October 29, 201014 yr C3PO going on an important shopping trip these sound like....like..... More like . But let's give the episode a chance, at least Bane is in it.
October 29, 201014 yr More like . But let's give the episode a chance, at least Bane is in it. Calls for A quote: Bane: "There they are, The gold one is the target! Todo: At Your service MR.Bane.
October 29, 201014 yr It also seems as though the horn things on her head are growing? Don't they look bigger in the shot, she's definatley looking more... erm... bearable. The are larger. I didn't notice that. Nice catch.
October 29, 201014 yr "Senators Padmé Amidala, Bail Organa, and Onaconda Farr come under fire after opposing a bill that would appropriate funds for millions of new clone troopers, but cripple the Republic."[1] Isn't Onaconda Farr dead, poised by his aide? ... Oh great, another bloody prequel.
October 29, 201014 yr Isn't Onaconda Farr dead, poised by his aide? ... Oh great, another bloody prequel. Man! I'm tired of prequels now! Though some of them have been good.
October 29, 201014 yr Isn't Onaconda Farr dead, poised by his aide? ... Oh great, another bloody prequel. Oh brother, that would confuse the hell out of the kids.. The event chronology is really messed up this Season 3. Prequel + Political Episode = very bad combo Edited October 29, 201014 yr by KielDaMan
October 29, 201014 yr In this episode Ahsoka has gotten a little older so her horn things have grown Well Duh Calls for A quote: Bane: "There they are, The gold one is the target! Todo: At Your service MR.Bane. More like Bane: I think the target is in the JC Penny's Todo: Can we just check out the Macy's first? Bane: *Growl* ohh, alright, but were not trying anyhting on Todo: But Banesies!! Bane: Oh alright! Gosh! oh yeah, this episode is gonna be great Isn't Onaconda Farr dead, poised by his aide? ... Oh great, another bloody prequel. I've kind of gotten used to them by now, It' will be funny to see them put in chronological order when they've all been done. It's gonna be a hell of a problem if you have all the seasons and want to watch them in order for a marathon. Oh brother, that would confuse the hell out of the kids.. The event chronology is really messed up this Season 3. Prequel + Political Episode = very bad combo I don't think the kids really care, they just want to see action, I bet their no fans of politics either.
October 29, 201014 yr I've kind of gotten used to them by now, It' will be funny to see them put in chronological order when they've all been done. It's gonna be a hell of a problem if you have all the seasons and want to watch them in order for a marathon. I did that after the end of Season 2. It was nice to watch them all in a different order and have them still make sense. I consider myself a Star Wars and Clone Wars fan and so I'm not bothered at all by slow stories or a mismatched order. Even though I enjoy the more action-packed episodes, I'm glad they're not all like that. The Clone Wars was an important time for politics and its nice to see that side represented as well. Just watching Anakin and Obi-Wan destroying droids and winning battles for weeks on end would quickly get boring. I certainly won't stop watching no matter what the series is like!
October 29, 201014 yr What rock have you been living under? With all the Harry Potter hype lately, surely you must have seen the Ron Weasley or Prof. Flitwick fig somewhere? An anti- HP rock Although some of these plotlines do look weak, they might surprise us nicely for once. Since the show ahs been maturing a little, perehaps they're getting better at politics too.
October 29, 201014 yr An anti- HP rock Although some of these plotlines do look weak, they might surprise us nicely for once. Since the show ahs been maturing a little, perehaps they're getting better at politics too. Who in Star Wars cares about politics? (except for politicians) Anyway, since this series is directed mostly at a younger audience, I'm surprised that they have so many boring episodes.
October 30, 201014 yr I'm watching the episode now, but it's Supply Lines. Did it say the next episode is in 2 weeks?
October 30, 201014 yr I'm watching the episode now, but it's Supply Lines. Did it say the next episode is in 2 weeks? Where are you watching, here in the states where it airs first or overseas where it's delayed?
October 30, 201014 yr Where are you watching, here in the states where it airs first or overseas where it's delayed? USA. It was supposed to be on tonight, but instead, I got treated to Supply Lines again. They showed the Bane/C-3P0 episode on the 'new episode next week' thing, but it was supposed to be on today.
October 30, 201014 yr It also seems as though the horn things on her head are growing? Don't they look bigger in the shot, she's definatley looking more... erm... bearable. Her head tails are definitely bigger, as well as her more human qualities. I'd guess this is simply for one episode set further down the timeline.. but that would be a shame, I'd definitely be in favour of keeping an older version of her in the show, she looks a lot better and it might finally make people realize she's not the same annoying kid who was in the movie. Also worth pointing out that the new action figure leaks also show Obi-wan with his episode III attire. (still with the clone gloves though.) This definitely shows we're moving closer to the Episode III time, but again.. could simply be for a one off episode.
October 30, 201014 yr Also worth pointing out that the new action figure leaks also show Obi-wan with his episode III attire. (still with the clone gloves though.) *snip* This definitely shows we're moving closer to the Episode III time, but again.. could simply be for a one off episode. Interesting... I believe Filoni mentioned before that the transition of the jedi attires from the battle armor to the traditional jedi robes will be 'answered' this season, so it'll be interesting to know the reason behind the change.
October 30, 201014 yr Interesting... I believe Filoni mentioned before that the transition of the jedi attires from the battle armor to the traditional jedi robes will be 'answered' this season, so it'll be interesting to know the reason behind the change. I must have missed him mentioning that... It will be cool to know though.
October 30, 201014 yr I must have missed him mentioning that... It will be cool to know though. I don't know about anywhere elese, but he mentioned in an interview featured in The Official Episode Guide Season One the they would eventually move into Episode 3 garb.
October 31, 201014 yr I don't know about anywhere elese, but he mentioned in an interview featured in The Official Episode Guide Season One the they would eventually move into Episode 3 garb. Yep, that interview was the one I'm referring to with regards to the transition from CW armor to Ep.3 jedi robes.
October 31, 201014 yr Author I don't know about anywhere elese, but he mentioned in an interview featured in The Official Episode Guide Season One the they would eventually move into Episode 3 garb. I couldn't imagine a reasonable explanation. It's the middle of a war- your clothing is supposed to get more practical, not less so. This is why clones everywhere are astounded by the fact that Jedi wear no armor in the middle of a battlefield. A few years into a war is a strange time to get nostalgic for your traditional garb. Still, I would like to see some of the Jedi in their more traditional clothing. This also means that we get to ditch Anakin's weird outfit.
November 1, 201014 yr Preview clips of Evil plans and bonus preview for Hunt For Ziro Including Vos!!! http://starwars.com/video/view/001139.html http://starwars.com/video/view/001140.html Calls for a quote "Hey Commander, Looking good -Vos to Commander Cody.
November 1, 201014 yr Preview clips of Evil plans and bonus preview for Hunt For Ziro Including Vos!!! http://starwars.com/video/view/001139.html http://starwars.com/video/view/001140.html Calls for a quote "Hey Commander, Looking good -Vos to Commander Cody. AWESOME!!!! Can't wait to see Vos in action!
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