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Thank you for the list. I will use this post to fill in my sets.


4429 - Helicopter Rescue - Theme: City / Hospital (2012)

[brickset] | [bricklink]


arrow-down-1.pngLXF-File [LDD 4.3.5]


(to be completed)


4436 - Patrol Car - Theme: City / Police (2012)

[brickset] | [bricklink]


arrow-down-1.pngLXF-File [LDD 4.3.5]


(to be completed)


4442 - Glider - Theme: City / Airport (2012)

[brickset] | [bricklink]


arrow-down-1.pngLXF-File [LDD 4.3.5]


(to be completed)


4992 - Fire Boat - Theme: City / Fire (2007)

[brickset] | [bricklink]


arrow-down-1.pngLXF-File [LDD 4.3.5]


(to be completed)


7267 - Paramedic - Theme: City / Hospital (2005) (Promotional)

[brickset] | [bricklink]


arrow-down-1.pngLXF-File [LDD 4.3.5]


(to be completed)

Edited by PsyKater

3857 - Draida Bay - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing prints

3858 - Waldurk Forest - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing prints

3859 - Caverns of Nathuz - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing prints

3860 - Castle Fortaan - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing prints

Flame piece cannot be attache to fire assembly.

3874 - Ilrion - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing prints

30170 - Ganrash - Theme: Games


LXF File


Missing prints

21102 - Minecraft Micro World - Theme: Other


LXF File


Missing prints

3836 - Magikus- Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

3837 - Monster 4 - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing prints

3838 - Lava Dragon - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing Prints

3846 - UFO Attack - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing prints

3847 - Magma Monster - Theme: Games


LXF File


Lego die cannot be dual coloured.

Missing Prints

5771 - Hillside House [Model B] - theme: Creator


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

5771 - Hillside House [Model C] - theme: Creator


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

Thanks, Calabar.

3866 Star Wars: The Battle of Hoth (LDD 4.3.5 - Games)

LXF File



Missing prints

COMCON019 Sith Infiltrator (LDD 4.3.8 - Star Wars: Microfighters)

LXF File



Incorrect/missing prints

9677 X-wing Starfighter And Yavin 4 (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Planet Series 2)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

9678 Twin-Pod Cloud Car And Bespin (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Planet Series 2)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

9679 AT-ST And Endor (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Planet Series 2)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

You missed the last one off your list.

Edited by ADHO15

7302 (aka 1416) - Worker Robot - Space - Life on Mars



Missing or incorrect decorations

7311 - Red Planet Cruiser - Space - Life on Mars



Missing or incorrect decorations

Coming soon with the other models.

4207 – City Garage - Theme: City / Traffic

[bricklink] [brickset]


4207 LXF


- Different decoration on Earth Blue and Bright Orange minifig torso (best fitting replacement)

- Black String with Knobs 10M (63143) missing (hoses on gas pumps) - no replacement

- No strings for tow truck and car lift.

EDIT: Decoration on Bright Orange torso corrected with LDD 4.3.6 / Brickversion 1007

4208 – 4x4 Fire Truck - Theme: City / (Forest) Fire

[bricklink] [brickset]


4208 LXF

30017 – Police Boat - Theme: City / Police

[bricklink] [brickset]


30017 LXF

30018 – Police Plane - Theme: City / Police

[bricklink] [brickset]


30018 LXF

30019 – Fire Helicopter - Theme: City / Fire

[bricklink] [brickset]


30019 LXF

30150 – Race Car - Theme: City / Traffic

[bricklink] [brickset]


30150 LXF

30152 – Mining Quad - Theme: City / Mining

[bricklink] [brickset]


30152 LXF


- Sets 4208, 30017, 30017, 30019, 30150 and 30152: no issues in LDD 4.3.5 :cry_happy:

Edited by Sjuip

5771 - Hillside House [Model B] - theme: Creator

LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

5771 - Hillside House [Model C] - theme: Creator

LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

It looks like you used 37 Bright Green where you should have used 28 Dark Green (standard LEGO green). It's an easy mistake to make, so watch out for that in the future! It should be a bit easier to keep track now that TLG is using Bright Green in a lot more applications, such as this year's Garbage Truck and Recycling Truck sets.

7314 - Recon Mech - Space - Life on Mars



30542 not in LDD - replaced with custom assembly

x131a, x151 not flexible

7316 - Excavation Searcher - Space - Life on Mars




30542 not in LDD - replaced with custom assemblies

32190 and 32191 replaced with 44352 and 44353

4859 replaced with 48183

x151 and 78c13 not flexible

7317 - Aero Tube Hangar - Space - Life on Mars







x153 not in LDD - replaced with custom assemblies

4859 replaced with 48183

It looks like you used 37 Bright Green where you should have used 28 Dark Green (standard LEGO green). It's an easy mistake to make, so watch out for that in the future! It should be a bit easier to keep track now that TLG is using Bright Green in a lot more applications, such as this year's Garbage Truck and Recycling Truck sets.

Gnaar, this is what happens when you use somebody else's "A" model to save time picking parts. I'm now apprehensive about uploading my B and C models for set 7346 - Seaside House, since there are issues with this verdant menace.

I can't find certain parts in LDD's basic mode by searching for their unique numbers, as listed in the official instructions for set 7346. I know that the 16x16 baseplate (which CAN be found) is the new bright green, and is listed alongside a lot of other pieces which are probably in the standard green.

Updated 5771 B & C anyways.

Edited by Gnac

Gnaar, this is what happens when you use somebody else's "A" model to save time picking parts. I'm now apprehensive about uploading my B and C models for set 7346 - Seaside House, since there are issues with this verdant menace.

In the LDD 4.3.5 there is now a feature to make a custom brick palette. If you use LDD Manager you can import all the parts from BL for a certain set and create a such palette....with the right bricks in the right amount in the right color.

In the LDD 4.3.5 there is now a feature to make a custom brick palette. If you use LDD Manager you can import all the parts from BL for a certain set and create a such palette....with the right bricks in the right amount in the right color.

What? Where is this function? (I do not have access to LDD at the moment)

What? Where is this function? (I do not have access to LDD at the moment)

I thought you'd react like that :classic:

Here you can read about it.

And how the feature to generate a palette works in LDD Manager, you can read about in the help file.

4958 - Monster Dino (B Model) - Theme: Creator



4958 - Monster Dino (C Model) - Theme: Creator



The 58120 motor could not be placed and has been left aside the model.

A plate cannot be placed aside the motor's base. According to the motor's shape it seems to be an illegal design rather than a LDD's bug.

Edited by marco9999

The 58120 motor could not be placed and has been left aside the model.

A plate cannot be placed aside the motor's base. According to the motor's shape it seems to be an illegal design rather than a LDD's bug.

I had a look at this

1) The motor cannot be placed because it collides with a 1x4 dark bluish grey plate in front of it. Remove that and it will fit

2) The plate under will not fit because the motor is illegally placed. It connects both to the pins (next to the rotating axle) AND to the plate, and this is not a legal connection (because of the famouse small offset of the hole in allt technic bricks). One solution is to remove the pins, place the plate under the motor, place motor, and then place pins.

I had a look at this

1) The motor cannot be placed because it collides with a 1x4 dark bluish grey plate in front of it. Remove that and it will fit

2) The plate under will not fit because the motor is illegally placed. It connects both to the pins (next to the rotating axle) AND to the plate, and this is not a legal connection (because of the famouse small offset of the hole in allt technic bricks). One solution is to remove the pins, place the plate under the motor, place motor, and then place pins.

The motor connects correctly to the lower plates, technic bricks, pins and axle. Il only collides with the 1x4 dark bluish grey plate and two 1x2 green corner plates in front of it. That depends on the fact that straight face at the motor'side is lower than 3.2mm so it phisically impossible to place a plate in front of it.

But according to the instructions that seems to be possible. That is why I wrote "illegal" design, I should better write "wrong" design. Also possible that I misunderstand the instructions.

I preferred to have the motor (one part) out of the model rather the plates (three parts).

Thanks for your attention. :classic:

In the LDD 4.3.5 there is now a feature to make a custom brick palette. If you use LDD Manager you can import all the parts from BL for a certain set and create a such palette....with the right bricks in the right amount in the right color.

Heh, I remember reading about this in the 4.3.5 thread, and didn't think anything of it, since I wasn't really sure if I needed the feature. I must be doing something wrong with it, because it very rarely imports more than 1 of each item, but that's not really a problem. Custom brick palettes are already a brilliant alternative to spending 15mins-1hr just picking bricks!

Celebration uploads, aww yeah *hipthrust*

7346 - Seaside House [Model B] - theme: Creator


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

7346 - Seaside House [Model C] - theme: Creator


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

And a little bonus building:

7796 - House [Promo] - theme: Creator


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

Edited by Gnac

I'm now using a PHP script to generate my BBCode, because I have over 50 LXFs queued to post. Don't kill me, Calabar!

4995 - Cargo Copter [Model A] - theme: Creator



  • No string for winch / hook
  • Hook has been placed on top of the "cargo", because I couldn't find a satisfactory place to "hang" it

LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4995 - Cargo Copter [Model B] - theme: Creator


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4995 - Cargo Copter [Model C] - theme: Creator



  • No string for winch / hook

LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

8441 - Forklift - Theme: Technic



8441 - Forklift (Model B) - Theme: Technic



Rubber belt not included.

DESIGNER (because everybody is catching up on the Creator stuff now)

Here are some Designer Promo sets which each build into two different models.


7221 - Robots [Promo - Model A] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

7221 - Robots [Promo - Model B] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


7222 - Flyers [Promo - Model A] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

7222 - Flyers [Promo - Model B] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


7223 - Wheelers [Promo - Model A] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

7223 - Wheelers [Promo - Model B] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

Some Kabaya Promotional Sets from the (very early) Creator theme


4016 - Racer [Promo] - theme: Creator


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


4017 - Sea Helicopter [Promo] - theme: Creator



  • Print for part 3298p19 (slope 33 3 x 2 with Freestyle Pennant Pattern) not available in LDD

LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


4018 - Ship [Promo] - theme: Creator (more like a powerboat, really)



  • Print for part 3298pb27 (slope 33 3 x 2 with Green and Yellow Triangle Pattern) not available in LDD

LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


4019 - Aeroplane [Promo] - theme: Creator



  • Print for part 3298pb11 (slope 33 3 x 2 with Red Number 2 and Two Green Stripes Pattern) not available in LDD

LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


7209 - Pteranodon [Promo] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


7210 - Apatosaurus [Promo] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


7219 - Tyrannosaurus Rex [Promo] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)


EDIT: Updated the Kabaya sets to be part of the "Creator" theme

Edited by Gnac

Thought I'd fill in some gaps in the Star Wars theme that I/the index was missing...

7877 Naboo Starfighter (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Episode 1)

LXF File



Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

7879 Hoth Echo Base (LDD 4.3.5 - Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File



Replaced parts 64800pb01c01 with brick-built solution and 95678pb01 with 30287

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Part 59443 cannot connect properly to 30374 (Book 1, p7; Book 2, p30)

7956 Ewok Attack (LDD 4.3.5 - Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File



Replaced part 92750pb01 with 64805

Missing prints

Part 2423 cannot connect to 3795 (p40)

7957 Sith Nightspeeder (LDD 4.3.5 - Clone Wars)

LXF File



Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

7959 Geonosian Starfighter (LDD 4.3.5 - Clone Wars)

LXF File



Missing parts 61190a, 61190b, 61190c and 61190d

Replaced parts 61190f with 92738, 92751pb01 with 98148 and 92753pb01 with 54873

Incorrect/missing prints

7961 Darth Mauls Sith Infiltrator (LDD 4.3.5 - Episode 1)

LXF File



Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

7962 Anakin Skywalker And Sebulbas Podracers (LDD 4.3.5 - Episode 1)

LXF File



Missing part 75c24

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Multi-colouring bug on part 92759

Part 6141 cannot connect to 32126 (p26)

Collision errors (p57, p58)

7965 Millennium Falcon (LDD 4.3.5 - Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File



Missing part 78c19

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Collision error between part 3795 and other parts (Book 1, p59)

Collision errors between various parts due to previously mentioned error (Book 2, p60)

Edited by ADHO15

Those Designer sets really went for it with the alternate models, didn't they? There are 12 in this one, and that actually seems to be the average!


4096 - Micro Wheels [Model A] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model B] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model C] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model D] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model E] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model F] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model G] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model H] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model I] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model J] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model K] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

4096 - Micro Wheels [Model L] - theme: Designer


LXF (LDD 4.3.5)

Thought I'd fill in some gaps in the Star Wars theme that I/the index was missing...

7877 Naboo Starfighter (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Episode 1)

LXF File


Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Collision error between parts 3849 and 60208 (p45)

Collision error between parts 3795 and 59426 (p54)

I managed to fix this. See attached file and copy what you need.

7879 Hoth Echo Base (LDD 4.3.5 - Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File


Part 59443 cannot connect properly to 30374 (Book 1, p7; Book 2, p30)

Amazing that this bug has not been found before. Good catch.

7956 Ewok Attack (LDD 4.3.5 - Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File


Part 2423 cannot connect to 3795 (p40)

Good find

7962 Anakin Skywalker And Sebulbas Podracers (LDD 4.3.5 - Episode 1)

LXF File


Part 6141 cannot connect to 32126 (p26)

Collision errors (p57, p58)

Good find on 6141

Collision errors is known and is a serious illegal design from TLG.

7965 Millennium Falcon (LDD 4.3.5 - Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File


Collision error between part 3795 and other parts (Book 1, p59)

Collision errors between various parts due to previously mentioned error (Book 2, p60)

I can't seem to find these errors. Can you explain a bit more?


I managed to fix this. See attached file and copy what you need.

Thanks a lot, Superkalle! I've updated the image and LXF file in my post above without those errors. :sweet:

Amazing that this bug has not been found before. Good catch.

Good find

Good find on 6141

Collision errors is known and is a serious illegal design from TLG.

Thank you. :classic:

I can't seem to find these errors. Can you explain a bit more?

Hmm, they're hard to describe. On the 'cockpit corner' on the ship, there are three hinged blocks that make up the round edge on that side. I think the middle block collides with the parts already in place on the model, and so it cannot be closed tight enough to reach the hinges at the front of the ship. Because of this, the right 'nose' section, cannot be fully attached, and so some of the parts have had to be taken off it and kept separate underneath.

7962 Anakin Skywalker And Sebulbas Podracers (LDD 4.3.5 - Episode 1)

LXF File


Missing part 75c24

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Multi-colouring bug on part 92759

Part 6141 cannot connect to 32126 (p26)

Collision errors (p57, p58)

Are you sure about those collision errors on p57,58? It looks like you have the click-hinge bricks slightly off (only one of each pair on each engine is connected) and thus the engines are too far forward. I certainly didn't notice anything looking like an illegal build on the real thing.

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