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:oh3: If all else fails, let's try to lure it towards the center of the room, then turn the wheel in hopes that the spears shoot up and impale it.

Now we're thinking smart! I like this idea!

Though I think I'm happy where I am, nestled amongst the wall spears, hopefully relatively safe from the horrible monster demon.

Excellent, I think the luring onto the spears may be the best move, though highly dangerous. Maybe I could lure it on, and someone else turns the wheel while I jump at the last moment? I'm willing to try it, unless we find a different idea.

Excellent, I think the luring onto the spears may be the best move, though highly dangerous. Maybe I could lure it on, and someone else turns the wheel while I jump at the last moment? I'm willing to try it, unless we find a different idea.

Yay, fresh meat, I mean a volunteer! Yes lets try in vain to lure this demon towards the spikes.

If that doesn't work perhaps the flash on my camera can scare it away?

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With some urgency I wish to check the walls my side of the gate, carefully, for some sign of a way to open the door.
Penny, let's try and see if we can find a way to lift the gates up, otherwise, we will really need to head back to the bus..

Yes, you check on the left side, and I will check on the right side. Let's hope we could find some mechanism to trigger the opening of the gates.

*There is no way to open the gate from where you are standing. Further investigation of the gate reveals nothing.*

I would like to take Tony's hand and rush with him to the furthest corner of the room from the demon. Or at least further enough away to have a few people between me and it.

Eeeh, perhaps we could all shelter between the spears? Or at least Tony and I? That way the demon would get a stabbing if it were to try and get us. What do you think Tony, good idea?

*Ingrid grabs Tony by the hand and runs for the safety of the protruding spears.*

*Once we're safe in between the spears, I'd like to try throwing one of Stanton's bones at the demon.*

*Tony throws his Stanton bone at the demon. It bounces off the demon's snout and falls to the floor. The demon takes notice of Ingrid and Tony and tries to get at them through the spears.*


I would like to.. er.. check my inventory? Do I have that nice pointy rib bone I thought I took earlier? If so, I would like to wield it like a spear-club thing, in case the demon were to try anything...

*Ingrid pokes the demon's claw with her Stanton bone and it recoils from her.*


Psst, guys! If worse comes to worst, we could distract the Demon with DJ! It'd be the best way she could help in her current condition, and if she was poisoned, the Demon would be poisoned too if he were to eat her! Just thinking out loud here...
I'm gunna go comfort DJ

*Donna runs to the weak and injured DJ's aid...and protection since she's being considered as a meal to satiate the demon...*

With the help of some of the stronger members of the party, I'd like to throw the rotting carcass of Zach to the demon to placate it temporarily.
Sheldon, what the hell are you doing!? Let me help you with that, for gods-sake man!
*Grabs the other ends of Zach's corpse and helps Sheldon heave it at the demon*

*The three men grab Zack's corpse and throw it to the demon...*


*The demon takes Zack's lifeless body into his maw and then...something awful happens...*



Failing that, I would like to turn sideways. I am so svelte slim that my silhouette is practically invisible side-on. The demon will never see me!

*Sylvia wisely makes herself less visible...*

:oh3: If all else fails, let's try to lure it towards the center of the room, then turn the wheel in hopes that the spears shoot up and impale it.
Diesel unsheathes his handsome sword and prepares for the worst, while hoping for the best.
Yay, fresh meat, I mean a volunteer! Yes lets try in vain to lure this demon towards the spikes.

*Diesel challenges the demon who quickly shifts his focus to the young man with the sword.*


*Diana runs to turn the wheel, turning it back to the spike trap. Her plan works and the demon is trapped there, wriggling against the spikes. However, it is still alive and struggles to free itself from the spikes. It won't be pinned for long...*



Quick, Diesel!

Stab it! Stab eet!

Aim for the eyes - that always works in the movies!

For now I think I am pleased to be trapped behind this gate...

With some urgency I wish to check the walls my side of the gate, carefully, for some sign of a way to open the door.

William, can you help?

For now I think I am pleased to be trapped behind this gate...

With some urgency I wish to check the walls my side of the gate, carefully, for some sign of a way to open the door.

William, can you help?

She so scared she's stuttering whole phrases!

*Ingrid pokes the demon's claw with her Stanton bone and it recoils from her.*

*I stab the beastie in the eye with my piece of +5 Stanton bone.*

How Could you do that to my poor Zach!!

*thumps gate and slides to the floor, devastated once more*

How Could you do that to my poor Zach!!

We asked him if he objected but he said nothing. Think of the positive side; the funeral should be cheaper now.

Well, that explains the skeletonificisation. Er.. I don't suppose anyone can think of a logical, scientific explanation for the current situation?

Tony, I think this is a good spot right here. Told you you shouldn't have thrown your bone... you should go retrieve it now, while the horrible monster demon beasty is trapped! Quickly though! Rush back here when you get it!

Think of the positive side; the funeral should be cheaper now.

Not to mention we've got a whole new arsenal. Everyone, grab a bone while Penny's distraught with grief! Rib bones seem to work well enough, we should see if larger bones can be used as clubs... someone grab me a femur! :grin:

Oh wow, have I really become so desensitized so all this? <scratches back with rib bone :tongue:>

I'd like to run over to Zach's skeleton and choose a nice long bone. I may need it later...

Just before we all die, I would like to point out, that thing skinned Zachs body completely! Sound familiar? So know we know whats causing it.......I hope.

Hang on, that wooshing sound with the dart, how did DJ activate it? Maybe we can use it to tranquilize this er....thing?

Just before we all die, I would like to point out, that thing skinned Zachs body completely! Sound familiar? So know we know whats causing it.......I hope.

Hang on, that wooshing sound with the dart, how did DJ activate it? Maybe we can use it to tranquilize this er....thing?

It wasn't DJ who activated it at all, it was SOMEONE :hmpf_bad: who was fooling around with the wall panels. Since Richard is there, Maybe he could Press them again! (Everybody duck :tongue: )

It wasn't DJ who activated it at all, it was SOMEONE :hmpf_bad: who was fooling around with the wall panels. Since Richard is there, Maybe he could Press them again! (Everybody duck :tongue: )

I didn't press that one, thank you very much. :hmpf_bad:


*While the beast is stuck, I'll try to retrieve my bone. While I'm there, I'll also take a quick look at the alcove from which the demon came out of.*

It wasn't DJ who activated it at all, it was SOMEONE :hmpf_bad: who was fooling around with the wall panels. Since Richard is there, Maybe he could Press them again! (Everybody duck :tongue: )

Hey, I said I'm sorry, geez. :hmpf: Wait... did I? Oh well. :grin:

I didn't press that one, thank you very much. :hmpf_bad:

She didn't say you did, she was just pointing out that since you're closest now, you could press it again.

She didn't say you did, she was just pointing out that since you're closest now, you could press it again.

Excuses, excuses :hmpf:

Quick, Diesel!

Stab it! Stab eet!

Aim for the eyes - that always works in the movies!

Err, right of course.

Diesel strikes a noble and valiant pose.

Foul demon of the Nine Hells, your time on this earth is at an end! Go back to the fiery pits from whence you spawned! You shall not pass!

Diesel raises his sword, which glints theatrically in the low light, and aims a blow at the demons' neck, with the intention of striking its head off while Siegourney is stabbing at its eyes.

You go Diesel!!!

Foul demon of the Nine Hells, your time on this earth is at an end! Go back to the fiery pits from whence you spawned! You shall not pass!

I see someone read that DnD book I gave you or just read Dante's Inferno... and Then whatched LotR!

Whilst Diesel and the others attempt to slay the foul demon, I shall flash my bits, err I mean use the flash on the camera to temporarily distract the demon with my pasty yellow bits.

Strikes a heroic pose, "Check this out girls"

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*I stab the beastie in the eye with my piece of +5 Stanton bone.*
*While the beast is stuck, I'll try to retrieve my bone. While I'm there, I'll also take a quick look at the alcove from which the demon came out of.*
Diesel strikes a noble and valiant pose.

Foul demon of the Nine Hells, your time on this earth is at an end! Go back to the fiery pits from whence you spawned! You shall not pass!

Diesel raises his sword, which glints theatrically in the low light, and aims a blow at the demons' neck, with the intention of striking its head off while Siegourney is stabbing at its eyes.

Whilst Diesel and the others attempt to slay the foul demon, I shall flash my bits, err I mean use the flash on the camera to temporarily distract the demon with my pasty yellow bits.

Strikes a heroic pose, "Check this out girls"

*Tony grabs his bone and looks at the alcove where the demon came from. It doesn't seem possible that it ever opened as it is completely smooth stone now.*


*Samantha flashes her camera to temporarily blind the demon while Siegourney stabs it in the eye with her Stanton bone. The beast howls in pain and momentarily stops struggling against the spears pinning it to the wheel. Diesel takes the chance to stab the demon through the neck...*


*The beast throws it's head back in an agonized howl as the sword begins to glow an eery blue.*


*The demon morphs into an ethereal dog.*


*The happy dog scampers off disappearing into thin air...*

*Having seen quite enough madness and their families harmed, William and Penny start to re-search the other rooms for something they could've missed that might unlock the gate or stop the wheel from turning...*

*The demon morphs into an ethereal dog.*

Well I didn't expect that. At least we've made someone happy!

*The demon morphs into an ethereal dog.*

*The happy dog scampers off disappearing into thin air...*

Well would you look at that, seems I'm better at this exorcism business than I thought! :oh:

Err, would someone please help me up? :blush:

Err, would someone please help me up? :blush:


*Extends a hand in assistance*

You're a capable one. :sweet:


Nice job, Diesel. Glowing blue swords can mean only one thing ... :sceptic:

Oh well, let's see if we can get out of this lovely room before being visited by the pet cheetah or a 60ft parrot.

If turning the wheel opened that passage once, perhaps we could just do it again and see where doggy came from?

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