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Imperial Soldier's Mafia

In a calm, yet nerved, camp, the 42nd soldiers look at each other suspiciously.

Are there really no deserters? Was it all just a rumor? Or have the deserters been very clever?


There was a large silence in the camps of the Grand Army of the Blue Coats.

Morale was extremely low and command missing. The silence, however, was soon broken.

Along with the intermediate pace of the creek flow, a low rumble could be heard.

Confused, the soldiers turned to look of the source of the rumbling...


The Royal Army was attacking the camps! They've been found and the Red Coats took the initiative!

Surely, in their fortified camps, they would hold off the attack, but the guards appear to be missing, though a couple dead bodies just noticed are found.


"To arms, men! To arms! Get your muskets and form up your line!"


But only half the men pick up their muskets, two being the drummer and flag bearer!

"Ah! You no good deserters! Men! Men! Hold your ground!"


"Ready, aim...!"


But before they could get a shot off, the rushing Red Coats were the first to fire.


The men were out numbered and shot down.


It was a disaster.


Even the flag bearer was not spared, dropping the flag into the mud to be trampled upon.


The captain did not fare any better, getting shot in the face.


Private Entaine, who was confused whether to desert or not, finally decided to help her honoured comrades.


But it was in vain.


Private Shadón, recently returned from the infirmary, decides to go to his tent for a nice sausage.


But his in-tent stove proves deadly.


Running toward the bridge, the deserters are free to run home.


Private Cartelle, Private Aellot, and Provost Guard Dalese.


Private Reutal, Sergeant Hemphill, Private Malne, and Private Yellman.


But their fortunes had run dry, as a regiment of the Royal Army Cavalry head straight toward them!


They were no match for cavalrymen, who struck them down one by one.


Sergeant Stanely Hemphil.


Private Rick Aellot.


Provost Guard Mason Dalese.


Private Bill Cartelle


Private David Reutal.

"Rawr! You can't kill me! We are dragon brothers!"


The cavalry captain was not amused.


Private Malne manages to shoot one down and continue running.


Private Samuel Yellman

One misses Private Yellman and hits her shako.


"Hey! You wouldn't kill a lady, would you!?"


Apparently, yes.


Private Quinn Malne.

Private Malne finds himself cornered.


Inevitably killed.


But what's this? Someone is viewing the carnage with some field glasses!

"What a shame."


"Even faced with all the true facts, the honoured became paranoid and halted their advances.

The deserters, being so clever, took advantage of this and pushed them down to a broken army.

Spies and letters were all that were necessary for a quick end to the pain."


"Perhaps now there will be peace."


Confused and paranoid, the honoured never convicted a single deserter. Nor was one ever killed.

Here they lay, dead, and with the army in ruins and a lost war.


Scheming and with the same sound plan, the deserters successfully knocked the honoured down like

dominoes. But in their misfortunes, they never got farther than the edge of their detested camp before

being hunted down by cavalrymen. At least they were killed with the dreams of home in their minds...


Thus was the debacle of the Grand Army of the Blue Coats, falling into ruins and leaving the Empire unprotected. Soon, it too fell under the rule of the Royal Army's Empire.

It was learned, though, that war is such a terrible thing, and rightly so, or else we would grow too fond of it.

The End


Thank you all for playing and creating an exciting game!

Please be patient as the content of the game threads will be restored and the behind the scenes posted here soon. :classic:

I'm chalking this up as a win for me as a deseter from the beginning.

I loved all your pics throughout the game IS.

I figured out who most of the deserters were. At least I died honourably, thanks for putting your time into this game IS! :pir-classic:

Edited by Alex the Great

I figured out who most of the deserters were. At least I died honourably, thanks for putting your time into this game ISC! :pir-classic:

haha, easy to say now.

There were more of us than there ever should have been, we just kept getting more and more, it was awesome.

I thought Pvt. Reutal, Provost Mason Dalese, Sgt. Hemphill, Pvt. Yellman were all deserters. I also thought Pvt. Entaine was also a deserter, didn't know about the rest of you guys though.

Aww, it was great that you decided to finish this after all, Scouts! The ending was really well written, I must say.

I can sort of understand what made you so fed up with the game that you called quits to it suddenly, but this was still a very nice gesture to us players. I for one had fun with your game.

Just for the record, I wasn't a deserter from the beginning, but I was converted (many of you noticed this from my sudden change of behaviour). And yes, Samuel Yellman was in fact a woman called Allison Wainer, disguised as a man to get into the army. :wink:

So... did we win anyway? :tongue:

Yeah! A redcoat victory, the best kind of victory! All in all from a spectator's standpoint I really liked the format of this game. Thanks for hosting IS. Now time for one last cheer for the Redcoats, HOORAH!

Very well done Scouts :thumbup: . A nice, exiting, tragic ending for an incredible show. This line gets me every time:

"But his in-tent stove proves deadly."


It was ... an experience. Yes, that's what we'll call it.

Of course we never saw the General's death... maybe EB News needs to revisit the game? :devil:

I figured out who most of the deserters were.

Don't make us review your voting record. :grin:

So... did we win anyway? :tongue:

Honestly... yes. Since it was impossible for the warmongering loyalists to ever vote any of us to death (and they kept voting with us anyway :laugh:), it was just a matter of grinding through the days until it was over at which point the deserters would have won by numbers and I would have won by surviving.

This line gets me every time:

"But his in-tent stove proves deadly."

Yeah, I must admit that it was a good end for our sausage obsessed FBI agent.

FBI agent? Well... during the course of the game I convinced various people that I was a secret Provost Auditor sent to find a bad provost and reporting directly to the General (he did give me that fancy tent and all). It's only fitting that it killed me in the post game conclusion. :laugh:

Awesome game IS!

It was just disappointing that it had to end so abruptly like that.

"But his in-tent stove proves deadly." I thought Pvt. Shadon had a fire in his tent? :tongue:

Truthfully, I was shocked that Sandy (Yellman) was a deserter- well played. I will say it again, well done guys. This would make a great movie.

Edited by The Legonater

Well, it was a great game, but it ended to soon and for us honored, we were no match for the evil deserters.

Private David Reutal.[/i]

"Rawr! You can't kill me! We are dragon brothers!"

The cavalry captain was not amused.

Of he'd be related to some dragon stuff, he looked like a dragon to begin with! :tongue:

"But his in-tent stove proves deadly." I thought Pvt. Shadon had a fire in his tent? :tongue:

Fireplace, actually.

Truth be told, I didn't die in the fire, I was using it to signal our troops for a counterattack, which happened immediately after the posted portion of the story. I actually had to return to headquarters to resume my work as a spy, which is why I'm never seen again. Much like that silly rouse to send me to the infirmary, the fire story was just the General providing me a safe cover in that way that only he and his strange sense of humour can. :hmpf:


I love blowouts :tongue: That was fun to watch, but theres one thing, aren't good guys supposed to win? No. :devil: Well played deserters

Edited by Commander Flash

Obviously the Governor comes in at the last second and kills all the Redcoats. :hmpf:

Great game, I suspected a few of them, however, everyone else did not see things my way. Regardless, great game!

Even though the deserters where quick to think, their death was inevitable, but I never imagine there were so many.

Wew, that was fun. :grin: A lot of Deserters there, us Honoured didn't really do so good at all did we? :tongue: Ah well, there's always next mafia... :wink:

A shame I never got to use my night action though. I finally decide to use it and I get tied to a tree and shot in the face! :cry_sad:


Well, I just want to say thanks for such a great time and for allowing me to join. This was my first mafia game and I learned a lot and plan to join more in the future.

And hitting a lady with your sword, how rude, how very rude. :tongue:

Nice game, ImperialScouts! It reminded me a little of our performance in Prohibition. :tongue: It's a shame that it was such a rough journey, but at least it finished up to some degree.

I look forward to seeing the Night Actions!

I knew Provost Mason Dalese was a deserter! Everything he did rang false. And he helped destroy me. Well-played, sir :cry_sad:

I suspected Sgt. Hemphill too, but only because he was the only one not to jump on the bandwagon when everybody formed a mob against me. He played the odds well on that, since he would look better when I was revealed honored.

I have to say, thanks Imperial Shadows, I had fun, and to the players who convicted me (and weren't deserters), shame on you! You got played!

Aw you didn't say who killed who?

I wanted to know who was responsible for my death :tongue:

I knew Provost Mason Dalese was a deserter! Everything he did rang false. And he helped destroy me. Well-played, sir :cry_sad:

Heeeeeeey come ooon mate! You put the nails in your own coffin with that "Let's vote off the guards!" line, I never would have voted you off otherwise... But with that, it was just too easy to pass up the opportunity. No hard feelings, eh? :grin:

And yes, I did play like a deserter, while never actually lying about it. Come to think of it, if anyone had actually followed up that invitation I gave them to search my backpack, I'd be out on the first day! But you guys never even thought about it.

Sooo... in the end, we all die. How nice :hmpf: One cannot help but wonder what was the point of this anyway. If you ask me, the deserters should have been smart enough to see these things coming and most of them have probably managed to equip themselves with some Terminator shielding technology which will help them disappear after the Red Coats are gone and start their brand new lives...

War... what is it good for anyway!!!

No hard feelings, eh? :grin:

Not at all. I was kind of pissed off at all the others who blindly ganged up on me though. You sent me a message asking me to show my evidence against you to you, which an innocent person would never have done. You survived six days as a deserter, nothing bad about that.

Interesting point about checking the bag though. I don't exactly know how 'real' game rules are, but I figured you had an empty bag. When you first said that, and offered to show yours first, that was when you became the prime suspect in my mind (and I think I stated something implying that around the time you posted your offer), though I didn't use the term 'prime suspect' since that would have put a target on my back. Classically, the one who says "I'm innocent, search me." is totally guilty.

What was the point in the positions though? The Provosts kept saying they didn't know anything special, which makes me wonder if the roles were just for the sake of it. In that case, I would have made all players privates, and have the higher ranks be N.P.C.s.

Classically, the one who says "I'm innocent, search me." is totally guilty.

Or a noob, since that kind of action isn't really possible during a day.

What was the point in the positions though? The Provosts kept saying they didn't know anything special, which makes me wonder if the roles were just for the sake of it. In that case, I would have made all players privates, and have the higher ranks be N.P.C.s.

A good point. It's never a good idea to assign actions based on role (a doctor should never be a doctor, a cop should never be an investigator unless that randomly happens in assigning roles). In this case, it made an easy way to point fingers at the Provosts as not helping all the while knowing that they probably couldn't if they wanted to. :wink:

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What was the point in the positions though? The Provosts kept saying they didn't know anything special, which makes me wonder if the roles were just for the sake of it. In that case, I would have made all players privates, and have the higher ranks be N.P.C.s.

At the time I was making the characters, I only had 16 blue coat soldiers (I've since gotten more, though), so I needed to create these NCO (Non-Commissioned Officer) roles and such. Just be happy I didn't make everybody have the classic grin :tongue:

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