Posted May 15, 201014 yr Here is the newest picture of current MOC I'm making: It will feature: 1s and 2nd steered axles with ackermann geometry 3rd and 4th driving axles All axles with pendular suspension Rotation and raising of two section cannon arm Tilting the cannon Remotely controlled engine hatch raising Rotating small cannons under the cabin pneumatically (manually controlled) lowering of the hatch of undercabin's cannons Manually turned on/off lights Flashing lights (newer mechanism!) Working cabin doors Working cargo/equipment doors. Automatic compressor 12 motors, 6 switches, 2 BBs, 4 IRRs, 9 sets of lights and extension cables, 6 pneumatic cyllinders - over 9 metres of wires and few more of hoses. In addition it will have lots of details like: cabin interior, firefighting equipment etc. Most of the weight of the vehicles is placed right above the axles. It's done on purpose for more grip and less bending of the middle section. More updates soon :)
May 15, 201014 yr Sounds great! I'll be watching this thread! I'd be curious to see how you make the flashing lights. I've been toying with the idea of making some flashing lights out of the PF LED lights, but I don't think I have the electrical know-how to do so. -Daniel Edited May 15, 201014 yr by dhc6twinotter
May 15, 201014 yr I work at a U.S. Air Force base where there are several different fire Crash Response vehicles. From the website , are you making a P-15 or a P-23 truck? Either way, the real deals have awesome acceleration and power.
May 16, 201014 yr Author Sounds great! I'll be watching this thread! I'd be curious to see how you make the flashing lights. I've been toying with the idea of making some flashing lights out of the PF LED lights, but I don't think I have the electrical know-how to do so. -Daniel I've already included the flashing lights mechanism in my previous MOCs but this one is a bit different because it uses two PF switches to change lights alternately. You can see the flashing mechanism in the back of the truck (on left side of the picture where is black z40 tooth bevel. I will publish the design soon. I work at a U.S. Air Force base where there are several different fire Crash Response vehicles. From the website , are you making a P-15 or a P-23 truck? Either way, the real deals have awesome acceleration and power. I'm basing my construction on Oshkosh's 4500 engine although I added some functionality here and there and I'm not a fan of copying the real life vehicles. I just want to build something of my own design :)
May 19, 201014 yr Author Here are some more new photos: I decided to add one more pneumatic function - cabin doors - although the opening mechanism needs huge amount of work yet.
May 19, 201014 yr Author I forgot to write that it's weight is around 3500 g right now. I will add the arm - around 500 g and cabin bricks etc next 500 - 600 g and the total weight should not exceed 5000 g.
May 19, 201014 yr Looking good, although I am not the biggest fan of Airport fire engines. Also it looks very massive...did you test the drivetrain to see how it drives? You and me have similar building styles, I will keep an aye on this engine. Good luck with it
May 20, 201014 yr Author Looking good, although I am not the biggest fan of Airport fire engines.Also it looks very massive...did you test the drivetrain to see how it drives? You and me have similar building styles, I will keep an aye on this engine. Good luck with it Yes I did. When I had a frame weighting 1750 g I added two additional weights of 2,5 kg each (5 kg in total) over the two front and two rear axles what resulted in combined weight of over 6,7 kg (!!) and the medium motor had little problems with steering. It worked but the motor was close to it's limits. Therefore it was changed afterwards to XL motor for improved quality of steering, no overheating of the motor and better performance. The propulsion of the vehicle works flawlessy. I also needed a 12th motor and If I didn't use XL motor for steering I would have to buy another medium motor for turntable and arm rotation. I also like your works - the uber extreme excavator is awesome. Up until last week I didn't have much time and I need to make up for topics I missed here on EB.
May 29, 201014 yr Author Here is a little update. As I said before there will be model teamed equipment. Although I planned to take a break from this truck and build something smaller in the meantime, I received a parcel from Bricklink and - finally - I could make a fire extinguisher. Here is the result: I hope you like it :) I also completed 80 % of my other MOC soon to be published here on EB:) Edited May 29, 201014 yr by Intact
May 29, 201014 yr Author wow, looks really like the real thing Awesome!Very accurate! thanks guys. Now I'm thinking about breathing apparatus.
July 28, 201014 yr Author Here is little update and list of thing I still need to do (which is still very long). I now am trying to fix the boom to the chassis. I already have wheels with yellow rims (thanks to Ramzes who lent me them) To do list: 1) water cannon mechanism 2) undercabin's water cannons mechanisms 3) Pneumatically opened doors. And finally I need to model: 1) Equipment 2) Hose attachments and the end 3) cabin's exterior and interior 4) finish the roof So it's still around 2 weeks before the completion and the at least one more for updates and redesigning. The final size of the model is not yet know but it's huge. I will add 4 more pneumatic cylinders, lengthen the boom's second section. I need to find the place for 3 pneumatic switches though. It consists of 10 m of electric wires, over 6 m of pneumatic hoses and tons of gears and other parts. Wish me luck! :)
July 28, 201014 yr Author You can see the preview of the flashing lights system on my youtube channel just google : youtube fistachpl I'm writing from my mobile device and I can't paste the link. Also I posted a thread about flashing lights here on eurobricks
November 25, 201014 yr Author I'm refreshing the topic because I needed to add another pneumatic circle for more functions and it's construction is coming to an end. I hope to make it before December:) Because of quite clever engineering it was very easy. I just had to lift few bricks together. Here are the pics:
November 26, 201014 yr Wow, thats big! How many driven wheels does it have? How will you pump the water?
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