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This is the main reason I hate TCW- all the messing up with the canon. It seems the further they go, the more Filoni feels like wrecking stuff. As having read a lot of EU, I'd like to see these episodes to see what exactly they've done, but for some stupid reason I can't wacth the full episodes via SW.com in Canada.

Can't go wrong with mastertoons. :classic:

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Posted (edited)

Other than that, Altar of Mortis was fairly boring. Hopefully the rest of the episodes will make up for this. :sceptic:

I am sorry to say, but I cannot disagree more, with the whole post. For me (30 years old adult who's been with SW a loooong time, and also very conversant with EU lore), this was probably the best part of SW universe since Yoda trained Luke on Dagobah. A microcosm of the Force, dark always impinging on light (best and most mature quote since "That is why you failed" is probably "Do not hate him; it is his nature", couldn't believe my ears, not really kids stuff, end digression).

They're messing with the existing canon way too much now

I also don't understand this zealotry with canon, as long as they don't do ridiculous things like literally bringing people from dead (Palpatine cloning in EU was a sad example of what not to do). Contrary to many here, I remain convinced that the Maul teaser at the end of "Savage" arc was just that - a teaser. They may bring him in a crystal ball, spirit form, magic mirror, but not in blood and flash or a cyborg crazy creature...

Can Anakin have force-visions about his future? Certainly. Can an immensely powerful Force-user manipulate his visions? Of course, see Palpatine in ROTS. With just a preview of Anakin's character, strong manipulator would know that Anakin would seek at any cost to avoid the visions and take exactly the road that brings them to being.

I was expecting Ahsoka to die. I give them one more chance for that - which is next episode. If it doesn't happen then either, I expect that they would just come up with a lame excuse to let her live or something.

Without offense, but that's the silliest thing ever; for you folks who don't get it yet, Ahsoka is Clone Wars (TV-show). You kill her, you killed the show. No. What is going to happen, she will be the key for understanding Anakin's descent to hell. Many of us were angry after watching ROTS coz you don't get how a fairly good guy with some troublesome events in the past end up being a monster capable of killing children. Movie tries to tell us that the reason is LOVE, but horrendous acting prevents us from seeing it. ROTS book filled that gap a bit, it gave a more in-depth study of character. Ahsoka will shed additional light on a monster within him. That much is obvious.

Now, on a wild guessing side, I am under the impression that Ahsoka being resurrected with the last light of the Force-angel, is gonna get on a pretty uber "Palpatine-I'm-gonna-kick-your-a**-don't-*****-with-me" side. She is now the last avatar of light...

So, my guess, she drives Anakin crazy once she finds out about Padme (and she's bound to), deems him unworthy of teaching her further, she seeks her own way, and I bet a part of my Lego SW collection, she survives Order 66. Later? Who knows.. Finds Shaak Ti on Felucia, and marries Galen Marek...

Edited by Spyderlord

"Altar of Mortis", I really had the feeling they had something going after "overlords" but this episode made me feel like they dropped the ball. To me it was once again filled with poor decisions, stranger reactions and plot-holes. Not too mention if felt so dis-hinged with normal Star Wars lore that I felt it actually had nothing to do with it at a certain moment. It had some potential, like the corruption of Ahsoka (who actually became cool for the first time in the whole the Clone Wars series) poorly executed though, no real struggle in Anakin in having to fight his Padawan/friend. In the end it simply became a black-white episode bringing it back to the (boring) basics, showing how bad the dark side is and how noble the light side and suddenly making the 'force-wielders' so important that they are actually responsible for the fate of the galaxy. Definitely hope the third episode will salvage the arc but after seeing this one I'm not at all sure how they would even do that.

I even remember one of you said something like "I would rather watch Pursuit of Peace again over the Savage arc" That is so stupid. Who would want to watch that over brilliant action like the Savage arc.

I do believe I'd said something amongst those lines, though I'm not entirely sure you are referring to me. Anyways the simple explanation for this was you might have gone; Savage, what a cool character and look he kicked Dooku's behind, what an awesome scene. While I just roll my eyes and go; How the hell did he do that. I'm not sure whether I was paying extra attention but when I looked that episode I saw so many illogical actions/reactions/things that it completely ruined whatever story they were trying to tell me. Political episodes however boring they may be to most do usually have a simplistic story to tell without trying to drown it in cool but utterly absurd action scenes. Doesn't mean I didn't like the action packed episodes like "landing at point rain" but I just feel some of the current episodes (like the savage arc) are forcing action scenes without a completely thought-trough story to back it up, then I simply prefer something with a complete story. Mean no offense at all to people who liked the savage arc, I just didn't.


I've never been happy with concepts like "the rule of two", "midichlorians" and "the chosen one". "The rule of two" was so...limiting; the concept of "midichlorians" simply removed the myth from the force without necessity, and "the chosen one"...well, I could live with it, but I will never understand why "the chosen one" got tricked by the Emperor in such a silly way.

Anyway, I like season 3 so far, and although I find the current episodes a bit aloof, I wonder where the authors will take us.


"The rule of two" was so...limiting

But see- there's a point to that. Before the PT, thousands of sith got into some sort of jiant battle, killing each other off. The rule of two generally supresses that hate.


But see- there's a point to that. Before the PT, thousands of sith got into some sort of jiant battle, killing each other off. The rule of two generally supresses that hate.

I always thought EU said some really powerful dude won the battle, and made the rule by only training one more.


I always thought EU said some really powerful dude won the battle, and made the rule by only training one more.

Yeah, well- that's not my area of expertise. I'm basically going based on what I (think I) remember from Wookiepedia. Doc would probably be more help- I mostly stick to the Rise of the Empire, New Republic and Legacy eras.


I always thought EU said some really powerful dude won the battle, and made the rule by only training one more.

You're thinking about the 7th Battle of Ruusan, where pretty much everyone from Jedi Lord Hoth's Army of Light got wiped out by Lord Kaan's Britherhood of Darkness. But they all kicked it too, since Kaan used a nasty weapon called a thought bomb which basically slaughtered everyone. Only a few people survived, one of whom was Darth Bane. He, being pretty fed up with all the sneakiness and treachery of everyone, went on to form the rule of 2.

And yes, I'm very aware that I just jumped in to a very long thread, dished out som vague info regarding something not quite relating to the topic (I haven't watched the Clone Wars since series 1) and now I'm going to jump out again. Bye.


And yes, I'm very aware that I just jumped in to a very long thread, dished out som vague info regarding something not quite relating to the topic (I haven't watched the Clone Wars since series 1) and now I'm going to jump out again. Bye.

Who said that? :wacko:

The sooner we get back to the CW, the better.


I think that when you don't take TCW too seriously, it's a nice show :grin::sceptic:

:wacko: Some fanboys, its a TV show, get over it already.

That's the problem sometimes when the geek in us start over-analyzing a kid's cartoon series. What I learned from watching this show is never to take things too seriously, this is a kid's show for heaven's sake. Just sit back, relax, try to enjoy the episode. If you're not satisfied, then move on with your life.

Can't go wrong with mastertoons. :classic:

I don't know if this is confirmed but it seems mastertoons will stop 'hosting' the online episodes due to Copyright infringement filed by LucasFilms. :sad:


Well, I don't think that either episode has conflicted with the films so much so far, but they just sort of suck. This second one especially had nothing interesting going on, period.

It seems Filoni and/or Lucas are trying extremely hard to create brand new characters and intrigue to heighten the excitement, but with this new arc, they've just failed. I don't think that even kids would get that much out of the father/sister/brother crazy force world place. Honestly, those classic Clone Wars arcs like the Ryloth Trilogy and anything with Clones is a lot more exciting.

Hopefully, from those episode descriptions, the next few episodes after this arc is over will feature Clones and more interesting things going on.

Posted (edited)

I don't know if this is confirmed but it seems mastertoons will stop 'hosting' the online episodes due to Copyright infringement filed by LucasFilms. :sad:

That must be one the most absurd things of all time. RexBeatsAll (The owner of Mastertoons) will always continue to host the Clone Wars episodes and he is not even copying them he is just provided Megavideo Links, Zshare etc to the Clone Wars Videos.

Edited by commanderneyo

That must be one the most absurd things of all time. RexBeatsAll (The owner of Mastertoons) will always continue to host the Clone Wars episodes and he is not even copying them he is just provided Megavideo Links, Zshare etc to the Clone Wars Videos.

Well I hope so, it's my preferred viewing site for the CW episodes. It's just that I read a note on the site last week that after the Mortis Trilogy mastertoons will no longer be able to be able to show the episodes due to the aforementioned copyright infringement issues. I have no further knowledge on the legality of said issue, so I'm hoping for the best for all the parties involved (LucasFilms, mastertoons, and the fans).


In all of the clone wars vs OT/PT discussions, I've defended CW, and implored people to give it a chance. And I am first and foremost a OT fan.

So in fact, our criticisms of these episodes are not just looking for an excuse to "hate on it more." Defensive, anyone?

And, frankly, the implication that some of the symbolism in these "cartoons" is going over our heads is.... well....a bit insulting.

As much flack as the OT side has taken recently, maybe some of the CW fans need to look in the mirror.

Quit being so defensive, and acknowledge that even your beloved CW can have flaws. Even the diehard OT fans will admit that the OT has flaws.

I just think it's ironic that OT fans have been portrayed as "closed minded."

If TCW does something I dislike, you can be sure I'll be complaining about it. See the Lux episode discussion, for example. :classic:

It just seems every week, we have people complaining about every little thing that happens, even when the episodes are fantastic (I wouldn't regard the last episode that highly, but still). For some, it seems TCW can do no right, so I often find myself in the position of having to defend it more than I do on other sites, or in the case of these episodes.. pointing out that the plot is meant to be deeper than just what we're being told by the characters. I don't mean to insult anyone by what I said, but it is something that everyone else seems to have missed.

This is the main reason I hate TCW- all the messing up with the canon. It seems the further they go, the more Filoni feels like wrecking stuff. As having read a lot of EU, I'd like to see these episodes to see what exactly they've done, but for some stupid reason I can't wacth the full episodes via SW.com in Canada.

I'm in the UK, and I have to say not being able to watch the episodes online is a huge problem. It's not going to make anyone wait to see them on local networks or buy the DVD's when they're released, it just means we have to resort to less legal means to see them. How does that benefit them at all? I know there's all sorts of international licensing problems, but it's something they really need to get sorted out.

As for the EU, I can't say I agree there. I'm sure you've seen me post about it before.. but the EU isn't canon, it's created by fans and essentially exists as side stories to the movies. Filoni himself seems to be a huge fan of the EU and tries to incorporate it as much as possible, where it fits.. like by including the Republic Commando's or Ventresses backstory (which I hear was pretty much untouched) but in the end it's George Lucas who comes up with the stories and what he says in regards to canon goes.. He doesn't care if some EU writer has come up with his own interpretation of General Grievous' backstory, if that conflicts with his original plans.


As for the EU, I can't say I agree there. I'm sure you've seen me post about it before.. but the EU isn't canon, it's created by fans and essentially exists as side stories to the movies. Filoni himself seems to be a huge fan of the EU and tries to incorporate it as much as possible, where it fits.. like by including the Republic Commando's or Ventresses backstory (which I hear was pretty much untouched) but in the end it's George Lucas who comes up with the stories and what he says in regards to canon goes.. He doesn't care if some EU writer has come up with his own interpretation of General Grievous' backstory, if that conflicts with his original plans.

Threading on thin ice there, as far as I can tell and possibly said over a dozen times on these forum is that the EU is Canon, it's a lower on the canon list and can be overwritten by movie of (dreadfully) The Clone Wars though. It's not fan-work either(They artsit/writer/etc may be a fan of Star Wars or not but it's definitely isn't fan-work) it's actually work approved by George Lucas himself and often commissioned and/or approved by him as an expansion on the Star Wars universe.

and there is nothing wrong with the fact that Lucas has the last word, but it doesn't mean we are always satisfied with it and to be honest retcon happens a little bit too much in The Clone Wars. A good example is Asajj Ventress' background story. Where Asajj actually grows up on Rattattak with her parents who are eventually murdered by a competing warlord. Instead of her being a nightsister growing up with a ?bounty-hunter? on a planet that doesn't look much like previous images of Rattattak. but okay, you can question how much anyone could be bothered by such facts, but again it's all what your taste is, I like a lot of the stories made for the EU and for any who complain that the EU is not true canon, I'd say read some of the work made and then tell me again what is better canon.


Is it just me, or does this sound an awful lot like a certain SW Battlefront 1 level? Perhaps we'll be seeing a CW Rhen Var...

Maybe at some point, but these are most likely the Felucia episodes.


Now that I've seen the commentary for this last episode, I think I may get why these episodes are so... screwy. Filoni seems to be implying that this whole arc is a "dream" of sorts, equating it to the tree on Dagobah. All of this is intended to give Obi-Wan, Ashoka and Annakin a glimpse of the future. Which would imply that none of this is real. At least I hope that is what Filoni is saying. If none of this is real, THEN the symbolism is okay with me. And yes, I DO get the symbolism.

So I'll see what this week's episode brings. The commentary gives me hope that they aren't changing canon with completely new force users who underpin our whole understanding of the force.


Now that I've seen the commentary for this last episode, I think I may get why these episodes are so... screwy. Filoni seems to be implying that this whole arc is a "dream" of sorts, equating it to the tree on Dagobah. All of this is intended to give Obi-Wan, Ashoka and Annakin a glimpse of the future. Which would imply that none of this is real. At least I hope that is what Filoni is saying. If none of this is real, THEN the symbolism is okay with me. And yes, I DO get the symbolism.

So I'll see what this week's episode brings. The commentary gives me hope that they aren't changing canon with completely new force users who underpin our whole understanding of the force.

I had an inkling that might be the case, but I think if so it would've been a lot less confusing & troublemaking had these episodes been aired together as a "movie" (although yes I concede it's possibly impractical) - so there wasn't this 2 week period between the start & end of the "don't touch my canon" fanboy reaction.

Posted (edited)

The description for "The Citadel" Next weeks Episode can be found here. http://www.tvguide.com/tvshows/Star-Wars-2011/episode-17-season-3/citadel/294948

From the sounds of that description the Jedi General is likely to be Even Piell and that this Episode will be based off the shot with Someone (Clone?) in Carbonite so the Citadel will be based on Thule.

EDIT: And guess who is coming to the Clone Wars in The Citadel? (You'll never guess right before you look at the spoiler below) :laugh:

Grand Moff Tarkin or Captain Tarkin in the Clone Wars


Edited by commanderneyo

Grand Moff Tarkin or Captain Tarkin in the Clone Wars

Well there's another giant gash in EU. He was a governor in that time- Leia even referanced that in Ep.4. Making him a captain is pathetic.

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