Posted March 24, 201014 yr Setnumber: 8683 Minifig number&name: #3 The Caveman Numbers of different minifigs in series 1: 16 Parts in this bag: 6 Price: 89 Russian Roubles (30 Roubles per 1 USD exh. rate) Release: June 2010 The Caveman looks pretty much like one of my favs from the past - the main charater of "Prehistorik" and "Prehistorik 2" arcade games. New "prehistorik" club and new hair-and-beard piece are the most interesting here. The club is smaller than the troll's one. The new face print. Might be useful. The 360 degrees look at the new hair piece. Very nice! Thogh it may look like the Hagrid's one, but it's made of ABS, not the rubber material. No accessories - front view. Nice printing, however this patterns are very specific - if you're in the process of creating the prehistoric world - it's what you need! Also I think the leg pattern will go well The back view - no printing on the back. Very nice and really collectable figure. Many thanks to my fellow DoubleBrick member Dan for these high quality images! Though I don't think there are any quality related questions are left after Cop Mike's reviews, I have to confirm that the quality is very good, printing has no issues at all, so the only differences from the ordinary figures are "the mark@ on the inner side of the arm-piece and digits on the hand-pieces. Thank you for your attention! Edited March 24, 201014 yr by CopMike Poll added :-).
March 24, 201014 yr Thanks 'Zeek' for a great minifig review, that leg and torso set you can say hello - Fred Flintstone ! Oh, the monobrow - Ed from Ed, Edd & Eddy - I love chickens (Ed - Ed, Edd & Eddy) Another COOL minifig - can't wait for these to become available. I'm a conformist! !
March 24, 201014 yr While the figure looks very nice, that extraordinarily large band of yellow above the leg printing doesn't instil confidence in me. Normal figs with leg printing have some gappage, normally visible when you bend the legs back, but here the yellow band is clearly visible even when the fig is standing straight! It reminds me of the lax printing on the Slave Leia magnet fig vs Normal Leia, where much more of the legs are missed on the magnet version than the normal version. Apart from that, it's a Bill Oddie minifig! 'Goodies' MOCs on!
March 24, 201014 yr Indeed, the printing looks sharp and the printed colours seem to match the plastic quite well. The final product looks almost like a promotional photo, quality-wise. I'm impressed!
March 24, 201014 yr Nawww this Minifig is so damn cool! I like it a lot. Can't wait to get my hands on some of these new figs *does happy dance* I hope that shaggy hair piece comes out in dark tan one day. . .
March 24, 201014 yr This is my favourite minifig from the first series. The total look is great and I love the hair+beard piece. Thanks for showing the head, it looks very useful that too. I guess I could use this minifig in some fantasy MOC but it's also something I actually could have displayed for some time (very unusual for me ). Thanks for the review, ZeeK!
March 24, 201014 yr Ooh, next to the cheerleader and the clown, this is certainly on my list of favorites from series 1. The beard and hair combo is great. Lucky Ambassadors
March 24, 201014 yr Thanks for the great review, ZeeK! I like this hairy dude, and I agree, the face could be useful. Looks a bit like my old Facebook avatar: Apart from that, it's a Bill Oddie minifig! 'Goodies' MOCs on!
March 24, 201014 yr Can't wait for them to be available. Apart from that printing on the legs this is an really great figure. the Inventor
March 24, 201014 yr Hahahah. Ed Was my first thougt too wen I saw this head! I really love the hair/mustache- great for dwarfs! And he is my next fav- the cheerleader is first!
March 24, 201014 yr So it's all the ambassadors who get these collectibles first. Aaargh, the envy is killing me. Thanks for posting this news! Although I can't see any photos (I hope you posted some)
March 24, 201014 yr I can't wait to get my hands on some of these. This is one I like, thanks for the great pics, now I want it more.
March 24, 201014 yr Author Although I can't see any photos (I hope you posted some) Actually I did. It's some technical issues with the our ftp. At least Svelte has saved one for the front-page. Really sorry... I think they'll solve the issues very soon.
March 24, 201014 yr I don't know what's more useful for a Pirate crew-- the new hairpiece or the unibrow face! Great stuff, definitely would like one to keep and one to break up... thanks for the review. You guys have to admit it-- it must feel really good to show these off when nobody else can get them yet
March 24, 201014 yr Author You guys have to admit it-- it must feel really good to show these off when nobody else can get them yet I don't think we're showing off... As far as I remember there were a lot of speculations regarding the quality of the product - as long as we all have the detailed high quality images we'll be able to make up our minds, whether to buy 'em all or not.I was pleased with quality of the figures, these are (ooops!!! spoiler!!!) better than the "vintage minifig collection" ones, IMHO.
March 24, 201014 yr Very nice! One question, though-- are the torso and hips regular tan (brick yellow), or the lighter yellow used in Belville (cool yellow)? It's not quite clear in the pictures.
March 24, 201014 yr Author are the torso and hips regular tan (brick yellow), or the lighter yellow used in Belville (cool yellow)? It's not quite clear in the pictures. Since I don't think I have any lighter yellow from Belville... Okay, I promise I'll compare the colors when I get home today...
March 24, 201014 yr Thanks for the review! Love this one,. that hair+beard is going to be really useful
March 24, 201014 yr I'm so excited for these new figs! Thanks a lot for the reviews CopMike and ZeeK.
March 24, 201014 yr I don't care about the Chinese quality parts that these parts are (or probably something in between). It's still pretty cheap and it's LEGO. Compared to the minifigure collections, these are far more better deals! The figures are very special, and this one also. I just love that hairpiece. I can't wait to get my hands on it.
March 24, 201014 yr I don't care about the Chinese quality parts that these parts are (or probably something in between).So far we´ve only seen & touched TLG quality and been told that they´re made to be in the ordinary line of products that TLG sell, and therefore checked and monitored the same way as a regular set. So please wait with the bad-mouthing of the quality , this is good stuff.
March 24, 201014 yr This one looks great. I like the face print too. Just slap a different hair piece on him and you've got another caveman character. Steve
March 24, 201014 yr Marvelous, ZeeK, and thanks for the early word! If I may make a request (again), any chance we could get a comparison shot (or two, or three) of this guy's club with the Castle Troll one?
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