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Thanks for the conclusion ImperialScouts, this game was a lot of fun. :sweet: I had most of the scum figured out by the end (apart from Rick, well played mate). It's a shame so many of the loyalists were inactive though, we may have been able to turn things around if we'd managed to take out Dragonator on Day 4.

Here's my role if anyone's interested:

Tom Perot


You are a thirty nine soldier who enlisted in the 42nd Regiment at the beginning of the war. You are proud to fight for your country. You have a small family, a wife and two children, at your farm house in the country side. You enjoy receiving letters from home and take the time to reply. Despite the losing war, letters from home and your fellow comrades around you fill you with honor and lead you to remain loyal. After hearing that other soldiers were considering desertion, you meet with close friends who you know to be loyal. It was a unanimous vote, with your experience in fighting in your third war, that you would make a good Investigator. You can investigate anyone you want and have a 50/50 chance to discover their identity or their night action (your choice). The survival of the army is in part up to you! You are an Honored.

Thanks again, IS. Great work to the scum too, well played. Looks like us townies really need to get our act together, this is the third time in a row we've had our megabloks kicked. :blush:

I had most of the scum figured out by the end (apart from Rick, well played mate).

Thanks. :sweet: I started as a vanilla townie and got converted on night 4. So the first days I was really actively trying to get Dragonator convicted. I didn't know yet whether that was the way to go, but at least it allowed us to move on with you as an investigator or not. There were just too few active townies to get a conviction...

The voting records of the 3rd and 4th day basically gave the deserters away and Sandy's 'turn' on Dragonator and you (TRPU) on day 4 was highly suspicious. Things would have gone differently if 'we' (back then I was a townie) would have voted off Dragonator on day 3. All we (I'm scum now) had to do on days 5 and 6 was to point a finger at someone and have a couple of townies vote with us. Then we'd just get in quickly and we voted off you and Fangy. It was all too easy... :grin:

A lovely conclusion. I'm glad this came, because I was feeling a little... unsatisfied at the abrupt end this game came to. But now I am happy, because not only is the game concluded, but there was a load of blood and gore too! :tongue:

Thank you for the game, Imperial Scouts!


Thanks ImperialScouts for posting the long awaited Conclusion topic! Now, I have to wait for the rest of the actions to be put together.

I want to said this again, stupid loyal soldiers. This is the dreadful fate for not believing in me, but I was dumb to believe the ones whom I have contacted, namely Sandy, Rick and Shadows.... :hmpf_bad:

Sigh.. I had never expected the scums could have converted the both of you, and having Shadows to jump onto the scums wagon. I supposed, once a scum always a scum. :hmpf:

I just hate it, when all of the scums practically voted for me.. Sigh, we could have won, but none of you believe in me.. My biggest mistake in this game, is the failure of defending "def" out of danger, as I was really very busy for the first 2 days.. It was a good game, but unfortunately things don't go the way you will like to be. :cry_sad:

I was the true honest blocker and below is my character information for your reference,

Wilson Gale


You are a twenty five year old soldier who enlisted with the 42nd Regiment at the beginning of the war. You have a brother, Soldier 6, who you have bonded well with through the tough times and is very optimistic. Some have even said that you and your brother are really just one great soldier. Along with him, you enjoy writing letters to your family, especially your dear mother. You have fought bravely through each battle, making gallant decisions that could have had you killed, along with your brother. However, you have survived throughout the war nearly without a scratch. Because of your cheery brother, your letters, and your courage, you find no reason to desert, like others might. Meeting with others you know to be loyal, you were designated as the Blocker. Each night, you will have a chance to block any person and as a result that person will not be able to do their night action; that is if they have one! The survival of the army is in part up to you! You are an Honored.

Thanks Scouts, if not the end as it should have been, it at least was an ending.

I just hate it, when all of the scums practically voted for me.. Sigh, we could have won, but none of you believe in me.. My biggest mistake in this game, is the failure of defending "def" out of danger, as I was really very busy for the first 2 days.. It was a good game, but unfortunately things don't go the way you will like to be. :cry_sad:

I was the true honest blocker and below is my character information for your reference,

It was quite hilarious to be so incredibly blunt and careless about being scum in those last two Days, and I think what really killed you was the fact that you became so obviously angry when I made my ridiculous roleclaim, if you had remained calm and pointed out the flaws in my claims you should have been able to get the loyalists to vote against me. Whether this would have been enough I'm not sure of though, it's possible our coalition already had at least half the votes at the time, haven't checked that yet.

That being said; why oh why was Dragonator allowed to live for so long? The Honoured soldiers should have voted him off in a second to test TinyP's claim. Then you could have either voted off TinyP if Draggy had been honoured, or Stash if Draggy was a deserter. Then you could have learned a lot by seeing the reactions to these two/three votes. And in general, please stop being so afraid to vote, it's only hurting yourself. And a mafia game should allow for at least 3-4 failed convictions without the scum winning.

I'll probably post more about this later when I'm home from work.

I want to said this again, stupid loyal soldiers. This is the dreadful fate for not believing in me, but I was dumb to believe the ones whom I have contacted, namely Sandy, Rick and Shadows.... :hmpf_bad:

Sorry Fangy :devil:

That being said; why oh why was Dragonator allowed to live for so long? The Honoured soldiers should have voted him off in a second to test TinyP's claim. Then you could have either voted off TinyP if Draggy had been honoured, or Stash if Draggy was a deserter. Then you could have learned a lot by seeing the reactions to these two/three votes. And in general, please stop being so afraid to vote, it's only hurting yourself. And a mafia game should allow for at least 3-4 failed convictions without the scum winning.

I've been saying this all the time on days 3 and 4 along with TPRU. I stopped doing that on day 5. :tongue: But you're right, it was the inactivity/indetermination on the loyal side that would have cost them the game if it had gone through to the end.

I really like the pics in the OP.

It's like a Lego version of the Total War games.


You are a twenty one year old soldier who enlisted with the 42nd Regiment at the beginning of the war. You are an only child with your mother and father at home. Ever since a child, you always had an odd personality, sometimes even blabbing out sensible nonsense sometimes. Besides that, you lived a somewhat normal life. That is, until war broke out. In an odd act of reasoning, you enlisted to fight. No one questioned you and let you join. You did well through the early years of the war, but as the battles got more gruesome, you are barely able to keep your sanity. The recent Battle of Willow’s Creek was, some say, the worst battle in the history of war and caused great stress on your mind. With the recent topics of loyalty and desertion, you were never able to give a proper answer, but usually said loyal, for your sake. You often think of deserting, because you are near the breaking point, but you always find reasons to stay: loyalty, honor, and for the men who were killed in the past bloody years. You can rest easily each night as you have no night actions. When you are nearing being voted out, have been voted out, or targeted in a night action, you will be saved, but just for one time and then with less chances of success. When you are investigated, you will be found to be an Honor. You have a neutral role.

Usually, a neutral who is considered 'insane' as my character was, would be a serial killer and I was a prime candidate for that, but sadly it wasn't meant to be. My neutrality could have been completely useless, but instead I found a way to use it much as we did by the end of Prohibition when we managed to find and cooperate with the serial killer. While I couldn't kill, I was always able to steer votes and would have been shown as loyal if investigated. As helpful as that was, an experienced player might have misinterpreted it to mean that I was the mob boss, which I wasn't. I wouldn't have really had a good defense against that, but it literally never came to that point. Was I ever accused in this game outside of the vague moustache thing which wasn't about me at all?

I did find it amusing that I was targeted for death that last night given that we had all gone along so merrily with the bandwagon that day, including a healthy number of loyalists. As per my character info, I knew I would be saved if attacked that first time and I was counting on it as part of my strategy: distract attention from Dragonator to keep us going one more day, at which point there was no chance of defeating us. The revelation of my alignment was an unexpected twist that I'm better off not commenting on, but ultimately it didn't put me at risk since we had passed that point in the balance. In another situation it would have been disastrous.

but I was dumb to believe the ones whom I have contacted, namely Sandy, Rick and Shadows.... :hmpf_bad:

I never lied to you. Over and over you asked if I was scum and I said no, because I wasn't. Shadows was completely honest. I would say things like, "wow, doesn't <player> seem suspicious?" or "hey, I wonder why <player> said that?", and it was all true, even if I knew they weren't scum. Nothing helps the scum more than loyalists who are confusion or suspicious looking. :wink:

I supposed, once a scum always a scum. :hmpf:

You been scum before. You'll be scum again. Don't be a metagamer. :tongue:

It was quite hilarious to be so incredibly blunt and careless about being scum in those last two Days

Yeah, for those of you who say "well, I figured out the scum by the end", you didn't really, we just stopped hiding it because we didn't have to and it was fun to be obvious about it. Had the next day dawned, we were going to be even worse, starting with me declaring my position as a Provost publicly and possibly oinking and stabbing people by the end of the day. At the very least, we were going to spend the first 24 hours accusing each other and then at exactly the right time we would all vote for someone else entirely (a loyalist, naturally).

It would have been epic. It still is, in my mind. :wacko:

and I think what really killed you was the fact that you became so obviously angry when I made my ridiculous roleclaim

Yes, it was a great ploy. By the end, we had all publicly or privately claimed to be something we weren't, just to force the loyalists who had those positions to try to defend their claims or completely ruin any potential creditability they would have if they came forward.

Honestly, it was a lot of fun in some ways and a journey through the land of frustration in others. :wacko:

It was quite hilarious to be so incredibly blunt and careless about being scum in those last two Days, and I think what really killed you was the fact that you became so obviously angry when I made my ridiculous roleclaim, if you had remained calm and pointed out the flaws in my claims you should have been able to get the loyalists to vote against me. Whether this would have been enough I'm not sure of though, it's possible our coalition already had at least half the votes at the time, haven't checked that yet.

Actually, I blew my cool when I saw you posting as a blocker and I firmly believe you are scum by then. Knowing the people whom I have contacted earlier without knowing that they are scums have truly made me look like a fool. There is no other people whom I can really trust and, you guys kept barking at the fact that I never stood up for my brother and I know you scums are going to leverage on that, and I hardly have any patience to deal with it calmly. I thought we could last a day, but never did I expect that our dear Shadows is in cahoots with those scums, and you scums have already converted 2 of them. I thought the loyals might have a chance to last a day or two, but I was mistaken, and my death was futile.

Another annoying note, this could be one of the best scums combinations, and I want to emphasis that the very fact that half of my loyal team are actually sleepers in the game.. This caused lots of distress and unnecessary deaths as those scums are practically leading us by the nose, like what we did in Prohibition, but this is even much worse.

That being said; why oh why was Dragonator allowed to live for so long? The Honoured soldiers should have voted him off in a second to test TinyP's claim. Then you could have either voted off TinyP if Draggy had been honoured, or Stash if Draggy was a deserter. Then you could have learned a lot by seeing the reactions to these two/three votes. And in general, please stop being so afraid to vote, it's only hurting yourself. And a mafia game should allow for at least 3-4 failed convictions without the scum winning.

I certainly agreed with what you have said above.

Was I ever accused in this game outside of the vague moustache thing which wasn't about me at all?

No, that moustache theory is meant for Draggy. :hmpf_bad:

I never lied to you. Over and over you asked if I was scum and I said no, because I wasn't. Shadows was completely honest. I would say things like, "wow, doesn't <player> seem suspicious?" or "hey, I wonder why <player> said that?", and it was all true, even if I knew they weren't scum. Nothing helps the scum more than loyalists who are confusion or suspicious looking. :wink:

You never lie about your character, but you never told me that you are pulling your toaster strings behind the curtains. :hmpf:

You been scum before. You'll be scum again. Don't be a metagamer. :tongue:

If we are going by statistics, the probability of you being scum is much higher than me. :grin:

To all fellow mafia players, it's wrong to metagame. :blush:

Don't follow the poor example above.

More thoughts later on.. I have a lot of rantings to do, but this conclusion was posted so much later, until some of my thoughts became diluted.

If we are going by statistics, the probability of you being scum is much higher than me. :grin:


Actually, that's where you're wrong. In all these games, you've only been scum once, so statistically you have a much greater chance than I do. I'm scum about half the time, and with this neutral role, I'm not sure which I'm due for next. :laugh:

I have a confession to make to WhiteFang, and I hope you don't take it personally, but we scum actually attacked you on the last day on two fronts: we voted you out, but even before that I reported a PM you sent me to ImperialScouts. You weren't allowed to PM, since you were honorable, remember? I even had to take a screencapture of the PM to convince IS, but we voted you out before it took fruit.

So sorry about that. :tongue:

I'd say that denying PMs from the honorable (but not from the deserters) was the biggest mistake the host made in this game. If the point was to punish them for not being able to get a conviction, taking away their only chance of cooperation without us scums knowing it would not exactly help in getting a conviction either.

I really felt sorry for the good guys in this game, it seemed you didn't really stand a chance. :sceptic:

I'd say that denying PMs from the honorable (but not from the deserters) was the biggest mistake the host made in this game. If the point was to punish them for not being able to get a conviction, taking away their only chance of cooperation without us scums knowing it would not exactly help in getting a conviction either.

I have to second that.

I really felt sorry for the good guys in this game, it seemed you didn't really stand a chance. :sceptic:

Yeah, poor honored soldiers... says the manwoman who reports PMs :tongue:

Yeah, poor honored soldiers... says the manwoman who reports PMs :tongue:

I said I felt sorry, I didn't say I felt guilty. :tongue: Even a villainess can have compassion toward those she does wrong to. :wink:

Actually, that's where you're wrong. In all these games, you've only been scum once, so statistically you have a much greater chance than I do. I'm scum about half the time, and with this neutral role, I'm not sure which I'm due for next. :laugh:

NEVER! You are a likely scum candidiate for sure. :tongue:

I have a confession to make to WhiteFang, and I hope you don't take it personally, but we scum actually attacked you on the last day on two fronts: we voted you out, but even before that I reported a PM you sent me to ImperialScouts. You weren't allowed to PM, since you were honorable, remember? I even had to take a screencapture of the PM to convince IS, but we voted you out before it took fruit.

By the time, ImperialScouts contacted me about this, and I knew either you or Rick reported me, but that's another story. Seriously, I have consulted with ImperialScouts, and I got no idea that the pm ban was not lasted a day, but in fact, lasted until the host said so... If I knew about that silly rule, I couldn't have caught red handed, and to conclude this is a rule that is rather less meaningful. I will prefer to indicate "use pm communication at your own risk".

Now, I know whom to bash! :hmpf_bad:


I'd say that denying PMs from the honorable (but not from the deserters) was the biggest mistake the host made in this game. If the point was to punish them for not being able to get a conviction, taking away their only chance of cooperation without us scums knowing it would not exactly help in getting a conviction either.

I completely agreed with you! :thumbup:

By the time, ImperialScouts contacted me about this, and I knew either you or Rick reported me, but that's another story. Seriously, I have consulted with ImperialScouts, and I got no idea that the pm ban was not lasted a day, but in fact, lasted until the host said so... If I knew about that silly rule, I couldn't have caught red handed, and to conclude this is a rule that is rather less meaningful. I will prefer to indicate "use pm communication at your own risk".

Now, I know whom to bash! :hmpf_bad:

I agree, the first half of the decicions seemed to be made largly of PM discussions, and after that, the whole thing went slowly downhill.

Brilliant conclusion... except for the baddies (brief) win! Thanks for hosting and letting me take part in such a great game 'Scouts. Was great fun playing with everyone and fun keeping up with what was going on despite being taken out early on. Cheers!

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I'd say that denying PMs from the honorable (but not from the deserters) was the biggest mistake the host made in this game. If the point was to punish them for not being able to get a conviction, taking away their only chance of cooperation without us scums knowing it would not exactly help in getting a conviction either.

It was actually my mistake to not do that when starting the game! I just forgot to add it in, :blush: ! But I would have much preferred there be no PMs at all (except the deserters, as some would claim it's all a part of their strategy and things). It ends up making the actual game thread a facade and all the people are behind pming each other. I would like to see these conversations taking place openly, because, otherwise, it may actually lead people to ruin, as poor WhiteFang suffered in the game. All the evidence should be in the voting, not slipping people notes. Be clever in the open, not behind the scenes.

So there's my little rant on the issue :tongue:

It was actually my mistake to not do that when starting the game! I just forgot to add it in, :blush: ! But I would have much preferred there be no PMs at all (except the deserters, as some would claim it's all a part of their strategy and things). It ends up making the actual game thread a facade and all the people are behind pming each other. I would like to see these conversations taking place openly, because, otherwise, it may actually lead people to ruin, as poor WhiteFang suffered in the game. All the evidence should be in the voting, not slipping people notes. Be clever in the open, not behind the scenes.

I don't really agree with this. See, the good guys also have night actions like protection and investigation, and if they have no other way of gathering allies to tell what they did other than publicly announce their roles, those actions would be nigh useless.

You are right that a host can't control what happens through PMs, but why should they? Mafia-games are played on two levels, as far as my experience goes. One is the public level and one is the hidden level where all the actual strategizing takes place. If the hidden level is taken away from the game, then the players might just as well throw in a random name each day and wait until the scum butchers them all.

The real-life version of Mafia works like that, and I know from experience (I play it all the time in the clubs I keep for kids in my job) that it's pure luck if the townies win in it. The bad guys win like 3/4 of the games I host.

This is why I prefer this method of playing Mafia we have right here. It gives the good guys a fighting chance as well. :wink:

I don't really agree with this. See, the good guys also have night actions like protection and investigation, and if they have no other way of gathering allies to tell what they did other than publicly announce their roles, those actions would be nigh useless.

You are right that a host can't control what happens through PMs, but why should they? Mafia-games are played on two levels, as far as my experience goes. One is the public level and one is the hidden level where all the actual strategizing takes place. If the hidden level is taken away from the game, then the players might just as well throw in a random name each day and wait until the scum butchers them all.

The real-life version of Mafia works like that, and I know from experience (I play it all the time in the clubs I keep for kids in my job) that it's pure luck if the townies win in it. The bad guys win like 3/4 of the games I host.

This is why I prefer this method of playing Mafia we have right here. It gives the good guys a fighting chance as well. :wink:

Well said, Sandy. I too play Mafia in clubs and such, and you're absolutley right.

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All the content has been restored :classic:

All the content has been restored :classic:

Thanks. Are you also going to post the roles and night actions in this thread?

Thanks ImperialScouts. As Rick mentioned earlier, I hope you share with us on the characters, night actions scenarios.

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