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While not everyone here has shown themselves to be the epitome of reason, I don't have any reason to question anybody's sanity. For now, I can't vote in good conscience.

While not everyone here has shown themselves to be the epitome of reason, I don't have any reason to question anybody's sanity. For now, I can't vote in good conscience.

I have to agree. All we have is the *second hand* testimony of a few unidentified survivors who said they saw a dying woman whose words they repeated verbatim to the rest of us. It is just as plausible they stabbed her themselves, isn't it?

We all seem to be pretty gullible considering we are taking on trust the word of someone who stumbled out of the bushes with blood all over their hands and a quick cover story... :sceptic:

Yes, it always hard to find any legitimate evidence this early into our time here. Unless anyone can find small slips in what everyone has said, it may be best to go without a conviction in order to avoid blindly killing an innocent. Perhaps more can be learned at night.

Anyone with me here? Or are we going to vote someone randomly for the sake of having a conviction?

It figures that the fruitcake's the first to throw his hands up in the air and go bathe in the sun. You know what they say about male airplane stewards...

Hey, who are you calling fruitcake, pal? Let's not get off on the wrong foot, I'll help out for the group, but I'm officially starting on my vacation hours.

As for all this leader chat, these here coastguards have successfully found us. Then again, they crashed as well so we're still stuck here waiting. And mister governor here has experience in leading people, so that's in his merit. But just which party has the most leader material?

What are we gonna do, call a vote? Because mine goes to captain inspiring yet incredibly long speech over there in the Coast Guard uniform. He seems well versed on the Coast Guard code. Say, have you memorised any other books, say, ones that could help us in our current predicament?

I think it is quite sane to be screaming right now, considering that we are stranded on an island with some psychopaths who are out to get us!!

Get a hold of yourself woman! Now is not the time for screaming but rather finding the insane people out to get all of us.

You may now begin to vote

Oh my I wouldn't know who I'd have to vote for. Y'all seem to be lovely people. How should we now who are the insane ones. We’ve seen some crazy reactions, but that is pretty normal considering the circumstance we’re under. What to do what to do… I’m going to take a walk on the beach. Looking for useful stuff that might wash ashore.

As for all this leader chat, these here coastguards have successfully found us. Then again, they crashed as well so we're still stuck here waiting. And mister governor here has experience in leading people, so that's in his merit. But just which party has the most leader material?

What are we gonna do, call a vote? Because mine goes to captain inspiring yet incredibly long speech over there in the Coast Guard uniform. He seems well versed on the Coast Guard code. Say, have you memorised any other books, say, ones that could help us in our current predicament?

I should remind everyone of this:

As I mentioned in the discussion thread, the minifigs and roles were randomly assigned, so don't use it against anybody.

It basically means that the governor and coast guard are no better or worse at leading than anyone else. It's like we lost all of our abilities (aside from my fabulous cooking skills) when we washed ashore and those can't be held against us reasonably.

So, for example, the inept Coast Guard can't be blamed for being inept, we just need to watch for people doing weird things, acting suspiciously, or trying to manipulate us to make bad decisions.

Let's keep our wits about us, folks, we're probably going to be here for a while. :sceptic:

At this stage, I see no reasonable vote either. Therefore, I cook!

Moss covered rock is high in vitamins and minerals, you know! :grin:

It basically means that the governor and coast guard are no better or worse at leading than anyone else. It's like we lost all of our abilities (aside from my fabulous cooking skills) when we washed ashore and those can't be held against us reasonably.

What are you talking about? We are a bunch of strangers stranded on a solitary island, and if we don't have a leader, we'll soon find ourselves eating each other alive (not literally, I hope).

So keep your metagaming incessant ramblings to yourself and concentrate on the cooking, honeypie. :wink:

As for voting someone, it strikes me odd that the naked guy believes the poor babe stabbed herself and then proceeded to lie to you about there being insane people here. Why the hell would she do that to herself, after surviving a damn plane crash? Nevertheless, I wasn't here at the moment it happened, so I can't really point fingers at anyone. We just have to be careful not to let anyone lead us into false conclusions...

What are you talking about? We are a bunch of strangers stranded on a solitary island, and if we don't have a leader, we'll soon find ourselves eating each other alive (not literally, I hope).

I didn't say we shouldn't have a leader, I just said that no one is automatically more or less qualified to do the job because of their positions. Maybe you should cut back on the steroids there, buddy, you've got a little bit of the rage going. :hmpf_bad:

As for eating each other alive, why would we do that when we have a talented chef here?

So keep your metagaming incessant ramblings to yourself and concentrate on the cooking, honeypie. :wink:

I was doing the exact opposite of metagaming incessantly rambling, Mr. Man. :hmpf:

I didn't say we shouldn't have a leader, I just said that no one is automatically more or less qualified to do the job because of their positions. Maybe you should cut back on the steroids there, buddy, you've got a little bit of the rage going. :hmpf_bad:

Hey! Steroids have never hurt anybody, and if you disagree, I'll punch your face in!!! :angry:

... Whoa, got carried away a bit there. Sorry 'bout that! :blush:

My point is that Johnson is a seasoned veteran of rescuism, and you'd do much better listening to him rather than the politician.

Guys everyone has their strengths and weaknesses. For some their strength might be leadership, others their awesome cooking skills (shirley :tongue: ). We all need to help each other in this crucial time

Speaking of which, Mason for President 2012. That's right folks, I'm throwing my hat into the ring.

I guess we all know who we should be voting for then, right people? :laugh: I jest with you of course, governor, this is a very serious matter and we want to make sure we have the right of things before proceeding. I for one am not overly keen to start dishing out the death sentences either, we don't really have anything to go on other than the murder and the words of the late unnamed woman. We'll need to try and identify her later so her family can be informed. Right now though, we have our own survival to think of.

I trust Johnson with my life *snip*

I thank you for your faith in me Officer Diaz, survival in the wild is founded on trust and being able to rely on others. While we must be cautious of the murder or murderers amongst us, it is through cooperation and team-work that we will come out of this situation alive. I have faith in all of you that we will manage this, together.

As Drake said, we lost all our comms equipement in the crash, but if we hold tight another party should be on it's way. Let's just look out for each other and try make sure that maniac among us don't strike again!

Very true words, Officer Rockford; as I said earlier, we are unfortunately on our own until another rescue mission is launched. Have no fear though people, I am sure we will not have to wait long; the United States Coast Guard prides itself on its fast response times and ability to handle any situation. We are trained professionals in survival, so if we can all work together, then I'm sure we can manage until help arrives.

But you're right, Drake has got this situation cornered. But I wouldn't say it's just brains you got Drake, but the whole package... :wink:

Oh, why, umm, thank you Patr- err, Officer Rockford. :blush:

As for all this leader chat, these here coastguards have successfully found us. Then again, they crashed as well so we're still stuck here waiting. And mister governor here has experience in leading people, so that's in his merit. But just which party has the most leader material?

While it is true I and my fellow officers have much experience in dealing with survival situations, let us not let ourselves be drawn into conflict over leadership of this group. I'm sure we are all familiar with Lord of the Flies, yes? It has many lessons to offer on the sorts of paranoia and mentality that arise from surviving emotionally traumatic and life-threatening situations. It would appear some among us are already suffering from some form of paranoia considering the tragic death of that poor woman earlier today. Nevertheless, survival is our most important goal right now, and I am happy to offer my training and experience, and that of my fellow officers, to make sure we all get through this unharmed. I'm no psychiatrist though, so I'm afraid I do not know how to deal with the "insane" people amongst us other than the method proposed. :look:

What are we gonna do, call a vote? Because mine goes to captain inspiring yet incredibly long speech over there in the Coast Guard uniform. He seems well versed on the Coast Guard code. Say, have you memorised any other books, say, ones that could help us in our current predicament?

Again, I thank you for your support of me Ian. I will help as best I can in this predicament using the knowledge and experience I have gained through my training as an Officer of the United States Coast Guard. This situation is certainly an unusual one though; not only must we deal with our survival but we must be wary of the scheming murderers lurking hereabouts. I only hope they will not strike again, but we must be prepared for the worst, there is no knowing what the clinically unstable can do. If we are vigilante, though, then we will surely be able to overcome these challenges presented to us.

As for all this leader chat, these here coastguards have successfully found us. Then again, they crashed as well so we're still stuck here waiting. And mister governor here has experience in leading people, so that's in his merit. But just which party has the most leader material?

What are we gonna do, call a vote? Because mine goes to captain inspiring yet incredibly long speech over there in the Coast Guard uniform. He seems well versed on the Coast Guard code. Say, have you memorised any other books, say, ones that could help us in our current predicament?

To clarify, when I said 'vote' before, I meant voting for a leader, not voting for someone to kill off. I felt I should sort that out.

I am not very comfortable to vote for someone in random, unless we have strong right feeling to do so, and rarely, anyone we convict is likely to be innocent in the first day. Shouldn't we be examining at our current scenario once more, trying to come out with a plan for the night. At the same time, I will love to work out some methods if possible to get the heck out of this island, and I will really love to hear the plans. At this moment, I am wondering if both crashes are acts of sabotage?

I too, would feel uncomfortable about voting someone at random, however, the evidence to convict someone won't just fall in to our laps. I don't know. :sceptic: I'll leave this "stage" to the grown-ups who probably know much more about this than me.

I'll leave this "stage" to the grown-ups who probably know much more about this than me.

Don't put yourself down Zane, you opinion is as valid as the next mans. And, I agree too brother, there has been nothing suspicious that could point to the poor woman's death to merit lynching someone at random.

Hi, everyone - Cyril here. (And anyone making fun of my name will be punched on the noggin :angry:)

This is all pretty weird and out of my ordinary realm of experience. I don't know what's more disturbing - the ineptness of the rescue crew or this odd theory that Insane people are amongst us and want the non-Insanes to die because they want this island all to themselves. If they really felt that way, why not just charter a plane to this island? Or use an Insane travel agent? Something in the boiled fish stew doesn't add up here...

This kind of reminds me of one of them TV shows set on a tropical paradise where things go horribly wrong and the humiliations and degradations never seem to end... Yeah, 'Survivor', that's it. I guess there's one thing I can do to make myself comfortable right now

*unzips pants*

Oh yeah, that's better.

Don't wory old friend, I've got your back if the name calling begins. We may be two old men, but I can still put up a good bully fight if need be. Oh who am I kidding, our vacation is ruined. I didn't work all my life to get stuck on a miserable island.

I think a leader isn't necessarily needed but direction would be good. I don't want to spend my last years on earth on a deserted island. :hmpf_bad:

I for one agree with Bill that a leader is not necessary but however what is, is that we do vote. To gather as much evidence as possible is a target of our's so let's start there because we don't know what will happen tonight. We could even be able to take out one of the insane killer's.

However I do not want to vote any one randomly like you guys but maybe that is what is best if it can bring us that crucial evidence or help us to survive.

However I do not want to vote any one randomly like you guys but maybe that is what is best if it can bring us that crucial evidence or help us to survive.

Except that the odds are likely against us, because I still believe that the majority of us is sane.

Except that the odds are likely against us, because I still believe that the majority of us is sane.

But on the other hand, when we sane ones are the minority, there's nothing we can do anymore.

The kiddo has a point: we don't know if any evidence will ever drop into our laps, and voting is our only option of ever besting the crazies (unless someone goes vigilante on their megablocks).

So yeah, I'm all for voting, but honestly nobody is suspicious enough just yet for me to vote them. Well, except the naked old man, but that might just be my urges to get rid of him so I don't have to watch his shriveled weiner anymore. :sick:

So yeah, I'm all for voting, but honestly nobody is suspicious enough just yet for me to vote them.

Well, let's just let the day progress then. But besides your rescue crew, I don't expect anything else falling from the sky today. What do you suggest, drawing straws?

Well, except the naked old man, but that might just be my urges to get rid of him so I don't have to watch his shriveled weiner anymore. :sick:

Speaking of wieners, lunch time is approaching. How's lunch coming along Shirley? Need a hand?

If the mysterious crashes were an act of sabotage, That would mean that at least one member of the insanes were on flight 518 and another member on the rescue chopper. I think are best odds are to lynch someone from the rescue helicopter because there is a 1/3 chance of getting it right, whereas if we lynch someone from the flight the chance is far greater to get it wrong, so if we do decide to vote, I think it would be in our best interest to vote off one of the coast guard. No offense. But If we kill an innocent person, I don't know If I could bear to continue :look: , so I guess I'm currently undecided.

You got a good point there but I think you forgot that the pilot of the rescue helicopter died in the crash. Maybe she was the insane one...

You got a good point there but I think you forgot that the pilot of the rescue helicopter died in the crash. Maybe she was the insane one...

I didn't necessarily forget, I just thought that all the insanes wanted to come to this island, so therefore why would she sacrifice herself to transport more people her for the insanes to kill, something just doesn't add up. I'm going over in my head what the crew said, maybe something can give us a clue...

I think are best odds are to lynch someone from the rescue helicopter because there is a 1/3 chance of getting it right, whereas if we lynch someone from the flight the chance is far greater to get it wrong, so if we do decide to vote, I think it would be in our best interest to vote off one of the coast guard. No offense.

Well, no offense, you crazy cow, but none of us three were even near here when the murder of that girl happened! We have no idea what happened to our helicopter, and neither have you. So be very careful before blurting out ideas like that. :hmpf_bad:

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