Posted April 8, 201014 yr Okay, today I found this website: I thought it would be fun to share it with you! Just write anything into the box and it comes up with some really hilarious anagrams. FilmGirl is "Fill Grim". Pretty scary! Eurobricks is "Bicker Sour". Have fun!
April 8, 201014 yr Great site FilmGirl. Burman is (and these are some of the funniest) Ban Rum Barn Um Ma Burn Man Rub Man Bur Ram Bun Arm Bun Ran Bum Thanks for the link
April 8, 201014 yr I got alot, but my favorites were: Ash Frying(this is gross, it would probably turn into a greasy goo) Has Frying I Hangs Fry Nag Fir Shy Nag His Fry Rang If Shy Snag Fry Hi Fry Hi Nags Fry Hi Sang Fig Ran, Shy Nigh As Fry Also tried it with indiana jones:(way too many, these are some interesting ones) A Ninja Die, Son Jade: An Ion Sin I (am) One Sad Ninja Ninja Done As I Ninja, As In Doe Joined In As An (Angry Fish on EB) So I End, Ninja What's up with all the Ninjas and Fry Hi's? Anyone is free to call me the Ninja warrior Fry Hi. Edited April 9, 201014 yr by indianajones
April 8, 201014 yr Holy cow, theres hundreds. Heres the best for "Commander Flash": Farmland Schmoe Monarchs Flamed Handcar Elf Moms Handcar Self Mom Handcars Elf Mom Madam Corn Flesh Shaman Clef Dorm Lanced Ham Forms Camel Hands Form Camel Damn Frosh Mocha Farms Lend Macho Marls Fend Cash Merman Fold Flamed Ham Corns Random Slam Chef Any of which would be a great name change for me
April 8, 201014 yr Any of which would be a great name change for me So should I call you Madam Corn Flesh or Farmland Schmoe?
April 8, 201014 yr Try "Eurobricks" --> "I rob sucker!" or "I suck borer!" gives some nice stuff.... Or try "" --> "Our Bricks come!" Edited April 8, 201014 yr by Skalldyr
April 8, 201014 yr Tereglith creates some interesting ones. There's "Ether Gilt", which is really pretty awesome. It sounds like what's on the handle of some mystical sword. And then, of course, there's the silly ones. The two that made me laugh were "Leg Hitter" and "Get Hitler" !
April 8, 201014 yr Heh that site is great! Arrant Coon Cannot Roar Canton Roar Racoon Tarn Racoon Rant Corona Tarn Corona Rant Cartoon Ran Carton Roan Cantor Roan Carrot Anon A Acorn Torn A Rancor Not A Rancor Ton A Carton Nor A Cantor Nor A Tarn Croon A Rant Croon Carat No Nor Carat On Nor Can An Rotor Can Roan Rot Can Roan Tor Can Roan Ort Can Ran Root Can Oar Torn Can Roar Not Can Roar Ton Can Taro Nor Great stuff
April 8, 201014 yr Hehe, funny website With "&" spelt out Brick and Mortimer generates this: Brick Mermaid Torn (together with 62.500 other results ) Edited April 8, 201014 yr by Brick & Mortimer
April 8, 201014 yr That's an interesting site for sure, but there seems to be a lack of anagrams for mack .
April 8, 201014 yr This is insane... a few of the best for Legonater: Eagle Torn Enlarge To Elegent Or Eternal Go Angel Tore Angler Toe Galore Net Large Note Glare Tone Get Loaner Great Noel Alert Gone Late Goner Eat Longer Loan Greet A Green Lot A Gel Toner A Ogre Lent Age Lent Or ....... And for Hans Olo... Ah, Loons Ha! Loons Halo, Son Has Loon Las Oh No Salon Ho! Also, Hon Loans Oh
April 8, 201014 yr TinyPiesRUs: Sinister Yup Neuritis Spy Insures Pity Tinier Pussy Tipsy Urines Urine Sip Sty Rusty I Penis Oh dear...
April 8, 201014 yr Awesome! My favorites for "Inconspicuous" are: Unconscious Pi Iconic Sun Soup Cuss Upon Ionic Conic Is Upon Us Ionic Cups On Us Cousin Cop In Us I Spun Us In Coco
April 9, 201014 yr Lamps Palms Psalm I'm so lame. This is what I got for sex offender, it was the most random thing my family came up with .Offenders Ex Fender Foxes Ed Fern Foxes Feed Fern Sox Feed Ferns Ox Reffed En Sox Reffed Ens Ox Reffed Sex No Reffed Sex On Reffed Ex Son Reffed Ex Nos Deffer En Sox Deffer Ens Ox Deffer Sex No Deffer Sex On Deffer Ex Son Deffer Ex Nos Fender Sex Of Fenders Ex Of Defer Fen Sox Defer Fens Ox Defer Ens Fox Freed Fen Sox Freed Fens Ox Freed Ens Fox Defers Fen Ox Defers En Fox Feeds Fern Ox Need Serf Fox Need Refs Fox Sender Ex Off Denser Ex Off Needs Ref Fox Dense Ref Fox Reed Fens Fox Deer Fens Fox Deers Fen Fox Reeds Fen Fox Seed Fern Fox Sexed Fen For Sexed Fen Fro Sexed Fern Of Def Sneer Fox Def Serf Oxen Def Refs Oxen Fed Sneer Fox Fed Serf Oxen Fed Refs Oxen Offend Re Sex Offend Res Ex Sendoff Re Ex Offends Re Ex Fend Free Sox Fend Reef Sox Fend Frees Ox Fend Reefs Ox Fend Seer Fox Fend Sere Fox Fend Exes For Fend Exes Fro Fend Fore Sex Fend Fores Ex Fend Foxes Re Fends Free Ox Fends Reef Ox Fends Ere Fox Fends Fore Ex Foxed Fen Res Foxed Fens Re Foxed Ref Ens Foxed Serf En Foxed Refs En Feds Ref Oxen End Frees Fox End Reefs Fox End Offer Sex End Offers Ex End Foxes Ref Den Frees Fox Den Reefs Fox Den Offer Sex Den Offers Ex Den Foxes Ref Nerd Fees Fox Nerd Exes Off Rend Fees Fox Rend Exes Off Nerds Fee Fox Rends Fee Fox Dens Free Fox Dens Reef Fox Dens Offer Ex Ends Free Fox Ends Reef Fox Ends Offer Ex Send Free Fox Send Reef Fox Send Offer Ex Red Fen Foxes Doff Sneer Ex Fond Free Sex Fond Reef Sex Fond Frees Ex Fond Reefs Ex Fond Exes Ref Frond Fee Sex Frond Fees Ex Fronds Fee Ex Ford Exes Fen Ed Fen Ref Sox Ed Fen Serf Ox Ed Fen Refs Ox Ed Fen Res Fox Ed Fen Sex For Ed Fen Sex Fro Ed Fern Sex Of Ed Ferns Ex Of Ed Fens Ref Ox Ed Fens Re Fox Ed Fens Ex For Ed Fens Ex Fro Ed Ref Ens Fox Ed Serf En Fox Ed Refs En Fox Def Fen Re Sox Def Fen Res Ox Def Fen Sex Or Def Fern Ex So Def Fens Re Ox Def Fens Ex Or Def Ref En Sox Def Ref Ens Ox Def Ref Sex No Def Ref Sex On Def Ref Ex Son Def Ref Ex Nos Def Serf En Ox Def Serf Ex No Def Serf Ex On Def Refs En Ox Def Refs Ex No Def Refs Ex On Def En Res Fox Def En Sex For Def En Sex Fro Def Ens Re Fox Def Ens Ex For Def Ens Ex Fro Fed Fen Re Sox Fed Fen Res Ox Fed Fen Sex Or Fed Fern Ex So Fed Fens Re Ox Fed Fens Ex Or Fed Ref En Sox Fed Ref Ens Ox Fed Ref Sex No Fed Ref Sex On Fed Ref Ex Son Fed Ref Ex Nos Fed Serf En Ox Fed Serf Ex No Fed Serf Ex On Fed Refs En Ox Fed Refs Ex No Fed Refs Ex On Fed En Res Fox Fed En Sex For Fed En Sex Fro Fed Ens Re Fox Fed Ens Ex For Fed Ens Ex Fro Fend Ref Ex So Fend Re Sex Of Fend Res Ex Of Fends Re Ex Of Feds Fen Re Ox Feds Fen Ex Or Feds Ref En Ox Feds Ref Ex No Feds Ref Ex On Feds En Re Fox Feds En Ex For Feds En Ex Fro End Ref Sex Of End Serf Ex Of End Refs Ex Of End Re Sex Off End Re Ex Offs End Res Ex Off Den Ref Sex Of Den Serf Ex Of Den Refs Ex Of Den Re Sex Off Den Re Ex Offs Den Res Ex Off Dens Ref Ex Of Dens Re Ex Off Ends Ref Ex Of Ends Re Ex Off Send Ref Ex Of Send Re Ex Off Red Fen Sex Of Red Fens Ex Of Red En Sex Off Red En Ex Offs Red Ens Ex Off Reds Fen Ex Of Reds En Ex Off Eds Fen Ref Ox Eds Fen Re Fox Eds Fen Ex For Eds Fen Ex Fro Eds Fern Ex Of Eds Ref En Fox Doff En Re Sex Doff En Res Ex Doff Ens Re Ex Doffs En Re Ex Do Fen Ref Sex Do Fen Serf Ex Do Fen Refs Ex Do Fens Ref Ex Dos Fen Ref Ex Sod Fen Ref Ex Wow thats a lot!!!
April 9, 201014 yr Mine came out to: No anagrams found. Yeah, not enough vowels. TinyPiesRUs, you have some very gross and/or funny names and Legonater has alot that actually sorta make sense. I thought my fish army needed some: Fishy Arm Army Fish Ah, My Firs I fry Hams If My Rash Fry His Ma(not good advice for making freinds...) Ram If Shy(also not good) And my fish army of three:(only the first four funny ones, there's 58824 of them!!) Thy Yammerer Offish(the place to go if you want to talk non-stop gibberish) Fishy Father Memory Forearm Thyme Fishy(a special unit in my army, this fish carries a packet of Thyme in a box on his forearm) Fort Fishery Mayhem(a famous battle at an old fort) Edited April 9, 201014 yr by indianajones
April 9, 201014 yr I don't really have the brain capacity to do this kind of thing, but here goes: Rat Sews Omea Rat Sews Ameo Ameo Sews Rat Omea Sews Rat ... That's it. I told you I was rubbish! ~A.S.
April 11, 201014 yr Theres actually 58824, but here's five random ones: Workforce Lift Piss Epic Forklifts Rows Office Skirts Prowl - makes me sound like some sexually harrasing office worker! Terrific Folks Swop Slicker Ripoffs Two
April 11, 201014 yr My real name now reads "Mr. So acid oil". My nick: either "A botcher" or "Teach rob", "Beach rot", "A rob tech".
April 11, 201014 yr Good find! Taking away the "714", it came up with 1206 results! My favourite is the first one though, Majored Midge. Doesn't work really, considering how tall I am.
April 11, 201014 yr Hmm, "Eurobricks": Rick, bore us Rick, be ours Be us or Rick (sounds philosophical) Rick, rob Sue (poor girl, do we even have a member named 'Sue'?)
April 11, 201014 yr Wow over 700 for Lightningtiger. Here are what I think are the funnest. Tightening Girl Lighter Tinging Giggler Thin Nit Tighten Girl Gin Tingle Thing Rig Tinge Night Girl Tinge Thing Girl Leg Hitting Ring Gel Thing Tiring Get Hinting Girl there is more but I'll leave this topic on this one...... Her Niggling Tit - yes that's what it came up with. I'm a conformist! everyone !
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