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  On 2/12/2011 at 9:46 PM, blueandwhite said:
Gender: Male

Occupation: Plague Doctor

Headgear: black hat and raven mask (plague doctor's mask)

Print on Torso: black robes

Accessory: staff

Ha! I thought I forgot some idea when I posted last time. Great that someone else brought it up, kudos to you! Plague doctor would be great, even if it would be probably too morbid for TLC's taste ("next in line: suffering plague victim"). Dunno how they would do the mask and hat combo, supposing it wouldn't be all one part like, I suspect, some upcoming PotC headpieces? Maybe the mask could be added with a ring around the neck like the beards.

Also second the idea of a minstrel. That would be great, and Lego world really needs more musicians/musical instruments.

  On 2/12/2011 at 3:44 PM, Mr. Gray said:

Gender: Male OR Female

Occupation/print on torso: 19th century diver w/ a dark tan diving suit kind of print.

Type of headgear: The big heavy, brass or copper diving helmet, the roundish one with windows on multiple sides, w/ a stud on the back for a hose or other part to attach to.

Type of facial expression: Triumphant or happy.

Color on torso/legs: Dark tan

Accessory: Rubber knife maybe a harpoon gun?

Kind of like Atlantis, but a few hundred years back.

Yes, definately :thumbup:

Gender: Male

Occupation/print on torso: Leprechaun, green Leprechaun jacket?

Type of headgear: Green top hat with black band and clover print.

Type of facial expression: Mischevious grin, with ginger beard printed.

Color on torso/legs: Short green legs, black belt and gold buckle.

Accessory: Pot with gold in.

Some more ideas:

Gender: Male

Occupation: Yuppie

Headgear: geled hairs with sunglasses printed into them

Expression: Cool as a cucumber

Print: Casually worn designer suit

Accessory: Don't know, propably none.

Gender: Male

Occupation: Augur/Druid

Headgear: Wolf's headskin

Expression: Like predicting something great

Color: Mostly brown, maybe a bit green or such

Accessory: Cloak with printed wolfskin, a bird/eagle

Gender: Male

Occupation: Uncle Sam

Headgear: Printed top hat

Expression: "I-want-you" Expression

Color: Blue-White-Red

Accessory: Flag/Bald eagle

Gender: Male

Occupation: Silent movie star/Charlie Chaplin

Headgear: Black Bowler

Expression: Charlie-Chaplin-like

Color/Print: Black and white suit, grey hands and hat

Accessory: None

A male student with a book bag (back pack) and a pencil. A teacher with an apple. A shower guy with agent chase hair in brown to make it look like its wet and a toothbrush with tooth paste bottle. A super hero. A female space police (special costume and hair with helmet) with a blaster. A barber shop worker with a pair of scissors and hairspray. An angel with new hair with halo and a pair of wings and golden arrow. A man in a chicken suite with a new chicken hat peice. A todler with either a minifig statue in blue to represent and action figure or a new peice of a small lego brick (will have pin on bottom to hold onto) in any color. A garbage guy who has a ski pole thing in grey and that peice that goes on a minifigs back (like a big bucket) and a peice of trash (stud in brown). A computer fixer with a screw driver and glasses printed on his face. A ignorant teenager with an I-pod printed on the side of his left leg and a beanie and closed eyes and a hoodie. A news man with a special blue suite and has a microphone and a 2x2 studless plate with it saying Brick News and a tiny picture and unreadable words. A kid who gives papers with a bike with a paice that attatches to the front as a basket and a rolled up news paper (new mold).

Those are all the ideas I have right now. I will post more when I get more ideas.

Sorry I did not put the figs in the format but I had so many ideas I just couldnt use it for all of them.

Edited by Bricker

Gender: Male

Occupation: Bavarian man

Headgear: Tyrolean hat

Expression: Happy

Color/Print: Green lederhosen straps on the torso lederhosen patterns on the legs

Accessory: Beer stein

Gender: Male

Occupation: Scottish man

Headgear: Balmoral Tam or Glengarry

Expression: kind of angry looking

Color/Print: Traditional highland dress and kilt print on legs

Accessory: Bagpipes

Gender: Male

Occupation/print on torso: Faun

Type of headgear: Long dark hair with horns on it

Type of facial expression: Smile-grin

Color on torso/legs: Brown-ish or flesh

Accessory: Flute

Gender: /

Occupation/print on torso: Mech (either gold or silver)

Type of headgear: Gold or silver Helmet

Type of facial expression: Golden of silver face

Color on torso/legs: Gold or silver

Accessory: Silver mech torso plates and gold or silver guns/blaster

Gender: Female/Male

Occupation/print on torso: Pizza deliverer

Type of headgear: Red cab or red/white/green helmet with Italian flag on it and or a pizza print

Type of facial expression: Natural or big smile

Color on torso/legs: White and red

Accessory: Pizza and/or double 2x2 plate with flat top printed

  On 2/16/2011 at 5:18 PM, Peanuts said:

Some more ideas:

Gender: Male

Occupation: Yuppie

Headgear: geled hairs with sunglasses printed into them

Expression: Cool as a cucumber

Print: Casually worn designer suit

Accessory: Don't know, propably none.

I love the idea

Accessory Idea: Oversized Cell Phone

  On 2/23/2011 at 3:58 PM, Dr. Steve said:

I love the idea

Accessory Idea: Oversized Cell Phone

Good idea :thumbup:

Been colouring my minifig sketches, don't have a lot of free time so it's taking me a while to do these properly. Don't have my tablet and pen to hand so it'sall done with a mouse which isn't the best tool. Anyway, have a look if you haven't already. LMK what you think.

Clicky here

*edit: link fixed*

Edited by Brickenhead-town-dweller

Gender: N/A

Occupation: Ghost

Headgear: New scarier ghost shroud

Expression: Scary/ angry

Color/Print: white

Accessory: ???

Got another idea.

Gender: Female

Occupation: Elizabethean Princess

Headgear: Tight wig with feather hole

Expression: Flirtatious, smiling

Color/Print: Green dress

Accessory: Neck and hand ruffs, maybe a wine glass?

Hmmm, Let Me Think....

Gender: Male

Occupation: Highway Man

Headgear: A Redd Velvet Hat a bit like Zorro Wears.

Expression: Cheeky, Smiling

Color/Print: Black, Robe like Tight Suit.

Accessory: A Thin Gray Musket, a Small pistol.


Gender: Male

Occupation: Reggae Superstar..as in Bob Marley type..or shall we say, "Brick Marley"

Headgear: Reggae beanie, on top of new hair casting..preferably long, braided.

Expression: On a high...

Color/Print: Typical reggae colors, of red, yellow and green

Accessory: Bongo instrument..


Gender: Male

Occupation: Mafioso hitmen

Headgear: Classic 30's style hat and coats

Expression: "nobody messes with the Don"

Color/Print: grey with thin stripes

Accessory: tommy gun


Gender: Male/female

Occupation: 60's hippies demonstrants

Headgear: long hair with cloth/scarf tied on the head

Expression: Peace man

Color/Print: Phsycadelic flower power

Accessory: Posters with "make bricks not war" on it


Gender: female

Occupation: French maid

Headgear: Any current female hair will do

Expression: flirtatious

Color/Print: Typical black and white

Accessory: Duster

Sorry about the long list, but here is what I'd like to see in the future (I don't think most of these have been listed before and those that have only once or twice)


Gender: Female

Torso: Pink with sweater print

Legs: White with yellow leg print (giving her white underpants and shoes)

Face: Happy/smiling

Headpiece: Black Tamina hair

Accessories: Pink fabric Poodleskirt with white poodle print and 2x2 tile with record album print

Carnival Barker

Gender: Male

Torso: White with red vertical striped vest and black bowtie

Legs: Black

Face: Open mouth and mustache

Headpiece: Black bowler

Accessories: Black hooked cane

Cat Burglar

Gender: Male

Torso: Black with open jacket print and dark bluish gray shirt print

Legs: Black

Face: Devious with black "Zorro" mask

Headpiece: Black knit cap

Accessories: Dark bluish gray crowbar and flashlight

Clockwork Soldier

Gender: N/A

Torso: Copper with soldier's uniform and rivets print

Legs: Copper with rivets print

Face: Copper with impassive robot expression

Headpiece: Copper shako

Accessories: Copper musket, copper epaulette, and copper windup key (made with minifig neck bracket and pneumatic t-bar)

English Bobby

Gender: Male

Torso: Black with police jacket and badge print

Legs: Black

Face: Serious with handlebar mustache

Headpiece: Pith helmet in black

Accessories: Black billy club

Folk Singer

Gender: Female

Torso: White shirt with hippy style fringe

Legs: Blue

Face: Smiling with headband print

Headpiece: Ginny Weasley hair in tan

Accessories: Acoustic guitar


Gender: Male

Torso: White with blue overalls print

Legs: Blue

Face: Happy

Headpiece: Series 3 Rapper hat in blue with white front print

Accessories: Claw hammer and handsaw

Italian Gondolier

Gender: Male

Torso: White shirt with red neck scarf and belt print

Legs: White

Face: Happy

Headpiece: Flat straw hat in white

Accessories: Punting pole

Lacrosse Player

Gender: Male

Torso: Blue with lacrosse uniform print

Legs: White

Face: Determined

Headpiece: Series 4 hockey players helmet in blue with white face guard

Accessories: Lacrosse stick

Private Detective

Gender: Male

Torso: Light bluish gray with coat and tie print

Legs: Light bluish gray

Face: Hard boiled, all business expression

Headpiece: Dark bluish gray fedora

Accessories: Pistol and fabric trenchcoat in dark bluish gray

Rocket Man

Gender: Male

Torso: Reddish brown with leather coat and black straps print

Legs: Reddish brown

Face: Adventurous "devil may care" expression

Headpiece: Reddish brown aviators cap and black goggles

Accessories: Jet-pack in rust or dark orange

Roller Derby Girl

Gender: Female

Torso: Red with tank-top print and yellow arms

Legs: Black with knee-pad print

Face: Determined

Headpiece: The existing bicycle/skateboarders helmet in light bluish gray

Accessories: Roller skates

Sea Captain

Gender: Male

Torso: Black with coat print. Dark bluish gray hook for left hand

Legs: Black hips and right leg. Reddish brown peg leg on left

Face: Snarling with scar on left side of face

Headpiece: Black top hat

Accessories: Harpoon

Southern Belle

Gender: Female

Torso: Light orange with frilly dress top print

Legs: Light orange dress slope piece with frilly dress print

Face: Genteel smile, rosy cheeks, black eyelashes

Headpiece: New broad-brimmed sun hat in light orange or white

Accessories: Parasol (hooked cane from Carnival Barker listed above and 3x3 or 4x4 radar dish with parasol print)

Space Opera Heroine

Gender: Female

Torso: White with light bluish gray 'curvy' protective armor

Legs: White

Face: A "don't mess with me" smile

Headpiece: New PotC female hair in black

Accessories: Collectible minifig raygun with 3L bar in trans-light blue

Spanish Dancer

Gender: Female

Torso: Red with dress top print

Legs: Yellow

Face: Happy/seductive

Headpiece: Series 2 Pop Star hair in black

Accessories: Tambourine and fabric skirt in red

Texas Ranger

Gender: Male

Torso: Reddish brown with lawman badge print

Legs: Reddish brown

Face: Serious

Headpiece: Cowboy hat in reddish brown

Accessories: Reddish brown rifle and fabric overcoat in dark tan


Gender: Male

Torso: Black with tuxedo printing

Legs: Black

Face: Smiling

Headpiece: Black 'Agents' male hair

Accessories: Ventriloquists' dummy

Edited by The Brick Rat

Here's what my dream series 6 would be (if I've stolen your idea, take it as a compliment!):


Gender: Female

Occupation/torso print: Ballet Dancer(pink leotard)

Face: Stuck-up or happy

Headgear: Sumo hairpiece in new colour

Legs: White with pink hips and pink ballet shoes

Accessories: Bouquet


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Film Director(shirt)

Face: Bored with reading glasses

Headgear: Dark blue beret or grey male hair

Legs: Any

Accessories: Megaphone and the black and white board(forgotten it's name)


Gender: Female

Occupation/torso print: Florist(green apron with shirt underneath)

Face: Happy

Headgear: Irina Spalko hair in new colour

Legs: Any with apron continued from torso

Accessories: Flowers and watering can


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Roman Emperor(toga)

Face: Angry

Headgear: New male hairpiece with olive-wreath printing and mould

Legs: Continued toga

Accessories: Grapes


Gender: Female

Occupation/torso print: Flemenco dancer(orange dress print)

Face: Happy

Headgear: Elizabeth Swann hair in black with orange flower print.

Legs: Orange dress slope with dress print

Accessories: The wooden clam-like instruments(forgotten what they're called :blush: )


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Miner(black dirty jacket)

Face: Sad and dirty

Headgear: Black helmet with headtorch

Legs: Black

Accessories: Pickaxe and jewel


Gender: Female

Occupation/torso print: Hippee(rainbow coloured top with one sleeve and peace-logo necklace)

Face: Relaxed with round, coloured glasses and headband

Headgear: Molly Weasley hair in tan or light yellow

Legs: Any

Accessories: Bottle and festival ticket


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Journalist(suit)

Face: Talking

Headgear: Indiana Jones hat in new colour with press label printed on

Legs: Any

Accessories: Notebook and pen/pencil


Gender: Female

Occupation/torso print: Maid(black shirt)

Face: Grumpy

Headgear: Nurse hair in tan, light yellow or black

Legs: White with black shoes print, black fabric skirt with White apron print

Accessories: Feather duster


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Judge(red robes)

Face: Angry

Headgear: Powdered wig

Legs: Dress slope to match torso

Accessories: Gavel


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Janitor(dungarees with stains)

Face: Tired with stubble

Headgear: Grey male hair

Legs: Any that match torso

Accessories: Bucket and mop


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Wizard(purple robes with moons and stars)

Face: Wise

Headgear: Dumbledore hair and beard

Legs: Match the torso

Accessories: Classic star wand in trans purple, purple wizard hat


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Gymnast(light blue leotard)

Face: Happy

Headgear: Male hair in light nougat

Legs: light blue

Accessories: Gold trophy on brown fez


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Rice farmer(tan, soiled robes)

Face: Asian with tired expression

Headgear: Sensei Wu hat

Legs: Match the torso

Accessories: Rake


Gender: Female

Occupation/torso print: School child(light bley uniform)

Face: Happy with freckles

Headgear: New pigtails in orange

Legs: short light bley legs with black shoes and dark bley skirt

Accessories: Pink backpack, apple, pencil


Gender: Male

Occupation/torso print: Ice-cream salesman(pink apron with ice cream logo)

Face: Cheery

Headgear: New cap in White with pink at the front and same ice-cream logo

Legs: Continued apron

Accessories: New ice cream cone and old ice lolly in new colour

  On 1/21/2011 at 8:59 PM, fred67 said:

...On the flip side, while I'm ecstatic that we have a female tennis player, I'm disappointed we don't have a male one. It goes both ways (even if more one way than the other). I like the Hula dancer, but I'd love to see matching native Hawaiian men (possibly with drums or something). Conversely, I'd like to see cave women, native American women... most of the characters could have a match of the opposite sex, and I think it would be better if they did.


I've mentioned it in passing before but, I'd be quite happy with a male version and female version of most of the collectable minifigures, even though many folks have expressed their distaste for so-called 'repeats'. For the 'warrior class' figures, the 'repeat' could be an opponent, such as for the gladiator, hockey player, soccer/football player, etc. IMO, it actually makes them easier to fit into MOCs, existing themes, etc.

  On 1/24/2011 at 9:17 PM, fred67 said:

Which is why I like the idea of a super expanded build-a-minifigure (currently available at B&M LEGO Stores) online and promote it.

People could make their own basic characters for whatever they wanted, but there'd need to be a very large selection of parts, a lot more than they have available in the stores.

Right now the selection online is extremely limited and it's not easy enough to put together minifigures using it.. and they need to make it more generic - more plain torsos, for example.

Really... select a torso, select a head, select legs, select a single headgear, select a single accessory... add accessories for $0.xx each (capes, armor, etc.).

Add sticker sheets - city, pirates, castle, and any other unlicensed themes, for an extra fee - now you're really talking.

That would ROCK!

Except for one thing: I'd be BROKE! LOL

  On 1/27/2011 at 3:42 PM, wmanidi said:

Gender: Female

Occupation/print on torso: Female Elf

Type of headgear: Long hair with ears

Type of facial expression: Exo-force like screaming battle face. :wacko:

Color on torso/legs: Green

Accessory: Cross bow,

I REALLY like the idea of a female elf...but, I disagree with 'crossbow' as the weapon choice. Crossbows are slow, clunky weapons for the most part and the stereotypical elfin warrior would eschew such a weapon in favour of something with a faster rate of fire and greater elegance.

Aaaaaaaaaand, since we ALREADY got an elf warrior with a bow, I'd rather see an elf with a new style of spear, or sword, paired with that awesome shield (or another equally awesome shield), so we could 'mix and match' our elf warriors to get something proper (though that still doesn't address the lack of quiver for the bow-wielding elf from series 3...which is where 'pick a brick' or Bricklink comes in handy, I suppose).

  On 2/9/2011 at 10:04 PM, Orson Zedd said:

I'm willing to bet people could make the assumption that yellow = Caucasian without licensed sets. You could have Red or Pink and Medium Blue minifigs too, and then you'd just assume yellow is another LEGO people color and doesn't really represent a real world race.

Already done...green witch head, grey zombie head, white vampire head.

*edit* Whoops! I just noticed that my first post didn't "merge" with my others. Sorry about the double-posting!

Edited by Ogre

Gender: Male

Occupation/print on torso: Weapon and Armor Seller/Smith

Type of headgear: Either some hair piece or hood

Type of facial expression: Smile

Color on torso/legs: Any dark(ish) colour

Accessory: A new one or two-handed axe (not the tree cutting one!) (big) sword and/or a (new mold) polearm

I think I have a new one

Gender: Male

Occupation/print on torso: Hot Dog Vendor/Seller

Type of headgear: short cap with hot dog print/logo

Type of facial expression: smile or grin

Color on torso/legs: red/blue/yellow any color

Accessory: Handheld hotdog "box", hot dogs!

Gender: Male

Occupation/print on torso: Crusader

Type of headgear: new crusader helm

Type of facial expression: battle face

Color on torso/legs: classic grey/white/red scheme

Accessory: new crusader longsword, shield and shoulder bag

No-one going to comment on my designs then? Are they even visible? the link works for me and the gallery is public.

  On 3/1/2011 at 1:46 PM, Brickenhead-town-dweller said:

No-one going to comment on my designs then? Are they even visible? the link works for me and the gallery is public.

Finally got a chance to check them out and I have to say, you've got some GREAT ideas. There are a few that will most likely NEVER get made (french maid, executioner) but, some of the others are fantastic. The drawings really help to bring them to life. Nice job!

I've been meaning to post in this thread forever. Enough about that though, here's my post.



Occupation/print on torso:Greek Mythological monster

Type of headgear:Bull head

Type of facial expression:Angry

Color on torso/legs: Brown pants or fur

Accessory: Axe



Occupation/print on torso:Greek Mythological monster

Type of headgear:Snakes for hair

Type of facial expression:Angry

Color on torso/legs: Similar to Kingdoms princess or lego witch, possibly a snake bottom similar to the mermaids bottom in the new Pirates theme

Accessory: Spear



Occupation/print on torso:Midevel maker of music

Type of headgear:Suitably Midevel hat

Type of facial expression:Happy/singing

Color on torso/legs: Similar to a Lego Kingdoms peasant or different colored forest man

Accessory: Lute

Ahab out...

I was going to say ballerina and judge, but those were already mentioned!! ;)

I would like:

Witch Doctor

Gender: Female

Hair: perhaps Bellatrix hair (?)

Top: Some type of scrungy, brown outfit

Bottom: brown, scrungy-looking dress slope

Head: Crazy, cackling face

Accesories: Voo-doo doll

Bride of The Monster

Gender: Female

Hair: Black, New design, same 'hight' as London guards hat form Series 5, with white streaks in it

Head: White, dead expression, perhaps a few 'scars'

Top: white gown

Bottom: White dress slope

Accessories: None


Gender: Female

Hair: Sumo Wrestler's, but in gray

Head: Sweet, kind smile with wrinkles and glasses

Top: Pink, flowery blouse

Bottom: Pink dress slope

Accessories: New cane and perhaps a cookie or pie from Series 5's clown


It can even be the exact same as the one from the 'Scary Laboratory' set; i just want a ghostie!! ;)

Fairy Godmother:

Gender: Female

Hair: I need a little help with this one...Should it be like my Granny's?

Head: Sweet smile

Top: Pink, starry blouse

Bottom: Pink dress slope

Accessories: Pink fairy wand and new pink, butterfly-ish wings


Gender: Male

Hair: None, just a new Alpine hat piece

Head: Big, open mouth

Top: Lederhosen design in green

Bottom: Just plain green

Accessories: New alphorn piece

Edited by Harrypotterfreak

  • 2 weeks later...

Hope you dont mind if i bump this a bit? :blush:

French Slodier 1700-1800 Century

Cender: Male

Hat: New shako whit a pritnting and plume in it

Torso: Very detailed printings

Head: Same head as M2 Spartan but the mouth shutted.

Legs:Normal white legs

Accesories: reddish brown packbag and a 2009 musket.

Heres a pic what i mean on general. CLICK

Captain Becker

Edited by Captain Becker


Gender: Male (could be female)

Hair: would be wearing a grey helmet of some kind, with visor.

Head: smug daredevil look

Top: grey protective jacket

Bottom: grey trousers with footwear and pocket prints

Accessories: a redesigned rocket pack, á la classic Space.

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