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However, I will not accept any fingers pointed at my colleagues or me. It's impossible for us to have done anything to this poor girl who was murdered, and as for the reason why both your plane and our helicopter crashed down, well, nobody knows for now.
As much as I hate to even imply that I'm suspicious of my fellow rescuers, you're making a lot of sense, Carter. You're a sharp guy, aren't ya? :wink:

Now, are you or aren't you suspicious of your colleagues?

Now, are you or aren't you suspicious of your colleagues?

No. I said Carter had a good point that the real insane ones will most probably do their best to keep up the image of being sane. That unfortunately includes Drake as well, but so it does many others.

As much as I hate to even imply that I'm suspicious of my fellow rescuers, you're making a lot of sense, Carter. You're a sharp guy, aren't ya? :wink:

I'm trusting my gut instinct and sticking to my theory of 1/3, I plan on making a vote (hopefully) before the sun sets. Now who's with me?

I'm trusting my gut instinct and sticking to my theory of 1/3, I plan on making a vote (hopefully) before the sun sets. Now who's with me?

I don't. Everyone seems to suspect Officer Drake just because of his speech before. I still think we need a bit more evidence than that to vote somebody off. I'm all for waiting it out and see if some evidence springs up tonight. If not, we can still vote tomorrow. Missing one day isn't really crucial, as we're probably going to be here awhile, or at least until some rescue comes along.

I don't. Everyone seems to suspect Officer Drake just because of his speech before. I still think we need a bit more evidence than that to vote somebody off. I'm all for waiting it out and see if some evidence springs up tonight. If not, we can still vote tomorrow. Missing one day isn't really crucial, as we're probably going to be here awhile, or at least until some rescue comes along.

True. If we simply lash out on flimsy evidence, the effects may be disasterous. We need more time to build evidence.

BTW, Shirley, may I ask again- I'm fairly good at fishing. Call me if you need me.

We could use my fish net stockings for a net!

And as much as I don't like to point fingers, that would make Mr. Monologue Drake over there a prime target, especially considering many of us are still into the "one of the Coast Guards is insane" theory. However, at this point nothing is proven. Hopefully night may reveal a few answers.

Now hang on a second honey. Just coz' someone wants to speak up and set things right shouldn't make 'em a target. Drake is a good man. What we got here is a terrible situation but it ain't going to be made any better by attacking someone purely for havin' the guts to say their piece.

No. I said Carter had a good point that the real insane ones will most probably do their best to keep up the image of being sane. That unfortunately includes Drake as well, but so it does many others.

You're right Seth, in that acting sane just about covers everyone here... well, except our cook who seems he might be on the verge of making sand burgers... but I don't think that's the kind of crazy we're after here. :wink:

I don't. Everyone seems to suspect Officer Drake just because of his speech before. I still think we need a bit more evidence than that to vote somebody off. I'm all for waiting it out and see if some evidence springs up tonight. If not, we can still vote tomorrow. Missing one day isn't really crucial, as we're probably going to be here awhile, or at least until some rescue comes along.

And I think that's the next best bit of reason I've heard in a while. We need to bthink carefully 'bout what we're doin' here and time so we can make the right decision. All the while let's keep our fingers crossed the rescue party is on their way.

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There are currently no votes, and a few hours left in the day before night falls...

(about 26 hours).

Now hang on a second honey. Just coz' someone wants to speak up and set things right shouldn't make 'em a target. Drake is a good man. What we got here is a terrible situation but it ain't going to be made any better by attacking someone purely for havin' the guts to say their piece.

Oh, I totally agree. It's just he seems to be going over-the-top with his speeches, almost like he's trying to act really sane. I'm not saying whether that's hiding something or just proving his loyalty, but it does seem a little bit odd.

On the first day, there's not much evidence, but the least we can do is toss around ideas and see if we get any weird reactions or comments. I'm sorry if I offended you or Drake, I was merely exploring a possibility. :wink:

And as much as I don't like to point fingers, that would make Mr. Monologue Drake over there a prime target, especially considering many of us are still into the "one of the Coast Guards is insane" theory. However, at this point nothing is proven. Hopefully night may reveal a few answers.

Are you seriously suggesting voting for me because I made a long speech? Seriously? You guys really are desperate to find something today if you're willing to suggest my introduction to you all as "evidence". For one thing, since when has speaking a lot and sanity ever had a linear correlation? I've seen lots of politicians who speak a lot but are clearly insane from the crap they spout, no offense meant to you of course governor. :laugh: It is the content of the words, not the quantity, on which we should truly be assessing people's mental state of mind. Somehow, I don't think "that guy speaks too much, he must be insane" is quite going to cut it when we are talking about lives here, sir, particularly when it is the sort of off-handed rubbish evidence an insane murder could pull later on down the track to try and shift attention elsewhere. Something to be wary of in future, perhaps. I can assure you all I am most definitely sane in both mind and body; I can't help that I'm a bit overly verbose. :blush:

Oh, I totally agree. It's just he seems to be going over-the-top with his speeches, almost like he's trying to act really sane. I'm not saying whether that's hiding something or just proving his loyalty, but it does seem a little bit odd.

On the first day, there's not much evidence, but the least we can do is toss around ideas and see if we get any weird reactions or comments. I'm sorry if I offended you or Drake, I was merely exploring a possibility. :wink:

I can't help the way I speak, some might say that I just like to explore my role in life a lot, and act it out in the most authentic and stylistic manner I can, a lesson perhaps some of you people who can't talk about anything except voting to kill people when we have nothing to go on could take. :wink: Besides, I take pride in my position as an Officer of the United States Coast Guard, and thought a proper introduction was in order. I thank you for your apology anyway, sir, no hard feelings meant. :classic:

My point is that Johnson is a seasoned veteran of rescuism, and you'd do much better listening to him rather than the politician.
*stares at the group, then whispers* You know... I think you're right about the Governor of California being someone else, which makes me wonder if maybe this 'governor' is ... you know... cuckoo for cocoa puffs. :wacko:
Hey, I think Senator Palpatine over there has the right idea. Does anyone want me to go with them? Oh, by the way, I'm Pryce.
Who made you the king of this island?
Because your bossy attitude isn't helping. I trust Johnson with my life, and I don't trust you're capable of anything other than holding cocktail parties.

Look, I'm tired of everyone insulting me.

I stick my neck out to try and get everyone unified, and then I get ridiculed for it. I've most likely made myself a human target for all of you, and then you just turn around and insult me. I'd appreciate it if everyone simply laid off of the Governor Jokes. I'm a smart man, I've been in public office for the past thirty-five years. No idiot could last that long in politics without being good at it, and without having some brains.

All I suggested is that we have a form of government on this island so that we all don't end up like savages. Why don't we look for good food in the jungle, instead of eating Shirley's Mystery Meat? Why don't we build some form of shelter? It's because we're all arguing like idiots. We need to take action in this time of peril.

Much like everyone else, I would like to get off of this island, and continue my trip to Japan. We can't do that arguing around like idiots.

No. I said Carter had a good point that the real insane ones will most probably do their best to keep up the image of being sane.

Carter? Who's idea was it? What's a girl gotta do to get a little respect here :hmpf_bad:

With all of this cooking to do, I haven't been able to pay as much situation to the discussions as I would have liked, but it doesn't do us any good to figure out the insanes if we starve to death before we can deal with them.

As I've been cooking, however, I have been thinking. If there is any logic to this situation, the three who arrived late must include one insane who sabotaged the helicopter. So, statistically, there really is a better chance of us getting lucky and finding them than there is voting for one random person out of the much larger group. Where X=# of insanes (unknown), X in 3 is a lot better odds than X in 18, isn't it?

That said, the chatty one is almost too obvious to be it, plus he's kind of cute, but at this point, I'll go with whatever a majority seems to think. As the days progress, I'm sure we'll learn how to do a better job of making this decision, but I'm not against making one today if everyone thinks similarly.

We could use my fish net stockings for a net!

*stares, muttering something about the pretty ones always being as dumb as that moss covered rock I boiled to make the soup* :sceptic:

What's a girl gotta do to get a little respect here :hmpf_bad:

Flash her big ... smile ... apparently. :hmpf_bad:

Besides, I take pride in my position as an Officer of the United States Coast Guard, and thought a proper introduction was in order...

Oh Drake, you're so masterful!

As I've been cooking, however, I have been thinking. If there is any logic to this situation, the three who arrived late must include one insane who sabotaged the helicopter. So, statistically, there really is a better chance of us getting lucky and finding them than there is voting for one random person out of the much larger group. Where X=# of insanes (unknown), X in 3 is a lot better odds than X in 18, isn't it?

Is it logic? Or just assumption? As yet there's no explanation as to how either your aeroplane or our 'copter came down. Now I really think we need more to go on before anyone makes a terrible mistake. If anyone can pull any scraps of information together over the course of the night, then let's hear them out first.

...plus he's kind of cute...

You noticed too?

Whoa, wait a second! Girls are becoming more infatuated by Drake, aka. "Mr. Mustache", than me?! Now that would be a good reason to vote him off! :tongue:

Whoa, wait a second! Girls are becoming more infatuated by Drake, aka. "Mr. Mustache", than me?! Now that would be a good reason to vote him off! :tongue:

I guessed it would be the reason you half wanted to vote off Drake, your jealous! :tongue:

Look, I'm tired of everyone insulting me.

Three people isn't everyone, and I only gave you a nickname.

As I've been cooking, however, I have been thinking. If there is any logic to this situation, the three who arrived late must include one insane who sabotaged the helicopter. So, statistically, there really is a better chance of us getting lucky and finding them than there is voting for one random person out of the much larger group. Where X=# of insanes (unknown), X in 3 is a lot better odds than X in 18, isn't it?

I totally agree, mainly because I said that same thing earlier, Who do you think is most likely the insane one?

As I've been cooking, however, I have been thinking. If there is any logic to this situation, the three who arrived late must include one insane who sabotaged the helicopter. So, statistically, there really is a better chance of us getting lucky and finding them than there is voting for one random person out of the much larger group. Where X=# of insanes (unknown), X in 3 is a lot better odds than X in 18, isn't it?

Your forgetting that there was at least one on the copter when it went down.

1/3 is pretty good odds but I dont think its enough to lynch one of them. As the pilot of the airplane I think it wasnt sabotage but rather just a mystical force pulling the two aircrafts down towards this island.

As the pilot of the airplane I think it wasnt sabotage but rather just a mystical force pulling the two aircrafts down towards this island.

Alright, now THAT is insane. Come on, a mystical force? That's crazy. That's like saying we're all made of plastic cubes.

Alright, now THAT is insane. Come on, a mystical force? That's crazy. That's like saying we're all made of plastic cubes.

On the contrary, it is a perfectly acceptable explanation. Just as acceptable as saying the aircraft's were both sabotaged. The fact is, we don't know what happened to cause them to both crash, and thus making up our own theories such as saying they were sabotaged or pulled down by mystical forces isn't going to help us at all; as we can see, it's simply confusing matters as now people are mixing up fact with opinion.

I do not believe that there is necessarily an insane murder among the Coast Guard officers, nor any other groups for that matter. Rather, I believe we will find that the insane murders here are randomly spread throughout the entire body of people present. Going off your idea, I could say there must also be a certain number of insane people in the airline staff, or that one of the two old men must be insane, for example. These sorts of groupings are just wishful thinking in my opinion; you can't assess someone's sanity on the number of people present with a similar job, or crap like that. I'm of course not ruling out the possibility that one of my fellow officers is insane, as loath as I am to even think that, or that one or two of the airline staff are insane, or one of the old men is insane. Rather, I am saying that if one of them is insane, it isn't because there must be "one in each group". I mean, another counter argument to myself and my officers being insane is that we weren't even on the island when that group of people plotted and carried out the death of the poor nameless woman earlier. As you can see, there are arguments for grouping people and saying that one among them must be insane that go both ways; thus I should hope it is clear to you all that is is groundless, and not evidence at all. We can't rely on trying to find patterns to find these people; insanity does not spread in a pattern, it spreads randomly and infects weak-minded and vulnerable people. Those are the people we need to be trying to find, ladies and gentlemen, not wasting our time arguing over how many insane individuals must statistically be on the airline staff, for example. :sceptic:

1/3 is pretty good odds but I dont think its enough to lynch one of them. As the pilot of the airplane I think it wasnt sabotage but rather just a mystical force pulling the two aircrafts down towards this island.

You're kidding right? Odds don't get much better than that. It is much easier to identify 1 person out of 3 than it is 4 or 5 out of 20+, especially if we're trying to come to some agreement.

I agree with Shirley and Samantha on this one - wise women, both of them - but with all the other voices of confusion I don't think we're going to have much luck.

So next we have to identify who is babbling just out of naivety... and who's deliberately trying to confuse the group as a whole.

*inserts 10 paragraph essay on the history, politics and structure of the US Coast Guard here*

Typically in a game... of life, about a third of the players are scum anyway. So whoever we vote for, coast guard or not, we'll have about a 1/3 chance of getting an insane. Because if there's only 1 insane coast guard, that means there will be 5 or so insanes among the rest of us.

Typically in a game... of life, about a third of the players are scum anyway. So whoever we vote for, coast guard or not, we'll have about a 1/3 chance of getting an insane. Because if there's only 1 insane coast guard, that means there will be 5 or so insanes among the rest of us.

The point is that its much easier to eliminate one snake out of three than it is to pick one out of the whole pool. Your argument ignores the fact that the wider the pool of potential suspects, the much harder it is to agree to get a bunch of terrified, panicked and confused people to even agree who to nominate and vote for. It's human nature not pure alpha-numerical logic that is at work here.

I don't see any other startling evidence that has come to light that would indicate anyone's particular Insanity, so it looks like we'll be waiting tomorrow. By which time some Sane will probably have died and we'll have advanced no further.

The Day have ended without a conviction; a total of 0 votes were cast.

All players with night actions should now PM their night actions to me, Ricecracker. Thank you.

Can a Mod or Admin please lock this?

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