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As it was written, "One day the Nizam shall rise again and bring upon the land a

great disaster. Many will die as they attempt to reclaim control of the Sands of Time."

This is that story.

Day 3 - And While You're Dying, I Will Be Still Alive.

Blood. It's everywhere. Again. Blood and boulders. This is really getting messy.

Above the square, oh hell, you know the routine.


Good people of Persia, I, Grand Vizier Shadir the One-Eyed would like to take this opportunity to remind you that I love each and every one of you like the brother or sister I didn't kill as a child. It's true, really. Now, let's take a look at the score results of the evening.

The Vizier reads it with a disinterested expression. Right, as I expected, you all suck, but you are consistent. You've managed to kill another 0 Nizam, much like the previous night. You did kill 9 citizens, so I guess you're at least doing your part in the name of population control.

I'm not even angry, I'm being so sincere right now, even though you broke my heart and killed me them. I know you're trying your best, such as it is.

Here's the new plan for today/tonight!

Tonight, just for kicks, you can kill two people! Yay, killing! You may also protect one person. Try not to botch this up, ok?

Talk amongst yourselves and when you've come to a conclusion, send me your 2 wishes. The earlier you send, the more successful you'll be. Then, when the day is over (24 hours from now), night will fall (duh) and you'll have 24 more hours to send your wishes. If you haven't sent them by then... :skull:


The Rules of Play:

A small number of you have previously received a PM. You are the Nizam. The rest of you will not hear from me at any time during this game. You are all free to use the local Potato Messenging system to any advantage you feel it may bring you, but you may only write me once per day or night. No questions, no retractions, no attempts to change or verify anything.

The game will operate on a day by day basis, with each game day lasting exactly 24 hours and then a night lasting an additional 24 hours. During that time, all players may post in the discussion topic for that day (or night, as appropriate) in an attempt to gain information, create alliances, or simply deceive each other. Participation in the game topics is encouraged but not required.

What is required, however, is a PM to me detailing your wishes. You may send it at any time during the day or associated night. Failure to send a PM will not be pretty, but it might be amusing. For me. :devil:

  • Who you plan to kill. Two targets!
  • Who you want to protect.

Don't be surprised if things don't go as you plan, there will be a lot of people doing a lot of things in the night, plus there are many outside factors that you can't possibly account for. Every day will be a surprise.

At the end of the night, a conclusion will be posted and then the next day will appear. This is how you will learn the effectiveness of the previous night (and whether or not you survived it).

The Victims Players (In order of Signup):

  1. Dragonator
  2. Quarryman
  3. WhiteFang
  4. Rick
  5. Lord Arjay
  6. YG-49
  7. Svelte
  8. Bob the Construction Man
  9. PrEtzel
  10. badboytje88
  11. I Scream Clone
  12. TinyPiesRUs
  13. brickme
  14. Dunjohn
  15. Dannylonglegs
  16. pedro
  17. General Redwater
  18. jamtf
  19. Alice
  20. Ricecracker
  21. Walter Kovacs
  22. hewman
  23. Big Cam
  24. Zapper Brick
  25. Inconspicuous
  26. def
  27. Sandy
  28. Sir Dillon
  29. Eskallon
  30. Darth Hawken
  31. professor flitwick
  32. Mac-K
  33. Fugazi
  34. The crazy one
  35. Gamer
  36. Roncanator
  37. indianajones
  38. CallMePie
  39. The Legonater
  40. Spyder
  41. Peppermint_M
  42. JimButcher
  43. cralegoboy
  44. Stash2Sixx
  45. iamded
  46. Burman
  47. hiny
  48. awesomebrick
  49. Masked Builder
  50. Pyramid
  51. ThatGuyWithTheBricks
  52. greenskull139

Oh dear, another lot dead. So it seems the civilians are all but lost. Oh well. I guess I'll be gone soon aswell then.

I thought I had a clue as to how this thing was going, but I have no clue anymore. I am so confused right now, this is looking terrible for us non-Nizam.

Spite the fact I am speaking up and being so vocal, I'll most likely be a bigger target tonight. So if anyone needs to decide who to help protect, I would more than welcome you to assist me.

If anyone else has any suspicions, I welcome any messages or a private conversation. Have I become a target on anyone's radar. If so, how? What have I done to make citizens want to target me? Please, be open, I won't be angry. We gotta figure this out or we are going to be really up a certain "creek" tomorrow morning.

I don't get it.. No Nizam deaths.. Are we blind or what or simply no one sends in their night actions? Oh great, now what can we do.. :sceptic:

I don't get it.. No Nizam deaths.. Are we blind or what or simply no one sends in their night actions? Oh great, now what can we do.. :sceptic:

Definitely blind and hopeless it would seem :sad:

Well at least we're still alive, no small feat after another night of gore!

25 of us left, and possibly 5 Nizam... they're gaining on us :cry_sad:

A possible clue: Sir Dillon's killer appears to be innocent, he thought Dillon was Nizam. So who is that killer?

I had to take a chance and I took that chance on Dillon. I regret it, I don't want to kill innocents. If the numbers thin out some more and these sneaky Nizam don't die, then the odds don't look good for us citizens.

Dillon, I pray for you.

Alright, since we failed to take out any Nizam last night, we need a different approach once again. Remember that we still outnumber the Nizam by 25 to 5 and with 2 killing votes, it will be easier to spot them, I am sure.

And the Grand Vizier fooled us by saying that one ore more Nizam were going to be toast last night. There are still 5 of them around and no lesser number as it was forecasted. Somehow, we were wrong in our choices and decisions. :cry_sad:

Last night's killings did not provide anymore evidence or clues I am afraid. I read things over a few times but could not find anything significant. My good friend Svelte seems to be working under the protection of the Grand Vizier since he has been dragged away to his palace and put to work as his new biryani cook... so I heard from close range.

No Nizams again!? This is getting really intense cause we really need to get rid off some Nizams off this God forsaken sand ball of ours and send them to the afterlife. Two kills each night may get rid off some quicker but this may just end up killing more civilians. I fell insecure about this. :sceptic:

I don't get it.. No Nizam deaths.. Are we blind or what or simply no one sends in their night actions? Oh great, now what can we do.. :sceptic:

I'd suggest that if anyone has formed any large alliances then they may very well have Nizam moles in their number. It appears the largest alliance so far consists of 9; 9 was the number of assailnats who killed Dragonator - rip-off merchant though he was, he didn't deserve such a gruesome death by carrot!

If I were part of such a large alliance I'd now be curious as to how one of such size could be formed so quickly. Let us not forget the Nizam know each other; they could easily have brought others into their fold in the guise of helping the innocent, but instead directing their hand against them.

I had to take a chance and I took that chance on Dillon. I regret it, I don't want to kill innocents. If the numbers thin out some more and these sneaky Nizam don't die, then the odds don't look good for us citizens.

Being open and remorseful can be a sure attempt to disguise ones true intentions. I emplore those present to look at these cabals they have formed and scrutinise those you have put your faith in.

Now, how about music to fill the streets again and remind us of better times? Picks up lute and begins to strum...

Oh great. :hmpf_bad::hmpf_bad: Still no Nizam deaths, what on earth did that weird traveler mean?

Could it be a red herring?

*Alan walks out, slips on the blood and falls on his face* *klutz :hmpf: *

What's this I hear nine dead? All citizens? My, my do we citizens suck at this or what? I advise everyone to think thrice before killing tonight.

My good friend Svelte seems to be working under the protection of the Grand Vizier since he has been dragged away to his palace and put to work as his new biryani cook... so I heard from close range.

He is a harsh master, but a fair one :thumbup:

Of course if the current mayhem continues, he will be master of 1 biryani chef and a sleepy camel, so let's hope the outlook for peace in our fine Persian city improves :thumbup:

Another bloody, pointless night. Again, the person I targeted still walks among the living, but at least my protected still walks this time, so I don't feel so useless.

Hmmm, I need to think. Unlike Stash2Sixx, I didn't target innocent Sir. Dillon. Was he even on anybody's radar?

If you have any ideas, my Potato Message bag is always open.

Right does anyone have a clue who the Nizam are?

Any suggestions?

I have a couple ideas but I would not speak of them here.

Though I do see Stash2Sixx as completely innocent.

Maybe, there are no Nizam. Maybe we are just killing eachother blindl thinking that there are Nizam, even if there aren't any. It would proove our shocking Nazim/Innocent death ratio.

It's a completely out of the blue thought.

That was a crazy night. the person I targeted is still alive which makes me believe he is a Nizam even more but the person I saved is also very much alive aswell.

We need a new method of finding the Nizam. My messaging system is always open.

Actually I will share my idea and I hope that you will see sense.

Remember JimButcher? How he went on about this being a trick, well I agree with him.

Notice the days title "And While You're Dying, I Will Be Still Alive" isn't that a tiny bit suspicous?

What about the weird traveller making absolutely no sense at all?

What about how he insisted on there being clues in the night, well how about the clue that everyone is innocent?

He is playing as all like fools, every night we will continue to kill ourselves for his amusement.

I am aware this may sound suspicious but it is all we have got, please take action tonight to down the evil tyrant and escape this misery.

I'm talking about Shadows/Grand Vizier by the way.

That was a crazy night. the person I targeted is still alive which makes me believe he is a Nizam even more but the person I saved is also very much alive aswell.

We need a new method of finding the Nizam. My messaging system is always open.

My advice is to share the name of this person with someone you think you can trust, and gang up with them to make sure of the kill this time, unless it was me that is! In that case you should protect the person!

Edited by hewman

My advice is to share the name of this person with someone you think you can trust, and gang up on them to make sure of the kill, unless it was me that is! In that case you should protect the person!

He attacked PrEtzel (on the basis of my camel theory) and saved me.

Right does anyone have a clue who the Nizam are?

Any suggestions?

I have a couple ideas but I would not speak of them here.

Though I do see Stash2Sixx as completely innocent.

To be honest, I do too, pretty much. There's only been a couple posters who've been flying under the Visor's carpet. To name name's in thread though... :cry_sad:

Maybe, there are no Nizam. Maybe we are just killing eachother blindl thinking that there are Nizam, even if there aren't any. It would proove our shocking Nazim/Innocent death ratio.

It's a completely out of the blue thought.

Sounds like the JimButcher theory :laugh: .... :cry_sad:

Maybe, there are no Nizam. Maybe we are just killing eachother blindl thinking that there are Nizam, even if there aren't any. It would proove our shocking Nazim/Innocent death ratio.

It's a completely out of the blue thought.

Actually I will share my idea and I hope that you will see sense.

Remember JimButcher? How he went on about this being a trick, well I agree with him.

Notice the days title "And While You're Dying, I Will Be Still Alive" isn't that a tiny bit suspicous?

What about the weird traveller making absolutely no sense at all?

What about how he insisted on there being clues in the night, well how about the clue that everyone is innocent?

He is playing as all like fools, every night we will continue to kill ourselves for his amusement.

I am aware this may sound suspicious but it is all we have got, please take action tonight to down the evil tyrant and escape this misery.

I'm talking about Shadows/Grand Vizier by the way.

Call me crazy but I've had the same thoughts. This could all be one huge, sadistic game of Paranoia. which leads to the obvious conclusion that the Grand Visier is the only Nizam around.

Of course, that won't stop me from using my actions tonight :skull: After all, the only way to prove this theory (other than attack the Visier directly, which sounds like suicide) is to gt the list of survivors down to one.

As for Pedro's theory on the large alliance. Isn't it possible that there are several smaller alliances that all happened to target Dragonator independantly? Or do you have Nizam cronies that have infiltrated a large alliance?

He attacked PrEtzel (on the basis of my camel theory) and saved me.

Heh huh? Who attacked me you say? Attacking an innocent camel just because the Nizam have used camels in their killing are not very right. We camels are obviously just as much victims as ordinary civilians.

I believe we need to look beyond the appearance of our fellow citizens and into their minds to find the true Nizam. At this stage we are all equal, humans, camels and even monkeys, it's no guarantee that anyone is innocent but accusing somebody for being a Nizam just because of their looks is very racist. We must continue to act like civilized people (or animals) even is this harsh time. So lets be careful with how you spend your wishes, this night looks like a golden opportunity to take out the Nizam. Double the kills, double the chances, right? (maybe double the fun too :devil: )

Grrr! We really suck at this whole Nizam-killing thing, don't we? :hmpf_bad: We might have better chances with two kills each, so let's make use of our ability! I have no real evidence, but this whole game seems to be about suspicion, anyways.

Call me crazy but I've had the same thoughts. This could all be one huge, sadistic game of Paranoia. which leads to the obvious conclusion that the Grand Visier is the only Nizam around.

Of course, that won't stop me from using my actions tonight :skull: After all, the only way to prove this theory (other than attack the Visier directly, which sounds like suicide) is to gt the list of survivors down to one.

As for Pedro's theory on the large alliance. Isn't it possible that there are several smaller alliances that all happened to target Dragonator independantly? Or do you have Nizam cronies that have infiltrated a large alliance?

It is either that or perhaps we could put the camel theory to use for a change and hope to hit something. I noticed that some players have a PoP camel tag under their name as a result of winning the other "who is who in PoP" contest from the Grand Vizier himself. The camels took out some of the citizens during the night... :oh: This camel folk could be a bunch of people that we can clearly identify. Like the Grand Vizier said, we need to look at the clues that he subtly gave us during the night. I do not know if this makes any sense at all, but at least I was not forced to use names in this post. :wacko:

Edit: I gave my comments as above some more thought.

It is very well possible the Grand Vizier is the real Nizam. Why? In the PoP sets, Nizam is just 1 person I believe. He is dressed in black and Ben Kingsley performs this character in the movie. This thread has a subtitle: "And while you are all dying, I will still be alive". Does that tell us something? Furthermore, I always thought that the real killers were called hassanssins (and either be hatchet hassanssin or claw hassanssin) and not Nizam(s).

About the camels. The camels could be the Grand Vizier's proteges, his loyals. He already awarded them a camel tag for their efforts. And what does Nizam mean? Could the Grand Vizier refer to the Nizam (or Nizams) as his own special (and deadly) camel species? :look:

Edited by jamtf

Your camel theory is interesting, but it doesn't really hold up to scrutiny. There were 6 tag winners among with us, and of them two died already: Sandy/Sandine and Peppermint_M. They had the ostrich and Dastan tags, but still ostriches were also mentioned as killing people (Peppermint_M)... and that leaves 4 camel tags, not 5. What more, Inconspicuous has a camel tag and he was proved innocent since he admitted to killing Burman, and Burman's killer didn't know whether Burman was Nizam or not. Spyder also tried to kill Burman, but he wasn't successful because he was blocked by Walter Kovacs that night, which also makes him innocent (remember the Vizier that second morning: 'you didn't even block one Nizam'...)

Anyway, this was just to dispel the camel tag theory. Now let's try something else. I'll list here the people I know should be innocent, and if anyone has any reason to think they might be Nizam instead, let us know. If you don't know either way, then don't say anything. This way, we'll try to work our way through the list and pinpoint the 5 (is that even is the true number) Nizam.

And I do realise that we may be fighting ourselves in vain, and that there are no Nizam at all. But what are we to do in that case than die all one by one until the truth is revealed at the very end?

Ok here goes my list:

Lord Arjay


Walter Kovacs




Of course there are more innocent among us, but those are the ones for which I think I have proof. I'll be waiting for your comments.

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