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Late in the night, Icarus Carter was sneaking towards someone's tent. He needed to know if he could trust them...


Just then, a dark figure approached from behind.

"Hey, you shouldn't be snooping around like that at night. It's dangerous, and you could get hurt", it said.

Icarus jumped with a start, and began sprinting away. The figure chased after, a hatchet (presumably from the plane wreckage) in hand.


Suddenly, Icarus stumbled, and fell to the ground. His pursuer caught up to him, and did not hesitate to do what it had come for. It lifted its hatchet high, and let it fall to Icarus' body, making a thumping noise as it made contact with his torso. The murderer fled, leaving Carter to bleed out in the sand.


Later that night, Bella Teller walked out of her and Brain's makeshift shelter. She began walking along the beach, away from the camp.


"I just can't stand this", she said to herself. "I need to get off this island, and all of this talk of killing people... is just making it worse!". Just then, however, she heard quick footsteps coming towards her. She started turning around, but the cause of the footsteps was quicker. Another figure had a handgun out and ready, and shot her before she got a glimpse of her killer.


The gunshot was loud, but Bella had walked far from the camp, and no one was disturbed. The culprit sprinted away, just in case there was anyone around to investigate.

Meanwhile, Patricia Rockford was sitting alone, near the shore. She was watching the waves roll in and out, thinking about her situation.


Soon, yet another dark figure walked towards her.


"Beautiful, isn't it?" it said, referring to the sea that Patricia seemed to be lost in.

"Yeah", she said, without turning around.

"You want to get off of this island, don't you?" asked the figure, stepping closer.

"Yes, I do. I just want to get home, and be with Drake..."

"Well, don't worry. You two will be seeing each other very soon, and you'll be very far from here..."

The figure pulled a flexible tree branch from behind his back, and wrapped it around Patricia's neck. She struggled, trying to grasp the branch.


But the figure was too strong, and it continued to strangle Patricia. She tried to gasp for air, but when none entered her lungs, she lost conciseness, and soon suffocated. The killer released his victim, and she fell to the ground, lifeless. Dawn was breaking, so the killer began walking back to his tent...

In the morning, the survivors were awoken by a commotion on the beach. They heard screaming, and sobbing. Everyone rushed out of their tents to see what was going on.

Drake Johnson was seen dashing towards Patricia's body.


"No, no, no, no, no!" he sobbed. "This can't be happening, no! Everything I worked for, gone... NO!". He knelt down beside his lover's body.


"My dear Patricia, this can't be. I tried to save us, I did, and everything I've done... it was all for nothing. I am so sorry" he cried.

A few of the islanders tried to calm him down.

"NO!" he screamed. "Stay away! I can't go on like this!". He quickly grabbed Patricia's emergency knife from her utility belt, looked at it, and stabbed himself in the mid-section. He screamed out in pain, and fell to the ground. He was dead.

The survivors winced, and a few started to cry. A few minutes later, the bodies of Bella and Icarus were brought to the shore. It was a great loss. Four dead, and the survivors were still stranded.


Later, the tents and belongings of the deceased were searched. They're sanity was determined.

Bella, Icarus, and Patricia were all Sane. They had wanted to get off of the island and return to their lives at home, but the insanity had killed them. They were gone, but their attempts to escape would not be forgotten.

However, Drake Johnson was found to be Insane. He loved Patricia so much that he was willing to kill innocent people just to live in a paradise with her. In the end, he only ended up killing both of them...

The group decided it was time for action. Four of the twenty-one survivors died in one night, and it was time to flush out the Insanes before more people got hurt. The fight for survival must continue.


The number of votes need for a conviction today is 9. You may not vote for the first 24 hours of this game day.

The Rules:

This game will follow the basic conventions of a Mafia Game. Each "day", you will be given 4 real days in which to vote for someone to kill. The day will end as soon as a majority decision is reached, or when the 4 days are up. If someone has been convicted, you will find out their loyalty shortly after end of the day. After this a night phase will begin, which will last 2 real days. Then the cycle will repeat. Those players with night actions must PM them to Ricecracker during the night phase. If we do not receive them within the two days, they will not be counted.

- There will be two main sides in the game. Your winning criteria will be included with your character PM.

- Voting is to be done in the day thread, and should follow the following format: Vote: Character (Player). Please note the use of bold. This is the only format that will be accepted. To unvote someone, the same applies: Unvote: Character (Player).

- There is a 24 hour limit at the beginning of each day. You are not allowed to vote during this time.

- You may not edit your posts. Violation of this rule may result in a moderator kill.

- Please avoid posting out of character (OOC) in the game thread.

- Do not ever directly quote something the game moderator(s) have sent to you via PM, whether it be your character information, night action results, or any other form of communication. Violation of this rule will result in a moderator kill. You may of course paraphrase any information you receive; if it is your own words then it is fine.

- Do not discuss game tactics or "play the game" outside the game thread, including in the General Discussion thread. You may communicate privately via PM, but this is at your own risk, and should be considered part of playing the game.

- Please be considerate towards the hosts. We will try our best to stick to the schedule, and your cooperation will help this greatly, particularly getting night actions in promptly.

- There may be certain punishments for not reaching a conviction during the day. Said punishments are final, and are to be obeyed.

(Rules borrowed from Dragonator's Mystical Castle).

Will the following players please confirm that they are ready to play in this thread:

Characters and Players:

4487540345_0993a202c4_o.jpg Mike Collinham (Father of Zane and Pryce) - played by TinyPiesRUs

4411252419_11b9efa0d3_o.jpg Richard Ricardo - played by Rick

4337886797_d82f7c329f_o.jpg Ellen Allison - played by Eskallon

4337886569_12320307c5_o.jpg Leo Nathans - played by The Legonator

4412019774_5559520e5c_o.jpg Callie Peterson (Head of airplane staff) - played by CallMePie

4337886835_af3bf9fab3_o.jpg Samantha Wonderfield (Co-Pilot) - played by Sok117

4336664138_94b93aee2b_o.jpg Ian Denton (Steward) - played by Iamded

4488189526_fbc539b5ff_o.jpg Bill Campbell (old friend of Cyril's) - played by Big Cam

4497362695_7a0d8a8a2b_o.jpg Zane Collinham (son of Mike and brother of Pryce) - played by Zapper Brick

4497998612_518d7ec103_o.jpg Ron Callister (Pilot) - played by Ronconator

4500917080_cdc5be4cf5_o.jpg Deborah Fredricks (Stewardess) - played by Def

4500917104_e18f803bea_o.jpg Pryce Collinham (son of Mike and brother of Zane) - played by Professor Flitwick

4336513232_e52f2f0ff4_o.jpg Cyril Jenssens (old friend of Bill's) - played by Svelte

4500917202_228c8116c5_o.jpg Brian Mason (Governer of California) - played by Bob the Construction Man

4500282277_5a88d8f788_o.jpg Wyatt Fandorski - played by WhiteFang

4518782591_2625bdc661_o.jpg Shirley Dover (Chef of the flight) - played by Shadows

4415229974_af28698ccc_o.jpg Seth Diaz (Coast Guard Officer, joined on Day 1) - played by Sandy

The Deceased

4555788063_2aea902613_o.jpg Icarus Carter (Air Marshal) - played by Inconspicuous - Stabbed to death on Night 1. Sane

4556417206_b9ac5f62e7_o.jpg Bella Teller ("mistress" of Governer Brian Mason) - played by Badboytje88 - Shot on Night 1. Sane

4556417366_eb6a90225c_o.jpg Patricia Rockford (Coast Guard Officer, joined on Day 1) - played by Pedro - Strangled to death on Night 1. Sane

4556417446_061ca1aa5f_o.jpg Drake Johnson (Coast Guard Officer, joined on Day 1) - played by Dragonator - Suicide on Day 2. Insane


Escape the Fate



The crazy one



General Armendariz



Sweet jesus, what a massacre! :hmpf: I don't think I've ever seen anything like it. If this continues, the island will be emptier than a monkey's skull within days.... :sceptic:

*gibbers and climbs a palm tree*

*takes a few deep breaths, climbs back down*

Well it appears that those of us who suspected that at least one of the Coast Guard was Insane - and that the handsome blowhard Drake was a prime suspect - have been proven correct.

Seth, you seemed to provide unwavering support to Drake - do you have any explanation? Or should we turn our attention to you?

Whoa there people... 4 dead in a night? :wacko:

Ok, let's try to follow this... crazy babbling Drake killed the love of his life and himself? Does he mean he killed her by getting them stranded here? If so, why would someone else kill her and seal his fate? Shame too, he was kinda cute.

How many people could the insanes possibly kill in one night? I wouldn't think more than one, which leaves us with 2 unaccounted for. I'm afraid we may have a sane person who has taken it upon themselves to solve this problem on their own, and they made a mistake last night. I would ask that they please be more careful about that as we can't afford to take so many sane losses.

And even then, we're still stuck with one more death to account for. This isn't making any sense at all.

Kind of weird, too... three to one. Just the ratio we talked about so much yesterday. Not a good start, but hopefully that still leaves us with the same ratio and isn't a total loss.

I do get the feeling we lost someone important in Carter though. :sceptic:

:cry_sad: This is awful! 4 people dead, 3 murdered in the night! It is good that 1 was an insane, though. Well, it seemed some of us, me included, were proved wrong, I suppose one of the coast guard really was an insane. I too wonder about these murderers.

I'm almost sure that one of the insane was a murderer. Perhaps Drake was a killer? I hope so, because if he is not, I bet one of those crazies is still waiting to kill someone else in the night...*Shudders*

The most important question is clear---what kind of airplane security lets an axe go missed?

The most important question is clear---what kind of airplane security lets an axe go missed?

Good idea, lets ask her, Callie, what kind of airplane security lets an axe go missed? Only one day and your delusional. After all you are Head of Airplane Staff so I guess it would be easy for you to slip an axe and a gun aboard our flight. You better choose your next words really carefully.

Good god, what happened last night?!

We can only assume that Drake was the one who sabotaged the helicopter and caused it to crash. About Carter, the Air Marshall, I believe him to have been the investigator.

Now then, Bella's death strikes me as odd. Perhaps someone is trying to scare me by killing Bella, telling me to back away. Why would someone kill Bella, but not me? This is most disturbing, and upsetting. We haven't really learned much at all last night, except that there are three killers. We must be careful.

So Darke was Insane, I had a hunch he was, what with all those speachs, he could've been a toaster salesman. :grin:

It is sad that many innocents were lost last night. :cry_sad: I feel that today we must finally vote someone off, otherwise we might not get so lucky like we did with Drake.

Good idea, lets ask her, Callie, what kind of airplane security lets an axe go missed? Only one day and your delusional. After all you are Head of Airplane Staff so I guess it would be easy for you to slip an axe and a gun aboard our flight. You better choose your next words really carefully.

I meant the staff at the airport, not the airplane. I do not control the ground staff.

This is absolutely shocking! What kind of island have I been stranded on? What a bunch of crazies!

Was anyone able to find anything out about the survivors here?

4 killed and 3 murderers. This is shocking! :cry_sad: Well my condolences go out to the governor, will you be alright with your cheap little whore dead now?

This is total madness. I can't imagine what has happened last night.. 4 deaths in one night! That's almost impossible, but we have clearly understand that there are 3 killers among us, and I am almost certain that among the 3 killers, there ought to be a insane, sane and neutral killers hiding among us. Clearly, we don't know whom action represents whom at this point in time, but certainly for sure, I urge the sane killer to be very careful and not to kill the innocents one at night.

However, I find it very interesting about the Coast Guard theory whom one of us put across, and somehow or another, can I assume that Seth Diaz, the last remaining Coast Guard Officer to be highly innocent since 2 of the officers are dead, and that sly scumy Drake Johnson is scum. I will like to believe he is innocent at this moment, and it's reasonably to assume that Drake Johnson whom is insane, is the one whom sabotage the Coast Guard helicopter.

Let's plan our next step very carefully. If anyone have any findings or observations, please point us to the right direction.

I do get the feeling we lost someone important in Carter though. :sceptic:
Was anyone able to find anything out about the survivors here?

My thoughts exactly :sadnew: I'm afraid Carter was out and about at night to find something out...

Well my condolences go out to the governor, will you be alright with your cheap little whore dead now?

Let's not start a fight. We need to stick together to get out of this alive. Although, it is rather suspicious that while Drake killed himself over the loss of his lover, governor Mason isn't even mourning over the death of his mistress.

This is total madness. I can't imagine what has happened last night.. 4 deaths in one night! That's almost impossible, but we have clearly understand that there are 3 killers among us, and I am almost certain that among the 3 killers, there ought to be a insane, sane and neutral killers hiding among us.

Can we know for sure we are looking at three murderers? If so, a sane killer made an expensive mistake.

However, I find it very interesting about the Coast Guard theory whom one of us put across, and somehow or another, can I assume that Seth Diaz, the last remaining Coast Guard Officer to be highly innocent since 2 of the officers are dead, and that sly scumy Drake Johnson is scum. I will like to believe he is innocent at this moment, and it's reasonably to assume that Drake Johnson whom is insane, is the one whom sabotage the Coast Guard helicopter.

Yesterday, most of you were not going to reason in terms of odds per group of people. Why should we now automatically assume that the remaining Coast Guard officer is sane? I'm not at all saying he's insane, but it may be dangerous to just assume he's sane.

we have clearly understand that there are 3 killers among us, and I am almost certain that among the 3 killers, there ought to be a insane, sane and neutral killers hiding among us.

I would tend to agree with this theory.

That said, I would like to make an appeal to the neutral killer.

I realise that right now you don't care who survives or who dies, but in the long run it is in your best interest to work with us to rid the island of the crazies. There is no way to be certain that they won't kill you as quickly as they'll kill us, but we have no desire to do that, it doesn't help us (as long as you aren't killing us). We need you to keep the balance in our favour because you count as being on our side. They will see you as just another person to kill as they try to overpower us.

Please consider that as you make your decisions.

can I assume that Seth Diaz, the last remaining Coast Guard Officer to be highly innocent since 2 of the officers are dead, and that sly scumy Drake Johnson is scum. I will like to believe he is innocent at this moment, and it's reasonably to assume that Drake Johnson whom is insane, is the one whom sabotage the Coast Guard helicopter.

It certainly makes sense, Mustafa Wyatt, but I'm not assuming anything about anybody yet. For all we know, people can catch insanity on this island, which means that none of us is safe. :sceptic:

My thoughts exactly :sadnew: I'm afraid Carter was out and about at night to find something out...

I just realised something about our dear Carter, and I agreed that Carter has an important role, and it's our great loss to our cause...

Can we know for sure we are looking at three murderers? If so, a sane killer made an expensive mistake.

Yes, based on the above scenes. There were 3 different ways of conducting the murders last night, namely the axe, the pistol and the flexible tree branch (or likely whatever stuff he is holding). Each night, based on the given limited time frame, it's only possible that one murder was committed by one person and there is no way one person could go away with 2 murders in one night. Therefore, I am almost very certain there is 3 killers among us...

Yesterday, most of you were not going to reason in terms of odds per group of people. Why should we now automatically assume that the remaining Coast Guard officer is sane? I'm not at all saying he's insane, but it may be dangerous to just assume he's sane.

I was not following the discussion closely, but was it Carter whom suggested this Coast Guard theory? I need to trust the right people, and based on the given results, I will like to think the remaining Coast Guard officer is highly innocent. Somewhere in this course of life, we need to place trust onto some parties, otherwise how are we going to work together to eliminate the rest of the insane parties. I am not asking all of you to believe that Seth or myself to be sane in an automatic process, it's your call and judgement and I know it's not completely right to "assume" the characters' profile division but from the crazy events last night, I am following my gut feelings.

I would tend to agree with this theory.

Thanks Shirley.

That said, I would like to make an appeal to the neutral killer.

I realise that right now you don't care who survives or who dies, but in the long run it is in your best interest to work with us to rid the island of the crazies. There is no way to be certain that they won't kill you as quickly as they'll kill us, but we have no desire to do that, it doesn't help us (as long as you aren't killing us). We need you to keep the balance in our favour because you count as being on our side. They will see you as just another person to kill as they try to overpower us.

Please consider that as you make your decisions.

I strongly agreed. I also make an appeal to our neutral killer to work with the sanes. You could not want to live it through with those lunatics in this abandoned island. You can join us and helps to identify those crazy people out there.

It certainly makes sense, Mustafa Wyatt, but I'm not assuming anything about anybody yet. For all we know, people can catch insanity on this island, which means that none of us is safe. :sceptic:

As what I have mentioned above, we need to start trusting people somewhere somehow, but your point above has triggered my thoughts and I agreed with your statement. It's very highly possible that anyone of us down here could catch insanity somehow. Let's all pray that such epidemic won't spread to our clear minds.

Hey, what the hell is going- 4 deaths?! Jayzus begorrah! At this rate we won't last a week! So, it seems some of us are quite stab-happy. Now, let's look at our dearly deceased. Patricia, our lovely accented Coast-guard. Bella Teller, Gov's mistress. And Icarus, the Air Marshall. Can anyone think of who these people rubbed the wrong way, someone who might have invoked their suspicion? I think the Air Marshall would have been a fairly obvious target for the crazies.

Well my condolences go out to the governor, will you be alright with your cheap little whore dead now?

Whoa, what's with the hostility, champ? What's our good guv'nor done to invoke your spite, eh?

For all we know, people can catch insanity on this island, which means that none of us is safe. :sceptic:

Catch insanity? Now, I may have failed Biology, but I'm pretty sure insanity isn't something that can be caught...

Then again, this island is pretty crazy. :wacko: We shouldn't rule anything out...

Speaking of not ruling anything out...

Each night, based on the given limited time frame, it's only possible that one murder was committed by one person and there is no way one person could go away with 2 murders in one night. Therefore, I am almost very certain there is 3 killers among us...

Now how can you be so sure of these 'facts'? I mean, sure, it's logical and stuff, but these crazies are anything but logical. Surely an insane dude could have used different weapons? I mean, why not? And why do you say limited time frame? It was all night... Now, I'm not speaking out against you, you seem like a cool guy, I'm just saying we shouldn't be ruling anything out.

Speaking of not ruling anything out...

Now how can you be so sure of these 'facts'? I mean, sure, it's logical and stuff, but these crazies are anything but logical. Surely an insane dude could have used different weapons? I mean, why not? And why do you say limited time frame? It was all night... Now, I'm not speaking out against you, you seem like a cool guy, I'm just saying we shouldn't be ruling anything out.

Ian, I am very sure of these "facts", is because of my experience of reading these kind of books. It's all pretty standard, and of course I am looking at the standard point of view where these evidences are presented today, and from there, we reached a conjunction. Ok, I may have used the wrong word to represent the scene, but what I meant by "limited time frame" is refer to if anyone of us whom owns a night action, be it sane or insane, it's logical to conclude that the action can be used only "once" for whatever reasons. Yes, we can assume anything is possible, but I am very certain it still operates on a basic framework which I falls back on.


M-my colleagues! Both dead, just like that!

And Drake, that s-o-b! I considered him my father figure, and it turns out he was cuckoo this whole time!

Seth, you seemed to provide unwavering support to Drake - do you have any explanation? Or should we turn our attention to you?

What can I say? We rescuers are a tight bunch and no badmouthing is accepted between us - it could jeopardize our effectiveness and cooperation during missions, you see?

But I have to stand down at the face of the truth, and admit that I was wrong to trust Drake. Is there any chance I can now assure you guys that I'm sane, like Patricia was?

Yes, based on the above scenes. There were 3 different ways of conducting the murders last night, namely the axe, the pistol and the flexible tree branch (or likely whatever stuff he is holding). Each night, based on the given limited time frame, it's only possible that one murder was committed by one person and there is no way one person could go away with 2 murders in one night. Therefore, I am almost very certain there is 3 killers among us...

Is that a rule that murderers would follow, I don't think murderest bastards go by any rules. I think it's possible for there to be less than 3 killers. Granted you do make perfect sense Wyatt, I'm just trying to explore all options, maybe the branched killer was a native to the island wanted to kill anyone that comes here?

Cyril, thank God you survived the night, I don't know what I'd do without my longtime friend by my side.

This is crazy! Four dead? Drake insane? I don't know what do think.

Let's lay down the facts...

1. Icarus, Bella, Drake and Patricia are all dead.

2. The Cast Guard theory sems to be true.

3. Icarus appears to have been holding a magnifing glass.

4. Icarus was chopped, Bella shot, Patricia strangled.

5. Seth is now the only survivng CG.

6. Bella has some relation to the Govenor (or vice-govenor)

Has anyone been able to get a glance at this killer? Now Wyatt, Your theroey has merit, but consider this- a gun was used. That would certanly save time, but truth be told, we have no idea how many killers we have. It could be us all, for all we know. It is possible Bella was killed to get to the govener, but not many had bad relations with the govenor... exsept- and I hate to say it- Seth, the last Coast gaurd. But surely there couldn't be 2 insane CGs, could there? And what was Icarus doing with a magnifing glass?

This is crazy! Four dead? Drake insane? I don't know what do think.

Let's lay down the facts...

1. Icarus, Bella, Drake and Patricia are all dead.

2. The Coast Guard theory sems to be true.

3. Icarus appears to have been holding a magnifing glass.

4. Icarus was chopped, Bella shot, Patricia strangled.

5. Seth is now the only survivng CG.

6. Bella has some relation to the Govenor (or vice-governor)

Has anyone been able to get a glance at this killer? Now Wyatt, Your theroey has merit, but consider this- a gun was used. That would certanly save time, but truth be told, we have no idea how many killers we have. It could be us all, for all we know. It is possible Bella was killed to get to the govener, but not many had bad relations with the govenor... except- and I hate to say it- Seth, the last Coast gaurd. But surely there couldn't be 2 insane CGs, could there? And what was Icarus doing with a magnifing glass?

Icarus was most likely the Loyal Invsetigator.

Maybe the cuckoo aren't killing in any real order, just randomly killing sane.

It was a lucky break the Drake comitted suicide. Do we just kill someone on random, and hope they're nuts? :sceptic:

It was a lucky break the Drake comitted suicide. Do we just kill someone on random, and hope they're nuts? :sceptic:

Surely not- doing so will only get the rest of us killed. All we have is flimsy evidence- none of which I particualrily belive. But truthfully I no longer know who or what to trust, I trusted Drake, and now he's been relealed to be insane.

Cyril, thank God you survived the night, I don't know what I'd do without my longtime friend by my side.

I know, Bill. You work for decades and decades in some menial job, looking forward to the end of your work life and the holiday you will take with your best bud, and then as soon as you fly out you crash on some deserted island with a bunch of murdering loonies! :cry_sad: It almost makes me wish I'd just gone to Disneyland instead :thumbdown:

We also know that the person to kill Patricia was surely a male type person, just by looking at these footprints *glances down on beach* and that this hatchet is presumably from the plane wreckage as I could not imagine someone finding it on the island. At least three possible killers, this makes the decision very hard, may I suggest some breakfast, Shirley, just as we think this over?

I know, Bill. You work for decades and decades in some menial job, looking forward to the end of your work life and the holiday you will take with your best bud, and then as soon as you fly out you crash on some deserted island with a bunch of murdering loonies! :cry_sad: It almost makes me wish I'd just gone to Disneyland instead :thumbdown:

But then you'd be surrounded by crazy kids instead of kilers- granted that's pretty much the same.

But then you'd be surrounded by crazy kids instead of kilers- granted that's pretty much the same.

If Malaysia Legoland was open, I could have gone there. But it's not due to start operations until 2013! :hmpf_bad::tongue:

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