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As it was written, "One day the Nizam shall rise again and bring upon the land a

great disaster. Many will die as they attempt to reclaim control of the Sands of Time."

This is that story.

Night 2 - What's that I hear? It is the jackals, and they hunger.

Night has fallen and it can't get up.

Above the square, that same familiar figure emerged from the royal balcony as horns blared to alert the citizens that a proclamation was about to be made.


Good people of Persia, I, Grand Vizier Shadir the One-Eyed would like to take this moment to remind you that the absence of a giant burning orb in the sky means that it is night once again. Prepare to fulfill your required duty and do try a little harder this time, please.

So here's the plan!

Every day/night cycle, you may kill one person of your choosing. You may also protect one from being killed. You will no longer be able to block. Blocking seemed to disrupt your killing too much, so we'll just leave that out. It didn't do you any good anyway, none of you even blocked a Nizam either. :hmpf:

Talk amongst yourselves then go home. When you've come to a conclusion, send me your 2 wishes. The earlier you send, the more successful you'll be. You have 24 hours to send your wishes. If you haven't sent them by then... :skull:


The Rules of Play:

A small number of you have previously received a PM. You are the Nizam. The rest of you will not hear from me at any time during this game. You are all free to use the local Potato Messenging system to any advantage you feel it may bring you, but you may only write me once per day or night. No questions, no retractions, no attempts to change or verify anything.

The game will operate on a day by day basis, with each game day lasting exactly 24 hours and then a night lasting an additional 24 hours. During that time, all players may post in the discussion topic for that day (or night, as appropriate) in an attempt to gain information, create alliances, or simply deceive each other. Participation in the game topics is encouraged but not required.

What is required, however, is a PM to me detailing your wishes. You may send it at any time during the day or associated night. Failure to send a PM will not be pretty, but it might be amusing. For me. :devil:

  • Who you plan to kill. This should be someone you believe to be on the opposing team from you. Assuming they aren't protected, you aren't blocked, and you live long enough to do it, they'll die in the night.
  • Who you want to protect. This should be someone you believe to be on your own team who might be in danger. If successful, it will protect them from one kill attempt. That doesn't mean they'll last the night if multiple people target them.

Don't be surprised if things don't go as you plan, there will be a lot of people doing a lot of things in the night, plus there are many outside factors that you can't possibly account for. Every day will be a surprise.

At the end of the night, a conclusion will be posted and then the next day will appear. This is how you will learn the effectiveness of the previous night (and whether or not you survived it).

The Victims Players (In order of Signup):

  1. Dragonator
  2. Quarryman
  3. WhiteFang
  4. Rick
  5. Lord Arjay
  6. YG-49
  7. Svelte
  8. Bob the Construction Man
  9. PrEtzel
  10. badboytje88
  11. I Scream Clone
  12. TinyPiesRUs
  13. brickme
  14. Dunjohn
  15. Dannylonglegs
  16. pedro
  17. General Redwater
  18. jamtf
  19. Alice
  20. Ricecracker
  21. Walter Kovacs
  22. hewman
  23. Big Cam
  24. Zapper Brick
  25. Inconspicuous
  26. def
  27. Sandy
  28. Sir Dillon
  29. Eskallon
  30. Darth Hawken
  31. professor flitwick
  32. Mac-K
  33. Fugazi
  34. The crazy one
  35. Gamer
  36. Roncanator
  37. indianajones
  38. CallMePie
  39. The Legonater
  40. Spyder
  41. Peppermint_M
  42. JimButcher
  43. cralegoboy
  44. Stash2Sixx
  45. iamded
  46. Burman
  47. hiny
  48. awesomebrick
  49. Masked Builder
  50. Pyramid
  51. ThatGuyWithTheBricks
  52. greenskull139

About time the night fell, I was getting sunburnt :grin:

I don't know if you fellows have got any better clues, but I'm afraid tonight will be a worse massacre than last, and too many innocents will die again. Better start digging my own grave, just in case! :sceptic:

  • Author
Better start digging my own grave, just in case! :sceptic:

A drunken traveler from a distant land passes through the market square, overhearing your comments.

To dig your own grave

is quite a sight,

but to bury yourself

is not very bright.

There are more to kill

and the job will be done,

now there are 5,

soon they'll be a lot less.

He disappears into the crowd before you can ask him what he means.

There are more to kill

and the job will be done,

now there are 5,

soon they'll be a lot less.[/i]

The streets are so much emptier this star-filled night and the shadows are everywhere... this stranger seemed to sing of the Nizam...

Draws blanket around shoulders and begins to play a beautiful but haunting melody, contemplating the coming night.

Draws blanket around shoulders and begins to play a beautiful but haunting melody, contemplating the coming night.

Mind if I join you?


When the night has come

And the land is dark,

And the moon is the only light we'll see...

Oh and by the way, could that stranger mean that we might be more successful tonight than we were last night? I hope this is a good omen.

There are more to kill

and the job will be done,

now there are 5,

soon they'll be a lot less.[/i]

Ah thank you weird traveler. I believe that he has told us there are only 5 Nizam and that some of us have got our target right tonight. :thumbup:

I shall join in singing. :sing:

Let us beat and kill

the nasty mean nizam crooks

then we eat good food

Wait, that is haiku. :wacko:

A drunken traveler from a distant land passes through the market square, overhearing your comments.

To dig your own grave

is quite a sight,

but to bury yourself

is not very bright.

There are more to kill

and the job will be done,

now there are 5,

soon they'll be a lot less.

He disappears into the crowd before you can ask him what he means.

This wandering minstrel has given me the urge to sing.

When the moon hits your eye

Like a big...

No, wait. That doesn't quite fit the mood. :hmpf_bad:

Screams break the silence

waking from the dead of night

Vengeance is boiling

He's returned to kill the light

Then when he's found who he's looking for

Listen in awe and you'll hear him

Bark at the moon

There. That's better. I guess :hmpf:

Ah thank you weird traveler. I believe that he has told us there are only 5 Nizam and that some of us have got our target right tonight. :thumbup:

I shall join in singing. :sing:

I believe you are correct, Lord Arjay. At least that is what i get out of the song. Tomorrow will tell.

And if the song is correct, then the Nizam listening in will be frantic over the next few hours to try and get as many protectors as possible, trying to save they're own skins. We must keep our eyes and ears open for those desparate to gain a blocker or three. Clues may be easier to find soon.

Another night where we can fear for our lives. Okay, may the best killer live I guess.

Ah thank you weird traveler. I believe that he has told us there are only 5 Nizam and that some of us have got our target right tonight. :thumbup:

If that's correct I would be surprised if we haven't killed of at least 1 or 2 Nizam at the end of this night. If we're only facing 5 enemies I believe we have a quite good chance of taking them out soon. We just have to think carefully about who has not talked much, which I find very suspicious, and who are almost definitely good civilians according to the clues the Grand Vizier has given us. I know one that I'm going to protect.

Searching, searching, searching. Searching for my camel

Searching, searching, searching. Searching for my camel

Beware of the camels... they kill.

If that's correct I would be surprised if we haven't killed of at least 1 or 2 Nizam at the end of this night. If we're only facing 5 enemies I believe we have a quite good chance of taking them out soon. We just have to think carefully about who has not talked much, which I find very suspicious, and who are almost definitely good civilians according to the clues the Grand Vizier has given us. I know one that I'm going to protect.

Sure seems that Svelte hasn't been talking much, wonder what he might be up to.

Maybe he ran away with all the Nizam to hide. Yay! Citizens win! :tongue:

Sure seems that Svelte hasn't been talking much, wonder what he might be up to.

Maybe he ran away with all the Nizam to hide. Yay! Citizens win! :tongue:

I have just been cooking some delicious lamb biryani - a Hyderabadi dish, very popular, from the original city of the Nizams. Maybe if I make a delicious meal for them they won't make a delicious meal out of me :thumbup:

First, we marinate chunks of lamb in a mix of garam masala, chilli, cilantro, mint, turmeric and garlic. Then we fry 4 thinly sliced onions in a heavy-coated dish in 2 ozs of butter and 2 ozs of oil until golden. Reserve the oil, then quickly sear the marinated lamb. Rest for a few minutes, then throw in the lamb, any extra marinade, the cooked onion and 1 cup of thick yoghurt. Season with salt. Simmer gently for 40 mins until lamb is tender. Meanwhile, half-cook 1 1/2 cups of rice (ie don't cook the whole way through). When the lamb is tender, spoon the rice over the top and then drizzle with remaining oil and 2 tbsps of hot milk in which 1/2 a tsp of saffron has been soaking. Cook in a moderate oven for 35-40 minutes until rice is done. Serve with raita (yoghurt, mint, coriander, tomato, cucumber) and, if you are a Nizam, the roasted baby of an unbeliever. Delicious!

My lamb biryani brings all the Nizams to the yard! True story!

I have just been cooking some delicious lamb biryani - a Hyderabadi dish, very popular, from the original city of the Nizams. Maybe if I make a delicious meal for them they won't make a delicious meal out of me

Sounds exquiste! I really hope to get a chance to savour your dish. Fortunately there's no potatoes in it - I've gone right off them recently.

My lamb biryani brings all the Nizams to the yard! True story!

Sounds lovely! :sweet:

Hmm... Maybe we should booby-trap your lamb to get rid of the Nizam :grin:

I have just been cooking some delicious lamb biryani - a Hyderabadi dish, very popular, from the original city of the Nizams. Maybe if I make a delicious meal for them they won't make a delicious meal out of me

This sounds delicous! :classic:

No Nizam will be able to resist taking a bite. :devil:

  • Author

Grand Vizier Shadir the One-Eyed smells something he'd not smelled in a long time and comes out on his balcony to investigate. Guards! Bring that man to my kitchen, he will teach my cooks the ways of the biryani or die trying! *Svelte is grabbed from the square and dragged away, screaming "Jamie", but no one knows why*

Do not worry, he shall return in time for the evening to begin.

Until then, I would like to remind you...

You are all free to use the local Potato Messenging system to any advantage you feel it may bring you,

but you may only write me once per day or night. No questions, no retractions, no attempts to change or verify anything.

Some of you seemed to miss that previously. Any further messages sent to me that are not wishes will result in death by biryani!

Get those wishes in, you have 2 1/2 hours!

*muffled screams*

Jamie! Jamie!

*sound of rolled-up telephone directories being applied to human kidneys*

Hey, do you guys want my double ka meetha recipe as well?

*more muffled screams*

  • Author

Grand Vizier Shadir the One-Eyed, full of tasty biryani and generally dissatisfied with the efforts of the citizens, doesn't make an announcement, he simply signals for one of his lovely slave girls to close the curtains for the evening.

The nightly hunting season has officially begun.

Once the evening's hilarity has ensued, a scribe will be along to notify you of the results. Let's hope they're better than last night. :hmpf:

  • Author

Day / Night 2 Conclusion

As the last of the crowd departs the market, Dragonator glances up from his ruined inventory and cries out to the sky, "I'm ruined! My life, it's over!" He didn't notice the 9 angry men watching him. "Now what shall I do?" "You could die," a voice said. "Yes, I could... what? No, I don't want to die, I just hate all those insurance forms I'm going to have to fill out." "No need for insurance forms where you're going," said the voice again. Dragonator turns around, "look, I don't know what you want or what you're talking about, but ..." Just then, he realises exactly what is happening. As the men approach, yet another group appears, but they're horribly outnumbered and quietly retreat into the shadows. "Guys! Come on! Save me! I'll give you a good discount! Guys! Crap..."

An explosive injection of Vitamin C in the form of a giant carrot from the rear entry position shattered Dragonator's internal organs. Blood flew from his mouth and spattered against the wall of his ruined shop in a playfully whimsical pattern like the plume of a hoplite's helm, which, coincidentally, is now marked half off. The group leaves the scene of their most recent violence, satisfied that the Nizam will get the message when they hear of this particularly dastardly murder. All will remember the horrified expression on Dragonator's face and how much he used to overcharge them for everything. He won't be missed.

As they walk away, a boulder drops from the sky killing Dannylonglegs instantly. "Catapult?" "No thanks." "No, I was asking if that boulder..." "Oh, right." In the ensuing discussion, no one noticed 12 more boulders dropping from the sky until one smashed the passing ThatGuyWithBricks into a bloody pulp. "Run!" cried Ricecracker, knowing that after his near death experience last night, he didn't need to be pushing his luck tonight. He never saw the killer waiting as he rounded the corner, but he did feel the nail spiked cucumber pierce his neck as the killer screamed in his pained face. He fell to the ground and bled out quickly. The killer kicked him a few times to make sure he was dead and wandered off into night.

"Stupid boulders," thought Bob the Construction Man, "I wanted to kill him myself. Now what am I going to do for the rest of the night?" "I have an idea" said a quiet voice over his shoulder. Bob turned quickly, but not quickly enough. As the sword emerged through his chest, he glanced down and tried to say, "I just bought this robe," but he mostly just gurgled blood and died. He would never see his killer's face, nor would he ever know that the very person he planned to protect was the one who killed him. It wouldn't matter though, his killer had sealed his own fate, upsetting the balance of protection against himself.

Sir Dillon wiped the blood from his blade and returned it to it's scabbard. "Filthy Nizam blood, it has no place on my blade." "It does on mine," replied the unseen killer as he plunged his axe into Sir Dillon's neck. "Aaaaaah," cried Dillon as he tried to run, but a carelessly placed bell tripped him, hurtling him into a stone wall, crushing his skull. "Ding dong, Dillon is dead," laughed the killer.

General Redwater watched with amusement. He had hoped to kill Bob himself, but hadn't arrived in time. His killer, on the other hand, would not fail, nor would he rely on anyone else to do the job. With a flick of his wrist and 5 skillfully aimed daggers, the killer pinned General Redwater to the wall by his robes. "What are you doing?" The killer never spoke, he simply went about his business in a professional manner. Dragging a full barrel over to the wall, he grabbed General Redwater by the hair and shoved his head into the cool water and slit his throat. "Redwater, indeed."

Peppermint_M and Eskallon headed home, secure that by traveling together, they would be safe. They weren't expecting the stampede of ostriches that trampeled them. Or the goat. Or the three monkeys. Or the lion. They did expect the tiger, but the bear? Oh my!

Throughout the rest of the night, small skirmishes and fistfights erupted in the streets, but all ended without death.

Stay tuned for day 3 to see the results of your efforts! :hmpf:

The Dead:

Bob the Construction Man




General Redwater



Sir Dillon


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