Posted April 3, 201014 yr For this X-Wing I went back and took out the red trim that it originally had and replaced it with black and replaced the white rubber bands with black ones. I then added numerous tiles, plates, and slopes of different sizes. I redid the ends of the engines with wheels and 4l bars. I then added the 4 hexagonal cones to the front of them, to give them a enclosed look and because I thought it would look cool :D. Also added were extra wing pieces to the front (2x3) and the rear (4x4) of each wing. To the front under the nose cone I added in extra gun, in this case it would be Light Ion Cannon. Front Left Side Right Side Rear Top And with S-Foils Opened Extra Bonus - Star Wars The Saga Edition RPG Stats The fighter is for use in the Legacy Era and as such has the Advanced Starfighter Template and is based off the XJ3 stats, for those that know what I'm talking about :D IncomT-65XZ9 Stealth X-wing Starfighter CL 14 Gargantuan starfighter Init +13; Senses Perception +3 Defense Ref 25 (flat-footed 13), Fort 31; +8 armor, Vehicular Combat hp 190; DR 10; SR 40; Threshold 51 Speed fly 16 squares (max. velocity 1100 km/h), fly 4 squares (starship scale) Ranged heavy laser cannons +10 (see below) or Ranged light ion cannon +10 (see below) or Ranged proton torpedoes +10 (see below) or Fighting Space 4x4 or 1 (starship scale); Cover total (crew), +5 (astromech droid) Base Atk +2; Grp +38 Abilities Str 52, Dex 34, Con --, Int 22 Skills Initiative +13, Mechanics +13, Perception +3, Pilot +13, Use Computer +13 Crew 1 plus astromech droid (skilled); Passengers none Cargo 35kg; Consumables 3 days; Carried Craft none Payload 8 proton torpedoes Hyperdrive x1, 10-jump memory (astromech droid) Availability Military; Cost 657,000 (561,397 used) * If the ship has an astromech droid, use these skill modifiers instead Special Equipment Sensor Mask, Sensor Baffling, Backup Shields, Stuttter-Fire Laser Cannons Heavy laser cannons (pilot) Atk +10 (5 autofire), Dmg (8d10)x2 -------------------------------------------- Light ion cannon (pilot) Atk +10, Dmg (4d10)x2 ion -------------------------------------------- Proton torpedoes (pilot) Atk +10, Dmg (11d10)x2, 4-square splash Edited May 21, 201311 yr by Knightsword
April 5, 201014 yr I like it. it's kind of like Lukes X-wing for that brief moment in the timeline when he steps over to the dark side. I like seeing ships done in different colors than the origianal, that must take alot of work. Great job!
April 6, 201014 yr Wow, it seems any Rebel ship looks good in black, and this is probably one of my favourites
April 6, 201014 yr OH, YEAH ! (Chef Mundal -Chowder) Beautiful X-wing - basic black and with an extra weapon - an ion cannon - go fry some circuits with that one eh ? Great design job you have done there 'Knightsword' and I'm a conformist! !
April 6, 201014 yr AH! You beat me to it. I've been wanting to make an all-black one for the longest time. I'm happy to know the pieces exist to pull it off. Now, I have to make a Jaina Solo pilot for it. :D
April 6, 201014 yr Oh wow ! the X-wing looks a whole lot sleeker in Black !! only i think there may be TO much black, maybe if there was some more light trans blue here and there as highlights it would look perfect
May 2, 20168 yr Just stumbled upon this site, love seeing all the creativity. The stealth X-wings were my favorite part of the NJO books.
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