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I think we must come to an agreement.

Vote: Ellen Allison/Eskallon

I don't see the advantage of voting the guy who's been away from his computer for too long sitting on the far side of the island. If he's sane, we're just cutting our numbers down a little more. If he's insane, then it's just blind luck. I would rather wait till we had a better idea of what's going on to vote.

I don't see the advantage of voting the guy who's been away from his computer for too long sitting on the far side of the island. If he's sane, we're just cutting our numbers down a little more. If he's insane, then it's just blind luck. I would rather wait till we had a better idea of what's going on to vote.

I know Ellen looks quite masculine, but it certainly doesn't make you look any saner if you keep calling her "him". :wink:

We are using the only weapon we are given to fight back the crazies on this island. If you don't want us to use it, then you clearly are insane yourself. Three sane people died last night. More will surely die on the following nights. Waiting will not achieve us anything.

I don't see the advantage of voting the guy who's been away from his computer for too long sitting on the far side of the island. If he's sane, we're just cutting our numbers down a little more. If he's insane, then it's just blind luck. I would rather wait till we had a better idea of what's going on to vote.

Not to point any blame, but I did see Ellanor view the thread listen to our conversations and debates, and did not post say anything, so she had a chance to clear her name. :sceptic: I'll wait for her to explain, but if it isn't satisfactory, then she'll get my vote.

Female odds 1/5

I think are best chance is to lynch a women, my best guess would be Ellen, afterall she carries around a knife in her belt.

The only real odds were on the coast guards as most rolls are asigned randomly.

Anyway, I'm going to vote now, and I'm basing this vote on the person staying silent throughout the day even though she is usually highly talkative in these Games of Life. Whoops, was that metagaming I did just there? :oh:

Vote: Ellen Allison/Eskallon

First off, I have been busy in the past week and yesterday a pipe in the kitchen burst leaving our kitchen flooding and it was about 1/2 an hour till we realised :thumbdown:

Now I think you should look at evidence against me, what leads you to vote for me apart from I have been a little inactive and now back on track. This island has already started to do wonders to all of you making you so inhuman. Seth you acuse Deborah for being human and not killing at random, yes in your eyes I could be insane or sane ,50:50, but is it worth it seth to try it. :sceptic: I promise you, that you will regret it. Same with the rest of you.

Shirly, shame on you too, you seem to be perfectly ok with trusting the theory that I am inane as I am being a little too quiet for your liking. :hmpf_bad:

Do as you will my friends but be perfectly prepared to admit to your mistake when Im stabbed in the back and proved to be innocent. Remember, help will only come when fate decides and killing an innocent will not help you to be rescued or to fight the insanes.

Not to point any blame, but I did see Ellanor view the thread listen to our conversations and debates, and did not post say anything, so she had a chance to clear her name. :sceptic: I'll wait for her to explain, but if it isn't satisfactory, then she'll get my vote.

The last time I viewed this thread was this morning before work (I was late already and only read one or two comments before realising I was too late and there were to many posts to read which said nothing about me) or yesterday, I think. :hmpf_bad:

We are using the only weapon we are given to fight back the crazies on this island. If you don't want us to use it, then you clearly are insane yourself. Three sane people died last night. More will surely die on the following nights. Waiting will not achieve us anything.

And voting a possibly sane person off will help :hmpf: I see no evidence, not a bit, that Ellen is insane. Give us a legitimate reason to even suspect them. Please.

And voting a possibly sane person off will help :hmpf: I see no evidence, not a bit, that Ellen is insane. Give us a legitimate reason to even suspect them. Please.

I have stated my reasons, and if they're not enough for you, then I can't help you.

You are free to just sit down and wait for someone to chop/shoot/stab/choke you, but don't blame me for not doing the same.

I don't believe we have any factual evidence against Ellen. If we get a conviction, so be it, but I'm hanging back looking for motives. Allow me to add one to my list off possible subject...

Cyril (Strong believer in the Coast guard theory, also argued with Drake)

I have stated my reasons, and if they're not enough for you, then I can't help you.

You said this:

Anyway, I'm going to vote now, and I'm basing this vote on the person staying silent throughout the day even though she is usually highly talkative in these Games of Life. Whoops, was that metagaming I did just there? :oh:

If you think that is evidence and a good reason to condemn an innocent woman to her death, then you really are insane. Oh and you also said you stated your reasons. Please do state the rest as I can only find one which is above and to be honest it sucks as a reason to murder a person.

You said this:

If you think that is evidence and a good reason to condemn an innocent woman to her death, then you really are insane. Oh and you also said you stated your reasons. Please do state the rest as I can only find one which is above and to be honest it sucks as a reason to murder a person.

I agree, and I have now seen two counts of possible insanity on Seth. I'm getting suspisious.

The only real odds were on the coast guards as most rolls are asigned randomly.

All roles were assigned randomly...

First off, I have been busy in the past week and yesterday a pipe in the kitchen burst leaving our kitchen flooding and it was about 1/2 an hour till we realised :thumbdown:


The last time I viewed this thread was this morning before work (I was late already and only read one or two comments before realising I was too late and there were to many posts to read which said nothing about me) or yesterday, I think. :hmpf_bad:

As stated in the rules, please keep all off-topic comments to the Confirmation and Discussion thread. All of that could've been simply posted in the discussion thread...

Thank you.

You've been on my case the whole day, haven't you? I thought I already explained myself to you: I was just defending a long-time colleague from a lynch mob formed by total strangers. On retrospective, the lynch mob was right, but how the heck could I have know that? :tongue:

You can suspect me all you want, but I'm sane despite some flaws in my personality.

Anyway, I'm going to vote now, and I'm basing this vote on the person staying silent throughout the day even though she is usually highly talkative in these Games of Life. Whoops, was that metagaming I did just there? :oh:

Vote: Ellen Allison/Eskallon


Yes, yes it was. :hmpf_bad:

Wish I had a better theory... :blush:

Vote: Ellen Allison/Eskallon

And now for dinner! It's a lovely fire roasted fish that I can't identify, glazed in a pineapple, coconut rum sauce then briefly lit to sear in the goodness. No, there isn't any more rum, this was all I could find. There are roasted potatoes though, and a nice salad of local greens that I think are safe. I'm pretty sure. Maybe skip the berries. :look:

Vote: Ellen Allison/Eskallon

Very well. As long as we're voting someone off today.

This seems like such a trivial reason to vote for someone. I wish there was some kind of actual evidence. I mean voting for someone who is silent is just as blind as voting for someone who talks your ear off. I just don't want to kill a SANE person.

Shirley and Brian, your blind obidience to Seth is concerning. It's almost like you 3 are workign together, once makes a suggestion and without so much as a suggestive comment, you join his vote. Hmmm.

Shirley and Brian, your blind obidience to Seth is concerning. It's almost like you 3 are workign together, once makes a suggestion and without so much as a suggestive comment, you join his vote. Hmmm.

That is the one thing that's keeping me from voting as well. Another possible scenario would be to vote on one of them off. If we're lucky and find one of them to be insane, ... we may have found two more. I'm really torn between this scenario and Mike and Ellen's initial silence.

That is the one thing that's keeping me from voting as well. Another possible scenario would be to vote on one of them off. If we're lucky and find one of them to be insane, ... we may have found two more. I'm really torn between this scenario and Mike and Ellen's initial silence.

If we're seriously entertaining this idea, i suggest we go for Seth- he ahas the most stacked up against him.

You really are a bunch of headless chickens, aren't you? I'm just playing this Game of Life with what I'm given.

I can with no problem admit that I do not know at all whether Ellen is sane or not, but I'm not so foolish as to believe that the insane ones will suddenly reveal themselves to us. Ellen is still suspicious to me, and clinging to my every word will not make me change my vote.

If you have any trace of logic in you, you'd understand that a person wishing to hide (like the insane do) would not go about throwing accusations and starting votes against people. Remember that the insane ones know who's on their side, they can plan and strategize and act covert - we don't have that luxury. I may be rash, but that's the only way to show the insane ones that I'm not afraid of them, that I'm willing to pull them out even if it means risking innocent lives (even myself).

You can vote me all you want, I dare you, but that'll just show what fools you are to the insane ones, and they'll continue plucking you out one by one (or three by three, like last night) while you cower in fear, waiting for some miraculous evidence to fall into your laps.

And don't forget that there will be consequences for not getting a conviction. I know these Games of Life well enough to know that it won't be anything good for us sane ones.

There, I hope I've managed to smack some sense into you panic-ridden hens. :tongue:

Shirley and Brian, your blind obidience to Seth is concerning. It's almost like you 3 are workign together, once makes a suggestion and without so much as a suggestive comment, you join his vote. Hmmm.

Wouldn't that be way too obvious? If I were insane, I wouldn't be that moronic.

I am certainly not scheming anything with Shirley and Brian, my vote was my own and they decided to follow it with no better option at hand. I have no idea if they are insane or not, but I certainly hope they aren't and that Ellen would be. I'd hate to vote out an innocent person, but like I've repeatedly said, there's no other way for us to get rid of the insane ones than to take a chance.

I have stated my reasons, and if they're not enough for you, then I can't help you.

Your reason was meta-gaming based on someone's behaviour in previous games - as you said so yourself - so don't wait for a tidal wave of support to knock you over :sadnew:

I don't trust Seth and if the roles are assigned randomly then there's no real reason why two of the coastguard couldn't be insane. Voting based without any compelling reason or logic is on the nose to me and it seems like Seth has picked on an easy target.

Vote: Seth/ Sandy

Your reason was meta-gaming based on someone's behaviour in previous games - as you said so yourself - so don't wait for a tidal wave of support to knock you over :sadnew:

I don't trust Seth and if the roles are assigned randomly then there's no real reason why two of the coastguard couldn't be insane. Voting based without any compelling reason or logic is on the nose to me and it seems like Seth has picked on an easy target.

Vote: Seth/ Sandy

I'm trying to rally you people to vote, not to cower in fear. It'd really be sad and pathetic if you guys would turn on me for that, but I can't help it if you do. :sceptic:

I'm trying to rally you people to vote, not to cower in fear.

You have no real basis and that's what people are objecting to.

Incidentally, calling people a bunch of 'headless chickens' isn't the kind of rallying that will do you any favours.

Allow me to add one to my list off possible subject...

Cyril (Strong believer in the Coast guard theory, also argued with Drake)

Wait, how am I a suspect if I was right about Drake? :wacko:


We aren't getting anywhere. I am very upset. Everyone is turning against each other, and votes are scattered. I'd prefer to stay out of voting for the time being, and it's clear we have no concrete evidence to base any senesible (that is to say, not random) voting. If there's a sane investigator, please investigate somebody, anybody.

I'm trying to rally you people to vote, not to cower in fear. It'd really be sad and pathetic if you guys would turn on me for that, but I can't help it if you do. :sceptic:

If it makes you feel any better Seth, I don't think there is enough evidence against you, Besides, I think we should keep your muscly arms around for protection :wub:. As for my vote I still think that the governor has caused a lot of uproar among us. I'd keep my eye out for him if I were you...

There are about 22 hours left in the day. 9 votes are needed to convict.

Vote Tally:

Ellen/Eskallon: 4 (Zapper Brick, Shadows, BobTCM, Sandy)

Seth/Sandy: 1 (Svelte)

Hmm... This is most conflicting, I am still not sure who to vote for at all. I dont get how you guys can pull these accusations right out of the air without no solid evidence to back it up.

You have no real basis and that's what people are objecting to.

Incidentally, calling people a bunch of 'headless chickens' isn't the kind of rallying that will do you any favours.

I'm not trying to rally people behind me, though, just rally them to vote in general. At this point we don't really know anything, but we should still vote out those who we feel could be insane. This Game of Life against the bad guys isn't won by not doing anything.

We have to start voting people out or the insane will win for sure, and I'd like it to be sooner than later. Get them before they get you, that's my motto. :wink:

If there's a sane investigator, please investigate somebody, anybody.

I was under the impression that he was axed, what with the wandering at night and having a very investigative looking magnifying glass. I'm talking about Icarus Carter, the Air Marshal. Shame, Icarus is such a cool name.

Anyway, this whole voting thing...

It seems to me that convincing people to not vote is quite suspicious behaviour, as if no one gets voted out then there's not even a chance of a crazy being taken down, unless there's a sane killer who strikes out and gets lucky. (That may have came out wrong... :look:) Meanwhile, while no one is convicted, the crazies go on a killing spree and the sanes go on a clueless, helpless dying streak.

Then again, voting off someone with damn near no evidence - no, wait, not a shred of evidence at all, (other than people's opinions and accusations) is a risky game, as I'm certain the sanes outnumber the crazies therefore odds are against us, so encouraging us to do so is suspicious behaviour.

Remember, the crazies know who else is crazy, so if they manage to get the ball rolling against someone who's sane, then they can all rally behind that which will convince the rest of us that it's the right way to go. So hell, I don't know what to do. Earlier I had almost convinced myself to vote, but now I've talked myself out of it. Damn I'm persuasive. :tongue:

Earlier I had almost convinced myself to vote, but now I've talked myself out of it. Damn I'm persuasive. :tongue:

And you're calling other people insane? :laugh:

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