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As it was written, "One day the Nizam shall rise again and bring upon the land a

great disaster. Many will die as they attempt to reclaim control of the Sands of Time."

This is that story.

Night 3 - Starting now, there's going to be a lot less conversation and a lot more killing.

Above the square, a new figure appears, cloaked in all black and carrying a particularly nasty looking sword that drips with noble blood. The dwindling crowd stares in shocked disbelief.

Your Vizier is dead by my hand. It seems that your failures have made our job easier, and now we will kill all of you. Go about your silly little business as planned, you can't stop us now. Before dying, the Vizier asked me to remind you to send in your wishes, but why bother?

No one will blame you for giving up. In fact, quitting at this point is a perfectly reasonable response.

Quit now and cake will be served immediately.


I'm going to kill you, and all the cake is gone.

But go ahead and do your worst, you've done a smashing job of it so far.

Tonight, just for kicks, you can kill two people! Yay, killing! You may also protect one person.

Talk amongst yourselves and when you've come to a conclusion, send me your 2 wishes. The earlier you send, the more successful you'll be. If you haven't sent them by the end of the night... :skull:


The Rules of Play:

A small number of you have previously received a PM. You are the Nizam. The rest of you will not hear from me at any time during this game. You are all free to use the local Potato Messenging system to any advantage you feel it may bring you, but you may only write me once per day or night. No questions, no retractions, no attempts to change or verify anything.

The game will operate on a day by day basis, with each game day lasting exactly 24 hours and then a night lasting an additional 24 hours. During that time, all players may post in the discussion topic for that day (or night, as appropriate) in an attempt to gain information, create alliances, or simply deceive each other. Participation in the game topics is encouraged but not required.

What is required, however, is a PM to me detailing your wishes. You may send it at any time during the day or associated night. Failure to send a PM will not be pretty, but it might be amusing. For me. :devil:

  • Who you plan to kill. Two targets!
  • Who you want to protect.

Don't be surprised if things don't go as you plan, there will be a lot of people doing a lot of things in the night, plus there are many outside factors that you can't possibly account for. Every day will be a surprise.

At the end of the night, a conclusion will be posted and then the next day will appear. This is how you will learn the effectiveness of the previous night (and whether or not you survived it).

The Victims Players (In order of Signup):

  1. Dragonator
  2. Quarryman
  3. WhiteFang
  4. Rick
  5. Lord Arjay
  6. YG-49
  7. Svelte
  8. Bob the Construction Man
  9. PrEtzel
  10. badboytje88
  11. I Scream Clone
  12. TinyPiesRUs
  13. brickme
  14. Dunjohn
  15. Dannylonglegs
  16. pedro
  17. General Redwater
  18. jamtf
  19. Alice
  20. Ricecracker
  21. Walter Kovacs
  22. hewman
  23. Big Cam
  24. Zapper Brick
  25. Inconspicuous
  26. def
  27. Sandy
  28. Sir Dillon
  29. Eskallon
  30. Darth Hawken
  31. professor flitwick
  32. Mac-K
  33. Fugazi
  34. The crazy one
  35. Gamer
  36. Roncanator
  37. indianajones
  38. CallMePie
  39. The Legonater
  40. Spyder
  41. Peppermint_M
  42. JimButcher
  43. cralegoboy
  44. Stash2Sixx
  45. iamded
  46. Burman
  47. hiny
  48. awesomebrick
  49. Masked Builder
  50. Pyramid
  51. ThatGuyWithTheBricks
  52. greenskull139

OK, since I am completely confused now, here is my plan. To gain time, we must form alliances whith whom we trust and try to kill as few innocents as possible. Since I am not on those lists of trusted people so far, here is my proposal. I am willing to sacrifice myself for the good cause: finding the real Nizam.

For those who still need to send in their votes, choose me as one of the 2 kills. Why? The reasons for that are simple and I will explain why:

- first and foremost we need to gain time and kill as few innocent people accidentally like we did during the first 2 nights

- by throwing 24 daggers at me, more innocent people will be saved for sure

- as far as I know, no one will protect me

- I did not seek protection or immunity by sending PM's to any of you, ask your allies and they will confirm I did not try to enroll them to protect me in exchange for my protection

- if you intend to protect me, save your trouble and protect a different innocent person

- has it ever occurred to any of you that Svelte and I are both food related?

- and that some people were killed with carrots in night #2... :devil:

- could it be that Svelte shouted "Jamie" (which is easier than gasping "jamtf") in attempt to alarm fellow Nizam?

- were Svelte and I not brought (or dragged) before the (late) Grand Vizier in person?

In the above, I tried to ask you to kill me and to load incriminating evidence on me to convince even those who still have doubts about who to kill... I have no clue if any of the above makes sense at all, but that is not anything to worry about.

Well, in any case and whatever happens, all I can say is goodbye and good luck to ye'all. God rest my soul. :sadnew:

And I'm in for a slice of cake! :blush:

Edit: some annoying typo's... :hmpf:

Edited by jamtf

In the above, I tried to ask you to kill me and to load incriminating evidence on me to convince even those who still have doubts about who to kill... I have no clue if any of the above makes sense at all, but that is not anything to worry about.

Well, in any case and whatever happens, all I can say is goodbye and good luck to ye'all. God rest my soul. :sadnew:

And I'm in for a slice of cake! :blush:

Interesting idea, but I'm not sure the evidence against you is convincing enough! :grin:

Oh and there's no cake left.

Who the hell killed the Grand Vizier, and why? I though an innocent might want to attack him to prove that he is Nizam (and he's obviously not) but why would a Nizam want him dead? So that we get less clues?

Talking about clues, 'a new figure appears, cloaked in all black and carrying a particularly nasty looking sword', surely we must know that person? A new figure like in a new minifigure?

In the above, I tried to ask you to kill me and to load incriminating evidence on me to convince even those who still have doubts about who to kill... I have no clue if any of the above makes sense at all, but that is not anything to worry about.

It's hard to incriminate someone unless they're guilty :wacko: Is there something you're trying to tell us?

Unfortunately, my votes already cast.

I don't trust that the Vizier is gone for good though. I think it's just the next level of this puppet master's bloody, bloody game. What's he got in store for day 4; three kills, no protects? That would kill us even faster :oh3:

Well, I certainly didn't expect this new wrinkle. Not that I think it changes anything. We still have possibly 5 Nizam agents hiding amongst us, and if we don't take them out soon, Mr. Dark and Imposing up there takes over. Forever.

Take out his Nizam henchmen, however, and I think we can take him. :sceptic: Err, you can take him. I'll clean up the mess afterwards :grin:

At any rate, taking out the Nizam among us is still our top priority.

What's he got in store for day 4; three kills, no protects? That would kill us even faster :oh3:

Oddly enough, I was thinking the same thing :cry_sad:

EDIT: Stupid spelling errors

Curse the Nizam! Our own Vizier assassinated while discord reigns amongst us.

I am willing to sacrifice myself for the good cause: finding the real Nizam.

A noble proposal, but killing you will only reduce our number even further. That's unacceptable! Best to stay alive and make your own nightly actions count towards the greater good.

At any rate, taking out the Nizam among us is still our top priority.

Agreed. Inaction will lead to the death of us all!

A noble proposal, but killing you will only reduce our number even further. That's unacceptable! Best to stay alive and make your own nightly actions count towards the greater good.

I think you are right. I just lost my mind after running around in circles. But, I am afraid that somehow no one will protect me. Please help me.. :cry_sad:

According to a few historical documents I uncovered by doing a bit of recon, there has always been only one Nizam at a time. Could this have been a plan to make us all eliminate each other... Yes. But in order for us to discover that, we are going to have to work through this night. Spread out your kills, don't just all go after one person in case there really are more than one.

This new clown says we should give up? I'm not going out without a fight!

Above the square, a new figure appears, cloaked in all black and carrying a particularly nasty looking sword that drips with noble blood. The dwindling crowd stares in shocked disbelief.

Looks like the tragedy of Darth Plagueis the Wise...

"Darth Plagueis was a Dark Lord of the Sith, so powerful and so wise, he could use the Force to influence the midi-chlorians to create life. He had such a knowledge of the dark side, he could even keep the ones he cared about from dying. He became so powerful, the only thing he was afraid of was losing his power, which eventually, of course, he did. Unfortunately, he taught his apprentice everything he knew. Then, his apprentice killed him in his sleep."

According to a few historical documents I uncovered by doing a bit of recon, there has always been only one Nizam at a time.

Where exactly did you find these historical documents?

Indeed it is troubling that there is no cake, and the death of Shadir of course.

I shall look forward to smiting some Nizam tonight.

Banana1 signing off.

Nizams fear the worst cause the Professor's coming for you! :devil:

Indeed it is troubling that there is no cake, and the death of Shadir of course.

I shall look forward to smiting some Nizam tonight.

Banana1 signing off.

Who gives a flip about cake, or the death of Shadir ( :tongue: ) at a time like this?

We need to find these Nizam, and eliminate them, immediately.

They are taking us out daily and we don't have a clue who could be responsible.

I don't like to form any large Alliance, but at this point, it might be the only way to survive. :sceptic:

  • Author

As the night continues, the figure in black appears again on the balcony.

Good people of Persia, I have a confession to make. I am not Nizam, as I claimed, I am a lowly citizen who felt that our Grand Vizier was evil and that I must take the risk of stopping him myself. His body lies within these walls, though I have not found proof of his deceit yet. I am still looking, for I know it must be here. In the meantime, I thought that my bravery might spur you to take your own strong actions more seriously, but from what I have seen, I am not so sure. Whatever the case, I am sure he was evil and I am proud to have killed him.

Go home now. Do your duty, and then return here for word of your efforts. The last necessary wish was received moments ago and is already being processed, whatever that means. The scribes say it will only take a few minutes to complete and then a conclusion will be posted. I have no idea what they are talking about, just come back here and see what it all means in 20 minutes.


It is exactly midnight and all is quiet. None of the usual fighting and arguing and killing can be heard. It's as if everyone has taken the night off. Perhaps they have given up, confused by the words of the man in black. But no, doors slowly open and the citizens gather in the market square.

"We can't let them win," cries one. "We need to band together, once and for all!" exclaims another. "I'm developing wrinkles from all this lost sleep and stress!" moans another. The crowd pauses, trying to find who said that, but there is only the faint smell of biryani in the crisp, night air.

"I say we carry out the Grand Vizier's orders anyway and let that man in black be damned!" "Yeah!" "KILL!"

And they did, right there in the square. Knives flashed and whooshed through the air. Swords clanked and clattered and were plunged into victims. A sheep bleated. Rotten bananas were peeled and stuffed and flung. A chandelier was smashed as a grim reminder of days gone by. Barrels were thrown and fires were set. An innocent cake was trampled. Lives were lost. That poor cake, though, so moist...

As the battle raged on, a cloud of dust crossed the desert and approached the main gate; it was a caravan of elephants and camels bearing royal markings. The guard at the gate approached the lead camel rider and informed him of the difficulties in the fortress. "I'm sorry sir, we can't allow entry at this time, it's far too dangerous." "Too dangerous?" bellowed a voice from atop a particularly bejeweled elephant.

"How can it be too dangerous for me, the Grand Vizier, Shadir the One-Eyed?"

"What?" cried the guard. "You're dead!"

"Does he look dead to you," inquired the lead rider.

"Well, uh... you know..."

"Yes yes, I know, but he isn't. Not exactly. Whatever the case, you'd better let us in."

"Right, sir!"

The gate slowly rose, allowing the caravan to pass. From atop his elephant, the Grand Vizier surveyed the scene. "Hmmm... I think I missed a party. How inconsiderate, having a party when I wasn't here to enjoy it."

"They didn't know you weren't here, my love" reminded wife #11.

"Yes, my dear, of course, our little deception. I do hope you enjoyed your trip, you were so insistant we make it now."

"Oh yes, it was almost perfect, and soon it will be" she replied.


Just then, Lord Arjay emerged from the Grand Vizier's palace and approached the caravan with fire in his eyes and a spear in his hand.

"SHADIR, YOU TRAITOR!" he screamed.

"That isn't very nice, nor is it a particularly wise way to address me."

"I thought you were dead! I even thought I'd killed you. I stood before these fools and claimed to be Nizam in order to spur them into fighting to save our people, but apparently I failed on both counts!"

"You killed the actor I assigned to fulfill my duties during my trip! Now I get it."

"No, but you're going to," declared wife #11.

"OH, YOU'RE GOING TO GET IT!" screamed Lord Arjay.

"She just said that, you know. Wait a minute..." *huh*

The Grand Vizier turned to face his wife just as Lord Arjay threw his spear, narrowly missing the Grand Vizier and instantly killing her before she could plunge a dagger into his heart.

"OOPS! SORRY 'BOUT THAT" he yelled.

All that yelling was just too much for the elephant who had finally had enough of the whole thing and promptly stepped on Lord Arjay, crushing him and leaving little more than a bloody print in the sand.

"I never expected that," thought the Grand Vizier. "Silly boy, I can't imagine why he thought I was Nizam. Oh well, I hope there's some cake left when I get home." He then ordered his caravan to take him home so he could sort out the whole mess.

After a few hours of sifting through the twisted bodies, the Grand Vizier was able to address his people.

Someone ate all of my cake. Bastards.

Oh, and 12 bodies have been recovered: the actor (who doesn't count, and now doesn't get paid, either :grin:), 9 citizens, and shockingly, 2 Nizam who you knew as jamtf and PrEtzel.

Hurrah, it isn't spectacular, but you've finally made a bit of progress. The only problem is that you've killed so many citizens that they are approaching the point of overpowering you. I will ask that you try this again tomorrow. I am fairly certain that is all the time we have left, one way or the other. By the way... why does this place smell of biryani? I absolutely despise the stuff... Now I'm going to have to burn down the whole palace and rebuild just to get the smell out. :sceptic:

Stay Tuned for Day 4, which will hopefully be the exciting last day. Please. :look:

PS. Lord Arjay really did target me. It was a daring tactic, though in this case, ill-planned. Nice try, but honestly, I killed the host of the last witch hunt in these parts, did you really think I'd be so foolish as to try one myself? :laugh:

The Dead:





I Scream Clone


Lord Arjay


Masked Builder






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