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Hi there

I recently bought a huge box full of various Lego - the principle reason being 20+ SW Minifigs and a nearly complete Tie Fighter

I've spent the past couple of days sorting through it to try and work out what else SW is in there. I've attached some pictures - the first are the figures - some of which I had to reassemble - so any comments about whether i've made any mistakes would be appreciated - also whether the accessories are SW or not. Also is the guy between the headless Darth & Bib, SW related or not - same for the headless guy next to the sandpeople?

the other 3 pics pics are pieces that are either large or part assembled - Originally I thought these were all SW, but as there were a lot of Exo Force / Bionicle part builds in the box I now think most of these pieces are from those series - however if there is anything that looks vaguely SW I'd appreciate it if you guys could point it out , so I can try and reassemble for my sons collection - Also - if you can work out what the sealed bags are that would be great -





OK - that's enough questions for my first post! - hope I haven't broken any rules by posting all this!



Edited by akumulator

it would be useful if the pictures would be on Flickr or similiar, because there you can make notes on the picture.

That would make it much easier.

  • Author
it would be useful if the pictures would be on Flickr or similiar, because there you can make notes on the picture.

That would make it much easier.

Ah - great idea - let me try and repost them there



The sealed polybags are 2006's AT-RT. I don't have much time now but might be able to help some more. Just check back with me later.

  • Author
The sealed polybags are 2006's AT-RT. I don't have much time now but might be able to help some more. Just check back with me later.

Thanks - are both bags to make 1 AT-ST or just the larger one?

All the photos can now be seen here - so you can put notes against all the pieces


any thoughts one this one ??? - http://www.flickr.com/photos/10772450@N00/4473936161/



I think the sealed bags are the 7250 Scout Walker. [edit] Both bags, IIRC.

Otherwise, I can see parts of 7257 Ultimate Lightsaber Battle, 7256 Anakin's Starfighter & Vulture Droid, 7251 Darth Vader Transformation, 7252 Tri-Fighter. You obviously got these from an Epi 3 fan! For the tuskens, there must be 7113 Tusken Raider encounter, and Yoda (wrong legs, but the way - should be tan and short) might have come from 7103 Jedi Duel (seeing as I don't see Dagobah X Wing parts.

Bib Fortuna, IIRC, only ever came with Jabba's Message (4475?), and you seem to have a Boussh helmet (where did that come from?)

[edit] the dino you've shown is not Star Wars, is it even Lego?

Edited by Rufus

  • Author
I think the sealed bags are the 7250 Scout Walker.

Otherwise, I can see parts of 7257 Ultimate Lightsaber Battle, 7256 Anakin's Starfighter & Vulture Droid, 7251 Darth Vader Transformation, 7252 Tri-Fighter. You obviously got these from an Epi 3 fan! For the tuskens, there must be 7113 Tusken Raider encounter, and Yoda (wrong legs, but the way - should be tan and short) might have come from 7103 Jedi Duel (seeing as I don't see Dagobah X Wing parts.

Bib Fortuna, IIRC, only ever came with Jabba's Message (4475?), and you seem to have a Boussh helmet (where did that come from?)

thanks - thats better than i thought - yeah shame about the Boushh - would have been nice to have had that complete - Re : Yoda - thought he looked a litle tall!

now to download the instructions & try and get them back together again - easier said than done with the ton of bricks I got in the box to wade through

[edit] the dino you've shown is not Star Wars, is it even Lego?

sure is - has the lego stamp in the brick section in the middle

  • Author
thanks - thats better than i thought - yeah shame about the Boushh - would have been nice to have had that complete - Re : Yoda - thought he looked a litle tall!

now to download the instructions & try and get them back together again - easier said than done with the ton of bricks I got in the box to wade through

sure is - has the lego stamp in the brick section in the middle

mmm - now i'm confused - after a little research - seems the Boushh head is not Lego, right as they have not done the figure

I see custom figures on the bay, with this head , so maybe that's where it originally came from ???

That's a nice find, very curious about that Boushh also...

I see a Jedi Starfighter in there of set 7256 and I'll edit if I see more that has not been spotted.

/edit Rufus allready mentioned 7256, I see 2 Engines in Tan that should be from 7155 Maybe you can take a new picture without the identified items and make a nice front close-up of that Boushh helmet :P

Edited by paul2000

  • Author
That's a nice find, very curious about that Boushh also...

I see a Jedi Starfighter in there of set 7256 and I'll edit if I see more that has not been spotted.

/edit Rufus allready mentioned 7256, I see 2 Engines in Tan that should be from 7155 Maybe you can take a new picture without the identified items and make a nice front close-up of that Boushh helmet :P

Hi there

thanks fro your help - will look to do another photo - with the id'd sections taken out - tomorrow

in the meantime, your wish is my command


Edited by akumulator

Never knew I had that much control :)

Thank you for the picture, It looks extremely clean, better then the Moc's I saw while googling. Think you will make some people jealous :) Does it fit like a normal headgear, over the minifig head? Curious to see what will be left on the identify picture.

  • Author
Never knew I had that much control :)

Thank you for the picture, It looks extremely clean, better then the Moc's I saw while googling. Think you will make some people jealous :) Does it fit like a normal headgear, over the minifig head? Curious to see what will be left on the identify picture.

The helmet is sat on a headless figure so it may look a little strange - sits obviously a bit higher and truer when on a headed figure

maybe a little on the large size , but not by much - moulded in a soft rubbery plastic rather than hard lego plastic....not a clue where it has come from

from what was in the rest of the box, this was originally a casual collector or kid - not someone who would have 'needed' this so badly they would buy a custom from ebay

Its likely from a Hasbro action figure, since their older female head's were about the size of Lego ones.

Its likely from a Hasbro action figure, since their older female head's were about the size of Lego ones.

Without a doubt the Boushh helmet is from a vintage Kenner action figure.

  • Author
Without a doubt the Boushh helmet is from a vintage Kenner action figure.

ah makes sense - thanks for confirming it

In my earlier post - I mistakenly linked to the photostream set i have of the photos

Heres the Flickr link if anyone wants to try and id any other parts by adding notes


I've said it before , but I really appreciate all the input on this therad

Originally I planned to sell some of the sets to fund the purchase (the box of bricks wasn't cheap) , but after a day on the forum I have a bad feeling I have a new collecting obsession starting




It's great to see so many members helping out with this.

I'll move this topic to the Buy/sell/Trade/Finds Forum and leave a link here.

This is waht AFOL'ing is all about :thumbup:

  • Author
ah makes sense - thanks for confirming it

In my earlier post - I mistakenly linked to the photostream set i have of the photos

Heres the Flickr link if anyone wants to try and id any other parts by adding notes


I've said it before , but I really appreciate all the input on this therad

Originally I planned to sell some of the sets to fund the purchase (the box of bricks wasn't cheap) , but after a day on the forum I have a bad feeling I have a new collecting obsession starting




OK - one last time

photos added again to flickr - this time allowing notes to be added - sorry!!




you should allow "notes" for your pics on flickr...

  • Author
you should allow "notes" for your pics on flickr...

Hi Fenris

after you comment at Flickr I changed my settings & reloaded the photos - so you should be able to add notes now - please check the link in the above mail - please let me know if you still cant

Hi Fenris

after you comment at Flickr I changed my settings & reloaded the photos - so you should be able to add notes now - please check the link in the above mail - please let me know if you still cant

It works fine now, i left some notes.

  • 2 months later...
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Dear all

The sets you suggested are now all back together - so thanks again for your help.

Recently bought another job lot (for a lot less than the first thankfully)

£3.50 has got me the following complete sets (inc most of figures)

7107 Lightsaber Duel

7121 Naboo Swamp

7130 Snowspeeder

7131 Anakins Snowspeeder

7141 Naboo Fighter

There were also about 25 other minifigs in there as well - mainly western. knights & pirates - so all in all a good haul

The mini figs usually allow me to id what the rest of the bricks originally were so I'm slowly working through getting all the non SW stuff back together

There are a few intriguing pieces I cant id, so I'm appealing for some help again!








  • 3 weeks later...
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latest job lot contained these intriguing pieces


legs appear as though they should be from an AT-ST or similar, but the predominant colours are sky blue / orange

any thoughts on what this started life as gratefully received


I just spent a while searching and I'm pretty sure that they came from this set. In particular I'm pretty sure these half built models are some of the various alternate models that could be built from this set.

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