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As it was written, "One day the Nizam shall rise again and bring upon the land a

great disaster. Many will die as they attempt to reclaim control of the Sands of Time."

This is that story.

Day 2 - There's No Sense Crying Over Every Mistake.

Blood. It's everywhere. Everywhere except the burning parts. Ash and smoke fill the air as the sun struggles to burst through the gloom of destruction. The market, once a wonderous place, is now little more than a burned out war zone in the midst of the fortress walls.

Above the square, that same familiar figure emerged from the royal balcony as horns blared to alert the citizens that a proclamation was about to be made.


Good people of Persia, I, Grand Vizier Shadir the One-Eyed... holy crap! Look at this place! I didn't say to destroy everything, I said to kill the Nizam. Well, no matter, as long as you've succeeded. Scribe! *a young man approaches the Vizier and hands him a scroll summarizing the previous evening. Excellent. Let's see how you did.

The Vizier reads it carefully, shaking his head. Having carefully inspected and confiscated the belongings of all of your targets, it has been determined that you killed precisely 0 Nizam.

Oh, and look, there are a few of you who didn't bother to help. Therefore, you shall be rounded up and sentenced to a fair trial for aiding the Nizam through inaction. Then you'll be buried up to your necks in sand and covered in honey and ants or something. I haven't decided yet, but I will, and I'll be sure to do it quickly. We do like to keep things fair and speedy for maximum justice. Men! Round up Dunjon, indianajones and Pyramid who are now as good as dead as well.

18 dead. Well, that's discouraging, but amusing anyway, you're a creative lot, even if you are as dumb as donkey dung.

Whatever the case, you just keep on trying 'til you run out of cake citizens.

So here's the plan!

Every night, you may kill one person of your choosing. You may also protect one from being killed. You will no longer be able to block. Blocking seemed to disrupt your killing too much, so we'll just leave that out. It didn't do you any good anyway, none of you even blocked a Nizam either. :hmpf:

Talk amongst yourselves today, and when you've come to a conclusion, send me your 2 wishes. The earlier you send, the more successful you'll be. Then, when the day is over (24 hours from now), night will fall (duh) and you'll have 24 more hours to send your wishes. If you haven't sent them by then... :skull:


The Rules of Play:

A small number of you have previously received a PM. You are the Nizam. The rest of you will not hear from me at any time during this game. You are all free to use the local Potato Messenging system to any advantage you feel it may bring you, but you may only write me once per day or night. No questions, no retractions, no attempts to change or verify anything.

The game will operate on a day by day basis, with each game day lasting exactly 24 hours and then a night lasting an additional 24 hours. During that time, all players may post in the discussion topic for that day (or night, as appropriate) in an attempt to gain information, create alliances, or simply deceive each other. Participation in the game topics is encouraged but not required.

What is required, however, is a PM to me detailing your wishes. You may send it at any time during the day or associated night. Failure to send a PM will not be pretty, but it might be amusing. For me. :devil:

  • Who you plan to kill. This should be someone you believe to be on the opposing team from you. Assuming they aren't protected, you aren't blocked, and you live long enough to do it, they'll die in the night.
  • Who you want to protect. This should be someone you believe to be on your own team who might be in danger. If successful, it will protect them from one kill attempt. That doesn't mean they'll last the night if multiple people target them.

Don't be surprised if things don't go as you plan, there will be a lot of people doing a lot of things in the night, plus there are many outside factors that you can't possibly account for. Every day will be a surprise.

At the end of the night, a conclusion will be posted and then the next day will appear. This is how you will learn the effectiveness of the previous night (and whether or not you survived it).

The Victims Players (In order of Signup):

  1. Dragonator
  2. Quarryman
  3. WhiteFang
  4. Rick
  5. Lord Arjay
  6. YG-49
  7. Svelte
  8. Bob the Construction Man
  9. PrEtzel
  10. badboytje88
  11. I Scream Clone
  12. TinyPiesRUs
  13. brickme
  14. Dunjohn
  15. Dannylonglegs
  16. pedro
  17. General Redwater
  18. jamtf
  19. Alice
  20. Ricecracker
  21. Walter Kovacs
  22. hewman
  23. Big Cam
  24. Zapper Brick
  25. Inconspicuous
  26. def
  27. Sandy
  28. Sir Dillon
  29. Eskallon
  30. Darth Hawken
  31. professor flitwick
  32. Mac-K
  33. Fugazi
  34. The crazy one
  35. Gamer
  36. Roncanator
  37. indianajones
  38. CallMePie
  39. The Legonater
  40. Spyder
  41. Peppermint_M
  42. JimButcher
  43. cralegoboy
  44. Stash2Sixx
  45. iamded
  46. Burman
  47. hiny
  48. awesomebrick
  49. Masked Builder
  50. Pyramid
  51. ThatGuyWithTheBricks
  52. greenskull139

I shall nap now, near my friends, so I can remain wide awake later on this evening. I do miss the screams of CallMeFried though. I could easily drift into a deep sleep listening to those cries.

*yawn*... just woke up and... found myself alive! Thanks ostrich patrol, thanks camel poo, you did it for me.

Hmm, 18 people dead means 18 corpses to be collected and buried. Lotso's cargo bill will be huge :sceptic: And we killed 0 Nizam...!? How is that possible... :oh: I really thought with the others that JimButcher was certainly one of them. I guess we were wrong. An apology to Mr. Butcher for that :blush: and from now on we will say only good things about you now you are dead. :sadnew:

We need a different approach in finding the Nizam. Any ideas? :oh3:

Anyhow, I have a busy day ahead of me. It is harvesting time and although the weather outside doesn't look too good this early morning, it has to be done. At least it is dry... for now. :hmpf_bad:

Edited by jamtf

Holy camel, what an atrocious bloodbath! :cry_sad: And no Nizam has even been scratched! Still, I'm sure some of them must have been targeted during the night, so it's obvious they must have protected each other well. If only we knew who to trust and do the same!

But I'm sure some knowledge can be gathered from the night's events and help us identifying the real culprits this time. :angry:

But I'm sure some knowledge can be gathered from the night's events and help us identifying the real culprits this time. :angry:

Well said. I remember Grand Vizier Shadir the One Eyed talking about people almost getting killed if it weren't for 1 or 2 protectors to prevent that from happening. The Nizam are probably covering each other well since they seem to know that they are Nizam. It could be that they protect their weakest link or biggest target so he/she will stay alive.

Also, we are still kept in the dark about the number of Nizam around. All together, there were 52 players. With 18 people killed, 34 of them are left. How many of them are Nizam? It could be 2, maybe 3, perhaps 4 or 5, but also there could be a strong alliance of say 8 - 10 players although that is highly unlikely since we did not even kill 1 during the first night.

My guess is that the Grand Vizier does not want the Nizam to be found and killed immediately. They are either people that try to stay under the radar as long as they can or a small number of say 3 seasoned mafia games players that are hard to kill since they protect each other very well.

What do you guys think?

Off to my berries, barrels and bottles again. :wink:

I agree their number must be small... Or our attacks were too unfocused: if no two people attacked the same Nizam, then he/she was probably protected and repelled the attack.

The Grand Vizier in his awesome greatness mentioned something very important:

You will no longer be able to block. Blocking seemed to disrupt your killing too much, so we'll just leave that out. It didn't do you any good anyway, none of you even blocked a Nizam either. :hmpf:

So keep in mind who you tried to block last night, for they are not Nizam! I have certainly removed a suspect from my list. I would name him, but would you believe me?

Ok, who molested me last night? Cause this is one pleased monkey! Still alive and fiddled with to boot.

Oh what a night! :thumbup:

I am amazed we didn't get a single Nizam though. Not Awesome,Big, Fried or hotshoe shuffled!

One seriously bummed monkey :devil:

I agree their number must be small... Or our attacks were too unfocused: if no two people attacked the same Nizam, then he/she was probably protected and repelled the attack.

The Grand Vizier in his awesome greatness mentioned something very important:

You speak with greast wisdom. We must use the day to organise the attacks, which means not being secretive!

So keep in mind who you tried to block last night, for they are not Nizam! I have certainly removed a suspect from my list. I would name him, but would you believe me?

Ah yes that is good advice. Maybe we should reveal our blocking targets, we can then narrow it down who is a Nizam.

Ah yes that is good advice. Maybe we should reveal our blocking targets, we can then narrow it down who is a Nizam.

When you wrote that down, did it ever cross your mind that the Nizam will cover each other and name their Nizam companion(s) as the ones NOT to attack... :hmpf:

Ah yes that is good advice. Maybe we should reveal our blocking targets, we can then narrow it down who is a Nizam.

I agree we should share information, but the danger is a Nizam will probably name one of their friends in order to protect them. Who are we to trust? :cry_sad:

I have heard that Ricecracker attempted to protect JimButcher, to no avail. Would a Nizam protect an innocent? I wouldn't think so, in my mind that clears Ricecracker of any suspicion. Do I make sense?

When you wrote that down, did it ever cross your mind that the Nizam will cover each other and name their Nizam companion(s) as the ones NOT to attack... :hmpf:

Yes I see the error in that :sceptic: . I still think it would be a good idea to co-ordinate our attacks though as it seems as though the Nizam will protect each other.

I hope that this day ends soon, too, so that I can kill more people.

We must be wise in our decisions. :sadnew:

*Alan walks in severly shaken*

I thought I was a goner last night. Not that i'm complaining or anything.

18? 18 deaths. Well we better start since the day is young.

*Grabs shovel and starts digging a grave*

Who are we to trust? :cry_sad:

I have heard that Ricecracker attempted to protect JimButcher, to no avail. Would a Nizam protect an innocent? I wouldn't think so, in my mind that clears Ricecracker of any suspicion. Do I make sense?

Indeed, who are we to trust... if only we knew.

Hmm, it is also easy to name a dead person (from the first night killings) as the one you protected to throw of any suspicion, so I would not dare to say that what you said makes sense. Also, it could be that you are attempting to protect Ricecracker in a certain way by saying this. Who am I to tell? :look:

Ok, who molested me last night? Cause this is one pleased monkey! Still alive and fiddled with to boot.

Oh what a night! :thumbup:

I am amazed we didn't get a single Nizam though. Not Awesome,Big, Fried or hotshoe shuffled!

One seriously bummed monkey :devil:

You scrub comodes with cats, to Llik Mazin, the Persian Kitty, that sounds like the action of a Nizam* :classic:

*Note: I have no evidence one way or the other whether ISC is a Nizam or not.

Huh. I was for sure that JimButcher was a Nizam. Oops. :blush: . Sorry Jimbu! I hope that whatever the afterlife is it is comfortable.

So, lets see. We killed 18 people, all of them regular old citizens. Dragonator seemed pretty well protected... The Nizam?

Oh no! My... my shop! Burned! How dare they! How could they!? I'm ruined!! :cry_sad:

After the crazy events of last night, I am unsure of what to do next. Those Nizam must pay for the lose of my stock! :angry:

Hmm, it is also easy to name a dead person (from the first night killings) as the one you protected to throw of any suspicion, so I would not dare to say that what you said makes sense. Also, it could be that you are attempting to protect Ricecracker in a certain way by saying this. Who am I to tell? :look:

Well I'm not trying to protect Ricecracker, I'm just stating the facts from the night recap. The Grand Vizier clearly mentioned that:

In his home, JimButcher is preparing for the night's actions. Retrieving his dagger and covering his face, he heads out into the night, only to be met by a mob of angry citizens brandishing swords, torches, and forks. "Hey guys, I'm just about to go get those dirty Nizam!" he says nervously, but the crowd isn't willing to listen. Suddenly, from a nearby alley, a second crowd appears. "Wait! We trust him! This will not happen! There are so many of you..." The second crowd flees, but before they can escape, daggers fly! YG-49 catches one in the chest and Ricecracker is slightly wounded in the arm. YG-49 dies quickly but Ricecracker manages to run off

If I interpret this correctly, Ricecracker attempted to protect JimButcher, who was innocent.

V Redwater wakes up.

"I...............I..........I survived." "I thought I would never make it! :classic: " Looks around "I better help clean up this place."

Edited by General Redwater

So, lets see. We killed 18 people, all of them regular old citizens. Dragonator seemed pretty well protected... The Nizam?

Something's going on with those 'veterans', but I don't know what.

I felt overjoyed though, when I saw the sun shining through the grungy windowpane into my room this morning. Another day to find the Nizam and make them pay for all this bloodshed.

But but Grand Vizier! You keep saying that those who do not participate will have amusing deaths, but they weren't very amusing at all. :cry_sad:

There weren't as many deaths as I was expecting, but I'm still surprised we weren't able to kill any of the Nizam. We aren't very good at this. :tongue:

How humiliating we killed 18 people and no Nizam I am full of shame :cry_sad: .

We must really be bad at this :tongue: but maybe our luck will change :sceptic: .

The ever elusive Nizam escape us! :angry: Last night was pretty rough, and fruitless too. At this point we can analyze everything to our heart's content, but I have a feeling more than half of us are eager to kill regardless of any "evidence" brought up.

Let's just get over this wave of shock, and get ready for the next one. :devil:

If I interpret this correctly, Ricecracker attempted to protect JimButcher, who was innocent.

I guess that's correct. Unless the oh-so-mighty Grand Vizier meant that the daggers were flying from both sides? A little unclear but I believe Ricecracker might be either a very, VERY skilled Nizam who tries to protect an innocent civilian to make himself look innocent, or just a normal citizen who really is innocent. I'm leaning more to the latter, I don't think the Nizam are that clever, I guess they were just lucky to escape our knifes and tricks last night. This night the luck is on our side hopefully.

I am glad to be alive but at the same time, feeling surprised that the killings are not even half of the population which means there is some crazy actions happening last night. Do we have any other options of revealing the Nizam by day?

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