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*What's this? DJ motionless on the floor bleeding?*

Oh my lord, DJ my dear what's happened to you!?

Diesel rushes over to the side of his dear beloved wife, letting out a cry of heart-wrenching agony.

Oh darling, speak to me, please! I... I can't go on without your ever present wit and your nightingale voice. :cry_sad:*sob* You are my light in this encroaching darkness, my anchor in a sea of chaos and despair. Don't leave me darling, I beg of you. We can still make it out of this together...

Diesel looks up angrily at the rest of the party.

Can nobody help her!? Where is the doctor? My wife is in danger here! Won't somebody please think of the baby!?

Can nobody help her!?

Hmmm... That rushing air sound was probably a poisoned dart. Maybe we could try the first aid kit and treat it like a scorpion sting hoping that they used scorpion venom.

I guess we could look around for a dart to confirm this or investigate the source of the blood.

If she dies, I get first shot at her pockets!

Won't somebody please think of the baby!?

This is no time to be figuring out dinner. :hmpf_bad:

Yes, I'm sure you love your wife verymuch, evidently shown by you and Sheldon. :hmpf:

Ok, is anyone a doctor or have a first aid kit?

Wait, Baby? :wacko:

Oh my gosh! Can anyone please come forward and save my daughter! I beg you, please don't let this happen to her. Diesel, do something about it. I am now stuck on the other side, you got to find a way to save her. :cry_sad:

My Baby! OH NO!! DJ, wake up Sweety! *runs over to DJ and kneels at her side* Mommy's got ya! *checks her pulse and attempts to aid anybody trying to help.*

This also looks good; 4527338478_4ff19e8b76_m.jpg

In addition to being distraught over my nearly dead daughter, something tells me that the square in the center of this design is right (but no one sayed right, so I'm inclined to beleive it's wrong, I just tryed to find a solution with a sqwuarre and ended up rebuilding this one. :wink: )

Is she awake? Does anyone have a antidote to counteract Scorpion Venom, or, hold Penny's necklace up to her.

*Ingrid presses so many of the tiles so quickly that it's hard to tell what caused what. Three of the tiles created clicks while one of them seemed to cause an odd rush of air sound across the room...*

Oh that could have been me. Looking around embarrassed spying an unconcious DJ. Oh I guess it wasn't me after all.

In addition to being distraught over my nearly dead daughter, something tells me that the square in the center of this design is right (but no one sayed right, so I'm inclined to beleive it's wrong, I just tryed to find a solution with a sqwuarre and ended up rebuilding this one. :wink: )

I support the internal square technique, hopefully it is rewarded by the voice in the sky.

*Assists Donna in building the stones in the "internal square" pattern and fitting the square around the four spears*

It seems that this room is laden with traps and death-dealing obstacles :oh:

I advise you all to use extreme caution when touching or prodding anything. Either that or get someone we don't care about to do it, like Stanton.

Uuuhm. Woops. Err, can someone get the antidote from the first-aid kit? Though I suppose we should confirm this dart theory first. Let's find the source of bleeding and see if there's a dart lodged in there or not.

Is she awake? Does anyone have a antidote to counteract Scorpion Venom, or, hold Penny's necklace up to her.

Uh, dear... concentrate for a second. *snaps his fingers* DEAR! Oh, hello there. :wacko:

Remember when we were outside at the bus and I was almost killed by the nasty scorpion and you used the first aid kit to save me? Maybe you still have it with you?

She's cute, but a little slow... :wink:

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Diesel rushes over to the side of his dear beloved wife, letting out a cry of heart-wrenching agony.

Diesel looks up angrily at the rest of the party.

*DJ stirs in Diesel's arms. She is conscious but doesn't say anything. She seems very weak and can't stand up.*

I guess we could look around for a dart to confirm this or investigate the source of the blood.

If she dies, I get first shot at her pockets!

*Sheldon checks along the back of DJ's neck while Diesel holds her. Sheldon finds a small wound on the back of her neck. It does seem like something small punctured her neck right along her spine.*

*Sheldon calls dibs on her pockets if she dies. Diesel glares at his insensitivity. Sheldon hushes him and gently caresses his face. Diesel blushes, smiles and turns away quickly.*

*Assists Donna in building the stones in the "internal square" pattern and fitting the square around the four spears*

*The structure is too large to fit in that area. The solution has something to do with squares, but what...?*

Remember when we were outside at the bus and I was almost killed by the nasty scorpion and you used the first aid kit to save me? Maybe you still have it with you?

*The first aid kit is back on the bus.*

I think it's on the bus, I didn't take any notes on that. :blush:

*Just then a click is heard from the slowly ticking wheel in the center of the room. The sliding of stone can be heard. The group turns to the source of the sound: the northeast corner of the room. The alcove there has split and the stone wall is slowly sliding open. After a tense moment, a shadow appears in the room...a shadow that quickly morphs into a hideous, yet familiar, demon:*


For now I think I am pleased to be trapped behind this gate...

With some urgency I wish to check the walls my side of the gate, carefully, for some sign of a way to open the door.

William, can you help?

For now I think I am pleased to be trapped behind this gate...

With some urgency I wish to check the walls my side of the gate, carefully, for some sign of a way to open the door.

William, can you help?

Oh God damnit, why am I closest!

I would like to take Tony's hand and rush with him to the furthest corner of the room from the demon. Or at least further enough away to have a few people between me and it.

Eeeh, perhaps we could all shelter between the spears? Or at least Tony and I? That way the demon would get a stabbing if it were to try and get us. What do you think Tony, good idea?

*Just then a click is heard from the slowly ticking wheel in the center of the room. The sliding of stone can be heard. The group turns to the source of the sound: the northeast corner of the room. The alcove there has split and the stone wall is slowly sliding open. After a tense moment, a shadow appears in the room...a shadow that quickly morphs into a hideous, yet familiar, demon:*

Oh, hello Mr. Demon. Uh. Shotgun... SHOTGUN. Er. What? Oh, nothing. Say, would you like a tasty snack? :look:

With the help of some of the stronger members of the party, I'd like to throw the rotting carcass of Zach to the demon to placate it temporarily.

Eeeh, perhaps we could all shelter between the spears? Or at least Tony and I? That way the demon would get a stabbing if it were to try and get us. What do you think Tony, good idea?

Good idea Ingrid, let's go.

*Once we're safe in between the spears, I'd like to try throwing one of Stanton's bones at the demon.*

Stanton, use your sword!

Didn't one of the mysterious treatises say that the sword could fight demons?

Failing that, I would like to turn sideways. I am so svelte slim that my silhouette is practically invisible side-on. The demon will never see me!

Ah shit, as if we didn't have enough troubles. :hmpf:

Donna! Get over here and make sure DJ is alright will you? Things could get nasty in here very fast. She seems stable at least, I'll have a word with you about your carelessness a bit later, Ingrid. :hmpf_bad:

Sheldon, what the hell are you doing!? Let me help you with that, for gods-sake man!

Everyone, step away from the demon and keep looking for a way out. Maybe it isn't bent on killing us, it may just want to have a chat. I guess we'll find out soon enough... :look: Make sure you all stay behind this wheel thing, don't get too close.

Diesel unsheathes his handsome sword and prepares for the worst, while hoping for the best.

Stanton, use your sword!

Stanton? I think you mean Diesel. I don't think Stanton's quite up to fighting horrible monster demons.

Good idea Ingrid, let's go.

*Once we're safe in between the spears, I'd like to try throwing one of Stanton's bones at the demon.*

Throw the bone? Wouldn't it make a better club or spear? We better hold onto it. Then again, I'm sure I grabbed a rib bone for myself...

I would like to.. er.. check my inventory? Do I have that nice pointy rib bone I thought I took earlier? If so, I would like to wield it like a spear-club thing, in case the demon were to try anything...

She seems stable at least, I'll have a word with you about your carelessness a bit later, Ingrid. :hmpf_bad:

Well hold on young man! It's not as if I did this on purpose! Time is of the essence, and I was merely trying to speed things up by trying all the tiles. I never expected a trap. In saying that, I do apologise, dear DJ. You seemed like a nice young lass. You're still with us! You'll be fine, don't worry!

Psst, guys! If worse comes to worst, we could distract the Demon with DJ! It'd be the best way she could help in her current condition, and if she was poisoned, the Demon would be poisoned too if he were to eat her! Just thinking out loud here...

Throw the bone? Wouldn't it make a better club or spear? We better hold onto it. Then again, I'm sure I grabbed a rib bone for myself...

I'll throw it hard. :blush: I have the strength of a lion when I'm in peril. Hopefully it'll bounce back anyway...

What crazy madness is that!!! Damn it, I need to get back to the bus and retreive the first aid kit too.. Penny, let's try and see if we can find a way to lift the gates up, otherwise, we will really need to head back to the bus..

With some urgency I wish to check the walls my side of the gate, carefully, for some sign of a way to open the door.

William, can you help?

Yes, you check on the left side, and I will check on the right side. Let's hope we could find some mechanism to trigger the opening of the gates.

Oh, hello Mr. Demon. Uh. Shotgun... SHOTGUN. Er. What? Oh, nothing. Say, would you like a tasty snack? :look:

With the help of some of the stronger members of the party, I'd like to throw the rotting carcass of Zach to the demon to placate it temporarily.

*Grabs the other ends of Zach's corpse and helps Sheldon heave it at the demon*

:oh3: If all else fails, let's try to lure it towards the center of the room, then turn the wheel in hopes that the spears shoot up and impale it.

Crap, could this get worse?

Slash, I'll help you.

:oh3: If all else fails, let's try to lure it towards the center of the room, then turn the wheel in hopes that the spears shoot up and impale it.

That's pretty clever!

I'm gunna go comfort DJ

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