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It was a lush, tropical island, that would've otherwise been a completely deserted paradise, a Utopia. A whitish sand beach was continuously drenched with the calm, rolling waves of the vast Pacific. An extremely dense jungle that occupied most of the island seemed void of human life, yet overflowing with the sound of tropical birds and other animals, as well as the beauty of palm tree and exotic plants digging their roots through the rich, dark soil. The sky was bright and clear, almost all of the time as seen from the small, unknown world. But on this day, a dark cloud rolled in, and would mark the beginning of the story of the survivors of Flight 518...

The survivors of the crash of Flight 518 gathered on the beach of the island, after helping the wounded, finding loved ones, and building a makeshift camp until rescue. Many were still shaken and devastated by the crash, but everyone eventually gathered themselves to prepare to discuss what to do while waiting for rescue.


One survivor stated, "We'll need food and fresh water!"

Another offered to search the wreckage for food, and a few others decided to go as a group to search for water in the jungle. Another one asked, "Just where in the world are we?". One of the former flight staff members answered, "We must have been thrown off-course somehow. This is an uncharted island." A few of the passengers murmured. "What does that mean? Will they know how to find us?" one asked. However, before anyone could answer, a loud scream could be heard from the jungle, and several survivors sprinted to go investigate.

To their horror, the only thing they found was a bleeding form of one of the survivors. It looked like she had been stabbed several times in the torso.


Amazingly, she was still breathing. No one seemed to know who she was, but with her last breath, she whispered,

"There are people on this island, among you as I speak. The person who attacked me... he said, 'This island is ours'. They're Insane, and will stop at nothing to prevent rescue. They believe... they believe that we were brought here by fate. That's what the attacker told me. They are hiding among you, and they will kill you. They will..."

Before she could finish, she died. A few of the witnesses gasped in shock, others just looked at each other. They walked back to the beach camp, and explained the situation.

"There are people on this island, among us." one said. "We don't know if they were passengers on the plane or not, but they apparently believe that we were meant to be here by some hand of fate. They're after us, every one of us, and they will kill us. We must fight for our lives, and make a stand. We must find out who's Insane, and stop them before people get hurt."

The group discussed, and came to a consensus that a vote should be taken every day, to decide who to kill in order to save others. There were risks, but they agreed that by voting, eventually all of the Insanes would be killed, while the Sanes survived...

Meanwhile, on a United States aircraft carrier, a signal is sent from the airport in California. The connection to flight 518 was just lost, and they need a Coast Guard crew to investigate.

A helicopter with a crew of four sets out. The helicopter flies low over the ocean in search of any wreckage.


Suddenly, on board the chopper, a red light turns on, and the alarm is sounded. The pilot and operator, Helen, quickly reacts, and tried to figure out what's wrong. The gauges and meters are all out of order, flashing on and off, measurements and data rapidly changing.


The helicopter shakes, and Helen is thrown out of her seat. She tries to contact the three Coast Guard officers via a communications link, but it doesn't seem to be working. She looked out the window, just in time to see the ocean speeding towards the helicopter.


In the hold, the officers exchange worried glances.


But before anything could be said, the helicopter crashed in the water, and was swallowed by the ocean. The rest was a blur to the passengers, but eventually the three officers met at the surface.

"Where's Helen?", one shouted. No one seemed to know, but the helicopter was too deep now to attempt to dive down. She was lost.

It was a clear day, so the the three officers couldn't figure out why they had crashed as they floated and swam in hope of finding shore. A few hours later, their wishes were granted.

The island that Flight 518 could be seen on the horizon. Soon, the officers crawled onto the beach, to meet the waiting plane crash survivors.

"We found you", said one of the officers.

The Coast Guard officers and the crash survivors exchanged stories, and the situation on the island was explained. Now is the time to act, before anyone gets hurt...

The Rules:

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to Ricecracker during the night phase. If we do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

- There will be two main sides in the game. Your winning criteria will be included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- There is a 24 hour limit at the beginning of each day. You are not allowed to vote during this time.

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a moderator kill.

- Please avoid posting out of character (OOC) in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator(s) have sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the hosts. We will try our best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

- There may be certain punishments for not reaching a conviction during the day. Said punishments are final, and are to be obeyed.

(Rules borrowed from Dragonator's Mystical Castle).

Characters and Players:

4487540345_0993a202c4_o.jpg Mike Collinham (Father of Zane and Pryce) - played by TinyPiesRUs

4415230016_ae42aaeb12_o.jpg Icarus Carter (Air Marshal) - played by Inconspicuous

4411252419_11b9efa0d3_o.jpg Richard Ricardo - played by Rick

4337886797_d82f7c329f_o.jpg Ellen Allison - played by Eskallon

4337886569_12320307c5_o.jpg Leo Nathans - played by The Legonator

4412019774_5559520e5c_o.jpg Callie Peterson (Head of airplane staff) - played by CallMePie

4337886835_af3bf9fab3_o.jpg Samantha Wonderfield (Co-Pilot) - played by Sok117

4336664138_94b93aee2b_o.jpg Ian Denton (Steward) - played by Iamded

4488189526_fbc539b5ff_o.jpg Bill Campbell (old friend of Cyril's) - played by Big Cam

4497362695_7a0d8a8a2b_o.jpg Zane Collinham (son of Mike and brother of Pryce) - played by Zapper Brick

4497362759_06cc903c22_o.jpg Bella Teller ("mistress" of Governer Brian Mason) - played by Badboytje88

4497998612_518d7ec103_o.jpg Ron Callister (Pilot) - played by Ronconator

4500917080_cdc5be4cf5_o.jpg Deborah Fredricks (Stewardess) - played by Def

4500917104_e18f803bea_o.jpg Pryce Collinham (son of Mike and brother of Zane) - played by Professor Flitwick

4336513232_e52f2f0ff4_o.jpg Cyril Jenssens (old friend of Bill's) - played by Svelte

4500917202_228c8116c5_o.jpg Brian Mason (Governer of California) - played by Bob the Construction Man

4500282277_5a88d8f788_o.jpg Wyatt Fandorski - played by WhiteFang

4518782591_2625bdc661_o.jpg Shirley Dover (Chef of the flight) - played by Shadows

4415230008_40be5ba8ed_o.jpg Patricia Rockford (Coast Guard Officer, joined on Day 1) - played by Pedro

4415229974_af28698ccc_o.jpg Seth Diaz (Coast Guard Officer, joined on Day 1) - played by Sandy

4411252581_dd99d6747e_o.jpg Drake Johnson (Coast Guard Officer, joined on Day 1) - played by Dragonator


Escape the Fate



The crazy one



General Armendariz



The number of votes required to convict someone is 11.

My, what a terrible way to start our time here! One of us few survivors murdered and our rescue team's crash are certainly not good signs.

It's clear that there are insane people among us- they must have done something to tamper with the plane. But what's even more interesting is that the Coast Guard plane suffered a similar fate, which leads me to believe that perhaps an insane person tampered with their rescue plane beforehand, knowing that the plane would be sent after they tampered and crashed our flight.

Respectable Coast Guard members, are you alright? Did you notice anything unusual before, during the flight, or during the crash landing?

How am I supposed to make waffles in these conditions? Hmmm. Maybe this could be my gimmick! YES! The Stranded Chef! I'll revolutionize the market once we get back home, and until then you can all feast on my experiments finely crafted recipes utilizing a combination of what we can scavenge, the corpses, and local offerings like potatoes and fish and hopefully sausages. Mmmm, sausages. I could really go for a big sausage right now.

What? :blush:

So... who wants to help me get the food and supplies together so I can put together a makeshift kitchen?

"We found you", said one of the officers.

Great, we've been found by the three stooges. :hmpf:

Hi, everyone - Cyril here. (And anyone making fun of my name will be punched on the noggin :angry:)

This is all pretty weird and out of my ordinary realm of experience. I don't know what's more disturbing - the ineptness of the rescue crew or this odd theory that Insane people are amongst us and want the non-Insanes to die because they want this island all to themselves. If they really felt that way, why not just charter a plane to this island? Or use an Insane travel agent? Something in the boiled fish stew doesn't add up here...

This kind of reminds me of one of them TV shows set on a tropical paradise where things go horribly wrong and the humiliations and degradations never seem to end... Yeah, 'Survivor', that's it. I guess there's one thing I can do to make myself comfortable right now

*unzips pants*

Oh yeah, that's better.

This kind of reminds me of one of them TV shows set on a tropical paradise where things go horribly wrong and the humiliations and degradations never seem to end... Yeah, 'Survivor', that's it.

Ahh, yes, I was a big Survivor fan in my youth. I think the major difference between that and our current situation is that on Survivor, they're playing for a million dollars, whereas here, we're playing this "game" for our own lives!

Although I agree, why would the insanes take some sane people here too? Why not just go directly? Something definitely feels off...

Insanity? Im appalled that crew and passengers of my prestigious airline would resort to insanity so quickly. As the pilot of this airplane I did everything in my 20 years of flying experience to try and get 'er flying again but it was like a mysterious force was pulling it down to this island. Somethings very mysterious is happening here

Hi, everyone - Cyril here. (And anyone making fun of my name will be punched on the noggin :angry:)

Hellooooooooo Cyril :grin:

If they really felt that way, why not just charter a plane to this island? Or use an Insane travel agent? Something in the boiled fish stew doesn't add up here...
Although I agree, why would the insanes take some sane people here too? Why not just go directly? Something definitely feels off...

Eeehm, they're insane... They obviously don't think clearly.

But the murder of one of our fellow passengers?! A rescue chopper mysteriously crashed? There are certainly some people up to no good here. Any news from our rescue crew? Anyone else notice anything suspicious around the crash?

And... let's share the food, so deliver all food supplies to Shirley. Did anyone manage to salvage the sausages? Potatoes and sausages, mmm...

Everybody just stay calm! We're here to rescue you! People, there's no need to panic, I assure you!

... Oh, you are calm already, huh. Never mind then. :blush:

Petty Officer Second Class Drake Johnson of the United States Coast Guard at your service ladies and gentlemen. These are my fellow officers, Petty Officer Second Class Patricia Rockford and Petty Officer Second Class Seth Diaz. We are glad to have found you all here alive on this island, although certainly not in the circumstances we had expected. Pilot and Technical Operator First Class Helen Reutal was unfortunately lost at sea when our HH-60 Jayhawk mysteriously crashed not far from where I believe your plane went down. She will be missed by us all. To add tragedy to tragedy, we also lost all our satellite communications equipment in the crash, meaning we shall have to wait here until the operating technicians at the closest Rescue Coordination Centre notice our absence and organises a second rescue attempt for us all. Failing that, my fellow crewmen from our Coast Guard cutter, the USCGC Hamilton, should find it strange we have offered no communication or time of return and follow up on us. Until this time, I urge you all to try and remain calm and we'll do what we can to assist you all in survival on this dismal island. I suppose in a way we are also survivors, much like you, so we must work together to try and live this out until we can be saved.

I understand that you have already had some difficulties with a small group of people here who killed one of your fellow survivors before we could get here to help. Know this, her death will not go unavenged, justice will be served. We may be stranded, but that is never an excuse to resort to savagery. While I do feel your proposed method of dealing with this threat is rather uncouth, we must do something to protect ourselves from these savages, and so I resign myself to take part in this lynch mob and hope that we come out the better for it. I don't know what the Department of Justice or the Nautical Board of Inquiry will have to say about this, but as the ones here, we must "adapt however we must to the situations presented to us to survive in an unknown environment", as my mentor from the Academy once told me.

...and local offerings like potatoes and fish and hopefully sausages. Mmmm, sausages. I could really go for a big sausage right now.

An excellent idea, Shirley was it? What these people need is some food in their bellies, we must try and keep spirits high, for it is when people start to get desperate that the most harm occurs wile stranded in a hostile environment. This situation will surely put my skills as an Officer to the test; we are going to need to cope as best we can.

Oh good. The cavalry has arrived. :hmpf: Well, at least now we're all one big happy group. Oh, except for those cuckoo crazy folks who've so sneakily maintained an air of sane about them so as to disguise themselves in our group. Well, at least most of us appear sane...

Glances at Leo Nathans, the guy dressed in what appears to be replica Viking armour and tighty whities...

Well, I wasn't planning on chowing down on this airplane food, but now we're no longer flying at a steady pace to civilisation with good food, it seems I'll have to compromise. So, I guess I'll help you guys collect up any food we can find, both from the plane and from the island. Just don't eat the green coconuts, I hear they make you disgustingly sick.

Oh, right, uh, my name's Ian Denton by the way. I assume you can tell by my attire that I'm- er I was a steward on the plane. But under these circumstances I'm gonna say I'm off duty, so don't expect me to bring you extra pillows or headphones or nothin'...

Hello everyone! *flashes a politician smile*

My name is Governor Brian Mason, of the wonderful State of California. However, I'm sure all of you already knew that. The sooner I get off this island, the sooner I can go and meet the Prime Minister of Japan.

*Sits down on a nearby rock*

I believe what we have here is a major problem that can only be solved by the hard work and diligence of those around us. Not only have we crashed on this island, but now people are being murdered and Coast Guard Officers are dropping from the sky. Therefore, I believe that we should divide ourselves into three separate groups. The first group will hunt, and bring us back food from the jungle. The second group will work on creating shelters for us, and the third group will work on salvaging the airplane, with hopes that maybe we can get ourselves a working boat, or something. If there is any wreckage. I'm assuming there is, because somebody offered to go and check it.

Now then, we can also assume that we probably went down due to sabotage caused by these insane people. After all, it is a bit suspicious that we just happen to crash not far off from this island.

"We found you", said one of the officers.

Hallelujah. Now what is your plan for rescuing us?

*unzips pants*

Sir! Please keep your pants on! That's the last thing we need at this time!

Everybody just stay calm! We're here to rescue you! People, there's no need to panic, I assure you!

... Oh, you are calm already, huh. Never mind then. :blush:

:hmpf: As soon as I get back, I'm ordering complete reviews of all Coast Guard Personnel.

Darn it! That did not go according to plan! It's almost as if this island was some crazy kinda geo-magnetic nexus, causing all the systems on our 'copter to go crazy and force us down...

Well howdy y'all, I'm Patricia Rockford and it's a helluva shame we couldn't meet under better circumstances. Originally here as part of the rescue but as y' can see it looks like like we're all in this together now and already it seems that island life is too much for someone...

Respectable Coast Guard members, are you alright? Did you notice anything unusual before, during the flight, or during the crash landing?

Apart from the alarm lights turning the inside of our helicopter into a discotheque, 'fraid not sugar.

Great, we've been found by the three stooges. :hmpf:

Well at the very least we'll provide some of y'all with some entertainment then.

*unzips pants*

Oh yeah, that's better.

Well that's real nice sir! At least find a rock to do your business behind behind... there's ladies present!

Well it seems to me that we're out of the frying pan and into the fire whats been donme to that poor gal. Now I don't fancy endin' up like her and I'm sure none of y'all do either so we need to get our thinkin' caps on and start figuring out who could've done this - rescue will be on it's way and I don't want to have to spend any more nights than I have to sleepin' under the stars with a crazy amongst us.

Why must we stuck here.. Of all places... I have a meeting to attend..

My name is Wyatt Fandorski. It's unfortunate that we got to hang out in such a messy envirnoment, and with the insane people out there, I am getting worried. Shall we try and assemble our equipment together, such as marking out a huge "SOS" sign on the beach, and start a big fire pit, hoping we could grab the attention of any incoming flights within this sector. I can't believe the Coast Guards whom are supposed to rescue us, is also now stuck with us. At least, we could use your naval expertise to help us. I am sure you guys, will have a distress signal beeping out there if your authorities don't get you back within a certain time? Am I right?

Therefore, I believe that we should divide ourselves into three separate groups. The first group will hunt, and bring us back food from the jungle. The second group will work on creating shelters for us, and the third group will work on salvaging the airplane, with hopes that maybe we can get ourselves a working boat, or something. If there is any wreckage. I'm assuming there is, because somebody offered to go and check it.

Who made you the king of this island?

I will gladly go salvage what ever is left of the airplane. Dangerous jobs like that are best to be left to stubble-faced macho men like myself. :wink:

I assume you can tell by my attire that I'm- er I was a steward on the plane. But under these circumstances I'm gonna say I'm off duty, so don't expect me to bring you extra pillows or headphones or nothin'...

It figures that the fruitcake's the first to throw his hands up in the air and go bathe in the sun. You know what they say about male airplane stewards...

Dam! More on crashing this island? And whats more they were hear to resuce us, and end up getting trapped with us. :hmpf_bad: Lets hope we can get enough food to go around...

Who made you the king of this island?

Hey, I think Senator Palpatine over there has the right idea. Does anyone want me to go with them? Oh, by the way, I'm Pryce.

I can't believe I'm even here! I wasn't even supposed to be working! To be stranded is one thing, but to be stranded with a murderer! At least we have our coast guard here, hopefully they can provide some stability here.

btw, I'm Deborah, nice to meet you, but you may remember me from pouring your drinks and giving you your nuts only hours ago.

Who made you the king of this island?

I will gladly go salvage what ever is left of the airplane. Dangerous jobs like that are best to be left to stubble-faced macho men like myself.

Somebody has to take charge in this situation. I don't see you suggesting anything helpful, and you're supposed to be the coast guard. It's best if we all work together, in hopes of getting ourselves off of this godforsaken island. However, I am glad that you are going to help salvage the plane. Would anybody else care to join herhim?

Hey, I think Senator Palpatine over there has the right idea. Does anyone want me to go with them? Oh, by the way, I'm Pryce.

Thank you. At least somebody appreciates what I’m try--hey, what did you call me! :angry:

By the way, I don't suppose you Coast Guards have any equipment with you? A radio, food rations, a life raft?

btw, I'm Deborah, nice to meet you, but you may remember me from pouring your drinks and giving you your nuts only hours ago.

Seems like ages ago now, doesn't it? :sad:

Thank you. At least somebody appreciates what I’m try--hey, what did you call me! :angry:

I remember nick names better than what I remember real names, sorry. :wink: Look on the bright side, at least you get references from popular culture!

Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god....

Insane?! :cry_sad: Uh.... Has anyone seen my dad? :sceptic:

Oh, I think salvaging the plane is stupid. I mean, can we swim with parts tied to out backs? :tongue:

Hello everyone! *flashes a politician smile*

I believe what we have here is a major problem that can only be solved by the hard work and diligence of those around us. Not only have we crashed on this island, but now people are being murdered and Coast Guard Officers are dropping from the sky. Therefore, I believe that we should divide ourselves into three separate groups. The first group will hunt, and bring us back food from the jungle. The second group will work on creating shelters for us, and the third group will work on salvaging the airplane, with hopes that maybe we can get ourselves a working boat, or something. If there is any wreckage. I'm assuming there is, because somebody offered to go and check it.

Hi y'all, Bella Teller is the name looking stunning is the fame. Brainy Bear, protect me from these savage murdering baboons! I'm way too pretty to die... I just love the plan you set up. By the way could there be a forth group of workers for the people who would like to work on their tan? I just can’t go hunting, build a shelter or salvage a pane, I'd hate to chip a nail...

I can't believe your flying- who was your pilot, Amelia Earheart? Okay, bad referance.

So much for us all getting along nicely on this Island. The last thing we need after a rotten crash is some half-crazy terrorists running around. Ah, well, I guess I shouldn't be complaining; anything's better than stupid sunny California. I mean- look what it's done to all our complexion, WE'RE YELLOW! I just hope we can get back soon so I can pick up a one-way ticket to England.

(Sorry for the edit, my post went off before I finished)

Edited by The Legonater

Oh god oh god oh god oh god oh god....

Insane?! :cry_sad: Uh.... Has anyone seen my dad? :sceptic:

Oh, I think salvaging the plane is stupid. I mean, can we swim with parts tied to out backs? :tongue:

Oh you poor thing. When was the last time you saw him?

I remember nick names better than what I remember real names, sorry. :wink: Look on the bright side, at least you get references from popular culture!

Y'know, I was always under the impression Arnold Schwarzenegger was the Govenar of California....

Then again, I'm not up on this political stuff.

I just can’t go hunting, build a shelter or salvage a pane, I'd hate to chip a nail...

Feel free to help out our plane's chef Shirley. I'm sure she can use a hand with those wieners and potatoes some of the others brought in from the plane's supplies. We need to eat after all.

Feel free to help out our plane's chef Shirley. I'm sure she can use a hand with those wieners and potatoes some of the others brought in from the plane's supplies. We need to eat after all.

Speaking of Shirley, I'm a fairly good fisherman- need me to see if there's anything out there?

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