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*If you are still reading this line, this review is now under fine tuning*

Hello everyone,

I am really very excited after buying this long awaited series. Without much hesitation, I went and collected my reservation, and begin to tear those packets apart to find out what are my randomised and spare minifigures. It really excites me a lot because I don't know what is in store for me. Trust me, this is a fun experience to rip the entire box of packets out. For those whom have these minifigures on hand and have not participated in this poll, then come right in to cast your vote. It's very interesting to find out what are the current hot favourites and whether TLG knew which is going to sell well? From here, let me share my experience with the rest of you. :wub:

Name: 8683 LEGO Minifigures Series 1

Theme: LEGO System / Collectable Minifigures / Series 1

Year: 2010

Minifigs: 16 unique minifigures

Price for 1 box: USD N.A, GBP N.A, SGD$234.00

Price for 1 packet: USD N.A, GBP N.A, SGD$3.90

Resources: Brickset, BrickLink

An image of a 8683 LEGO Minifigures Series 1 box


Side images of the 8683 LEGO Minifigures Series 1 box




You simply can't resist the excitement of seeing so many bags in one single moment!


As you can see, the box is divided into 3 rows and each row contains 20 packets. Now, it's time for us to figure which is which. Of course, you could be standing at the front of the store counter touching and squeezing those packets away, hoping to feel the "right" minifigure that you wish for. :grin:

In case, anyone is interested in the dimension of the box, here are the measurements. It is measured at 28cm length, 19.5cm width and 12cm height. It's very compact and friendly to store them inside your storage area if you are intending to stock up. :thumbup:

The objective is to complete all 16 unique minifigures for Series 1!


I am sure many of us are aiming to complete at least one set of the above. This is indeed achievable, and I got mine completed with just one box without resorting the use of bar-code scanner. Nevertheless, it will be very interesting to see how this combination works out and you will be in for a surprise. :wink:

This series served as a major milestone for all LEGO collectors, where at least 90% of parts in terms of torsos, leg piece, hair piece, head piece and accessories are all brand new. It has never been seen in any other sets before, and this is one of the key reasons why we are all so eager about it. Just take a quick look around and you will notice new parts like the syringe, club, trumpet, poms-poms, magician's wand, etc. This is indeed an excellent piece of great accessories set for all of us. :wub:

Just to let you guys know that the minifig printing for all 16 minifigs are involved at the front of the torsos and some leg parts. There is no back printing for all minifigs. The quality of these minifigs printing are much better than the poor printed minifigs coming from the Vintage Minifigs Volumes, Pirates Tic Tae Toe and etc. However, these minifigs are not "exactly" similar from our regular minifigs coming from the boxed sets. I don't know how to describe them, but it appears to be "in between". Nevertheless, I am still satisfied with these new minifigs. I supposed its the crazy excitement that everyone is experiencing now.

A random sealed packet


Back image of the packet


As you noticed, the bar-code on the left are meant for tracking the type of minifigure behind the bag. However, I must emphasis that going the way of scanning every other bags to get only the minifig which you want for the sole purpose of selling is not right. The bar-code are meant for quality control in terms of packing individual boxes to ensure we get the best variety instead throwing all of them together. Imagine one day, when someone scanned everything and take the good stuff away, leaving only crash dummies in there, I will be very devastated. Instead, I enjoy the process of squeezing the packet and feeling the parts in there. I know it's hard but I can assure you it's definitely achievable and this is all part of the buying sensation.

Trust me, doing this method will make you stay in the shop for a long period of time, speculating the content. It's fun and enjoyable. The concept behind this series is very creative and nicely carried out.

1) The prehistoric Caveman


First and foremost, we go back to the beginning of mankind. The prehistoric caveman is an iconic figures and no such minifig design has ever been produced. With this new addition, we are now able to make prehistoric creations or even our very own Flintstones clan. The printed design is very detailed, especially with the use of small animal bone to grip the worn out robe.

Parts assortment


The parts provided are very useful. You might notice that the club is different from the one used by the Castle Trolls. This one is much more suitable for the use of minifigs and is very much applicable for "whacking". :devil:

2) The sexy Cheerleader


"Bring it on!". Oh wow, this sexy cheerleader is simply mind blowing! With this hot babe, the High School Cheerleader team will be much more exciting and colourful than before. Now they can jump up and down with their pom-poms and swing up and down with their beautiful long ponytail hair. This fig's lovely expression which is bound to dazzle the spectators. At the same time, you can also easily customised the minifigs parts and transform it into your regular female civilian. After all, female minifigs are hard to come by.

Parts assortment


The pom-poms could also be used as blueberry muffins or even a birthday cakes. It is great to have a blonde version of the long ponytail, too.

3) The funny Circus Clown


The circus troupe is in town. Head down and be entertained by the hilarious circus clown! This is the modern day version of the court Jester. Try placing the clown onto the red bicycle and he will be on his way to honk his horn and make jokes. This minifig has certainly brought many smiles to the busy working citizens of LEGO City.

Parts assortment


The trumpet is very nicely designed and can be supplemented for other purposes like military band or vintage cars. The clown hair piece is made up of hard plastic.

4) The reckless Cowboy


Wild west LEGO fans are in for a treat! The reckless looking cowboy wearing his dark tan fedora is geared up and ready for a showdown. You can either use him as an outlaw or customise him to be a deputy. The belt is one of the nicest details on the torso.

Parts assortment


The dark tan fedora and 3 pistols are useful accessories. I could easily use them for other purposes, eg the additional armaments are suitable for the City Police Force.

5) The Crash Test Dummy


What will you do when you need somebody to test crash survivability? Who do you look for? Try this very durable "Crash Test Dummy". It's supposed to withstand any kind of shock and impact. At first, it reminded me like some sort of radioactive dummy and I never thought it was supposed to test safety features. I don't really understand why a crash dummy required a spanner but the 1x2 printed license plate is a big welcome to our accessories bins.

Parts assortment


I have not thought of what to do with the minifig parts, but for the printed license plate, it's very useful to include it as a vehicle registration plate.

6) The responsible Deep Sea Diver


I noticed there's a divers trend for our City folks. From the 1990s Divers to the recent Coast Guard theme, now we have a new deep sea diver whom participates in aquatic expeditions. The overall appearance of the diver is pretty nice looking, especially with his blue diving suit. If only the diver could have had something to hold on to such as a harpoon.

Parts assortment


These are the regular diving stuff equipment. Nothing else to mention about this packet.

7) The resourceful Tribal Hunter


When there is a cowboy, there will be a tribal hunter hiding by. This tribal hunter is similar to the one released for the early Wild West theme, but in this case, this hunter is more cheerful looking. I like the printing of its torso, it can certainly blend in well. There is one thing about the naming of this minifigure. Earlier ago, before the official name are released, I thought this minifig was supposed to represent "Red Indian" until recently, I was taught that this term is not a friendly term in the United States and was replaced by the term "Native Americans", whereas other parts of the world such as Europe and Asia are not very familiar with it. I supposed for TLG to stay neutral on this stance, they choose "Tribal Hunter" instead. :classic:

Parts assortment


You get an extra printed plume, plus useful medieval parts like the bow and quiver. I will touch up on this image later.

8) The mysterious Magician


The magician is now ready for his magicial performance. I wonder what tricks he has up his sleeve? There are certainly no bunnies in his hat. This is a very lovely minifig for performance purposes or street acts. Take a look at this image of the Magician with his hat off.

Parts assortment


An additional hair piece in this packet is certainly very good for customising male minifigs. Furthermore, you can even use the special magic wand to conduct your own "magic".

9) The stealth Ninja


As a Ninja fan like myself, I was pleased to discover that the Ninja has made a re-appearance. Initially, I wasn't very fond of this design but when I opened it and felt it with my hands I realised this character itself is very nice. I even thought of utilising it to be part of my current Ninja collection. The robe or tunic is also generic and somehow or anot, it keep reminds me of the Star Wars Episode VI, Luke Skywalker torso. Then again, I am really pleased to have this inside my collection. :thumbup:

Parts assortment


You get a new headpiece and a spare katana, but I really prefer the katanas to be either grey or black. I am not fond of gold colours for such weapons.

10) The beautiful Nurse


Finally, we have this beautiful medical nurse who is now appointed to take care of patients inside the hospital. This is one of the few female minifigures available in this series apart from the sexy cheerleader. Her hair does reminds me of Star Wars' Princess Leia to some extent, and her expression is simply so loving with her bright pink lips. I also like the detail on her uniform like her watch, for example.

Parts assortment


This is one of the best parts assortment. The syringe is specially made for this series and in this packet, you get a total of 2 syringes. In addition, you also receive a printed 2x2 tile which reflects the medical condition of the patient.

11) The brave Forestman


Forestmen are one of the legendary factions proclaimed in the 1980s for their cunning and resourceful strategies. 20 years later, the newer and stronger Forestman is now back. Equipped with his trusty bow and arrow, this forestman is now ready to take down any enemies and take the treasure away from them to share with the poor. It's also one of the very most iconic figure of all time, "Robin Hood". Seriously, this is one of my favourite minifigure in this series and one that will sway me to get the most multiples. :wub:

Parts assortment


The extra red plume plus many nice medieval parts like the bow and quiver make this definitely one of the best combination ever released. I will be changing the faces around with other minifigs to create more variety.

12) The mechanical Robot


I heard many people are looking for a robot and this is not your usual space robot. I am sure many people would like to build an army of robots to swarm our the spacemen! At the same time, I feel this minifig is very much suitable for steam-punk as well.

Parts assortment


Here is the mechanical parts breakdown for our robot. There are many grey and silver parts in here and the prints of the screws do make the robot appears to be quite machine-like.

13) The cool Skater


This is one handsome and cool looking civilian boy. I really like his dashing smile and wavy hairm which is one of a kind apart from the "Max" minifig. The torso with the skull design makes him look young and hip. Take a look at this image of the Skater attempting his moves on the skateboard.

Parts assortment


Personally, I think this is another great pack for customising male city civilians. Previously, we have always been getting boring hairpieces for males and this hairpiece is strikingly different compared to its predecessors. I can still remember one of the first hairstyles which is similar to this, is the new Clone Wars, Anakin Skywalker. Plus, this assortment offers a cool blue skateboard. I really like this a lot.

14) The adventurous Spaceman


I am not a very big fan of space but this spaceman is very special in some aspects, especially if you have taken a closer look at his space suit where there is a classic space logo embedded at the centre of his chest. The helmet itself is not the usual regular helmet but something different and concealed when the visor is put on. It can't be adjusted unlike the usual helmet with visor. You also receive a ray gun with the light saber part in it.

Parts assortment


Space fans are bound to be excited with these new parts like the ray gun, helmet and suit. It seems the visor is given a spare piece in case you lose it. The light saber part is very useful but this is not the same as the Star Wars version. Thanks to Eurobricks LA, CopMike for taking a comparison image.

15) The daring Super Wrestler


The "World Wrestling Federation" has taken LEGO by storm! The masked muscular wrestler is equipped with a gigantic belt and an intimidating mask.

Parts assortment


Please note that the red robe is not placed inside a small box like the one packed inside regular building sets. The red robe was placed together inside the packet as it is. There are no other parts which I like, except for the red robe. This is not very useful in my case.

16) The dangerous Zombie


When I first saw this undead zombie, I knew this would be a smashing hit for "Apoc creations". You could easily remake many scenes from movies like the Resident Evil series and Land of the Dead. The gruesome expression shows no signs of mercy to its victims! The torn shirt and tie really made this zombie look awesome as he shambles towards his victims. It's amazing to see the first official zombie minifigure.

Parts assortment


I am not sure why a zombie needs a spade and drumstick, but to me, these are some very useful City parts.

Spare parts


There are quite a lot of spare parts down here, with the exception of the skate board and the flippers, which are not spares.

General Statistics for Minifigures Series 1

Below is the combination which I have received from my box,

4 Cavemen

3 Cheerleaders

3 Circus Clowns

4 Cowboys

5 Deep Sea Divers

5 Demolition Dummies

4 Forestmen

4 Magicians

5 Ninja

3 Nurses

4 Robots

3 Skaters

4 Spacemen

3 Super Wrestler

3 Tribal Hunters

3 Zombies

Based on the above, I managed to achieve 3 full complete sets of 16 unique minifigs each. It means I have only 12 remaining random spares left. Read down to find out what are the remaining spares I have.

My remaining spares


1 Cavemen

0 Cheerleaders

0 Circus Clowns

1 Cowboys

2 Deep Sea Divers

2 Demolition Dummies

1 Forestmen

1 Magicians

2 Ninja

0 Nurses

0 Robots

0 Skaters

1 Spacemen

0 Super Wrestler

0 Tribal Hunters

0 Zombies

Data Analysis

Based on the data given, I have drafted my analysis accordingly. Buying 1 full complete MISB box will allow you to achieve at least 2 or 3 maximum of the complete range.

So far, each of the 16 unique minifigures have an equal chance of getting 3 out of 48 packets, when the box is opened and consumers will buy it separately. That will be 6.25% probability based only on 48 packets. When you add the remaining 12 spares into the calculation, 7 unique minifigures are only available at 21 out of 60 packets and this translates to 35% in total and 3.5% each, which makes it even harder to achieve by just doing it randomly. Whereas, the probability of getting the Ninja, Demolition Dummies and Deep Sea Divers are on the higher note, since they are available at 15 out of 60 and this translates to 25% in total and 8.33% each.

To conclude, based on probability demonstrated by my box purchase, as an example, these are the probable results,

Highest probability

1) Ninja

2) Demolition Dummy

3) Deep Sea Diver

Total range: 25%

Each: 8.33%

Medium probability

1) Cavemen

2) Cowboys

3) Forestmen

4) Magicians

5) Robots

6) Spacemen

Total range: 40%

Each: 6.67%

Low probability

1) Cheerleaders

2) Circus Clowns

3) Nurses

4) Skaters

5) Super Wrestler

6) Tribal Hunters

7) Zombies

Total range: 35%

Each 5%

Hope the above simple analysis and probability will help you when you are picking up a random packet inside the shop, and roughly estimating what are the harder ones and easier ones. :sweet:

A few close up images of my Minifigures Series 1 collection





Opening this box was one of most enjoyable LEGO experience ever, simply because I just bought the whole box without refererring to anything, and just wanted to share the experience with the community. This entire series is practically all thumbs up for me. I am very happy with all of the minifigures designs, new elements and parts for this exclusive series. There are many special unique minifigures which many will appeal to fans of themes such as City, Castle, Space, Wild West, Ninja etc. This series has reached out and attracted many LEGO collectors to join the craze! In fact, this is the very first kind of LEGO product to ever ber marketed in this manner. In short, everyone seems to loves this concept, and for sure, I am one of them. It's definitely worth buying and collecting, and getting them all before they are all gone. I have a feeling this series will not last long, and when Series 2 is out in the next few months, we will all be busy scrambling for more!

Summary review

Playability: 9/10 (More minifigs to be added in your LEGO themes collection.)

Design: 9.5/10 (Most of them are very unique and special. You don't get to see these kind of minifigs in other sets.)

Price: 9/10 (Pretty affordable for an unique minifig with some useful accessories.)

Overall: 9.2/10 (Highly recommended to get this entire series, especially when you are a minifig collector.)

I gave it a "5" based on my Review Score Card. :wink: What about yours?

Hope everyone of you enjoyed reading this simple review of mine. Comments and Critics are strongly welcomed.

Pictures can be found in My Brickshelf (When moderated)

Wow! I don't think I've ever seen such a comprehensive review! :oh:

I do prefer fleshies these days, but all the new parts, hairpieces and accessories are beginning to excite me! :wub: As you say, it is intrinsically squee-making to see them all lined up together. I think that's why I'd prefer to get a box rather than have them piece-by-piece in a supermarket. It's a shame that the least desirable figs are the ones that are most common - perhaps because they don't have any new pieces and are more straightforward than the others.

Thanks WhiteFang for this great review! You are lucky indeed! :tongue:

Thanks for this impressive review, WhiteFang! :wub:

You really completed the series and gave us a lot of new data (and data elaborations) to consider. And, as said, to see them all lined up is very exciting. They sure make for an impressive company!


Really nice review, thnx.

I need that Space man!!!

Just bought 2 Spaceman sealed in bag :thumbup: and 1 clown (For my daughter, I hate clowns)

Edited by OneSnowTrooper

I need that Space man!!!

Same here! :tongue:

Thanks for this elaborate review.

White Fang, I really jealous with you ...

Your review, absolutely made me crazy :)

But, after read the comprehensive review, is that confirm ? there will be 3x16 complete, and random for the rest (12) for each box ?


Nice review! It doesn't get any more comprehensive than this!

I already wanted a set before this, now I want a box. Bad Fangy! Bad!


I really cant wait to get my hands on a whole set! You really gave us a great insight thanks WhiteFang! One question though, why is there a spacemen in your extras which no legs?

White Fang, I really jealous with you ...

Your review, absolutely made me crazy :)

But, after read the comprehensive review, is that confirm ? there will be 3x16 complete, and random for the rest (12) for each box ?


Actually... This may be a bit spoiler-ish...

ALL the (European) boxes contain exactly the same assortment: 3 complete sets of 16 minifigs + exactly the same extra figures that are mentioned here, i.e.: 1 Caveman, 1 Cowboy, 2 Deep Sea Divers, 2 Demolition Dummies, 1 Forestman, 1 Magician, 2 Ninja's and 1 Spaceman extra.

There is NO randomness involved AT ALL when the contents of an unopened box containing 60 packets are considered!

This may of course be different in the USA boxes...

Edited by Alldarker

We really needed review like this one! Many thanks for you!

I want a lot of nurses and cheerleaders (just for faces) and cavemans for new bonkin' stuff for my trorcs.

but I must say all designs are amazing, and we finnaly get new girls and bows!

I am very grateful for this amazing review Whitefang. :wub:

I'm drooling over all those amazing minifigs, you've made me want them all even more!

There isn't one of them that I wouldn't want.

Actually... This may be a bit spoiler-ish...

are you serious with the spoiler ?

are you serious with the spoiler ?

What I have written in the spoiler is true. A couple of members of lowlug.nl (including me) have ordered complete boxes and all have reported what I have 'spoilered'.

Its a pity that they didnt make it more "random" (i.e. 3 complete sets plus a totally random selection for the remaining figs). My guess is that packing it random would have been more expensive (and would have not given the "some figs are rarer than others" effect that TLG wants)

The bad news is that this confirms that the skateboarder (the only one I really want multiples of) will be harder to get :(

When I see one of these boxes I will feel the packets and take all the skateboarders I can get (i.e. all 3 from the box unless one has gone prior to that)

Thanks the super review!!!

MUST HAVE .... MANY CASES!!!!! I cannot wait for these to ba available here in Canada (June I think?!)

Spoiler = Not pleasant, that's kind of unfortunate but heh.. I'll still buy a box ... check that a crate ... chaeck that an entire skid of those!!!!

Anyways, thanks again for the super review!

Actually... This may be a bit spoiler-ish...

ALL the (European) boxes contain exactly the same assortment: 3 complete sets of 16 minifigs + exactly the same extra figures that are mentioned here, i.e.: 1 Caveman, 1 Cowboy, 2 Deep Sea Divers, 2 Demolition Dummies, 1 Forestman, 1 Magician, 2 Ninja's and 1 Spaceman extra.

There is NO randomness involved AT ALL when the contents of an unopened box containing 60 packets are considered!

This may of course be different in the USA boxes...

Interesting, it could mean that TLC thinks that the Diver, the Dummy and the Ninja are the least interesting minifigs of the series. So no chances of finding say 4 cheerleaders in the same box then. Makes sense though, it's probably easier for the factories to implement a fixed packaging system than a partially random one. I wonder if the position of every minifig within the box is the same for every box, that would be interesting to know! Like, the first bag in the left row would always be Ninja for example.

Anyway, thanks for the great review WhiteFang! Just a side comment though... I do feel a slight tinge of sexism here... you have the 'responsible diver', the 'brave forestman', the 'adventurous spaceman', the list goes on, but the 'beautiful nurse' and the 'sexy cheerleader'? Are those the only qualities you can find for women?! :laugh::wink:

Actually... This may be a bit spoiler-ish...

Really? Hmm... I wonder if this applies to Australia. Of course, that's if they come out here at all. I'm becoming rather sceptical whether particular sets are coming out or not.

Nice review. I'm glad the magician comes with hair as originally planned. I don't know if I will get a whole box, because I only want multiples of a select few.

Interesting spoiler on the contents of the entire box.

I'll try to proove it wong by buying many boxes.

Thansk for the awesome review WF, I love being able to see them all in one review!

Interesting spoiler on the contents of the entire box.

I'll try to proove it wong by buying many boxes.

Thansk for the awesome review WF, I love being able to see them all in one review!

To be fair, I've ordered a box myself, but haven't been able to pick it up from the postoffice yet, and therefore I've not been able to check the contents of a box personally... I might actually be the one proving myself wrong!

Thanks for the mega review 'White Fang' - man, that's a lot of minifigs ! :grin:

All look excellent, interesting numbers though a better chance of a ninja than a nurse ?

Can't wait for these to appear, I'm a conformist! everyone ! :sweet:

Has any news on Series 2 surfaced yet?

Thank you for this epic review White Fang! :thumbup: I can't wait for these to begin showing up in the States. I'd have to say my favorite is by far the Forestman, I just can't pass on that Errol Flynn-esque look. :sweet:

Whitefang, I understand that many (if not all) of the boxes (assuming no messing up/ tricks) sold in Hong Kong have the same pattern of the appearances of the minifigs, i.e., with 3 complete sets plus exactly the same extra minifigs (type and number), as what you reported in this review.

It seems the original message that for 8683, each type of minifigs would have roughly the same chance to appear is actually inaccurate, if not a lie.

Edited by Alywin

To be fair, I've ordered a box myself, but haven't been able to pick it up from the postoffice yet, and therefore I've not been able to check the contents of a box personally... I might actually be the one proving myself wrong!

What you said makes sense, I just "hope" your wrong.

What you said makes sense, I just "hope" your wrong.
Whitefang, I understand that many (if not all) of the boxes (assuming no messing up/ tricks) sold in Hong Kong have the same pattern of the appearances of the minifigs, i.e., with 3 complete sets plus exactly the same extra minifigs (type and number), as what you reported in this review.

It seems the original message that for 8638, each type of minifigs would have roughly the same chance to appear is actually inaccurate, if not a lie.

It seems that more proof has been provided already...

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