacted" is just them sticking together, and being elitist jerks. Even if you had overreacted, you wouldn't have if yoda hadn't made that comment. He was just plain rude, and didn't even apologize for it.

Some people's egos are too big for them :sleep: Well, I enjoyed it. Thanks for taking the time to make it."

So did I overreact? Doesn't seem so.

Over at the Swedish starwars.nu website and forums for Swedish fans of the Star Wars universe I was asked by a admin to write some articles to spice up their forums with new and interesting threads and my first was Den Ultimata McFarlane Movie Maniacs tr


Whatever - this place is 70percent fun and jokes. We all do jokes - it's part of the EB way. I don't think we should be all that serious about this site or what it stands for. If You feel provoked or flamed then PM then one responsible. I for one don't see how You could be provoked - it beats me! As for the nude jokes - give it a laugh it's only fun. I come here for fun and to share my hobby with people who share the same addiction as me - not for flaming or being serious as H***. There's plenty of sites for that.

KimT [i don't even own the UCS Y-Wing - I just said I would swoosh if I had one - possibly in the nude]

I think a Mod should close this before this becomes a flame war...

I agree with this, this discussion doesn't belong here and I am pretty sure that letting this thread open would lead to arguments most people would regret after calming down again.

Sweden, I'm not completely sure what you mean by this whole "EB is become FBTB" (especially in which particular aspects), but I don't think this discussion belongs into a public thread. I would be happy if you could drop me a PM and tell me what exactly you are worried / angry about, so maybe we can find a reasonable solution together.

After two years of being a member of Eurobricks by heart I have the honest opinion that 99% of the members of our community (including the staff!) are open hearted, friendly and honest people, sure they are often somewhat childish and kidding each other in friendly ways all over the place, but this is one "general character trait" of the our community that always existed and that we hopefully never loose!

Nonetheless, we still aren't perfect and we know this. And we sure consider any opinion, even those that are telling us "Hey, you are doing something wrong!" - as long as it doesn't come packaged as a personal attack to a particular person.

So... what did I try to say with this paragraphs?! *wacko* Erm... yeah... Please write me a PM about the particular problems you see so that it can be discussed within our staff to work out a solution for it!

This isn't meant as a personal attack on you, actually I always am happy about feedback even if it's not positive and I would be happy to see you feeling more comfortable here in the future again!


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