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Good afternoon!

31004 Fierce Flyer (A Model - Eagle) - Theme: Creator - LXF file




No errors!

Missing prints:

No missing prints!

Missing stickers:

No missing stickers!

31004 Fierce Flyer (B Model - Beaver) - Theme: Creator - LXF file




No errors!

Missing prints:

No missing prints!

Missing stickers:

No missing stickers!

31004 Fierce Flyer (C Model - Scorpion) - Theme: Creator - LXF file




No errors!

Missing prints:

No missing prints!

Missing stickers:

No missing stickers!

Edited by Stephan

75000 Clone Troopers vs Droidekas (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Episode 2)

LXF File



Incorrect/missing prints

75002 AT-RT (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Clone Wars)

LXF File



Replaced parts 11217pb01 with 50995 and 98103 with 30378

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

75003 A-wing Starfighter (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File



Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Collision error between parts 30554 and 3660 (p39)

Collision error between parts 4519 and 30360 (p40)

75007 Republic Assault Ship And Coruscant (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Planet Series 3)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107pb05 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

75008 TIE Bomber And Asteroid Field (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Planet Series 3)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107pb06 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

Collision error between parts 4519 and 3022 (p10)

75009 Snowspeeder And Hoth (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Planet Series 4)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107pb07 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

75010 B-Wing Starfighter And Endor (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Planet Series 4)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107pb08 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

75011 Tantive IV And Alderaan (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Planet Series 4)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107pb09 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

75012 BARC Speeder With Sidecar (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Clone Wars)

LXF File



Replaced parts 11217pb02 with 50995, 48431pb03 with 4524, 74664 with 600880, and 98103 with 30378

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Collision error between parts 3040 and 6587 (p56)

Collision error between parts 32294 and 44728 (p61)

75013 Umbaran MHC (Mobile Heavy Cannon) (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Clone Wars - Duplicate)

LXF File



Replaced parts 11217pb03 with 50995 and 61195pb01 with 90462

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

75014 Battle Of Hoth (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Episodes 4/5/6)

LXF File



Replaced parts 86055 with 6128; 86056 with 6127; and 64800pb01, 86057 and 86058 with brick-built solutions

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Part 59443 cannot connect properly to 30374 (Book 1, p68)

Collision error between parts 61184 and 32001 (Book 2, p34)

PS. You're missing 79003 An Unexpected Gathering from my 'to be indexed' Hobbit sets.

Edited by ADHO15

75003 A-wing Starfighter (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Episodes 4/5/6)


Collision error between parts 30554 and 3660 (p39)

Collision error between parts 4519 and 30360 (p40)

First one = illegal design from TLG (as far as I could tell)

Second one = good find.

75008 TIE Bomber And Asteroid Field (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Planet Set Series 3)


Collision error between parts 4519 and 3022 (p10)

Yes, bug

75012 75012 BARC Speeder With Sidecar (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Clone Wars)


Collision error between parts 32294 and 44728 (p61)

semi-bug...works in real LEGO because small flex in parts. Should be supported in LDD in an ideal world :classic:

75014 Battle Of Hoth (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Episodes 4/5/6)


Collision error between parts 61184 and 32001 (Book 2, p34)

Uncertain...is this illegal design?

EDIT: This is a tricky one. It seems the flanges of pin are in constant compression, but on the other hand, maybe the flanges of the flicker missile pin are allowed to be compressed more (smaller flanges). Can someone verify that I'm thinking right here?

  • Author
PS. You're missing 79003 An Unexpected Gathering from my 'to be indexed' Hobbit sets.


But next time report it with more emphasis, the risk is that I don't see it!

It seems that not all the users are available for resume the lost entries, so I decided to post that by myself quoting the old posts.

Here are the entries of DenJansen and peterski:

The X-Wing .lxf links to the Falcon's. Please repair! :)

  • Author


The link should be wrong in the original post.

I'll try to contact the builder to fix the problem.


The user don't visit Eurobricks from a lot of time, probably it would be impossble to contact it.

You could look at the other entry for the same set in the Index, it is older, but it could be good enough. If it don't satisfy you, you could ask the builder to update the set (or do the work by yourself, if he don't want to upgrade) or request a brand new one in the proper topic.

Alright, since Ninjago 2013 is already accounted for, I'm starting on Legends of Chima. I am hoping we get an LDD update within the next few months, as the minifigures look so bare without all the new helments, armor, weapons and wings.

70001 - Crawley's Claw Ripper - Theme: Legends of Chima



Missing prints and stickers

Missing Chima-exclusive animal helmets, swords, and chi crystal

Treads do not flex and thus will not attach to model

LXF (LDD 4.3)

70006 - Cragger's Command Ship - Theme: Legends of Chima



Missing prints and stickers

Missing Chima-exclusive animal helmets, swords, armor, wings, and chi crystals

Missing part 11089

LXF (LDD 4.3)


Also, I have finally made fixed the errors Superkalle and Aanchir pointed out in the last three 2011 Ninjago sets I uploaded. :classic:

Edited by Zarkan

So, I was walking along, minding my own business, when suddenly this Snow Crawler came at me. I tried to escape, but the Ice Drone tossed one of those weird orb things at me, and I found myself in a block of ice! Luckily, Dash Justice arrived in the Blue Eagle and took care of the insectoid threat. Once I thawed, he asked me how I was. You know what I told him? "I WAS FROZEN TODAY!"

As with my previous Alpha Team Mission Deep Freeze sets, I've attached the "Alpha Mode" version of this set as an alternate LXF.

4745 - Blue Eagle vs. Snow Crawler - Theme: Alpha Team / Mission Deep Freeze
[bricklink] [brickset]


[4745 LXF] (alternate LXF for Ice Glider and winged Snow Crawler)

- Missing/incorrect decorations
- 32506 Voodoo Claw has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 44036 Claw has been substituted with a custom assembly
- 30211 Support Leg Small (Insectoids) has been substituted with a custom assembly by Daedalus307
- 70902 V-Belt Ø15, White has been substituted with 85543 V-Belt Ø15, White and cannot be properly placed on the model.
- 30064 Whip Aerial - Tr has been substituted with 3957 Stick/Aerial

EDIT 12/16/13: Updated to LDD 4.3.8.
EDIT 8/17/14: Updated to Brick Version 1392.
EDIT 11/27/14: Updated to Brick Version 1564.2.

Edited by PeabodySam
Fixing post-update post formatting.

  • Author


What does the alternate LXF contains?

If it is an official alternate model built using instructions, you can post it as a separate set, otherwise you could add a description or an image as a text link.

As elaborated upon in the post where I indexed 4742 Chill Speeder and 4743 Ice Blade, the alternate LXF is the "Alpha Mode" version of the main set, which is an alternate configuration of the primary model - an advertised feature of the Mission Deep Freeze line. Since it uses the same instructions as the primary model, it's not exactly an alternate model; it's just an alternate set-up. In the case of this particular LXF, it has the Snow Crawler's wings folded outward while the Blue Eagle's wings are folded downward (as well as other changes to its configuration) to put it in the "Ice Glider" mode.

As I said in the other post, due to requiring the same instructions but simply using a different configuration, I don't think the "Alpha Mode" LXFs warrant their own separate entries, and so I've simply included them as an alternate LXF where applicable.

Edited by PeabodySam

Maybe you could refer to "Alpha Mode" in the link title. :classic:

  • Author


Ok, let's take it as an "extra". :wink:

Remove the image from the post above and insert it as a text link in the post together with the main set.

75004 Z95 Headhunter (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Clone Wars)

LXF File



Missing elastic band

Replaced part 11217pb01 with 50995, 11330pb01c01 with brick-built solution, 11331pb01 with 87556

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

Collision error between parts 6590 and 41531 (p39, p40)

Edited by ADHO15



Brickshelf seems to be out again so I cannot upload the .lxf file

Edited by Calabar
: Oversized image converted in text link. Please read topic's rules.

Good afternoon!

40051 Valentine's Day Heart Box - Theme: Seasonal; Valentines - LXF file


[Alternate image]



No errors!

Missing prints:

No missing prints!

Missing stickers:

No missing stickers!

Edited by Stephan

Good afternoon!

40061 Penguins and igloo - Theme: Promotional; Monthly Mini Model Build - LXF file




No errors!

Missing prints:

No missing prints!

Missing stickers:

No missing stickers!

Edited by Stephan

75001 Republic Troopers Vs Sith Troopers (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Other)

LXF File



Replaced parts 11219pb01 with 87610

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

75006 Jedi Starfighter And Kamino (LDD 4.3.6 - Star Wars: Planet Series 3)

LXF File



Replaced part 98107pb04 with brick-built solution

Incorrect/missing prints

Edited by ADHO15

60002 – Fire Truck – Theme: City / Fire

[bricklink] [brickset]


60002 LXF


- Minifig with yellow hands: different decorations for face and body, missing decoration for legs.

- Minifig with grey hands: different decoration for body, missing decoration for legs.

- String 30cm W. Jet Pipe (74610) not in LDD. Replaced by Yellow Nozzle (4210) only.

- Medium Stone Grey PLATE 6X6 ROUND WITH TUBE SNAP (11213) not in LDD. Replaced by Plate 4x4 Round W. Snap (60474).

- White LADDER 4X16 W. Ø3.2 SHAFT (11299) not in LDD. Replaced by a second Ladder 4207.

- Red BRICK 1x2 W. 2 KNOBS (11211) not in LDD. Replaced by pairs of Brick 1x1 W. 1 Knob (87087).

EDIT: Plate 6x6 Round 11213, Ladder 11299 and Brick 11211 corrected with LDD 4.3.6.

EDIT: Decorations partially corrected with LDD 4.3.8/1264 and LDD 4.3.9/2075

60003 – Fire Emergency – Theme: City / Fire

[bricklink] [brickset]


60003 LXF


- Different decorations for minifigs bodies, missing decoration for minifig legs.

- String 30cm W. Jet Pipe (74610) not in LDD. Replaced by Yellow Nozzle (4210) only.

- White LADDER 4X16 W. Ø3.2 SHAFT (11299) not in LDD. Replaced by a second Ladder 4207.

- Medium Stone Grey PLATE 6X6 ROUND WITH TUBE SNAP (11213) not in LDD. Replaced by Plate 4x4 Round W. Snap (60474).

- Medium Stone Grey BRICK 1x2 W. 2 KNOBS (11211) not in LDD. Replaced by pairs of Brick 1x1 W. 1 Knob (87087).

EDIT: Plate 6x6 Round 11213, Ladder 11299 and Brick 11211 corrected with LDD 4.3.6.

EDIT: Decorations corrected with LDD 4.3.8/1264.

Edited by Sjuip

75001 Republic Troopers Vs Sith Troopers (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Other)

LXF File



Replaced parts 11458 with 92280 and Republic Trooper helmet with 87610

Incorrect/missing prints and stickers

75006 Jedi Starfighter And Kamino (LDD 4.3.5 - Star Wars: Planet Series 3)

LXF File



Incorrect/missing prints

You beat me to it again, mate. I just saw your Republic Troopers vs Sith Troopers MOC. Good stuff.

Edited by Calabar
: Quoted images converted in text links. Quote images is not allowed in this topic.

All sets UPDATED to LDD 4.3.8

70000 - Razcal's Glider - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations are missing

70001 - Crawley's Claw Ripper - Theme: Legends of Chima (Duplicate)


LXF File


All decorations and stickers are missing

70002 - Lennox' Lion Attack - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations and stickers are missing

70003 - Eris' Eagle Intereptor - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations and stickers are missing

70004 - Wakz' Pack Tracker - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations are missing

70005 - Laval's Royal Fighter- Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


Tracks do not fit onto wheels

All decorations and stickers are missing

70006 - Cragger's Command Ship - Theme: Legends of Chima (Duplicate)


LXF File


Missing 86038

Some decorations and stickers are missing

70011 - Eagle's Castle - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations are missing

70012 - Razar's CHI Raider - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


Some decorations and stickers are missing

70013 - Equila's Ultra Striker - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


56145 interferes with tracks

Some decorations and stickers are missing

70100 - Ring of Fire - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations are missing

70101 - Target Practice - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations are missing

70102 - CHI Waterfall - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations are missing

70103 - Boulder Bowling - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


Missing 86038

All decorations are missing

70113 - CHI Battles - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


All decorations are missing

70115 - Ultimate Speedor Tournament - Theme: Legends of Chima


LXF File


Missing 86038

Some decorations and stickers are missing

EDIT: Updated to LDD 4.3.8

Edited by penguinz

  • Author


Wow... 16 sets all together.

Remember that the size 512x is for big sets, the post is regular but for small sets you should use smaller images. :classic:

8823 - Mistlands Tower - Castle / Knights Kingdom II



53456 not in LDD - replaced with 93070

Stickers and decorations incorrect or missing

Colour "Black Glitter" not possible in LDD

7774 - Crab Crusher - Theme: Aqua Raiders


LXF File


Edited by Calabar
Link fixed

  • Author


I've seen in your Star Wars series the UCS X-Wing 7191 is missing... What do you think to build it? :wink:

The present version is very outdated.


I've seen in your Star Wars series the UCS X-Wing 7191 is missing... What do you think to build it? :wink:

The present version is very outdated.

I thought at first you wanted my to update my 'outdated' version, which is odd since I've never made it. :grin:

Sure, I could have a go at building it, but didn't DenJansen post one not long ago?

However, you can probably remove '10030 - Imperial Star Destroyer - UCS - by ADHO15 - <LDD 3> - [iNCOMPLETE] - Comment: COOMING SOON' from the index as I highly doubt I'll be able to build that, what with the trouble I've had building the regular Star Destroyers and the limited capacity of LDD on my laptop. Sorry about that.

I guess I should get on with updating some other themes now anyway.

Edited by ADHO15

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