May 2, 201014 yr TLG's latest plan, to combine the Prince of Persia and Pirate themes, hits a setback when a designer mishears his instructions.... Edited May 3, 201014 yr by greg3
May 3, 201014 yr After the Genie from Disney's "Aladin" transformed Jago the parrot in a super fast roadrunner, He was casted as Dastans ostrich and hoped he got now finally an oscarnomination.
May 3, 201014 yr Entry 1 - Darwin left out the fact that evolution could take place so fast Entry 2 - Dastan was disqualified from the Grand Avian earlier today, as his bird was revealed to be made up of more than one piece.
May 3, 201014 yr Entry 1 Lego R&D Memo: Three dozen different brickbuild models attempted. No success. Must now insist on dedicated ostrich moulds for PoP line. Entry 2 Officer: Ma'am, is this your husband? Tamina: Uh, no. Officer: Ever seen him before? Tamina: .... uh, no? Officer: .... can you take him anyway? We have no idea wtf to make of this.
May 4, 201014 yr How do you like my MOCing bird? Entry 2: Somehow the scripts for Prince of Persia and Clash of the Titans got mixed up, resulting in Io/ Tamina fighting a giant scorpion parrot, and Persues having a less-than-graceful, flightless steed.
May 5, 201014 yr Entry 1: That Ostrich is going to be pissed when he steps in a pile of excrement bigger than he is. Entry 2: After consuming the Sands of Time Dastan forces the giant parrot to the nearest veterinarian.
May 5, 201014 yr Entry 2: For the Annual Alamut Great Ostrich Race, Dastan brings a parrot because he misreads the ad in the newspaper. The parrot devours Tamina's pants, who's secret lover, the Hachet Hassassin, pulls out his axe and starts to chase Dastan and his parrot. My last entry! Good luck everyone
May 6, 201014 yr Some of these entries are hilarious. Sadly I'll have to withdraw from entering for the prize. I'm in the middle of a clear out and I could do without any other stuff right now, I'm even limiting my LEGO buying! That won't spare you what I have prepared though. Some members may find this a little disturbing... possibly, if anyone does find it disturbing then I've linked to the insperation video just for you! As you can see Dastan is err... mating with this strangly large kapako bird while an envious Tamina tries to lure Dastan away with her new outfit. As this is happening an ostrich riding PSPCA detective watches in anger. In order to understand the kapako thing I suggest you to the end. (Don't worry, nothing happens) I hope you've enjoyed my entry and I'm sure I'll regret not nabbing a Pop DUPLO block...possibly.
May 7, 201014 yr Tamina to Dastan - "So is that a parrot in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?" Sorry I had to give this a go.
May 8, 201014 yr Entry 1: Well well...look what the ostrich and the parrot dragged in. Entry 2: 30021 Creator Parrot...persian-ified!
May 8, 201014 yr We've definately got some closet comedians amongst us! My entries: 1 | "It was clear that Tamina's friends had completely misunderstood B.Y.O.B. on the party invites." 2 | "Dastan: he gets all the birds..."
May 8, 201014 yr Entry 1: Dastan still doesn’t understand why he got disqualified for the flightless bird competition. Tamina’s still looking for her prince on the white horse.
May 8, 201014 yr Entry 1: Maybe its time to lay off the acid Dastan... Entry 2: Tamina ultimately settled for Dastan because she couldn't stand the Hassassin's face. However Dastan did have an extremely fruity bird. Enjoy Edited May 8, 201014 yr by Roncanator
May 8, 201014 yr #1 As Darstan escapes towards a hot* Tamina, so the ostrich gazes in wonder and the beauty he beholds. #2 Darstan's attention was momentarily diverted by the arrival of three flightless birds. * replace hot with sunbathing if making it KFOL. Edited May 8, 201014 yr by roamingstudio
May 10, 201014 yr Entry #2 - Dastan roll up on Tamina proud as a parrot after being a special guest on the much loved program "Pimp my Bird"
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