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That's funny!

Since Zorbas gives no results I gave it a go using my real name:

Aim Or



Hmm, "Eurobricks":

Rick, bore us :cry_sad:

Rick, be ours :grin:

Be us or Rick :wacko: (sounds philosophical)

Rick, rob Sue :devil: (poor girl, do we even have a member named 'Sue'?)


"You rob Rick's website."


(Not an anagram but looks and sounds cool! Or not? :look: )

Tightening Girl

Get Hinting Girl

Her Niggling Tit

Oh..... :sick:


a homo sits

as smooth i

ma is so hot


Heres mine:

Ajar Dry Lo

Lady Jar Or (LIAR :angry: )

Yard Jar Lo

Dray Jar Lo

Jar La Dory

Lard Jar Yo/Lard Jay Or (These are just mean :cry_sad: )

Jar Lay Rod

Jar Ray Old

Jar Ay Lord

Jar Ya Lord

A Jar Dry Lo

Raja Dry Lo

Now heres a quote direct from the site:

The intelligent man who is proud of his intelligence is like the condemned man who is proud of his large cell. -Simone Weil

That doesn't make sense to me.

My fav of mine, A Mediocre Ruler Um So

The Only Beatle without anagrams is John Lennon.

My favourite ones are:

Amber Dew

Mead Brew (so true!)

Made Brew

Warmed Be

Am Brewed

Bar Wed Me

Raw Bed Me

Armed Web

Bawd Me Re

If you type in Tom Marvolo Riddle, I am Lord Voldemort does not come up as an anagram :wacko:

"A Obey Kink Now"

I never knew there were subliminal messages hidden in my username! :oh3:

Also good ones: "Awoken By Oink", "Yak Bone In Wok", and "Bake Ink Now Yo". :laugh:

If you type in Tom Marvolo Riddle, I am Lord Voldemort does not come up as an anagram :wacko:

Clearly He Who Must Not Be Named used much more sinister and powerful tools to create his name than the interwebs. :look:


"A Obey Kink Now"

Clearly He Who Must Not Be Named used much more sinister and powerful tools to create his name than the interwebs. :look:


Such as the powers of JKR. :pir-oh:

Thee Ye

Tee Hey

Eye The

Nothing like Tinnier Pussy, but hey, it's not bad.

Edited by The Eye

Who wants to do ' supercalafragilisticexpealydocious '?

Edited by The crazy one

I decided to look up Leo nathans...

Aha- Lent Son.

Anal Eh Snot?

Anneal Shot

Sealant, Hon.

Hasten Loan

And not very many good ones.

Here's some results for supercalafragilisticexpealydocious...

'Input too long.'

Catchy, huh?

And yet a few more for Eurobricks,

Obscure Irk

Brick Ore Us

Rubier Sock

Rube Rick So... (so what?)

Rob Use Rick

Coca Om

Cam Coo

Mac Coo

Ma Coco

Am Coco

LOL My username's boring.

Trek Sir

Re Skirt

Err Kits

Err Skit

Errs Kit

Erst Irk

Rest Irk

I did get a good laugh out of the Re Skirt one, though. :laugh: Cause I think skirts are weird. :tongue:

Edited by Striker

I have over 58,824 Anagrams for 'General Armendariz' :oh:

So heres a few random ones

A Amazing Lender Err

A Remand Raze Linger

A Remand Razing Leer

A Remand Razing Reel

A Armed Relearn Zing

A Armed Learner Zing

A Armed Grazer Linen

A Armed Learn Zinger

A Armed Renal Zinger

A Dream Relearn Zing

A Dream Learner Zing

A Dream Grazer Linen

A Dream Learn Zin

Also I got over 55,557 Anagrams for my name 'Cristian Armendariz

Here is a few random ones

A Crazier Drain Mints

A Crazier Dinar Mints

A Crazier Nadir Mints

A Crazier Nadirs Mint

A Crazier Drains Mint

A Crazier Dinars Mint

A Crazier Strand Mini

A Crazier Martins Din

A Crazier Martin Dins

A Crazier Mantis Rind

A Crazier Matins Rind

A Crazier Trains Mind

A Crazier Strain Mind

A Crazier Train Minds

A Crazies Martin Rind

A Crazes Martini Rind

A Craze Martinis Rind

A Craze Martini Rinds

I love these random name-topics!

My username is (obviously) inappropriate due to lack of letters, yet my real name gave me some insights (at least I should very much undertake to look into ch'an/zen-buddhism, souldn't I?):

Elder Tie Zen (you definitely WILL need an "Elder Tie" to participate here!)

Deer Lite Zen (is a deer only becoming enlightened "lite"?)

Deer Tile Zen (tiles with deer on it...how tacky...)

Deter Lie Zen (yes! keep zen-lore lie-free!)

Lied Tree Zen

Idle Tree Zen (like...meditating under a tree?)

Diet Leer Zen

Diet Reel Zen

Rend Zee Tile (voice from the dark: REENNND....ZEEEE......TIIIIILE!)

Nerd Zee Lite (take out "Ze" and you get "Nerd Elite"...I'm seriously disturbed right now)

Red Elite Zen (<by far the best of the "zen"-ones!)

Zed Eel Inert

Zed Leer Nite

Red Eel Zen It (yes! Let the red eel zen it...whatever "to zen" means...)

My roomies real name however is a blast to play with (selection out of 280 hits):

Banter Peer (definitely is that! thumbs up for anagrams!)

Bear Repent (cease looting my trashcans, right now!)

Bare Repent (for nudist catholics)

Bra Preteen (oookay...)

Bar Preteen (it's getting worse!)

Reaper Bent

Partner Bee (stung by cupid's insectoid helper!)

Parent Beer (more like "beer parent" hehe)

Entrap Beer (NOOOO!)

Errant Beep

Rant Beeper (definitely is that! two thumbs up for anagrams!)

Ban Tree Rep (trees have too much of a reputation, so ban it!)

Bar Teen Rep (never had that...)

Earn Bet Rep (by doing what?)

Neat Brr Pee (leaving yellow snow?)

Pear Be Rent (until eaten)

Rape Be Rent (for those with extreme desires)

Raper Be Ten (underage sex offender!)

Rare Bet Pen (gotta get me one of those!)

Tan Beer Rep

To finish this up and make somewhat worthwhile out of the last one I present to you:

The TEN BEER RAP! (which I shall perform elsewhere...;) )

Be well all,

Cutty :classic:

I have over 2915 anagrams.

Lactose Gulag

Calla Egg Outs

Catalog Leg Us

Catalog Gel Us

A Collage Gust

Actual Egg Sol

Actual Eggs Lo

Actual Gels Go

Actual Legs Go

Algae Cog Lust

Algae Cog filthy harlott

Algae Cults Go

Algae Cos Glut

Algae Cots Lug

Algae Cost Lug

Algae Cot Slug

Algae Cot Lugs

The rest can be found here.


My favorites are..............

Garden Later Ewer

Garden Alert Were?

Tangled Rarer Wee

Wrangled Ear Tree

Wrangled Rare Tee

Wrangled Rear Tee

Teared Warren Leg

Retarder Angel We

Wanderer Tale Erg

Leader Wart Green

Garnered Wart Lee

Enlarged Rat Ewer

These make practically no sense, but they sound funny. :laugh:


General Redwater

Neat site!

Some of mine include:

Magical One

Iceman Goal

It surprisingly turned up 1004 results!!!!

I clearly have the best one out of you all;

"No anagrams found"


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